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GVGT! Dotard now say Iran will be my BEST FRIEND like NK! made Iran Great Again! click here for video, Xi still not learning?


Xi must nuke Dotard-land, and became BEST FRIEND with Dotard, and Make China Great Again! Iran has BEST POLICY against Dotard, NEVER NEVER TALK, NEVER NEVER NEGOTIATE! No deal! You come here! We fire missile! Done came drone shot down! Planes come planes shot down! No exception!


特朗普:可能的话 我会说“让伊朗再次伟大”

2019年06月23日 11:16 观察者网





特朗普:如果伊朗放弃核武器 我将成为它最好的朋友

特朗普:如果伊朗放弃核武器 我将成为它最好的朋友


[文/观察者网 王慧]美国RQ-4“全球鹰”无人侦察机被伊朗击落后,华盛顿与德黑兰紧张关系持续升级,氛围剑拔弩张。
特朗普周六在白宫接受采访 视频截图
特朗普还就美国空袭可能造成的预计伤亡 (五角大楼预测伤亡人数为150人)如何影响他的决定给出了更多细节。
此前,特朗普在21日晚间发推特解释称,自己在空袭前10分钟取消命令,因为将军说“打击3个地点会死150人”,特朗普认为“这和击落一架无人机相比,不成比例(not proportionate)”。
英国《卫报》援引加拿大前外交官、渥太华大学助理教授托马斯•朱诺(Thomas Juneau)分析称,“特朗普是出了名的善变,但他始终坚持的一点是,他不想把美国拖入一场新的战争。”



6月22日伊朗半官方性质的塔斯尼姆社称,伊朗军方高级发言人谢卡尔钦(Abolfazl Shekarchi)准将当天向美国发出警告,“如果敌人朝伊朗开一枪,伊朗将会还击十枪并使其付出沉重代价。”
在此背景下,英国中东事务大臣安德鲁•默里森(Andrew Murrison)宣布23日访问伊朗,并与伊朗高层举行会谈。英国外交部在一份声明中称,“当前地区紧张局势加剧,伊核协议的未来正处于关键时刻,此次访问是进一步开放、坦率和建设性接触伊朗的一个机会。”

辽宁舰率舰队经关岛进入南海 伊朗击落美军全球鹰无人机


Chinese media seems to have learned. But Xijinping better be learning fast!

Shot! Don't wait! Don't talk! Kill and then be BEST FRIENDS! Dotard will kiss China's Ass! And make China Great Again also! All you need is hit the missile button like a video game!

Be civilized? Go fuck spider! 吃屎!

Small flies like Iran & NK can give Dotard missiles up his ass, China so civilized for FUCK??

Peace must have no place on planet earth! Pee on piss (peace)!




2019年06月23日 10:20 观察者网


[文/ 观察者网专栏作者 施洋]本周四,伊朗革命卫队宣称,一架美国海军的MQ-4C“特里顿”高空无人侦察机在伊朗南部海域上空被其发射的国产地空导弹击落。美国中央司令部虽然在第一时间对此予以否认,但随后就承认了这次的战损。在此之后,伊朗革命卫队还展示了其打捞上来的无人机残骸,将这一次战果进一步坐实。
一方面,伊朗从两伊战争时期开始就从多个来源引进和试图自制包括S-75(自制的Sayyad-1防空导弹)、S-200、2K12 “立方体”等苏制防空导弹,并在最近获得了俄制S-300系列远程防空导弹;另一方面,伊朗还尽力保存和维持着1979年伊斯兰革命以前从西方国家获得的不少防空导弹,包括 “霍克”、“标准”、“轻剑”等,并通过仿制自制了“霍克”和“响尾蛇”低空导弹;此外,伊朗还在研制各种型号的防空导弹,这几年来露面的诸如Sayyad-2/3、Bavar-373远程防空导弹以及本次据称击落“全球鹰”的Raad-1/2 中程防空导弹,都是这几年来伊朗公开的本国防空导弹型号。


Does the United States fight Iran? Trump enjoys the "authority" of stopping air strikes.

