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got a siaolang colleague from another department...had lunch with her for the first time and she told me...


she saw Jesus Christ while changing her soiled sanitary pad in the office toilet this morning. i was like huh! but i never show my amazement. i asked her how christ looks like. she said he looked like a tall and handsome middle eastern man. i then asked her if she said hi. she said no. she said christ smiled at her and then vanished into thin air. i said ok. inside me i tell myself this is the first and last time i am having lunch with this siaolang. i heard from other colleagues that she is a weirdo but i never expected her to be so siao!


she saw Jesus Christ while changing her soiled sanitary pad in the office toilet this morning. i was like huh! but i never show my amazement. i asked her how christ looks like. she said he looked like a tall and handsome middle eastern man. i then asked her if she said hi. she said no. she said christ smiled at her and then vanished into thin air. i said ok. inside me i tell myself this is the first and last time i am having lunch with this siaolang. i heard from other colleagues that she is a weirdo but i never expected her to be so siao!
She also tell u the Ang Ang sanitary pad ?
  • Haha
Reactions: pig


yes because she complained about tummy ache cannot eat so much for lunch when I asked her what she want to eat. then I asked her why tummyache. she said she having heavy flow
I am worried for your safety and health. Did she buy bandung beverage for u in the past ?
  • Wow
Reactions: pig


That's the genie from her cheebye.
Ask her to show you her cheebye, 4 fingers in will summon him out again.

You will know when she moans, "OHHH GOD".
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