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If you suffer from constipation


Alfrescian (Inf)

Would it be better to take lots of fruits, vegetables and food with fibre like cereal, brown rice and whole meal bread in the diet?

The sad reality is that the Spore diet doesn't contain enough fiber. When I had constipation, bananas, papaya,..laxatives didn't fix the problem. Now I probably don't need fibre for constipation but I'm still taking it to control cholesterol & unclog the arteries.

There are of course other sources of fiber like psyllum Husk, but chlorella is more nutritious & also detoxes.

While clinical studies have shown that grapefruit pectin like Profibe reduces cholesterol & open up blocked arteries.

Anyone having heart problems should also look at Pomegranate which has been shown to clear arteries
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You sure you never ask for the enema?.......

Not if the nurse looks like an aunty :p
I've already experienced an irrigation don't want no enema :eek:

For the uninitiated, they expect you to pee within 24 hours after surgery. If you can't they'll do an irrigation :biggrin:


prune juice.... try that too....

For mild constipation, eat fresh papaya and pineapple (not frozen ones) helps. But not immediate effect, will help the next morning.

Next morning, drink milky hot drinks (Teh C, Kopi C... ) will help too.

By the way, TS mentioned got bleeding ? is that serious ?
Is that piles ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
By the way, TS mentioned got bleeding ? is that serious ?
Is that piles ?

The bleeding was because the stool had hardened & when comming out it acted like razor blades causing bleeding. At that time I was damn worried, about infection, how it would ever heal because each day must go to toilet regularly, each time causing fresh bleeding..

The problem was resolved by diet & I give credit to chlorella for helping the most. At that time I was taking chlorella to detox heavy metals & didn't know about its anti-constipation properties. You can read more about why chlorella prevents constipation here:



johnny kia aka supplement worshipper, stop ur promotion of supplement product into people diet, that is no short cut in life. and many people also had the wrong idea fruits really help people to pang sai. the best way to deal constipation is had a healthy life style as a total package instead just talking about a curtain product. maintain a active life style, stay clear with fry foods, mostly steam or raw foods is the best diet. and for bros who had constipation problem, forget about those product recommend by johnny the shit ass, pleas try tis, beside ajust ur life style, eat more food like beans, dry nuts and oats, these r the most powerful "agent" to fight constipation, as this is natural food, it take time to see result, maybe a few days..and don't forget tons of plain water..


Alfrescian (Inf)
The best way is alcohol. Simplest and cheapest access to potable alcohol is beer.

Don't believe me? Try this experiment at home. Pour half a glass of beer and half a glass of coke or any soft drink. Equal level. Add in equal ice cubes to top up both glasses. Wait and see which one has ice completely melted first.

Ancient Chinese has a saying, 酒乃穿肠之物. Alcohol will clear through your guts faster than anything and taking everything along with it. And of course, it enters your bloodstream and reaches you brain. And of course, being so potent, it makes your liver and kidneys work harder. Use it in moderation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The fact is that many are unable or unwilling to drastically change their life style. For many busy Sporeans the priority is work. They don't have time to go to the supermarket everyday, to cook, do exercise, etc.

I'm not here to tell people to change their lifestyle. I am here to share a simple solution that worked for me.

Health stores like GNC, Natures Farm,..., are here to stay because they fill a need. Many have caught on to the benefits of living healthy by using supplements instead of relying on medication.

johnny kia aka supplement worshipper, stop ur promotion of supplement product into people diet, that is no short cut in life. ...r..


The sad reality is that the Spore diet doesn't contain enough fiber. When I had constipation, bananas, papaya,..laxatives didn't fix the problem. Now I probably don't need fibre for constipation but I'm still taking it to control cholesterol & unclog the arteries.

There are of course other sources of fiber like psyllum Husk, but chlorella is more nutritious & also detoxes.

While clinical studies have shown that grapefruit pectin like Profibe reduces cholesterol & open up blocked arteries.

Anyone having heart problems should also look at Pomegranate which has been shown to clear arteries
It's not at all difficult to have wholegrain cereal and fruit juice for breakfast, wholemeal bread sandwiches for lunch, and plenty of green vegetables and fruit for dinner.
I know of some economical rice stalls which have 3 or 4 types of green vegetables for their selection, while there are some which have none or at most 1 sad looking dish.
It's all about choices.