June 23, 2019 10:20 Observer Network


Original title: Observer Network Weekly Military Review: Do not fight Iran, which reflects Trump's "authority"?

[Text / Observer Network columnist Shi Yang] On Thursday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards claimed that a US Navy's MQ-4C "Triton" high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft was launched by its ground-based airspace over the southern Iranian waters. The missile was shot down. Although the US Central Command denied this in the first place, it later acknowledged the damage. After that, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards also demonstrated the wreckage of the drones that they had salvaged, and further stabilized this time.
The Iranian side’s evidence is very good. It’s much better than the Fars News Agency’s “big mouth”. The Iranian side’s evidence is very good. It’s better than the Fars News Agency’s “big mouth”. Much more

The MQ-4C "Triton" high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is a model dedicated to the US Navy in the RQ-4 "Global Hawk" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft series. Its overall flight performance is basically the same as that of the "Global Hawk". The main difference is that the main difference is that There are differences in airborne reconnaissance equipment. Among the UAVs currently being mass-produced by the US military, the "Global Hawk" series is the one with the largest size, the highest flying height, the most complicated structure, and the most expensive.
It is precisely because of its status as a “strategic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft” that the regional crisis at the “strategic” level was triggered by the status of its “strategic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft”, which triggered the regional crisis at the “strategic” level.

As the largest long-haul unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the US military, Global Hawk has been conducting reconnaissance around the world including China for the past ten years. In these operations, the aircraft usually operates at a maximum altitude of nearly 18,000 meters, which is higher than the normal ceiling of most national fighters. Therefore, in the mission of tracking the "Global Hawk" in the East China Sea, the PLA fighters Generally, it can only be continuously tracked in a look up posture.

However, for air defense missiles, because the flight speed of the Global Hawk is only about 600 km/h, the attitude change of high-altitude flight is relatively slow. The aircraft does not have a comprehensive stealth design like RQ-170, so as long as it can Overcoming electronic interference and incorporating the "Global Hawk" into the shooting envelope is not as difficult as attacking.
When the PLA is tracking the "Global Hawk", it can only be carried out on the route below it. When the PLA is tracking the "Global Hawk", it can only be carried out on the route below it.

For the US military, many times the "Global Hawk" is used in a similar way to the manned U-2 series of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Although the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft evaded the fighters and anti-aircraft firepower at the beginning of its life with a maximum ceiling of more than 20,000 meters, the S-75 anti-aircraft missile hit the U-2 driven by Bowers in 1960. After the downcomer, the US military used the U-2 to conduct reconnaissance on the Soviet Union. There was a lot of convergence. Later, the Kuomintang reactionaries continued to use U-2 to conduct reconnaissance on the Chinese mainland, mainly because only 4 sets of S-75 air defenses were introduced at that time. Missiles (one of which is also used for mapping and imitation) cannot cover the southeast coast.

When our army intercepted U-2 and continued to deploy in batches, and the domestically drafted Red Flag-1 and Hongqi-2 began to be mass-equipped, this involuntary immigration reconnaissance operation was completely stopped. Subsequent US military use of the U-2 series also turned outside the airspace, using squint cameras or onboard electronic equipment for reconnaissance.
In the final analysis, the U-2 reconnaissance is being "stunned" by more and more PLA ground-to-air missile units. U-2's reconnaissance is "stunned" by more and more PLA ground-to-air missile units.

As a high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the Global Hawk will not directly invade the other's airspace in the high-threat area for the same reason, and perform reconnaissance missions with various oblique reconnaissance equipment. In order to increase the scope of reconnaissance as much as possible, the “edge ball” near the border is naturally inevitable, which undoubtedly increases the danger of the reconnaissance plane itself, especially when the Iranians suddenly “break the tacit understanding” of the live ammunition, leaving the US military without The time and operating space of the human reconnaissance plane is quite limited.

When the US Department of Defense expressed surprise that Iran had shot down the "global eagle", there is reason to believe that the US military is not only wary of Iran's anti-aircraft capability, but also for the setting and screening of the reconnaissance flight.
Whether it is the United States' statement or Iran's statement, the "Global Hawk"'s edge-ball flight is obvious. Whether it is the United States or Iran, the "Global Hawk" edge-ball flight is obvious.

