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How come a roody poo like the SPF Police Commissioner give a Temasek Sword award to his big boss LHL? Tryin to Angkat Bolah or Pinky demand the award?


Normally awards are giving by higher ups to those below them. first time see a subordinate give award to his boss?


Police officers have always felt the support from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his tenure, Deputy Commissioner of Police How Kwang Hwee said on April 17.

He was speaking at an event at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess to honour PM Lee, who will mark the end of his 20-year tenure on May 15 when he hands over the reins to Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Making his first public appearance since the handover announcement on April 15, PM Lee received the Temasek Sword – the highest honour bestowed by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) – from Commissioner of Police Hoong Wee Teck.



There are many sekolah polis orcifers in SPF, all fighting for glory and promotion to Commissar. Some joker must have cum up wif initiation-tive innovative idea to award to Arse Loong, and the PR faction won the day. I can imagine past leetired Commissars rolling their eyes.


Actually it's a signal to LW that once he becomes PM, and if he tries to pull a stunt on LHL, the police is in his back pocket.
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Normally awards are giving by higher ups to those below them. first time see a subordinate give award to his boss?


Police officers have always felt the support from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his tenure, Deputy Commissioner of Police How Kwang Hwee said on April 17.

He was speaking at an event at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess to honour PM Lee, who will mark the end of his 20-year tenure on May 15 when he hands over the reins to Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Making his first public appearance since the handover announcement on April 15, PM Lee received the Temasek Sword – the highest honour bestowed by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) – from Commissioner of Police Hoong Wee Teck.


SMLJ sword is that? Looks like an oversized gold toothpick.


want to retire still want to waste so much taxpayer monies on all these unnecessary ceremonies and awards


Usually the PM will give the Temasek sword award to the Commissioner of police for outstanding achievement ,NOT the other way round.:roflmao:


Normally awards are giving by higher ups to those below them. first time see a subordinate give award to his boss?


Police officers have always felt the support from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his tenure, Deputy Commissioner of Police How Kwang Hwee said on April 17.

He was speaking at an event at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess to honour PM Lee, who will mark the end of his 20-year tenure on May 15 when he hands over the reins to Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Making his first public appearance since the handover announcement on April 15, PM Lee received the Temasek Sword – the highest honour bestowed by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) – from Commissioner of Police Hoong Wee Teck.


Subordinate “Paul LanPa”?