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FT shit here, you wipe their asses


Re: FT shit here, you wipe their asses, but YOU CAN KICK THEIR ASS if you know how :smile:

Don't call yourself quitter, that is a term used by the shameless govt for covering their incompetence.

You are the logical, sensible, smart and wise leaver.

Dear TonyChat,

Thanks for your nice encouragement.

After about 5 years overseas, I begin to find out a common truth.

ALL OF THE COUNTRIES that I've visited have some kind of unhappiness to their OWN government... but, really, what can the government do to make the people's life a difference?

From my point of view, I viewed that what the Government of Singapore is trying to do is to ensure that the main population do NOT go overseas by building very expensive pigeon holes, and disguise them as "CONDOMINIUMs"

Furthermore, nowadays the HOUSING is such a huge liability to most households.

Paying the housing debt till you're 45 or 50 is already a thing of the past. Our parent's generation (or the baby boomer generation)

The X, Y and Z generation jiat lat leow... everything in Singapore can be as costly as in Europe or USA to say the least... and everyone's disposable income is rather low... making life miserable... quarrels regular in households due to money no enough... divorce is becoming a social problem in Singapore... man... talk about difficulty...

Did you know that a 106 meter square apartment in Europe (GERMANY) is about EURO 150,000 or equivalent of about SGD 300,000 (which is about the same pricing as EUROPE? What the hell, how come the housing in Singapore can be so high as Europe? Anyways, in China, such pricing in the coastal cities or important cities is already very common... but compared to Europe?

The funny thing is that when FTs (ANG MOs especially) are working in any Singaporean Firm / GLC / MNCs etc... KNN, they somehow get priority in managerial positions, higher paid jobs, Regional Manager positions, key positions... whereas the hard working PEONs / SERFs of Singapore get to work under these FTs (ANG MOs especially), so what the fuck is going on?

I've been following up some news in Singapore, and really, 40% of the working population in Singapore ARE FTs, and I think this is an understatement.

Singaporeans, just think about it, if you trace back all those CHEEBYE FTs ANG MOs, they really think they are 1st Class World Citizens, but if you think carefully, why would these ANG MOs leave their HOME LANDS to come so far to South East Asia to work?

Because they cannot find jobs in their own country, that's why.

But then again, if you look at the Macro Picture, without those CHEEBYE FTs ANG MOs, Singapore would not be what it is today, because KY Jelly have did a fantastic job in securing Foreign investments to Fishing Village in 1965, when Singapore gained independence after being booted out of Malaysia...

So, in a way, I must be grateful to the great KY Jelly.

But problem arises when the KY Jelly Dynasty wanted to put junior KY Jelly to the throne... and that's when the mess started... Junior KY Jelly, simply have no idea how to run a world class country... really put senior KY Jelly to shame...

As for GOH CHOK TONG's speech about Singaporean being Quitters...

The reason why he said that during his term as PM is due to FEAR.

As I am quite certain that he have checked the emmigration data for Singaporeans moving OUT of Singapore PERMANENTLY / Semi-Permanently, and was quite shocked to find the truth... PEOPLE are leaving.

Personally, I really respect Mr. GOH CHOK TONG as a Prime Minister, he really try his best to do a great job. But not Junior KY Jelly (KNN, everybody knows that he is where he is due to Senior KY Jelly)

[Somehow it's quite similar to USA's situation, for putting a MONKEY to run a country for 8 years... see the damage done?]

Dollars are depreciating, PRINTING of Dollars is running out of control, and the social security, and medicare is in debts of 74 TRILLION Fucking Dollars to the 80 Million plus baby boomers of USA... no thanks to the IRAQ war etc...

Going to the main point...

Every country WILL have their own set of unique problem.

Every contry WILL hvae their own set of unique solutions...

But the problem I see in Singaporeans is that NO ONE is THINKING for themselves... I really beg your pardon if this is offensive, but GET OUT of your own NEGATIVE emotional state, and START thinking about HOW to make your life better.

