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Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his boots


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

I think ok what, the audience got paid leh, you dun do the job, I'll fuck you up also leh :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

They are not paid but part of the reality show. The show will look real bad if some stand and some sit. Thats why its frustrating for Gurmit. If they have to keep re-shooting a bad scene, there will be no end.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

I find it kinda funny that a "reality" show has to be staged:eek:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

nax time, haf auditions la ... admit oni dose who got talen 2 act as spectators ...
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Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

lazy Sinkies need to be fuck left right up down, if not they will sit there the whole day playing iphone


Alfrescian (InfP) + C
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

good morning ah Ron......woke up on the wrong side of the bed ah?

lazy Sinkies need to be fuck left right up down, if not they will sit there the whole day playing iphone


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Gurmit Singh is annoying, don't know chinese but like to crossover into channel 8 dramas.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Gurmit Singh is annoying, don't know chinese but like to crossover into channel 8 dramas.
I know kermit the frog and he sings well, but who is gurmit and does he sing?


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MrT1C5-b1mg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Super Moderator
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MrT1C5-b1mg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

hmm... is this what folks say this days: Like A Boss :confused::confused::confused:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Oh come on, GS was a bloody pain in the ass anti-estab. Now he feel power, he cheezed at people who behave like brats?:biggrin:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Knn lao lan Singh only can thrive in Sinkieland's lousy tv industry.
Think he machiam superstar? Just lucky nia.
Fucker disown his roots, convert to christian, he fucking a Chinese cheeby he damn high class?
Drive lambo yaya papaya.


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Knn lao lan Singh only can thrive in Sinkieland's lousy tv industry.
Think he machiam superstar? Just lucky nia.
Fucker disown his roots, convert to christian, he fucking a Chinese cheeby he damn high class?
Drive lambo yaya papaya.

Be careful Goh Meng will come hounding your arse!

10-03-2012, 05:10 PM #6 Debonerman
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Alfrescian Join Date:Jan 2009
Posts:2,420My ReputationPoints: 240 / Power: 6

Re: Kenneth Jeyaretnam On Hougang By-Election - 10 Mar 12
Dr. Judith Kelley, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, Duke Sanford School of Public Policy, Durham, NC, US

“Electoral fraud, however, must be recognised as a much broader concept. Obstructing the development of political parties and competitive candidates is as fraudulent as stuffing ballot boxes. Buying votes with state resources is as fraudulent as stealing them outright during the tally. Dominating the media or stacking the electoral commission with friends is as fraudulent as violating the secrecy of the vote.”
This should be used as a forum member's signature. Mine already dedicated to the political failure Goh Meng Seng.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

I find it kinda funny that a "reality" show has to be staged:eek:

'Reality' show is the biggest misnomer in recent history.

It's all scripted, and ratings depend on voyeuristic instincts to see people getting ridiculed, shamed and embarrassed on tv.
The singing contest, endurance/dare test on a remote island, a visit to a rural tribe, matchmaking competition etc. are all packaging to the real product: shame, ridicule and embarrassment.

It's like porn, but far more perverse.


Scrooball (clone)

Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Kermit Singh has zero talent and can't speak Mandarin to save his ass. He himself was being an idiot by acting in Mandarin dramas. He could have heeded his own advice.


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

I am beginning to suspect that Dumbfuck retard Jah_rastafar_I is Gurmit(Vomit) Singh!:wink::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

Kermit Singh has zero talent and can't speak Mandarin to save his ass. He himself was being an idiot by acting in Mandarin dramas. He could have heeded his own advice.

Got Chinese mother and wife cannot speak?
Got Singh father but disown his roots?

He must be sucking the right cocks that they dump every job to him
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Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

he hasnt quite grasped the concept of reality show yet...

should stick to ndp and military events where there is 'sedia' command


Re: Gurmit Singh tells spectators at reality show they are idiots - too big for his b

He's too big for his big yellow boots. :biggrin: