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Eric Tsang’s Daughter-In-Law Venus Wong Turns Heads In Figure-Hugging Dress



Eric Tsang’s Daughter-In-Law Venus Wong Turns Heads In Figure-Hugging Dress​

The TVB actress and her perky bum stole the spotlight at a recent event.
Ilsa Chan
Ilsa Chan
24 Mar 2024 at 20:15

Since its premiere, TVB drama Happy Ever After? has been winning viewers over with its nuanced storyline, refreshing narration, and boundary-pushing scenes.

The series, which stars Him Law, Yoyo Chen, Lai Lok Yi, and Winki Lai, revolves around two couples and the complexities of their relationships. There’s infidelity, divorce, misguided love and reconciliation all rolled into one.

Also getting a lot of buzz is TVB actress Venus Wong, 32, who plays hopeless romantic Mira, the third party in the marriage of Him and Yoyo’s characters.

She has received praise for her performance, with many netizens commenting that she deserves an award for her sultry portrayal.

But her acting isn’t the only thing stealing the spotlight of late.

Recently, Venus turned heads when she showed up at a promotional event for the drama dressed in an elegant figure-hugging number.

A netizen shared a video of Venus on Xiao Hong Shu, with the caption: “Ka soh is so hot”.

If you don’t know, Venus is married to Derek Tsang, the 43-year-old older son of TVB GM Eric Tsang and his late second wife Rebecca Chu.

Since tying the knot in 2019, she has been affectionately called “ka soh” or daughter-in-law in Cantonese.

Anyway, back to the video.

In the clip, Venus is seen posing for photos, and at one point, she turns her side towards the camera, showing off her curves.

Netizens couldn’t stop raving about her beauty and, um, perky tush, leaving comments such as “This butt is exceptional”, "Her figure and face are perfect” and “Such a beautiful face, and it looks natural, not like she’s had work done to it”.

There were also some who felt she resembles Hong Kong actress Karena Ng, though this was rebutted by fans who said Venus is “more stunning”.


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