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Hear Ye Hear Ye from the Prostitute - Another Good Reason to Lock Your CPF


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lucky i never donate to them dumb mudlanders ..
She is a Malaysian and she should appeal to the Mat boleh Govt for assistance. Sinkies are not that dumb to squander the money like she had done. The CAG should have set up the trust to hold the donations for her to allow a certain drawable amount for each month. The donations when put into her pocket would certainly attract all kinds of pest.

It is an insult to say the sinkies would end up like this idiot if given the CPF money in full on retirement.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's highly amusing that whenever the pappies want to push forth a certain agenda, such 'case studies' miraculously pop up out of nowhere and get maximum coverage on the presstitute media. :wink:

Expect more stories in the weeks to come.


I am sure you can think of other


Alfrescian (Inf)
I hate to say this but the same story would play out across the island if CPF was withdrawn in full at 55.

Let's not kid ourselves. Whether we hold back CPF or not, this group of people will never have enough for retirement or medical bill. They are natural burden that all countries faced.

Other countries accepted these shits and do their best to provide for them. Here, they come up with CPF Life that siphon my money away (should I die young) to help these fools. They increased my medisheld premium to sudsidize for these morons if I managed to stay healthy through my personal effort. Why am I paying for them instead of the state?


Agree. These arguments are merely excuses.

Let's not kid ourselves. Whether we hold back CPF or not, this group of people will never have enough for retirement or medical bill. They are natural burden that all countries faced.

Other countries accepted these shits and do their best to provide for them. Here, they come up with CPF Life that siphon my money away (should I die young) to help these fools. They increased my medisheld premium to sudsidize for these morons if I managed to stay healthy through my personal effort. Why am I paying for them instead of the state?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Why would you bother if stupid people spend all their CPF money before they reach 56?

Just let them starve and die. This island will be a much better place with less idiots around.

The problem is that they won't accept their fate and crawl off into some hole to die. There'll be a whole lot of left wing liberal activists rooting for their cause and proclaiming how cruel the government is for doing nothing to help them.

In the end the taxpayer will be hit with another bill to rescue those who have blown their savings.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very very well said. I whole heartedly agree with u on this. Tat y i say..the pap should let the ppl have the cpf at 55 and to sign a disclaimer that if they loose the money they r on their own and will not bother the tax payers abt it. So go bedok reservoir etc n dont be a burden upon others...so will they?

The problem is that they won't accept their fate and crawl off into some hole to die. There'll be a whole lot of left wing liberal activists rooting for their cause and proclaiming how cruel the government is for doing nothing to help them.

In the end the taxpayer will be hit with another bill to rescue those who have blown their savings.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Boss sam said it right...how come the financial adviser never tell her to do tat? Its plain old common financial advise.

I hate to say this but the same story would play out across the island if CPF was withdrawn in full at 55.

Here's how a Malaysian should have managed a SGD1 million windfall:

1. Convert to MYR + MYR2,600,000.00

2. Place in RISK FREE term deposit for 5 year term at approx 5% which would yield MYR130,000 a year before taxes.

She then would have had 5 whole years to decide on the next course of action while at the same time earning more than enough monthly in yield to cater to all her needs and that of her family.


Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but.....

The public donated almost $800,000 to the family of the deceased malaysian-indian foreign worker who died in the Changi Airport road accident incident 2 years ago and the family also got another $100,000plus insurance compensation but the family had already spent away this near 1 million dollars in 1 year.


How did a low-income foreign worker's family spent away a whopping near 1 million dollars in 1 year??


Alfrescian (Inf)
There'll be a whole lot of left wing liberal activists rooting for their cause and proclaiming how cruel the government is for doing nothing to help them.

Why would any sane politician root for someone who had blown his "national" retirement fund? At age 55, every Singaporean will have to attend a 3-day course on retirement education held by MOM's Retirement Education Board, after which he/she will be issued a certificate indicating fit for retirement.

You must be pretty dumb about the Singaporean way of doing things. Oh, I forgot you are a foreigner. LOL!


Re: Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but..

These people are morons. She did not even think of buying a house for her family. In view of the sum involved, the employer should have setup a trust fund for the kids. There should a law passed where the donated sums reach a certain level where the state trustee should step in and do the right thing. Its an insult to many who donated.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but..


The strike has just ended and the dock workers got some concessions - 9.8% pay rise as opposed to original 5% and improved working conditions. What is amazing is the degree of public support that the strikers got and we are not talking about cheapskate Sinkie style "moral support". We are talking about cold hard cash - Hongkies put their money where their mouths are. The fund set up by the union to support strikers and their families raised HK$8.54 million. That's equivalent to about 1.35 million Sinkie dollars! Enough to pay a Sinkie Ministar for one year! And that's not including the tents, food, drinks, blankets, etc that members of the public gave to the strikers. No wonder Georgie Boy is happier living among Hongkies than rotting together with Sinkies. Cowardly Sinkies have only themselves to blame if Zorro and his "union" sides with employers and they are too ball-less to do anything about it.