There is some truth in American self-confidence. Although Iran has a large number of air defense missile systems from all sides, it can be described as a "chaotic" word from the perspective of a complete national air defense system.

On the one hand, Iran has introduced and tried to make Soviet-made anti-aircraft missiles including S-75 (self-made Sayyad-1 air defense missile), S-200, 2K12 "cube" from various sources since the Iran-Iraq war, and recently Obtained the Russian-made S-300 series long-range air defense missiles; on the other hand, Iran also tried to preserve and maintain many anti-aircraft missiles obtained from Western countries before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, including "Hock", "Standard", and "Light". "Sword" and so on, and made "Hock" and "Rattlesnake" low-altitude missiles by imitation; in addition, Iran is still developing various types of anti-aircraft missiles, such as Sayyad-2/3 and Bavar-373 long-range air defenses that have appeared in recent years. The missiles and the Raad-1/2 medium-range air defense missiles allegedly shooting down the "Global Hawk" are all models of the national defense air missiles that Iran has publicized over the past few years.
From the perspective of comprehensive performance, the S-300 is undoubtedly the most advanced anti-aircraft missile in Iran. From the comprehensive performance point of view, the S-300 is undoubtedly the most advanced anti-aircraft missile in Iran.

Since Iran did not receive a particularly advanced air defense missile system before the S-300, its domestic research strength is relatively limited. Therefore, although its newly developed missile system looks quite advanced on the "face value", the outside world does not Optimistic about the true performance of these missiles.

The previous Sayyad-2/3 was considered by the outside world to be "anti-aircraft missiles shaped like 'Patriots' made with 'standard' missile technology." Bavar-373 was regarded as "the longest developed using US-Russian old missile technology." Like the S-300 but not as good as the S-300's anti-aircraft missiles, as for the Raad series of surface-to-air missiles that Iran claimed to have shot down the "Global Hawk", it is considered by the outside world to be "beautiful using 'standard' missile technology. 'Air defense missiles'...
The Sayyad-2 missile looks like a "standard", the launch vehicle looks like a "standard" like the "Patriot" Sayyad-2 missile, and the launch vehicle is like a "patriot".
Bavar-373 is the same as the S-300 in every respect. The Bavar-373 is the same as the S-300 in every respect.

In September 2017, Iran showed the country’s Negah air defense command system. According to Iran’s announcement at the time, the main task of the system was to direct Iran to the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman. Southern air defense forces in the direction. Iran is not arguing about the external technical support in the construction of this system.

The commander of the Iranian air defense unit said at the time that the core of the new air defense command and control system was the JY-10 air defense command and control system of China Electric Power Group. The latter is “highly maneuverable, highly reliable, and highly automated” and can handle data from radars within 800 km, while receiving and processing 100 tracks, and can be supplied using radars from different models and formats. information.
In the picture of the air defense command system announced by the Iranian side, it can be seen that the information it processes is mainly in the air defense command system screen issued by Iran in the Iranian coastal area. It can be seen that the information it processes is mainly in the coastal areas of Iran.

From this point of view, although Iran's air defense system is not ideal in terms of basic conditions, through the integration of imported technology and domestic technology and the construction of air defense command system, a set of national air defense combat systems has been initially formed. In addition, Iran has relatively rich experience in combating UAVs in Western countries. It has even captured US-made unmanned reconnaissance aircraft through interference. Although such an air defense system may not be able to effectively fight the large-scale comprehensive air strikes organized by the United States, But it is obviously enough to attack drones like the "Global Hawk" that lack cover and react "slowly".
Iran’s interception is a good example. Iran’s interception is a good example.

Although the United States has argued that the plane was in the "international waters" at the time, the plane is undoubtedly a reconnaissance operation against Iran, considering that the situation in the United States and Iraq has been escalating in recent months, including the US President. The high-ranking government officials, including Rump, also slammed on Iran. The Iranian side is under tremendous pressure. It is counter-measures for such targeted actions such as strategic reconnaissance. From Iran’s own point of view, it is obviously not a kind. Outrageous means of disposal.

