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Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his boots


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

staged reality tv show LOL


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

staged reality tv show LOL

They learn from the best, the 'whities', staged democracy!, what is the difference?, anywaym tell that BAYI to shut up! or when we see him, we play, "bayi chop'!!:rolleyes:

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

I see nothing wrong with what Gurmit said. The spectators are part of the show. If they are not interested to be part of the show, they can go home. If they want to be part of the show, then they have to follow what was expected of them to make the show interesting. Don't be an ass and spoil the show for everyone there.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

They learn from the best, the 'whities', staged democracy!, what is the difference?, anywaym tell that BAYI to shut up! or when we see him, we play, "bayi chop'!!:rolleyes:

This bayi discard his roots wears no turban how to bayi chope?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

I see nothing wrong with what Gurmit said. The spectators are part of the show. If they are not interested to be part of the show, they can go home. If they want to be part of the show, then they have to follow what was expected of them to make the show interesting. Don't be an ass and spoil the show for everyone there.

You are right on this, we are just needling the subject, tongue in cheek...


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Gurmit is an over-rated and limited in talents unlike for example the "Noose" team. He has lousy acting ability and Lim Swee Say can beat him anytime as a comedian. Gurmit makes me want to vomit.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Gurmit is an over-rated and limited in talents unlike for example the "Noose" team. He has lousy acting ability and Lim Swee Say can beat him anytime as a comedian. Gurmit makes me want to vomit.
Yes agree I put Vomit Singh on par with Jack Neo in terms of 'talent'.
Both are absolute turn-offs that only can thrive in Sinkieland's barren media industry.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

He's too big for his big yellow boots. :biggrin:

A friend's son attended one of his MLM schemes which he is involved in, with other Mediacorp stars. In the middle of a discussion, he took out the key to his Lambo, laid it on the table and said: "I don't meant to show off, but in this business, you can drive Lambos too." Some sniggered and some had this incredulous look - everyone know that he go the car because of his TV work and not with the MLM business.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Knn lao lan Singh only can thrive in Sinkieland's lousy tv industry.
Think he machiam superstar? Just lucky nia.
Fucker disown his roots, convert to christian, he fucking a Chinese cheeby he damn high class?
Drive lambo yaya papaya.

i tot vomit's wife is some type of jap mix. This bugger went to the golden horse awares boasting he wasn't a chinese and could not speak the language when he's half chinese and does speak half fuck mandarin expecting the host of the golden horse to speak to him in english.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

i tot vomit's wife is some type of jap mix. This bugger went to the golden horse awares boasting he wasn't a chinese and could not speak the language when he's half chinese and does speak half fuck mandarin expecting the host of the golden horse to speak to him in english.

The wife is sinkie chinese.....the fuckface and his wife worship at Grace Assembly of god church in tanglin road...his fellow worshippers cannot tahan him very yaya papaya in real life.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

i tot vomit's wife is some type of jap mix. This bugger went to the golden horse awares boasting he wasn't a chinese and could not speak the language when he's half chinese and does speak half fuck mandarin expecting the host of the golden horse to speak to him in english.

Probably trying to pass off as some pan asian mixed blood....but should look at his own pimpled fucktard mongrel face in the mirror.....knn ashamed of his own Bayi stock.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

The wife is sinkie chinese.....the fuckface and his wife worship at Grace Assembly of god church in tanglin road...his fellow worshippers cannot tahan him very yaya papaya in real life.

Did you see him at the golden horse awards with fann wong. Fann wong was the nominee but she let him walk in front of her and fann was pleased as punch. I know it just comes down to this unique phenomon in singapore where they see any non chinese person as funny when he's annoying. If the guy accompanying her was the person acting as auntie lucy do you think she would allow him to walk ahead of her? of course not.

Vomit of course suffers from the northern keling syndrome especially the singhs of the superior race aka aryan master race aka german in the 1940s. They still think like that even today. If you're not some type of caucasian they see you as lower classed than them. Just go to forums where there are lots of indians or many races all over the world like bb.com you'll always see this singhs saying they are different from the majority of indians and that they are "white".

The problem with vomit is that he isn't a pure singh and he's also not in the sikh religion. To the pure sikhs i'm sure they see him as pariah. PPl like him will marry into the chinese race cos chinese ppl are the most accomodating but he'll never learn chinese customs or languages seeing them as below him but somehow still will want to date and marry chinese females with children looking more chinese but with keling names.


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

He may be lacking in talent but he makes enough from his Mediacorp duties and his hosting corporate events to lead a decent life, unlike most of the idiots here who despite being adults live off their parents and complain no end about lack of opportunity

Mediacorp should hire more PRC talent to add value to its programmes. They have been following CCTV4 very closely and now want to make Channel News Asia 24 hours. With more PRC talent this is a done deal - with S'pore poly grads maybe got small chance, with NUS or SMU grads sure own goal


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Is besotted another one of those Uncle Sam's clones to generate heat here? lol :biggrin:

He may be lacking in talent but he makes enough from his Mediacorp duties and his hosting corporate events to lead a decent life, unlike most of the idiots here who despite being adults live off their parents and complain no end about lack of opportunity

Mediacorp should hire more PRC talent to add value to its programmes. They have been following CCTV4 very closely and now want to make Channel News Asia 24 hours. With more PRC talent this is a done deal - with S'pore poly grads maybe got small chance, with NUS or SMU grads sure own goal


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Mediacorp should hire more PRC talent to add value to its programmes.

They already did. Shitty language like having a cock stuffed in their mouths when talking. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

A friend's son attended one of his MLM schemes which he is involved in, with other Mediacorp stars. In the middle of a discussion, he took out the key to his Lambo, laid it on the table and said: "I don't meant to show off, but in this business, you can drive Lambos too." Some sniggered and some had this incredulous look - everyone know that he go the car because of his TV work and not with the MLM business.

Gurmit Singh is an example of how someone without talent can make $$$,$$$,$$$ in Spore :biggrin:

Scrooball (clone)

Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Did you see him at the golden horse awards with fann wong. Fann wong was the nominee but she let him walk in front of her and fann was pleased as punch. I know it just comes down to this unique phenomon in singapore where they see any non chinese person as funny when he's annoying. If the guy accompanying her was the person acting as auntie lucy do you think she would allow him to walk ahead of her? of course not.

Vomit of course suffers from the northern keling syndrome especially the singhs of the superior race aka aryan master race aka german in the 1940s. They still think like that even today. If you're not some type of caucasian they see you as lower classed than them. Just go to forums where there are lots of indians or many races all over the world like bb.com you'll always see this singhs saying they are different from the majority of indians and that they are "white".

The problem with vomit is that he isn't a pure singh and he's also not in the sikh religion. To the pure sikhs i'm sure they see him as pariah. PPl like him will marry into the chinese race cos chinese ppl are the most accomodating but he'll never learn chinese customs or languages seeing them as below him but somehow still will want to date and marry chinese females with children looking more chinese but with keling names.

Look at this bullshit Kermit Singh. Pretend to be ang mor at Golden Horse Award.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FbO71Ny1RJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Gurmit Singh is annoying, don't know chinese but like to crossover into channel 8 dramas.

hi there

1. aiyoh!
2. what can some cannot-make-it local performer do here?
3. there are only 2 stations that accept such standard mah.
4. plus daft sheep also accept them hoh.