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Guaranteed That Poor People Will Squandered Away Their CPF Money


The downside to this though is that he might even bring down the political career of his own son- many years after his own death. By that time, LHL can do nothing but to see his Lee family go down in flames. All dynasties will face their ruin. And in the internet age, my bet is that dynasties won't need hundreds of years; they will fall within a few decades or even faster than that.

We can all bet all our money on that! Even Ho Ching can do no wrong joining us and for the first time be a sure Winner!:biggrin:


“That’s the way the world is. If I have explain this, I think I will lose votes after I explain the awful truth. Nobody believe it, but slowly it will dawn on them, especially the graduates, yes. You marry a non-graduate, then you are going to worry if your son or daughter is going to make it to university.”

- Lee Kuan Yew speaking at Human Capital Summit, 24 October 2008

I think this answers your question.:biggrin:

after that statement..he lost of respect.. the rest is history, by the ways, i thot he should speak at NON- HUMAN CAPITAL SUMMIT


Correct me if I'm WRONG..
When the HDB loan pay from the CPF OA till a certain point of time, the balance of the loan will be paid by CASH. If after sometime when the OA accumulate a sum, some will throw in the lump sum so to cut the period of loan or interest. Through will save some interest but in the end will struggle paying CASH instead.
If notice, half of the monthly loan will be interest to for the loan. Govermen will slowly suck your CPF dry.
If there is balance and enough to support the loan, why in this difficult time cannot let out percentage of the CPF OA to help the people to tide over this recession time?????????????????
Who can guarantee all SINGAPOREAN can live till 82 years old?????????

BETTER to SQUANDER all the $$ OURSELVES than by the Govermen.........
If you die before the withdrawal age and WHY left so much $$$ in CPF without even have a chance to spend it??????????
By the time when reached the withdrawal age the rate at that time will be PEANUT compare to now....


Dont act refine if YOU cant be one.
Dont pick the bad to compare the average or good.
You act supportive to the WHITE UNIFORM in the end You still need to PAY AND PAY.

If all people here can contribute their share of said they certainly cant be RETARED. Be it stupid, not true or just TCSS.



---------------------THANK YOU--------------------


Correct me if I'm WRONG..
When the HDB loan pay from the CPF OA till a certain point of time, the balance of the loan will be paid by CASH. If after sometime when the OA accumulate a sum, some will throw in the lump sum so to cut the period of loan or interest. Through will save some interest but in the end will struggle paying CASH instead.
If notice, half of the monthly loan will be interest to for the loan. Govermen will slowly suck your CPF dry.
If there is balance and enough to support the loan, why in this difficult time cannot let out percentage of the CPF OA to help the people to tide over this recession time?????????????????
Who can guarantee all SINGAPOREAN can live till 82 years old?????????

BETTER to SQUANDER all the $$ OURSELVES than by the Govermen.........
If you die before the withdrawal age and WHY left so much $$$ in CPF without even have a chance to spend it??????????
By the time when reached the withdrawal age the rate at that time will be PEANUT compare to now....


Dont act refine if YOU cant be one.
Dont pick the bad to compare the average or good.
You act supportive to the WHITE UNIFORM in the end You still need to PAY AND PAY.

If all people here can contribute their share of said they certainly cant be RETARED. Be it stupid, not true or just TCSS.



---------------------THANK YOU--------------------
bro, well say, clap! clap!! clap!!! :oIo:


In fact, only rich people like me should be allowed to withdraw our CPF money since we are well educated and have proven that we have to know-how to take good care of our money.

yah, only the retarded ppl like u can allowed to withdraw for ur hospital bills, lol


bro, well say, clap! clap!! clap!!! :oIo:

Thank For Support....

Lovely COTTON666>>>>Can interpret the information and tell us why the public debt is so HIGH...As you are their sniffing dog.
Cause We a "DUMMIES" in figures:confused:

Scary isn't it? And where the Fuck is our Reserve? LeeRegime are gambling away our monies!!

Singapore ranked No 1 on having the highest public debt as a % to GDP - a staggering 96.3%.



I can't believe it !!

You guys take this Gardens School Dropout arguments sensibly ? How could you reason with a spastic ?? Spastic has no mind, they live in their own world.

What is worst ? The worst is when a working class blows a spastic moron !!

The working class is:

Well, many did bring it upon themselves, catching tadpoles etc instead of concentrating on school.

This is how they blow each other:

Well, many did bring it upon themselves, catching tadpoles etc instead of concentrating on school.

Exactly, these poor people are the same ones who pay marbles, fuck spiders while we are focusing on getting As for our exams.

So, I am right to equate Poor People=Lazy People.


Restrictions are not good enough, if it is not meant to be used then it should not be used at all. They allowed people to use it so that HDB can sell the flats at inflated prices.

The attitude came about because if they don't use the CPF, they may not get to use it anyway.

I'll write to my MP and the PM letting both of them know that we should let Singaporeans pay their mortgages in cash. If HDB sold flats at an inflated price then we can safely conclude the citizen especially the chinese variety is a dumbass that deserves to be ripped off.