There are simply so many choices... but what makes me sad to see is that everyone is COMPLAINING and not doing anything...

The choices are abundant...

Do a little bit of INTERNET research for jobs in China, Hong Kong, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland, etc...

Take a RISK...

You will find that there are literially TONNES of advertisements looking for YOUR unique talents...

If there is a will, there will be a WAY...

How I decided to become a "Quitter" [By the way, "Quittung" in German means Receipt / Invoice]

Being a GLOBAL Person will indeed widen your horizon... observe many different culture, and adapt to different kinds of people...

We are living in a FLAT world, for GOD sakes... some singaporeans are MAKING millions of dollars in the INTERNET...

The opportunities are abundant, and what made me feel sad is that most Singaporeans choose to groan, moan, gripe, howl, complain, point fingers, all to the PAPPY, but really, if one day a new Government take over, I can assure all of you reading this that it'll still be the same...

ONLY by changing your thoughts, your thinking, you can change your world...

May the universe be on your side, may good wealth, health, happiness, and success be with you, in whatever you decide.

Quitting in one place, means starting in another place... yes, TonyChat have said it right, I am no quitter... but just a person who thinks for my own future.... we do not have a contract to live forever...

Think about that


DId you spread your sperm around too, sperminator?

Btw, wise words.. sinkies need drilling in.

Dear TonyChat,

Haha, I did, I did spread alot of my sperm around...

If you are interested, you can look out for my postings in sammyboyforum haha... loads of fun...

Anyways, spreading sperm around can be very time consuming, energy consuming, and of course money consuming...

I've decided to focus on building a better life now... :smile: The sperm spreading is now mutated to knowledge SPERM spreading to feed some sinkies :p



bro tonychat and speminator

i do agreed with what you guys have said. but it is not easy to start and let go of family you have here and i believe that is what holding alot of pple back.

Even when we want to so call finanical freedom, it also involves certain level of risk. we did try but perhaps we did not try as hard as you guys and i think it is comforting to know that at least some bro make it out there

Dear Silverspoon,

I guess you are born with a silverspoon on your mouth :p, thus, you choose silverspoon :smile: (just my guess, haha)

Anyways, to my astonishment and discovery... did you know that 1% of the world population owns 96% of the world's entire GDP???

And the remaining 99% of the population only own 4% of the entire world's GDP?

We are all living in the information age today, information on how to become financially independent, and even how to improve your thinking are already available.

By a little bit of internet research, I can assure you that YOU CAN FIND your way... and you can get any of your resources to help you get your own way...

It really doesn't matter if you leave Singapore or not. What I have discovered is that we are all living in a FLAT world, linked by INTERNET, and voip calls (so fucking cheap, some calls are even free), MSN, SKYPE, VOIPDISCOUNT, video conferencing... you can even do remote sales presentations in your computer using your computer!

Providing service to the world have never been so easy, all thanks to the internet, TCP/IP, developed for NUCLEAR WAR disasters in the US... at least some technology built for wars are actually being used for the good of mankind...

To all brothers and sisters staying in Singapore, FEAR NOT... YOU CAN still find many opportunities in ONLINE business or OFFLINE business... but the big idea is that YOU MUST DECIDE to make a difference in your own life...

Let me share with you some secrets to success... some of you may think it's bullshit, but I don't care...

Go to the internet and search for these books...

THINK AND GROW RICH --> by napolean hill is FREE OF CHARGE!

THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH --> by wallace d. wattles is also FREE OF CHARGE!

YOU WERE BORN RICH --> by Bob Proctor is also FREE OF CHARGE!

If you can finish reading these 3 books, I can guarantee that ONLY 1% of you out there reading this will make a difference in your life, and the rest of the 99% will still like to be living in their shell... which is okay...

Because the law of nature is like this... there can be only 1% rich, and 99% poor... the decision is solely up to you.

I hope these solutions may help you become RICH...