Of course, although Iran seems to be "suddenly using force", it is actually fine and detailed in carrying out this operation. According to the Iranian side, while the Iraqi army shot down the "Global Hawk" drone, a P-8A reconnaissance aircraft was also hit by Iranian air defense missiles, but Iran did not attack the P-8A. It was the choice of attacking the unmanned Global Hawk. After all, letting Americans lose hundreds of millions of dollars and let more than a dozen Americans die together, the latter may bring too much risk to Iran.
There are 9 people on the P-8A, but in actual use, there are often additional personnel involved in the operation. The P-8A has 9 employees, but in actual use, there are often additional personnel involved in the operation.

The Raad series of air defense missiles is also the feeling of a "beech" missile inferior replica

However, Iran is not unaware of the situation of the national defense air system. In particular, this kind of weapon between the East and the West and the self-research weapon are also common. The situation of the three generations of the old, the middle and the young is also well known. Therefore, in recent years, Iran has been seeking high-performance air defense command and control systems to integrate these air defense missiles with huge differences in their sources, technical systems, performance and service life into one. This is a challenge for Iran’s own technological capabilities, but the Iranians have initially reached this goal thanks to the help of foreign technology.

From Trump's tweet, we have learned that the US military has formulated a plan to launch a military strike against Iran after the Global Hawk was attacked. Although the size of the US military’s increase in the Middle East is far from the extent of a full-scale war against Iran, the US Navy maintains an aircraft carrier strike group and the Aegis ship in the Gulf region, plus the US Air Force’s Uday Air Force in Qatar. The B-52 strategic bomber deployed by the base is enough to organize hundreds of Tomahawk cruise missiles and a considerable number of fighters. It launches a traditional surgical strike against Iran, either destroying or weakening Iran’s air defense system, or Some facilities of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has been listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, have been hit.
Strategic bombers and aircraft carrier formations are still key factors in judging US military readiness. Strategic bombers and aircraft carrier formations are still key factors in judging US military readiness.

However, Trump claimed to "stop" the action that could cause 150 deaths and injuries before the attack, and at the same time use a series of "mistakes" to downplay the "Global Hawk" incident to an Iranian officer. Wrong decision-making rather than the will of the entire Iranian state - the US president is so hard to wash the land for a country like Iran, which is not friendly, in the case of obvious damage to his country’s interests. Of course, he will not be guilty because he is guilty. It will be his heart that the Iranian people can't bear to be ruined, and it is more likely that in Trump's own judgment, escalating tensions in the Gulf region and carrying out military strikes against Iran is not a priority for the United States in the current situation.
Trump’s judgment at a critical moment made the crisis not escalate Trump’s judgment at a critical moment so that the crisis did not escalate.

In contrast, the US military’s move in this incident is even more intriguing. In the absence of a full-scale war against Iran, the Pentagon quickly formulated a plan to crack down on Iran based on existing forces, and almost put it into practice. Such military operations clearly did not consider the impact of the attack. The political consequences may not even take into account how the military operations will follow up. It is more of a "eflation" attack in the Internet era with the meaning of action itself.
The US military also attacked Syria at the time. It also launched a round of missiles without a head and tail. It had little effect on the war. The US military also attacked Syria at the time. It also launched a round of missiles without a head and tail. It had little impact on the war situation.

If we look back at the military actions initiated by the United States at the beginning of this century, whether it is the Afghan war as a follow-up to the September 11 incident or the Iraq war aimed at overthrowing Saddam’s regime, it still belongs to the traditional "decision and then move" Large-scale war. These wars have a clear purpose, have relatively rigorous war plans, and constantly adjust and advance the development according to the development of the current situation; now with the promotion of precision strike weapons and the expansion of surgical strikes, "for bombing The bombing of military strikes has become more and more common in the US military operations in recent years. Such attacks may be caused by an incident and there is no follow-up after the attack. The attack itself does not solve any problems and will not change the situation in the region. It reflects the urgency of countries' attitudes in contemporary international politics.