I sincerely hope the govt bans payment of mortgages via CPF. I would love to see how many Chinese pigs squeal when their asset value drops next to nothing and their hdb flats reprocessed.


I'll write to my MP and the PM letting both of them know that we should let Singaporeans pay their mortgages in cash. If HDB sold flats at an inflated price then we can safely conclude the citizen especially the chinese variety is a dumbass that deserves to be ripped off.

I sincerely hope the govt bans payment of mortgages via CPF. I would love to see how many Chinese pigs squeal when their asset value drops next to nothing and their hdb flats reprocessed.

The PAP has started a TIME BOMB if they let HDB prices escalate (with their so called 'market subsidy' computation) with the MARKET prices of the Condominiums. Too easy credit terms and a hot property market led to the Sub-prime mortgage crisis when negative equity sets in from a 'correction' in real estate value.

HDB flats are meant for 'poor' people who cannot afford private apartments. When prices rise astronomically those who owned flats only gained profits on paper because most people don't own more than 1 home to cash in by selling off their extra properties. Likewise prices also can crash wiping out one's nest egg because CPF is used to buy HDB flats.

Expensive HDB flats exact a high social costs to society; first time home buyers suffer a lifetime of debt, postpone marriages, delay having children etc

The original concept plan for HDB pricing was correct. A true subsidy and not the new 'market subsidy' of Mah Bow Tan. Somewhere along the line, the concept got corrupted.

What should have been done to maintain what is essentially subsidised public housing is; sellers should not make a windfall from the subsidy in resale flats in its current sale format. They should sell back their flats back to the HDB for a pre-determined sum NOT FREE MARKET VALUE prices. All buyers qualifed for HDB flats are to buy only from the HDB be it newly build flats or resale ones.

This way, S'poreans will have a truly affordable public housing at REAL subsidised prices and not have to deplete their cash savings from the CPF accounts just to buy an overpriced HDB flat (based on MBT's market subsidy prices). In retirement they would have a roof over their heads as well as a huge CPF cash fund earning more interests to see them in their twilight years.

With MBT's concept, some may argue that downgrading to a smaller flat would free extra $$, but the fallacy is; with an aging population and a society that has fertility rate less than replacement value how will the price of the old flat fetch a good price if
1. Fewer and fewer young persons are around to buy or able to afford those expensive 5 room or exec flats?
2. Those old HDB flats would have their lease life almost exhausted, which bank or finance company is going to give loans for these HDB properties.
3. With so many old folks chasing after a limited supply of 3 room or less HDB flats, the price of these smaller flats won't be cheap anymore.

The end result would be a cash poor old folk living in an old HDB flat which could incur more costs to the old folk with an upgrading programme or he may be forced to relocate to a newer HDB incurring even more costs as his old HDB flat is demolished.
Last edited:


Alfrescian (Inf)
You retarded dog :oIo:

You know very well that the money in your CPF would not be there in the first place if the government did not enforce this savings scheme. You would have squander all the money that you earn and you would still be poor.

Why are you so desperate form money now? Oh today is Wednesday, you need money to plonk on your 4D numbers.:oIo:

Before you mouth nonsense!, have you been through referendum?, sang the Negara Ku!, when we were in Malaysia, saw LKY crying on B&W TV when we became a Nation called Singapore or Neil Armstrong...hazy image on TV...when he said " small step for a man..."

In 1955, when CPF was started, it was a good idea to encourage people, who otherwise, would never save for their own age. Giving them to their own devices, they would squander all their money on every vices they can find, and say, they have no money, when they reach old age.

Nothing is wrong with the government enforcing a savings scheme that benefits the people!:oIo:

But, as the years roll on!, we are not seeing our money, when we retire!, the impression on get is, more, & more, changes are made to the CPF scheme, that I or any other feel that, our money is being taken away from us.

Many do not know, that , there are changes in this year CPF, that, even the minimum amount one can withdraw from our CPF when we retire had been changed, go to ww.cpf.gov.sg

That is why, I say, our BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS, hardworking, honest living money...is slowly disappearing into the horizon...what is a few hundred dollars in annuity?...I want my money now, in this rapidly changing world economy. Who knows, one fine day in the future...I wake up & read the news that the monies in CPF is whittled away by bad investments over the years, and all of us will get only the minimum of $5,000 when we retire...is this a too far-fecth scenario?

I want my money when I retire, how I spend it, it is my wish..even I go broke & poor..it is all my hardworking money, but thank you for helping me save!:(

So, before you start calling people retarded dog:oIo: , you have not live through the times....get some rabbis shot!:p


Before you mouth nonsense!, have you been through referendum?, sang the Negara Ku!, when we were in Malaysia, saw LKY crying on B&W TV when we became a Nation called Singapore or Neil Armstrong...hazy image on TV...when he said " small step for a man..."

In 1955, when CPF was started, it was a good idea to encourage people, who otherwise, would never save for their own age. Giving them to their own devices, they would squander all their money on every vices they can find, and say, they have no money, when they reach old age.

Nothing is wrong with the government enforcing a savings scheme that benefits the people!:oIo:

But, as the years roll on!, we are not seeing our money, when we retire!, the impression on get is, more, & more, changes are made to the CPF scheme, that I or any other feel that, our money is being taken away from us.

