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'I've kept to my word', says Sitoh, MP for Potong Pasir


Why cant sitoh just tel em services to employ those people back at pp town council? Why must he tell em services to employ them but to relocate them to other places to work?

I wonder if sitoh wanting to put his own people there, so as to sabotage the accounts of pp town council and accuse CST?

And lastly, looking at past actions by the ruling party, we should not be surprise that this is happening. I just hope the voters at pp whom voted for sitoh, do feel some regret that they have affected the rice bowl of 16 peoples.


Alfrescian (Inf)
lanciao sitoh will not employ the old guards back. he is there to demolish whatever establishment by CST. Pontong Pasir people got their life time to repent... because the good potong pasir will be gone.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I do not see the problem. I believe Aljunied should be shorthanded or things are still in the process of being worked out. Perhaps, the my kind of town flavor can be brought from Potong Pasir if the WP team is happy.


you guys expect WP to retain all the staff from CPG at aljunied TC?

he has given the existing workers to be part of EM Services. What is wrong with that?

Yes, I voted for Sitoh, I think he will do a better job than Lina Chiam.

It is illogical to assume that there is an obligation on the part of the winner to retain the staff of the loser. The fact that Sitoh has given the Potong Pasir town council employees job opportunities is already quite kind of him, as he has no obligation to do that.

If the shoes fit the other foot, will the SPP do the same? Did the SPP retain the town council staff when they first won Potong Pasir?

Yes, I concur that Sitoh will do a better job than Lina Chiam. Not that I like Sitoh better than Lina Chiam - i dislike both of them. Objectively Sitoh has the organization behind him, the PAP would like to make this a showcase and probably allow a rematch to show it is not a fluke. Lina will have the opportunity to show how good she is in Parliament and if she is good, then she will have more than a fighting chance of winning back the seat.

For now, the Potong Pasir residents will not regret their choice of Sitoh. In fact, they have the best of both worlds. What are they complaining about? Over a few town council employees who choose not to be re-employed? Even if they are redeployed elsewhere, they still have a job.


By Ong Dai Lin, TODAY | Posted: 03 June 2011 0636 hrs
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Sitoh Yih Pin during election campaigning </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="update"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td>
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SINGAPORE: He would "never throw sand into people's rice bowls" and is "very disappointed that some parties chose to politicise" the leadership transition at the Potong Pasir Town Council.

That was the response on Thursday night from the People's Action Party Member of Parliament Sitoh Yih Pin after the Singapore People's Party (SPP) delivered in the morning its letter petitioning him to retain all staff at the Potong Pasir Town Council.

Saying that he was not a "vengeful person", Mr Sitoh reiterated that he could not keep all 16 employees as he had to abide by EM Services' regulations, after bringing it in as the managing agent for the town council.

Which is why, when asked if he will respond to the SPP, he said it is now "a matter between employer and employee".

The town council has come under the spotlight after 13 of its employees were terminated last week and offered re-employment in other town councils by EM Services.

Mr Sitoh said yesterday he has seen the terms that will be offered to the employees and described them as better than what they were getting at the town council. He added that the staff will be employed by EM Services if they send in their applications. There is no deadline for the submission.

So far, six of the staff have submitted their applications and Mr Sitoh told MediaCorp that he has spoken to the other seven to give it a go.

On the SPP's request for a severance package for these employees, Mr Sitoh said he has not decided as "the financial state of affairs (of the town council) needs urgent, significant improvement".

He said that, as of March 31 last year, the town council's sinking fund was S$4.3 million, while the Lift Upgrading Project over the next three years will cost the town council S$8.8 million.

As town council chairman, he has decided not to take the S$500 monthly allowance he is entitled to, and his vice-chairman will also forego a S$300 allowance to help save money for the town council, Mr Sitoh said.