Even if he does not launch a military attack on Iran, Trump can stand on the Iranian issue. After all, he is pursuing that Iran must not possess nuclear weapons, and Iran’s nuclear program has not been built since the beginning. Even a distance from the manufacture of weapons-grade enriched uranium is still a big gap. Under such circumstances, many things (such as the G20 summit held in Japan next week) are obviously more important than the military strike against Iran.
After all, at the G20 summit, Americans have to make a fuss about the trade war. After the G20 summit, Americans have to make a fuss about the trade war.

However, for the United States, this will undoubtedly bring a very bad example to the international community: Iran has shot down a US drone in the face of the United States, and the US military has been building it around Iran. As a result, the atmosphere of the army’s pressure has turned out that the president has personally cancelled the military operations that the military has already established. The reason for the publicity is that the loss of drones is disproportionate to “killing 150 people”...


So what did Iran used to shoot down Dotard's US$100M+ Global Hawk Drone?

It is actually a Cheaper Clone of USSR BUK missiles, which Ukraine used it to shoot down Najib's MH-17!

Global Hawk max service ceiling altitude is about 22km. But due to limitation of they spying system they must usually fly at only about 18km altitude, otherwise, they got poor quality photo/video/radar images. Allah's Khordad 3 missile can reach up to 27km altitude max, when target is not too far. When targets are further than the max altitude will be reduced because rocket fuel spent to cover distance instead of altitude.

Allah's missiles:

Soviet Missiles (MH-17 type):

Putin's (M2) enhanced and upgraded BUK - Ukraine does not have this:



Fucking Chee Bye loser! When he lost he call his enemy his best friend, he will soon have too many best friends, all fucking his ass non-stop!

Tony Tan

Iran said they could had given Dotard a Half Staff Flag with 35 coffins if they shot the P-8 Poseidon which was flying nearby the MQ-4C drone. Was too kind and merciful towards Dotard. Dotard called off attack because Israel made emergency call to beg Dotard. Iran was preparing to fire a dozen ballistic missiles into Israel with some serious warheads in anticipation of US attack. Israel panic! Beg Dotard don't Sabotage them!


伊朗军方称美军反潜机与全球鹰同飞 本可以一并击落

伊朗军方称美军反潜机与全球鹰同飞 本可以一并击落



哈吉扎德准将与被击落的美军无人机 图自社交媒体

波音P-8波塞冬海上巡逻机 图自波音

6月21日,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队展示了美国无人机的残骸 图自塔斯尼姆通讯社
来源:观察者网 谷智轩


The Iranian military said that the US military anti-submarine aircraft and the global eagle could fly together.
The Iranian military said that the US military anti-submarine aircraft and the global eagle could fly together.

Iran’s ability to lay down US military unmanned reconnaissance planes has surprised US Department of Defense officials, but the latest exposure from the Iranian military may be able to escalate the US’s “surprise” to “frightening”.

According to today's Russia (RT) report on the 21st, Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Air Force Brigadier Hajizad told Iranian state television that the reason why the U.S. drone was shot down was to force a US P-8 flying side by side. The maritime patrol aircraft changed the route.

The Iranian Tasnim news agency quoted Brigadier General Hajizad as saying that the Iraqi army could have targeted the manned patrol aircraft, but they did not.

Brigadier General Hajizad and the US military drone that was shot down

The Brigadier General claimed that there were about 35 people on the US P-8 patrol aircraft, but he did not provide the source of this number. He also mentioned that the US military has twice received warnings - if the aircraft does not change the route, the Iraqi side may launch an attack on it.

Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft

Hajizad also said that even the US military's drones have the ability to transmit information to operators thousands of miles away.

“This drone has a system that allows it to relay the signals and information it receives to its central system,” he added, adding that the command to shoot down the drone was at its local time of 20 It was released after entering the Iranian airspace at 4:05 am.

On the afternoon of the 21st, the Iranian military showed the wreckage of the US military drones. Washington insisted that the plane was shot down over international waters.

