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Serious Good News! 103 Years Old Jiak Liao Bee Pioneer Sent to Heavens Please Guess Why???


Old Fart
Vaccine can cause Pneumonia mare?
No one yet knows all the possible side effects caused by the vaccines. But we will know more as time goes by. In the mean time, let us pray.



Her children are 80 years old and grandchildren 60 years old. Fucking bitch live too long to inundated her descendent. Don't live too old, yr children are aging too same as you. An 80y.o still have to take care of this 103y.o..... too troublesome.... go die early...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Her children are 80 years old and grandchildren 60 years old. Fucking bitch live too long to inundated her descendent. Don't live too old, yr children are aging too same as you. An 80y.o still have to take care of this 103y.o..... too troublesome.... go die early...
For some, 45 years old is way past expiry. Just look at Blackmondy with all his incoherent arguments… that guy seems to have a peanut size tumour in his brain cavity