"Residents don't have to worry. They voted me in, it's my problem and it's only mine to solve," he said. - TODAY


... former staff to be dispersed through different town councils... Potong Pasir only got $4m (cannot even pay LHL salary+bonus.... lift upgrading to cost $9m... Who will top up the difference? PAP? Shit-O will "help" save $500. Time to raise conservancy charges and replace local workers with EM ah nehs?

Current score: Shit-o 1, Potong Pasir Nil... Will PP residents get the best of both worlds like having a wife and mistress fighting for affection? Or will they repent when their balls are cut off? The drama unfolds...more exciting than Korean or Taiwanese series...


Alfrescian (Inf)
In response to Mr Sitoh Yih Pin’s comment in Straits Times

Mr Sitoh Yih Pin was quoted by Straits Times as saying the Singapore People’s Party has politicised the matter of Potong Pasir Town Council staff, and that this is a matter between the employer and employees. Our reply is – This is not a matter between employer n employees.
This is a matter between the Singapore People’s Party and the People’s Action Party to work together, not unilaterally, towards a smooth transition of the Town Council. It is also a matter between Mr Sitoh and Mrs Chiam regarding Mr Sitoh being held accountable to the statements he made personally to Mrs Chiam in public, which he is now going back on.
The Potong Pasir Town Council staff were promised they would not be fired, yet they were terminated without explanation, and without proper severance or retrenchment package. This is a matter squarely between the Singapore People’s Party and the People’s Action Party and not just a matter between employer and employees.

Benjamin Pwee
Party Spokesman
Singapore People’s Party Second Assistant Secretary-General



The Potong Pasir Town Council staff were promised they would not be fired, yet they were terminated without explanation, and without proper severance or retrenchment package.

Benjamin Pwee
Party Spokesman
Singapore People’s Party Second Assistant Secretary-General

(1) Why does Lina Chiam need a party spokesman to speak for her? The contention here is not SPP vs PAP - that had been decided by the Potong Pasir residents in favour of PAP. The contention here is a personal conversation between Lina Chiam and Sitoh.

(2) A personal conversation has been translated to be a binding contract of employment by Lina Chiam.

(3) Why didn't she write to the press and put it on record the exact words which Sitoh said to her? Then the people of Potong Pasir will know if the problem arise out of Sitoh's backing off from his promise or Lina Chiam's interpretation and assumptions of the conversation.

On the other hand, if the Town Council staff are promised they would not be fired, then it is entirely a different thing. Did Sitoh organize a meeting with the Town Council staff and say "I promise you will not be fired"?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
(1) Why does Lina Chiam need a party spokesman to speak for her? The contention here is not SPP vs PAP - that had been decided by the Potong Pasir residents in favour of PAP. The contention here is a personal conversation between Lina Chiam and Sitoh.

(2) A personal conversation has been translated to be a binding contract of employment by Lina Chiam.

(3) Why didn't she write to the press and put it on record the exact words which Sitoh said to her? Then the people of Potong Pasir will know if the problem arise out of Sitoh's backing off from his promise or Lina Chiam's interpretation and assumptions of the conversation.

On the other hand, if the Town Council staff are promised they would not be fired, then it is entirely a different thing. Did Sitoh organize a meeting with the Town Council staff and say "I promise you will not be fired"?

hi dog! barking up another tree??? now want to help one of your pap master sitoh bully CST and his wife???

u r really a dog!!!

Benjamin Pwee
Party Spokesman
Singapore People’s Party Second Assistant Secretary-General

he is a party spokesman of SPP, why cant he speak on the issue on the transition of the the town council??? u r then nobody because u admit you are a dog of pap in other thread.

a man of honour will honour whatever he said without binding of law or contract. if he choose to snake around and piss more people off, he will be voted out next GE. maybe there will be no more PP and sitoh will be send to other GRC or SMC. he will be the dead weight of the GRC team like TPL or voted out like eric low of pap hougang.

you dog really no standard, defending your master here will piss more people off and that cost vote for him and pap. you dog should said sorry for your master to appease us so that we will vote for him. you are really a useless dog.
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Lucian Darth

(1) Why does Lina Chiam need a party spokesman to speak for her? The contention here is not SPP vs PAP - that had been decided by the Potong Pasir residents in favour of PAP. The contention here is a personal conversation between Lina Chiam and Sitoh.