Below is the first of two articles from today's South China Morning Post:

40 days on, dockers reflect on fight for dignity

Before March 28, they were just a bunch of contract dockers at the Kwai Tsing Container Terminals who were dissatisfied with their wages and conditions but had never made their voices heard.

That day they told themselves they had had enough and walked out on strike - not realising the industrial action would last for 40 days.

Some of the 430 strikers working for contractors under tycoon Li Ka-shing's port operator Hongkong International Terminals said they had thought about giving up but stuck it out because they were touched by the support of Hongkongers.

"I never thought that it would last so long," a docker from contractor Everbest Port Services said. "I thought it would end after a few days. I thought about giving up. But I did not, because of the support from the public."

The man, giving his name only as Lee, recalled the touching sight of an old man pulling a trolley with two boxes of Spam luncheon meat to their initial strike base at the terminals.

"He came three times," Lee said. "I know he is not a rich man. He lives on social welfare. Every time he came, he just told us that we had his full support and left."

On the first day of the walkout, it was wet and cold as the strikers slept at the terminals. "It was so cold and everywhere looked flooded because of the rain," Lee said. "But the next day the public started to send us tents and other resources. They have supported us throughout."

Another Everbest docker, who asked not to be named, said he had come under pressure from his family to go back to work and let the rest of the strikers fight for the wage increase of about 20 per cent that they were seeking.

"I thought about quitting. But that would have let my 'brothers' down," he said.

"All these years working at the terminal, I have slept with my brothers more than with my wife. We always have to sleep at the terminal between shifts. My brothers and my wife are equally important."

Yet another Everbest docker, Ng Siu-keung, said the action actually gave dock workers the chance to gripe about their grievances at work - an opportunity they hardly ever had during long and exhausting days on the job.

"We did not sleep much every day. We all chatted till late after midnight.

"It was quite a precious opportunity for us, all gathered here," Ng said.

"It was not just a fight for a wage increase, it was a fight for dignity and respect."

The dockers raised HK$8.54 million from the public in their strike fund. Now that the action is over, the fund has HK$2.3 million left, which will be distributed back to them.

The strikers received their 11th subsidy from the fund yesterday. Combined with this and their share of the remainder, each will get about HK$18,840.



Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but.....

The public donated almost $800,000 to the family of the deceased malaysian-indian foreign worker who died in the Changi Airport road accident incident 2 years ago and the family also got another $100,000plus insurance compensation but the family had already spent away this near 1 million dollars in 1 year.


How did a low-income foreign worker's family spent away a whopping near 1 million dollars in 1 year??


many singaporeans simply cannot manage their own finance
releasing all cpf money at 55 is simply insanity
many will just die a pauper
a great burden to society
greed and money are twin swords here

A fallacy to believe the pappies can manage your money better. Pappies want sinkies to believe their money in CPF helps to ensure they will not end up as paupers but this assurance does not work now.

When Western media reported that GIC/Temasek had lost a lot of money in foreign investments, it sent shock waves to the sinkies as the investments came from CPF and other Govt sources. Can you blame the sinkies when Roy came out to stir their fear further?


Re: Eh admin why you delete my that Pubilc donated $800,000 to indian FW's family thr

Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but.....

The public donated almost $800,000 to the family of the deceased malaysian-indian foreign worker who died in the Changi Airport road accident incident 2 years ago and the family also got another $100,000plus insurance compensation but the family had already spent away this near 1 million dollars in 1 year.


How did a low-income foreign worker's family spent away a whopping near 1 million dollars in 1 year??


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but..

How did a low-income foreign worker's family spent away a whopping near 1 million dollars in 1 year??

There are so many ways to spend money. Most likely that black piece of lard gambled it away at Sentosa. Why pity her and her children? They had their good days already. Just let them rot and die. The Earth still carries on.


Re: Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but..

There are so many ways to spend money. Most likely that black piece of lard gambled it away at Sentosa. Why pity her and her children? They had their good days already. Just let them rot and die. The Earth still carries on.

I don't pity her.

I find it very ridiculous that a low-income widow spent away almost 1 million dollars in 1 short year. Somemore cost of living in Malaysia is quite low.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Eh admin why you delete my that Pubilc donated $800,000 to indian FW's family thr

No wonder singkies deserved to be fucked over by the pappies,,,give 800 k to a foreigner,,,now hearing this case I think pap should increase the minimum sum even more,,,,

Public donated almost $800,000 to a deceased Indian foreign worker's family but.....

The public donated almost $800,000 to the family of the deceased malaysian-indian foreign worker who died in the Changi Airport road accident incident 2 years ago and the family also got another $100,000plus insurance compensation but the family had already spent away this near 1 million dollars in 1 year.


How did a low-income foreign worker's family spent away a whopping near 1 million dollars in 1 year??


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Knnbccb Braddel Brothel, now already 6:07pm in Singapore and this is still No.1 Breaking News in their website since this morning 6am, other newer news kenna kicked out already this still in No.1. WTF, no shame.

Worst than prostitutes!