Many do not know, that , there are changes in this year CPF, that, even the minimum amount one can withdraw from our CPF when we retire had been changed, go to ww.cpf.gov.sg

That is why, I say, our BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS, hardworking, honest living money...is slowly disappearing into the horizon...what is a few hundred dollars in annuity?...I want my money now, in this rapidly changing world economy. Who knows, one fine day in the future...I wake up & read the news that the monies in CPF is whittled away by bad investments over the years, and all of us will get only the minimum of $5,000 when we retire...is this a too far-fecth scenario?

I want my money when I retire, how I spend it, it is my wish..even I go broke & poor..it is all my hardworking money, but thank you for helping me save!:(

So, before you start calling people retarded dog:oIo: , you have not live through the times....get some rabbis shot!:p

You spastic maggot :oIo:

And who is going to take care of you when you have squandered away all your money, which you will surely do. Or have you decided to jump the MRT and inconvenienced all of us once your savings are all dried up.


I'll write to my MP and the PM letting both of them know that we should let Singaporeans pay their mortgages in cash. If HDB sold flats at an inflated price then we can safely conclude the citizen especially the chinese variety is a dumbass that deserves to be ripped off.

I sincerely hope the govt bans payment of mortgages via CPF. I would love to see how many Chinese pigs squeal when their asset value drops next to nothing and their hdb flats reprocessed.

yup.. good to see mats and nehs sleeping in parks n beaches as well.. on my the way they breed is really like animals.:oIo:

Ah Hai

“That’s the way the world is. If I have explain this, I think I will lose votes after I explain the awful truth. Nobody believe it, but slowly it will dawn on them, especially the graduates, yes. You marry a non-graduate, then you are going to worry if your son or daughter is going to make it to university.”

- Lee Kuan Yew speaking at Human Capital Summit, 24 October 2008

I think this answers your question.:biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
You spastic maggot :oIo:

And who is going to take care of you when you have squandered away all your money, which you will surely do. Or have you decided to jump the MRT and inconvenienced all of us once your savings are all dried up.

My father's generation were poor, worked hard & had instilled thrift to the subsequent generation.

Even when i squandered all my money, I would not beg the current ruling party governemnt for a single cent.

It is better to squander my money, than leave them to others, who in the name of long term investment, whittled away my hard earn savings.

It is mere stupidity to die by jumping the MRT, I wouldn't want to dirty my body over that, I have more respect for myself.

It is my money, I spend it wether wisely or not or I choose to hide them uder my bed, let thieves get hole of it, it is my money.

I do not want to leave to other, who will give me a mere pittance amount every month, and I may never even know, it may stop!.

The way the world is evolving today, nothing is secure, nothing is safe, nothing is sacred.

I just want my CPF money, when I retire, in one lump sum, regardless of what I do with it!.

Furthermoe, it doesn't mean that I get a small sum every month, I can't squander that small sum away every month, and still be poor?, and some like you may choose to dirty the MRT lines by jumping!:biggrin: , because they are so poor!:mad:


You spastic maggot :oIo:

And who is going to take care of you when you have squandered away all your money, which you will surely do. Or have you decided to jump the MRT and inconvenienced all of us once your savings are all dried up.

HELLO COTTON666.........

Even if all the $$ are squandered away, there is still no need to jump the MRT.
Maybe that's for you when the WHITE UNIFORM ditch you to your own shit hole.....But you can choose to be run down by some Rich Man's Rolls Royce. There you can earn some miserable medical bills or best die from it and your Doggy Generation can earn from the compensation PAID to your deed.:oIo:

The CPF is OUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. NOT the Govermen!!!!!!
If their investments are transparent. They should not have invested in such bonds.
We paid tax, ERP, GST etc....All PAY AND PAY. Why need them to invest in bonds or etc...........Now "they" said TOWN COUNCILS loose in those investments...doesn't mean our CPF are spare from invested in any other ways.
Who can guarantee....You??? My two DING DONG BALLS ok.......
Even if we spend all the $$...Be it any way, Happy leh........Donate to Charity also leave a name for ourselves.
You think when they earned from those investments and said thank you to you??? LUMPAR ok........

Unless you agree to let us spend your $$$ and dont feel the pain..Then you WIN.
If rich man stay in high-ends estate and the poor live in HDB...You are Fxxking wrong...
I have the $$$ and like to live in a reasonable 5 rms HDB. That doesn't show I'm poor....Just my living style.

When the LEEs are gone with the wind..........You shall see alot of sinful transactions surface........................ Or maybe you are one of the LEE:rolleyes:


Cotton666 may have been LAID OFF....Crying over the weekends or waiting for his/her owner to spare him some "DUNG"....
Or maybe my suggestion went good to him. He maybe collecting medical claim or his/her family seeing the Rolls Royce owner for compensation.:p


There are more and more strumbled investments surface out....Wondering has the gahvemen squandered our HARD EARNED CONTRIBUTIONS from the C>>P>>F...to those failed investments......Wondering how big is the "HOLE"..
