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FAP Traitors Charged SG Driver Without Proper Investigation to Appease Indian Rioters


Alfrescian (Inf)

Especially when the victim was drunk himself! Expect the FAP Traitors to deal with the driver harshly as a sort of sacrifice to appease their Indian FTrash pets! 60%, you asked for it!

[h=1]Deceased foreign worker in Little India Riot was drunk: Police[/h]<CITE class="byline vcard">
By Elena Torrijos

By Elena Torrijos | Yahoo Newsroom – <ABBR title=2013-12-08T15:26:50Z>Sun, Dec 8, 2013</ABBR></CITE>
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  • Reuters/REUTERS - A view from a high-rise flat shows two overturned police cars (C) and several other damaged vehicles along Race Course Road following a riot near Singapore's Little India district December …more 9, 2013. Local media said a mob of about 400 set fire to an ambulance and police cars during the riot on Sunday, which started after a bus knocked down a pedestrian. REUTERS/Stringer (SINGAPORE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST) less

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<META content=2013-12-08T15:26:50Z itemprop="datePublished"><META content="Yahoo Newsroom" itemprop="provider"><META content="Deceased foreign worker in Little India Riot was drunk: Police" itemprop="headline"><META content=elenat itemprop="author"><META content="The 33-year-old Indian national who died after being run over by a bus was drunk, said Singapore police in new details that emerged from its investigation into an accident that triggered the first riot in Singapore in more than 40 years." itemprop="description"><META content=http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2013-12-08T175154Z_1324480825_GM1E9C904YX01_RTRMADP_3_SINGAPORE.JPG itemprop="image"><!-- google_ad_section_start -->[UPDATED: on 9 December at 7pm, adding more details from police]
The 33-year-old Indian national who died after being run over by a bus was drunk, said Singapore police in new details that emerged from its investigation into an accident that triggered the first riot in Singapore in more than 40 years.

In a press conference on Monday afternoon, police told local media that the man, reportedly identified as construction worker Sakthivel Kumarvelu, was drunk and causing trouble when he boarded the bus that eventually ran him down.

According to tweets from local media, the bus was full but he climbed on anyway, causing a nuisance. It is unclear what happened after that but Channel NewsAsia reported that a Singaporean "female timekeeper on (the) bus (was) assaulted", and the 55-year-old bus driver closed its doors.

After the accident, the crowd outside the bus became "agitated", attacking the bus driver and timekeeper by throwing bottles, stones and dustbins at the bus, the broadcaster tweeted.
Police reportedly said they were unable to confirm whether or not the rioters were drunk, and are interviewing others apart from the 27 alleged participants who were arrested on Sunday night.
The bus driver, a 55-year-old Singaporean, was arrested and is out on bail. He will be charged with causing death by a negligent act, said police. If found guilty, the driver is set for a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment, a fine, or both.

Of the 27 alleged riot participants aged between 23 and 45, who were arrested at the scene on Sunday night, police said 24 of them are Indian nationals, two are Bangladeshis and one is a Singapore Permanent Resident. Some of these may be charged on Tuesday, police reportedly said also.

Second Minister for Home Affairs S Iswaran also announced on Monday afternoon that a ban on alcohol sales will be imposed in the Little India area this weekend.

Meanwhile, an updated figure of 39 police, SCDF and auxillary officers were injured. Police said earlier on Monday that 22 of its officers and five of its auxiliary officers were treated for lacerations and other injuries. The 27 were since discharged, police said.

The 25 emergency vehicles that were damaged, alongside five set on fire, in the riots were also removed in the hours that followed, and Race Course Road and Hampshire Road, where they happened, were opened by 6:45am Monday.

Police also stressed that it has stepped up its presence in the area, and will continue to do so until this weekend, reported local media.

Separately, TODAY tweeted an image of "more than two dozen foreign workers" who were being hauled away on board police buses.

An estimated 400 people rioted in Little India late Sunday night shortly after the accident involving the private bus and the construction worker, the latter of whom was crossing the junction between the two roads, at 9:23pm, police said. The New Paper reports that the driver was dragged out of the private bus, which was carrying a bus load of construction workers, and was assualted by a group of men.

Five police vehicles, one ambulance and several private vehicles were damaged and/or burnt in the process, said police in its initial statement in the wee hours of Monday morning.

Police are appealing for more information from eyewitnesses, who can contact them here and here.


Re: FAP Traitors Charged SG Driver Without Proper Investigation to Appease Indian Rio

Media sang praises of ferrari serial killer, ma chi when he went beat traffic light and took 2 innocent life. What a shameless media.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Traitors Charged SG Driver Without Proper Investigation to Appease Indian Rio

With the FAP Traitors' shameless surrendering of SG's sovereignty to the FTrash, expect the FTrash to be more brazen in their attacks on SGs from now on. The only way to reverse the tide is for SGs to wrest back control of the country from the FAP Traitors and bring them to justice!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Traitors Charged SG Driver Without Proper Investigation to Appease Indian Rio

The bus driver, a 55-year-old Singaporean, was arrested and is out on bail. He will be charged with causing death by a negligent act, said police. If found guilty, the driver is set for a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment, a fine, or both.

The SPF is showing the world how inept they are. Evidence has been destroyed or contaminated by the riots. Witnesses are all Ah Nehs which is likely to be bias. Yet, the SPF thinks that charging the sinkee driver is correct.

The SPF should provide a public explanation on its decision to charge the driver.

This move is to placate the Ah Nehs as the SPF cannot handle another riot, not that it managed the first one at all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Traitors Charged SG Driver Without Proper Investigation to Appease Indian Rio

The lesson here is not to drive to little India if u are a sinkie. If sway sway kills ah neh again and causes a riot, you'll be punish very heavily.

I'm proud that the government can control problems so well by controlling its own people. It's a smart government to know that foreign talents are afterall talents that are not easily controlled and it's better off appeasing them.