Bob proctor pointed out that by becoming wealthy, all you need to do is to BUILD MASSIVE Multiple SOURCES of INCOME or MSI for short... ANYONE can do it!

May you be wealthy! :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: FT shit here, you wipe their asses, but YOU CAN KICK THEIR ASS if you know how :smile:

We are living in a FLAT world, for GOD sakes... some singaporeans are MAKING millions of dollars in the INTERNET...

:smile: That is right.....


the problems in sg can be summarise as NS IS KILLING SG.

Dear Madmansg,

NS is for men... so... it's the price of being a Singaporean...

I served my dues... but there are so many ways to siam NS :p

haha... reservist etc...

Only if you find a way...

I'll let you have the joy of discovering the ways :smile: Just go around and ask your friends... haha


Thats not always true since there is V O in construction. As far as banking is concerned, Singapore's model is a third world one, based on cost cutting instead of adding value. Guess who will go first if shit hits the fan?
There are many parts to banking. There are many categories of FTs in banking as well. There is a backoffice/IT gang and the hotshot marketing/investment and then you have merchant banking equivalent. The bulk of banking volumes are driven by the 130 banks, nearly all of them foreign. The citibanks, BA, Barclays all run their own models and operate in an environment allowed by MAS. So your model argument is flawed or you don't understand banking. In fact Banking and Medicine are two fields that have models that are quite universal across the globe. Its a quesion of how much investment and infrastructure that one is prepared to commit.

What is certainly true is the lack of innovation on the part of local banks. Some however prefer to copy rather than do the necessary but expensive R&D.

The areas in Banking that will be affected in a downturn are sales, IT and backoffice as the volumes drop. There will be consolidation and in such cases headcounts across the board goes as only the accounts are consolidated not staff and infrastructure.

The thing that Countries that have good economic management do is to tweak public expenditure on public works which is usually construction.
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Dear Sir / Madam,

Why not we do the same? Breakthrough your very own thought barriers.

ANG MOs are quite lazy... long holidays, and high pay... man, Spending Euros is like spending SGD... if you get what I mean.

Rather than complaining and griping, and moaning and groaning... it'll simply get you nowhere.
Overall liked your approach. We should all find our own way and make the best of it.

Ang Mos are not lazy. They get the job done with less effort than Asians. Thats why they are the 1st world. Like all societies, there are lazy ones and we all seem to look at them for all the wrong reasons.


Overall liked your approach. We should all find our own way and make the best of it.

Ang Mos are not lazy. They get the job done with less effort than Asians. Thats why they are the 1st world. Like all societies, there are lazy ones and we all seem to look at them for all the wrong reasons.

Dear Scroobal,

Thanks for your nice compliments :smile:

I do enjoy inputing some positive side of life to Singaporeans.

And I must admit to you that you are right on target by saying that Not all Ang Mos are lazy. Which I will admend my statement earlier on.

You are right to say that they do more with less, and that's why they are 1st world.

I've been doing some thinking about this issue.

And if you travel to USA, EUROPE, CANADA, the building structures are all so beautiful.

Not to say that Singapore is not, but the building structures is a PROPORTIONAL, DIRECT representation of the people's mindset.

I really admire the minds of the WEST, their minds are beautiful, that's why they could create beautiful things.

If anyone have a chance to go to the Netherlands / HOLLAND, go to Amsterdam, the Rijks Museum, there is Rambrants' THE NIGHT WATCH, it's a masterpiece... it's perfection beyond description. The detail is amazing, and I was wondering how come people CAN paint photographic pictures so many hundred years ago...

Recently, I've arrived on a very interesting conclusion that everything in anyone's life is totally a result of their own thinking.

So, in retrospect, and in a neutral point of view.

FTs coming to Singapore, Singaporeans going overseas, people moving around the world to seek for greener pastures.

There are nothing wrong with that.

Everyone have a choice.

Most wonderful thing of all is that, Everyone have a choice to CHOOSE their own thoughts.

It's your very own thoughts that create your own reality.

Cheers! :cool: