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Fighting Moral Crime


It can be something random, like how I once bought an old lady lunch when she was trying to sell tissue to me. She was trembling with what i perceived to be hungry and I was right - she wolfed down a big bowl of noodles I bought her.

Thanks for sharing that good idea... I will do that too.


Well done. That must have made you feel good. :smile:

Well I'm not a paragon of virtue, just trying my best to open my heart and eyes more.

I was more embarassed and hesitant, because I didn't know how she would perceive it. So I tried to play cool by acting like I wanted to chat to her and asked the waitress to bring her a menu. Like she was my aunt or something. I had to persuade her for quite some time, just mindlessly chatting.

Old folks have pride too, who wants to be selling tissue in their 60s?

In the end, I was relieved that it went ok. I've not done that before. Ha.

Sometimes we don't know how much we miss when we don't reach out our hands when our heart compels us to. But when we try, we can be pleasantly surprised that just one small gesture can make a difference.

At the end of the day, it is not the satisfaction we feel, but that we really made someone else's day ya know?

You try too! Let's all try to make a difference in every little way we can.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If someone tells you that his objective in life is to fight moral crime, i.e. immoral and unethical acts committed by people who make sure that they don't do anything illegal and hence are not arrested, would you:
-- laugh or mock at him?
-- wonder if he is insane?
-- claim that there is "no value"?
-- suppoprt him but want nothing to do with the process?
-- join him?

Here's a good example of a moral crime fighter!

Girl set on fire for wearing lipstick

9:04AM Sunday Oct 19, 2008

<!-- Ixt1--> JAIPUR - An 11-year-old Indian girl may not survive after her great uncle doused her in kerosene and set her on fire - for wearing lipstick.

Local media say the 55-year-old conservative Muslim man said he set the young girl ablaze for wearing make-up and being "scantily dressed".

But some relatives told news channels that he had tried to molest the girl, who objected, and then he set her alight.

Reports say she has burns to 90 per cent of her body and is unlikely to live.



Actually all these are more to ethics, ethics education and concern are seldom teach in local tetiary and university levels. Local only have moral education in primary schools :biggrin:
Mostly overseas tertiary and university levels do have ethics teachings and awareness, the difference of ethics and law are alsways covered.


Actually all these are more to ethics, ethics education and concern are seldom teach in local tetiary and university levels. Local only have moral education in primary schools :biggrin:
Mostly overseas tertiary and university levels do have ethics teachings and awareness, the difference of ethics and law are alsways covered.

Actually singaporeans used to be a kind bunch, guess they really changed after so many economic crisis.