(2) A personal conversation has been translated to be a binding contract of employment by Lina Chiam.
"This is a matter between the Singapore People’s Party and the People’s Action Party to work together, not unilaterally, towards a smooth transition of the Town Council." Oei u got brain or not? During the point of conversation they r representing their own party! Personal conversation my foot!! R they friends? Or r they relatives? What personal relationship will lead to this conversation?
This shows the lack of integrity on Sitoh's part. Warren Buffett said,"“In evaluating people, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you” Which we know most MIW lack

(3) Why didn't she write to the press and put it on record the exact words which Sitoh said to her? Then the people of Potong Pasir will know if the problem arise out of Sitoh's backing off from his promise or Lina Chiam's interpretation and assumptions of the conversation.
That's y I kept saying, u r clueless! U r living in a BIG FAT LIE and u r enjoying every moment of it, U think 154 will publish this type of article? Pls lah, u probably dun know that the press and mediacorpse are state controlled right? Hey we are not ranked 154 without a good reason. So wake up lah. Very frastrating to read u commenting without fore knowledge leh. Uncle here tell u nicely u dun listen, then kena f by other users of this forum u LL dare not reply.
On the other hand, if the Town Council staff are promised they would not be fired, then it is entirely a different thing. Did Sitoh organize a meeting with the Town Council staff and say "I promise you will not be fired"?
From the way u argue, one can alrdy tell u r lack of heart. The 16 who lost their jobs are not ur daddy or mommy right? It doesn't affect ur pocket money right? That's y can talk rot here. Much more can be done, proper compensation, longer notice period till they find another job. U haven't kena retrenched or job taken over by FT right? Then 2 sch going children waiting for ur tuition fees. Then u dare not tell ur pregnant wife, so everyday hang out in Macdonald hoping to find a job soon. If 1 of the 16 is ur father or mother, will u still talk like that? Will u still tell them yah Sitoh good, he is right to sack u. U deserve it, dad or mom!! Next time b4 u comment on any thread. Think with ur brain (since ur heart is absence)


A letter to Mr Sitoh Yihpin

Posted by theonlinecitizen on June 2, 2011 http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/06/a-letter-to-mr-sitoh-yihpin/#comments

