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Free Speech,spamming, same jokes, etc - Erection2012


Alfrescian (InfP) + C
me upset? why should i be? You are a joke and a half. Like i said ...long on bullshit and short on facts.

You can write all your crap....i had just wanted to point it for the rubbish that it is.

Its free speech of course. Carry on posting ...its no sweat off my back. You belong to the funny farm anyway.

Bro, don't be upset, its just me joking and you know me its in my DNA and its also free speech. If you don't like you don't have to join. There is a variety of interest. Why you talk down to me. You are at an intellectual level and me avoid all this etc etc etc. I also don't know why I am persecuted. i only talk among those who are prepared to listen.

Sounds familiar? You go into someone's thread and play the victim card and really hope that you would get sympathy in return only.


Scroobal and Erection2011,

Hey guys, just cool it for a minute. This matter is not that big a deal, and we may have blown it out of proportion.
My point of view is that on Scroobal's part, he is just trying to do what he thinks is best for the forum.
He can get rough on people sometimes, but his intention is to make it better and I respect that.

Erection2011 is not a mainpulative chap who is out to disrupt the forum and boost his ego.
Our dealings with him in the forum (and this includes a few guys who have met him) show a chap who is decent and polite, easygoing and just out to make friends.
I believe Erection2011 will tone it down and note the annoyance he is causing, and Scroobal, please note those real spammers who are really trying to be disruptive. They are much worse and incorrigible.

Let's try to make the forum a place for discussion which is not too irritaing or annoying for anyone, but at the same time, willing to accept different styles of posting and different types of posts.
I don't send private messages so this is just my 2 cents worth here. Tks for reading.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
time for some commercial break to easy the tension .



Alfrescian (InfP) + C
hi jw....i had already offered the olive branch and said that i'd tone down and move on. He should do it too just as RT has.

As i said i have no issues with either of them and do respect their posts and intentions. All i ask is that when they communicate , they

offer some politeness and dignity to other people. Talk to people and not talk down to them. Otherwise how are people going to know

about their good intentions?

Anything can be considered if asked for properly.

I reiterate.....i am prepared to move on and think no more of this matter and also to tone down on the stuff that is annoying to them.

The man has to be prepared to do the same.

Scroobal and Erection2011,

Hey guys, just cool it for a minute. This matter is not that big a deal, and we may have blown it out of proportion.
My point of view is that on Scroobal's part, he is just trying to do what he thinks is best for the forum.
He can get rough on people sometimes, but his intention is to make it better and I respect that.

Erection2011 is not a mainpulative chap who is out to disrupt the forum and boost his ego.
Our dealings with him in the forum (and this includes a few guys who have met him) show a chap who is decent and polite, easygoing and just out to make friends.
I believe Erection2011 will tone it down and note the annoyance he is causing, and Scroobal, please note those real spammers who are really trying to be disruptive. They are much worse and incorrigible.

Let's try to make the forum a place for discussion which is not too irritaing or annoying for anyone, but at the same time, willing to accept different styles of posting and different types of posts.
I don't send private messages so this is just my 2 cents worth here. Tks for reading.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


hi jw....i had already offered the olive branch and said that i'd tone down and move on. He should do it too just as RT has.

Ok bro, understand that and tks for cooling down.
I have also been very hot lately, spewing vulgarities here and there. Need to cool down too.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
this one not gay song for errection and scroobal hor :wink:



Alfrescian (InfP) + C
i like to listen to lullabies when my wife talk to me....so i can sleep and not hear her :p

yes bro ...i listen all type of songs from rock music to jazz :wink: like to smoke a joint when listen to jazz . when driving long distants i like to listen rocks ..:wink:

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Appreciate your post which encapsulates the major issues in a nutshell.

IMO, the ones who really drive traffic away and cause forummers to give up on SBF is those chaps baluku, Clinton, RonRon, kinana who are really incessant in their drivel. And of course, I fully understand your anger about the nasty post about the dead woman. It is inhuman and absurd.

The problem is most people learn to tune them out or better still place them on IGNORE like wat I do, so we have to rely on mods like YOU, DRIFTER, RAIDER, ETC, to step to the fore and keep them out. Seriously, if I thought I had the time, I would PM Sam and volunteer in this department -- keeping those nut cases at bay so that other won't get DRIVEN AWAY from the forum. Think of how many people we lost over these years. Sure you and the other oldies can remember how Bob and gang literally tore the place apart before they were disciplined by the moderators.

That does not mean lesser infractions like those by erection2011 should not be critcized -- i think as a culture we have become so used to being deferential. Scroo's post was long and very biting but that his style, and is very actually very common in other non-SG-focussed forums. I think erection has handled it pretty OK and is manning up to the issue -- kudos to him. Ram did not handle it well, and he burnt himself, but that is what Ram deserved IMO (i know many would disagree wif me).

If you notice I tried not to add to wat is being said about erection but tried to steer the discussion to broader topics like our SG culture which robs many pple of their good sense and their manners/social etiquette. I am sure erection is a really nice man in person. Net etiquette is not less complex than real life etiquette; even the most well-adjusted inidividual makes mistakes sometimes. I would give erection the benefit of the doubt and certainly a lot more leeway than say, the sad fucks like clinton.

1. People have different views on what is acceptable or not, what is irritating or annoying. That's fine, but both sides have to respect each other's views, otherwise how do we decide? The side which writes better wins? Or the side which writes more?
Then again, we actually have in this forum certain posts which absolutely NOBODY accepts. Wy aren't we going for those first and dealing with them?

2. The manner which we voice our objections also plays a key part. Looking at the "Bob Sim naked" thread again, perhaps everyone could have said it better and without getting so worked up.

3. Especially with the government we have had for years, many in this forum inevitably get angry when something is prescribed or dictated. Should try to focus on those things that are so blatantly wrong. For me, it's when innocent people are harmed or killed when they are going about their own business, e.g. trying to make a living, or walking on the pavement going for dinner. How did a bunch of guys laughing over a repetitive gay joke get to be the bane of this forum?


Got ahh jw5, i got banned 4 times in 2 weeks hor, all crappy excuses, talking cock was one of it, whahaha

You forgot to mention all the Tiu Leh Lo Mo Chao Hais and the shameful episode pointed out by my signature. Tiu Leh Kor Chao Hai Fat and Ugly Ah Lien whom I imagine to be scratching your fat oily cheebye everytime you post trite and mindless one liners just to invite resident dogs to lick your cheebye. Except this dog here of course who keeps growling his warnings.