On June 21st, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards demonstrated the wreckage of American drones from Tasnim News Agency.

According to the Associated Press reported on the 20th, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Commander Hussein Salami told the Iranian Islamic News Agency that shooting down U.S. drones sent a "clear signal" to the United States that Iran’s borders are not allowed. Infringement. He said that although Iran has no intention of fighting anyone, it has already prepared for "war."

On the same day, Trump said on social media that shooting down the plane was "reckless and stupid," and Iran made a "very serious mistake."

But then he changed his mind and said that it is hard to believe that Iran was intentional. He said, "I think Iran may have made a mistake. I can imagine that a general or someone else mistakenly shot down the drone."

Reuters believes that this is an attempt to downgrade the conflict.

Source: Observer Network Gu Zhixuan

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Iran shoots down US military Global Hawk drone

Tony Tan


Iran says it could have shot down U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon plane with 35 on-board flying alongside downed drone
June 22, 2019 Latest News 1,133 Views

Iran claimed it ‘refrained’ from shooting down a US spy plane with 35 on-board flying alongside its downed drone.

Air Force commander Sardar Hajizadeh alleged a Boeing P-8 spy plane with servicemen aboard was also flying with the drone in Iranian airspace as he unveiled debris in Tehran.
“With the US drone in the region there was also an American P-8 plane with 35 people on board,” Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Guard’s Aerospace Force, was quoted as saying by the Tasnim news agency.
“This plane also entered our airspace and we could have shot it down, but we did not,” he said.​
He ominously said it had not been attacked ‘because our goal was to warn the Americans,’ Tasnim News reported.
Hajizadeh said his forces shot down the RQ-4A Global Hawk drone 10 minutes after issuing a final warning.
There was a P-8 surveillance aircraft operating in the area at the time Iran shot down an RQ-4 yesterday, a US official tells CNN.
The plane was in international airspace, the official said.

Related Article:
The P-8 Poseidon — based on Boeing’s 737-800 airframe — carries anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare equipment, as well as shipping interdiction and electronic support measures.
Speaking at Friday prayers in Tehran, Mohammad Javad Haj Ali Akbari condemned the ‘imperialist arrogance’ of the U.S. flying its drone into Iranian airspace.
Iranian state TV today showed off debris from the downed spy plane, including its fuselage, but none of the secret technology contained within.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps shot down a US Navy Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS-D) aircraft, specifically a RQ-4A Global Hawk High-Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) drone that costs $123 million and was designed to be largely invulnerable to attack.
Iran claimed the drone entered its airspace, but the Trump administration maintains the unmanned aircraft was operating in international airspace and characterized the incident as an “unprovoked attack.”
The incident marked the first direct Iranian-claimed attack on US assets and came amid heightened tensions between the US and Iran, triggered by Trump’s decision to withdraw from an international accord that curbed Tehran’s nuclear programme.
The downing of the drone was also the latest in an escalating series of incidents in the Gulf since mid-May, including suspected attacks on six oil tankers that the US blamed on Iran.
Iran released the first video of the purported wreckage of downed U.S. drone
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Iran Chose To Take Out Drone Instead of Manned Navy Jet, lranian General Says


A P-8A Poseidon assigned to the "Skinny Dragons" of Patrol Squadron (VP) 4 flies over the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), Aug. 29, 2017. (U.S. Navy photo/Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Alex Perlman)

21 Jun 2019

Military.com | By Richard Sisk

Iran could have shot down a P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft and killed Americans Thursday, but chose instead to target an unmanned Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk drone in order to avoid the possibility of all-out war, an Iranian general said Friday.
The P-8 anti-submarine, anti-surface warfare aircraft "was also violating our airspace and we could have downed it too," said Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards aerospace force, according to Iran's Fars news agency.