Sophia Tsang /
First my congratulations at winning the recent elections. It was a photo-finish, but a win nonetheless. Winning the elections however, is not the same as winning the hearts and confidence of the people you represent.
I am a resident of Potong Pasir. I love this estate and the residents. Some people called my estate a slum during the election period. Say what they like, there is so much charm in this estate – maybe precisely because we had not much money, and so we relied on the charm of the natural green trees, the meandering river and the kampong spirit.
Let me tell you about the kampong spirit. My house is in the middle of a block. My windows are constantly open. To some, it means a lack of privacy – but to me, it gives me great opportunity to see my neighbours go by – to have a chat, if they have time, to complain about the weather, to share the excitement of the rallies, or simply just to wave and smile. When my husband and I spent extended time overseas, they could be relied on to help my children in emergencies. When we bake, or cook, we would just pass some on. Sometimes the ladies would just gather for tea, or sing karaoke at one of our homes.
Recently, when the PA organized a trip to Marina Bay Sands, neighbours gathered later to share photos and have a drink. But do you know what is amazing about all this? The number who are pro-Chiam vs pro-PAP – that is, you – is about even. That is to say, in the households on my side of the lift, on my floor, we are split 50-50 in political allegiance. Yet, we do not fight or argue. We are friends and neighbours, and in the spirit of democracy, we understand the choice is a personal one.
This is true not just of my group of friends. This is true of Potong Pasir. Mr Chiam has won many elections, but the last few fights were pretty close. If you were to go to the coffee shops, I bet even on the same table, the votes are split. That we enjoy so much camaraderie – just go to the coffee shops, and see neighbours having coffee, looking after grandchildren and simply having a blast – is testament to mutual respect, and in a way shows a respect for Mr Chiam and his work.
Hence for those who are strongly pro oppositon/Chiam, I feel that what is in order is to thank the pro-PAP residents for their many years of tolerance, and to thank the Chiams, who by their very gentle and compassionate nature, have helped built this sweet harmony that is the essence of the kampong spirit.
But coming back to you, Mr Sitoh. Yes, many residents are looking forward to upgrading and new facilities. Especially those who are old and find it difficult to climb steps or stairs. I hope that you will do something quickly to help them. However, it is not a matter of sticks and stones, mortar and cement. To win the people’s hearts, you have to show you care, to show you hear.
Hence I want to bring your attention to the latest spat you are having with the Singapore People’s Party (SPP) regarding the 16 former Town Council workers. Let it not descend to a “I said”/“You said” situation. I was not there when the entire conversation between you and Lina took place. Unless someone had a recording, it is still a matter of my words against yours. That however is not the real issue.
The issue is to do the right thing by the people. It is not about simply recommending them jobs, if you feel bound by EM Services’ rules to terminate their employment. Did you take time to hear them out? Did you ask them how they might feel regarding working in a totally different environment, with new colleagues? Did you check what their financial situations are? Are the terms offered by EM Services acceptable, given that they do have relevant experience? Is there more that can be done for them? We are not talking legalities – we are talking about the human touch. Please note – I am not saying you did not – I am asking if you did.
The human touch is what makes Potong Pasir so different from many other communities. While some are looking forward to the physical improvement of the estate, many others will be looking at how you treat your staff. If it is perceived that you cannot treat 16 people with compassion, how can the almost 50 per cent who voted for Lina trust you to have compassion for their struggles or to be their voice in parliament?
Perceptions and impressions, once formed, are very difficult to change. I hope you will start right – or else I am afraid, the bickering may well descend to neighbours and friends, each taking sides.
May our kampong spirit remain.


Alfrescian (Inf)
lanciao sitoh will not employ the old guards back. he is there to demolish whatever establishment by CST. Pontong Pasir people got their life time to repent... because the good potong pasir will be gone.

Was there not observation that PP was similarly inundated by New Citizens who know little about PP's history? Expect the FAP to try to dilute the Old PPs with them to ensure they will win PP regardless.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Those in PP who had voted for them 'whities' have to repent for the next 5 years, they will suffer, good for them; REPENT!:rolleyes:

Could be those new residents or newly minted citizens who stayed in big condo nearby. Otherwise LIna Chiam would win and Sitoh would kill himself in the kallang river nearby for losing again. Unfortunately, he has get his way and true color exposed. Let him do PP residents a favour in upgrading and than vote for Mrs Chiam come GE2015.


Borrow a knife to kill people.
The worst type of person of all.
I hope Potong Pasir residents will repent and vote him out next election.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
(1) Why does Lina Chiam need a party spokesman to speak for her? The contention here is not SPP vs PAP - that had been decided by the Potong Pasir residents in favour of PAP. The contention here is a personal conversation between Lina Chiam and Sitoh.

(2) A personal conversation has been translated to be a binding contract of employment by Lina Chiam.

(3) Why didn't she write to the press and put it on record the exact words which Sitoh said to her? Then the people of Potong Pasir will know if the problem arise out of Sitoh's backing off from his promise or Lina Chiam's interpretation and assumptions of the conversation.

On the other hand, if the Town Council staff are promised they would not be fired, then it is entirely a different thing. Did Sitoh organize a meeting with the Town Council staff and say "I promise you will not be fired"?

It is a party affair, why cannot have spokesperson? You PAP dog trying to stir shit up right? Stir more! I implore you:biggrin: