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Chitchat Please Guess??? 63 Year Old Man Fallen to Death at MBS!



63-year-old man dead after allegedly falling from Marina Bay Sands on Monday evening​

Preliminary investigations by the police have ruled out homicide as a cause of death​

Nisha Rahim
Nisha Rahim
·News and Lifestyle Producer
Updated Mon, 11 March 2024 at 11:21 pm GMT-7

A 63-year-old man found dead at Marina Bay Sands hotel. According to 8World News, he is believed to have fallen from the building

A 63-year-old man found dead at Marina Bay Sands hotel. According to 8World News, he is believed to have fallen from the building. (PHOTO: Getty Images)
SINGAPORE — A 63-year-old man was found dead at the foot of Marina Bay Sands (MBS) hotel on Monday (11 March). Local media reported that an MBS spokesperson confirmed the discovery of the man's body at around 7.50pm.
The Singapore Police Force told 8World News they were alerted to a case of unnatural death at Bayfront Avenue at around 7.55pm the same day. According to the report from 8World, it is believed that the man died after falling from the hotel.
Police officers found the man lying unconscious and pronounced him dead at the scene. Preliminary investigations by the police have ruled out homicide as a cause of death, 8World reported.
An MBS spokesperson also said that they are assisting with investigations.
According to 8World, an eyewitness saw several police officers setting up a blue tent and barricades at the first-floor exit of MBS' Tower 3. A post in the Professional PHV Drivers Singapore: Grab, Gojek, Tada and Ryde Facebook group at 9.45pm on Monday also advised the public to avoid the MBS area.
Yahoo Southeast Asia has reached out to MBS and police for more details.
If you have thoughts of suicide or are feeling distressed, you can call the Samaritans of Singapore's 24-hour hotline at 1767. You can also email [email protected].
  • Wow
Reactions: pig



63-year-old man dead after allegedly falling from Marina Bay Sands on Monday evening​

Preliminary investigations by the police have ruled out homicide as a cause of death​

Nisha Rahim
Nisha Rahim
·News and Lifestyle Producer
Updated Mon, 11 March 2024 at 11:21 pm GMT-7

A 63-year-old man found dead at Marina Bay Sands hotel. According to 8World News, he is believed to have fallen from the building

A 63-year-old man found dead at Marina Bay Sands hotel. According to 8World News, he is believed to have fallen from the building. (PHOTO: Getty Images)
SINGAPORE — A 63-year-old man was found dead at the foot of Marina Bay Sands (MBS) hotel on Monday (11 March). Local media reported that an MBS spokesperson confirmed the discovery of the man's body at around 7.50pm.
The Singapore Police Force told 8World News they were alerted to a case of unnatural death at Bayfront Avenue at around 7.55pm the same day. According to the report from 8World, it is believed that the man died after falling from the hotel.
Police officers found the man lying unconscious and pronounced him dead at the scene. Preliminary investigations by the police have ruled out homicide as a cause of death, 8World reported.
An MBS spokesperson also said that they are assisting with investigations.
According to 8World, an eyewitness saw several police officers setting up a blue tent and barricades at the first-floor exit of MBS' Tower 3. A post in the Professional PHV Drivers Singapore: Grab, Gojek, Tada and Ryde Facebook group at 9.45pm on Monday also advised the public to avoid the MBS area.
Yahoo Southeast Asia has reached out to MBS and police for more details.
If you have thoughts of suicide or are feeling distressed, you can call the Samaritans of Singapore's 24-hour hotline at 1767. You can also

Hope he is in a better place


"Police officers found the man lying unconscious and pronounced him dead at the scene."

How was the state of the body? If the brain and innards were splattered all over, this statement is damn stupid. "Lying unconscious"?

syed putra

But we are consider lucky liao..

Saw a number of Lexus, Mercedes and Volvo used as Grab Cars these days....

Everyone is trying very hard to stay above the rising water
These are probably well to do retirees doing their best to stay away from home to reduce chances of conflict with Missus.