His forces refrained from targeting the P-8 and instead launched a missile at the $100 million-plus Global Hawk "because our aim was to warn the terrorist forces of the U.S.," Hajizadeh said, according to Fars.
Late Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif rejected U.S. charges that the Global Hawk was in international airspace over the Gulf, and said on Twitter that Iran had retrieved parts of the downed drone in Iranian territorial waters.
Iran's claims on having the Poseidon targeted and the downing of the Global Hawk raised the stakes on what the U.S. response would be to the escalating crisis in the Gulf.
In a series of tweets early Friday, President Donald Trump confirmed that he called off at the last-minute planned air strikes Thursday night on Iranian missile launch sites and radar installations believed to have been involved in targeting and downing the Global Hawk.
"We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone," Trump said.
"I am in no hurry" to attack Iran, although the U.S. military was "ready to go," Trump said in repeating his warning that the red line for the U.S. would be renewed Iranian efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.
"Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!" Trump tweeted.
-- Richard Sisk can be reached at [email protected].

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Iran almost shot down US Navy plane with 35 crew as ‘message’ to US

A P-8A Poseidon assigned to the Bureau of Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 20 flies over the Chesapeake Bay. VX-20 is part of Naval Test Wing Atlantic. (Greg L. Davis/U.S. Navy)
June 21, 2019 Laura Widener




An Iranian general said Iran decided not to shoot down a U.S. Navy plane with a crew of 35, opting instead to shoot down a nearby U.S. Navy drone, as a warning to the United States.
Iranian Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh claimed the U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk drone and nearby Navy P-8 aircraft were violating Iran’s airspace, prompting Iran to shoot down the drone as a warning to the American “terrorists,” according to Iranian state media Fars News Agency on Friday.

“We intended to send a message to American terrorists in the region,” Hajizadeh said.

“Along with the American drone was an American P8 aircraft with 35 on board, and it was also violating our airspace and we could have downed it too,” he said, adding, “But we did not do it, because our aim was to warn the terrorist forces of the U.S.”

Hajizadeh is the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force, which shot down the U.S. drone near the Strait of Hormuz early Thursday.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif posted on Twitter on Thursday to say that Iran had collected pieces of the drone, also claiming it was shot down because it violated Iran’s airspace.
“[The] U.S. drone took off from UAE in stealth mode and violated Iranian airspace,” Zarif wrote, noting that the drone “was targeted near… [the] Kouh-e Mobarak region in the Central district of Jask, in Hormuzgan province, after the aircraft violated Iran’s airspace.”
At 00:14 US drone took off from UAE in stealth mode & violated Iranian airspace. It was targeted at 04:05 at the coordinates (25°59’43″N 57°02’25″E) near Kouh-e Mobarak.
We’ve retrieved sections of the US military drone in OUR territorial waters where it was shot down. pic.twitter.com/pJ34Tysmsg
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) June 20, 2019

“We’ve retrieved sections of the U.S. military drone in OUR territorial waters where it was shot down,” he added.
In a previous tweet, Zarif insisted, “We don’t seek war, but will zealously defend our skies, land & waters. We’ll take this new aggression to #UN & show that the US is lying about international waters.”
The US wages #EconomicTerrorism on Iran, has conducted covert action against us & now encroaches on our territory.
We don’t seek war, but will zealously defend our skies, land & waters.
We’ll take this new aggression to #UN & show that the US is lying about international waters
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) June 20, 2019

IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami also reiterated that shooting down the drone was a message to the U.S. for violating Iran’s borders.
“Borders are our red lines and any enemy which violates them will not go back home and will be annihilated. The only way for enemies is to respect Iran’s territorial integrity and national interests,” Salami said, according to Fars News Agency.
“We declare that we do not want war with any country but we are fully ready for war and the today incident was a clear instance of this precise message,” he underscored.
It is the third time Iran has directly or indirectly targeted a U.S. drone in the past two weeks.
Before attacking two oil tankers near the coast of Iran last week, Iranians launched a surface-to-air missile at a U.S. Navy MQ-9 drone flying in the Gulf of Oman.
The missile missed and fell into the ocean, but days earlier, another U.S. Navy MQ-9 drone was successfully shot down over the Red Sea by Houthi rebels with a suspected Iranian missile.
Iran is also suspected of being responsible for the attack on the two tankers near the Strait of Hormuz last week.