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Fighting Moral Crime


If someone tells you that his objective in life is to fight moral crime, i.e. immoral and unethical acts committed by people who make sure that they don't do anything illegal and hence are not arrested, would you:
-- laugh or mock at him?
-- wonder if he is insane?
-- claim that there is "no value"?
-- suppoprt him but want nothing to do with the process?
-- join him?


I would wish him lotsa good luck. Unless he's a saint, he's bound to have dirty linen of his own. It'll be no time when somebody will expose it. Even if he's spotless, something will be fabricated. The best way to stop a crimebuster is to incriminate him.

Look no further than Glen Knight.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If someone tells you that his objective in life is to fight moral crime, i.e. immoral and unethical acts committed by people who make sure that they don't do anything illegal and hence are not arrested, would you:

Who defines morality?


If someone tells you that his objective in life is to fight moral crime, i.e. immoral and unethical acts committed by people who make sure that they don't do anything illegal and hence are not arrested, would you:
-- laugh or mock at him?
-- wonder if he is insane?
-- claim that there is "no value"?
-- suppoprt him but want nothing to do with the process?
-- join him?

If he's so free, why not help the unfortunate in society? With this economic recession, plenty of people will need aid in one form or another.

There will be bad or good people no matter what we do. This "quota" is up to God and not easily changed by us.

He can start off with random good deeds. Fighting for social utopia is not up to one individual, unless he can change collective mindset slowly.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Give Robin Hood a call. He has the answer for you. :wink:

Different cultures have different moral values with regards to what is right and what is wrong. There is no universal set of moral standards.


Give Robin Hood a call. He has the answer for you. :wink:

Robin Hood must be very busy during these tough times. We should give him a break. He needs to spend quality time with Maid Marion otherwise he can consider sleeping in the forest with the friar & co.


Different cultures have different moral values with regards to what is right and what is wrong. There is no universal set of moral standards.

some culture think it is morally right to burn women for not giving enough dowry..

other culture think it is morally wrong if a man don't open the door for the woman..


I seriously think any person who makes it his personal mission is self-righteous and trying to impose his own perceived "right" values on others.

Taliban is one good example, the other is the US of A.


I would wish him lotsa good luck. Unless he's a saint, he's bound to have dirty linen of his own. It'll be no time when somebody will expose it. Even if he's spotless, something will be fabricated. The best way to stop a crimebuster is to incriminate him.

Look no further than Glen Knight.
It all depends on how the moral crime fighter goes about his work.
He does not need to be clean in order to clean up dirt. :smile:


If he's so free, why not help the unfortunate in society? With this economic recession, plenty of people will need aid in one form or another.

There will be bad or good people no matter what we do. This "quota" is up to God and not easily changed by us.

He can start off with random good deeds. Fighting for social utopia is not up to one individual, unless he can change collective mindset slowly.
What is the best way to help the unfortunate in society?
Look for individual deserving cases?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If someone tells you that his objective in life is to fight moral crime, i.e. immoral and unethical acts committed by people who make sure that they don't do anything illegal and hence are not arrested, would you:
-- laugh or mock at him?
-- wonder if he is insane?
-- claim that there is "no value"?
-- suppoprt him but want nothing to do with the process?
-- join him?

Anything to do with fighting, standing out, speaking out, you can leave sinkie out of it. These are something that are too first world for them to understand.


It all depends on how the moral crime fighter goes about his work.
He does not need to be clean in order to clean up dirt. :smile:

What I'm saying is .. he will not last long fighting his so-called moral crimes :rolleyes:


Different cultures have different moral values with regards to what is right and what is wrong. There is no universal set of moral standards.

The law of each individual country should be the last word on this issue. But of course, this does not apply to Siongapore and it never will. At least not in my lifetime.


The law of each individual country should be the last word on this issue. But of course, this does not apply to Siongapore and it never will. At least not in my lifetime.
This has nothing to do with laws, that's why it's called "moral crime". :smile:


What is the best way to help the unfortunate in society?
Look for individual deserving cases?

Open you heart and you eyes will see. When your heart is open, you will see what you can do and when you can do it.

It can be something random, like how I once bought an old lady lunch when she was trying to sell tissue to me. She was trembling with what i perceived to be hungry and I was right - she wolfed down a big bowl of noodles I bought her.

I normally just buy tissue from sellers, but that day, I just I did abit more.

We don't always have an open heart, but when we do, the compassion just opens our eyes.


Open you heart and you eyes will see. When your heart is open, you will see what you can do and when you can do it.

It can be something random, like how I once bought an old lady lunch when she was trying to sell tissue to me. She was trembling with what i perceived to be hungry and I was right - she wolfed down a big bowl of noodles I bought her.

I normally just buy tissue from sellers, but that day, I just I did abit more.

We don't always have an open heart, but when we do, the compassion just opens our eyes.
Well done. That must have made you feel good. :smile: