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Serious Good News! 103 Years Old Jiak Liao Bee Pioneer Sent to Heavens Please Guess Why???



MOH conducting investigation of 103-year-old woman erroneously given 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine​

The woman, who was mistakenly given a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Dec 13, died on Jan 10. The coroner has not determined whether the cause of death was linked to the vaccination, said the Health Ministry.
MOH conducting investigation of 103-year-old woman erroneously given 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine

A healthcare worker prepares a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination centre in Singapore on Apr 21, 2021. (Photo: CNA/Marcus Mark Ramos)

Gabrielle Andres

04 Feb 2022 08:29PM (Updated: 04 Feb 2022 08:29PM)
SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Health (MOH) is conducting a "thorough investigation" of a 103-year-old woman who was erroneously given fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine, it said on Friday (Feb 4).
The woman, a resident at ECON Healthcare – Chai Chee Nursing Home, was given the fourth dose by a mobile vaccination team from PanCare Medical Clinic in December. She died the following month.


“The resident had previously received three doses of COVID-19 vaccine, and was erroneously given a fourth shot on Dec 13, 2021,” MOH said.
“On Dec 16, 2021, the resident was admitted to Changi General Hospital for pneumonia and hyponatremia, and subsequently also diagnosed to have suffered a stroke.”
She died on Jan 10.
“Her death was reported to the coroner, who ordered an autopsy to be conducted. The autopsy found that the main cause of death was pneumonia, with other contributing factors being cerebral infarction (or stroke) and coronary artery disease, which are natural disease processes common in seniors.
“The coroner has not determined whether these causes of death were linked to the vaccination,” MOH said.


The ministry said it “takes a serious view of this incident and is carrying out a thorough investigation”. Investigations are expected to conclude in February.
“Our preliminary findings were that the vaccine was erroneously administered due to possible irregularities in vaccination procedures and poor communication between the nursing home and the medical service provider handling the vaccination,” it said.
“This is the first case of mistaken identity leading to erroneous vaccination by a mobile vaccination team in over 152,000 vaccinations to date.”
MOH added that it planned to announce the incident in December. “However, the family of the resident had requested to withhold details which could have led to the identification of the resident,” it said.
“We have since consulted the family further and are releasing the information to provide clarity on the incident.


“We understand that ECON Healthcare Group and PanCare Medical Clinic have co-funded the resident’s hospital bill as a goodwill gesture. ECON Healthcare has also been in contact with the resident’s family to render support to them."
MOH added: “Both ECON Healthcare and PanCare Medical Clinic have reviewed their processes to prevent a recurrence. The Agency for Integrated Care, whose role is to facilitate vaccinations in nursing homes, has reminded all nursing homes to ensure proper communications with the mobile vaccination teams when vaccination takes place.
“MOH has also reminded all mobile vaccination teams to perform independent identity verification and authentication before administering any vaccination.”


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It's obvious the old fart died from from her own kiasi mentality. There was no need for a 4th dose and she insisted on getting one just because it's free.


Our preliminary findings were that the vaccine was erroneously administered due to possible irregularities in vaccination procedures and poor communication between the nursing home and the medical service provider handling the vaccination,” it said.
My uncle already said multiple times and will say again - It is better to let some old fart sinkies stay at home and get paid than to bring misery and problems to other people by allowing them to work.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's an honest mistake, let's move on. :wink:

The coroner has not determined whether the cause of death was linked to the vaccination, said the Health Ministry.

Just blame old age, daft Sinkies will believe the official story. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do you torture a 103 year old person with vaccination???

All age groups must be covered so the pappies can howlian to the WHO and their Davos masters about achieving a super high vaccination rate.

That's why the vaccines were pushed on 5 to 11 year old kids even though their recovery rate is super high, and akan datang... kids under 5 years old.

Watch Fauci. Whatever happens there, after a few months it becomes reality in Sinkieland. At least in the USA every state and city is different, they can choose to sue the federal govt or ignore its rulings. This is not an option for totalitarian shitholes. :cool:

FDA Could Authorize Pfizer Vaccine for Kids Under 5 in the Next Month, Fauci Says


Old Fart
It's obvious the old fart died from from her own kiasi mentality. There was no need for a 4th dose and she insisted on getting one just because it's free.
“The resident had previously received three doses of COVID-19 vaccine, and was erroneously given a fourth shot on Dec 13, 2021,” MOH said.