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Netizens gush over wife of PM Lawrence Wong, says she looks like a 'Korean actress'


Netizens gush over wife of PM Lawrence Wong, says she looks like a 'Korean actress'


All eyes are on newly-minted Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, 51, as he takes over from now-senior minister, Lee Hsien Loong today (May 15). All that focus on our new PM has also catapulted his wife, Loo Tze Lui, into the spotlight.
PM Wong’s marriage to Loo Tze Lui is his second. The pair do not have kids, and the latter is known to keep a very low profile, hardly appearing in any of PM Wong’s social media posts.
Ms Loo used to be a banker, and was on the board of directors for the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) up till 2023. According to reports, she currently works in wealth management.
Last September, Ms Loo was seen alongside PM Wong at President Tharman’s inauguration at the Istana. Her appearance quickly turned her into a widely discussed topic on social media, with many netizens taking notice of her elegance and beauty.
Some dubbed her “Singapore’s prettiest Prime Minister wife”, while other netizens have said she gives off a “Korean star vibe”.
She again impressed many with her grace and beauty earlier tonight during her husband’s swearing-in ceremony. She had on simple black dress and necklace, much like the classic outfit she wore during President Tharman's inauguration ceremony.
"Can someone screenshot Lawrence Wong's wife, I'm outside now," requested one netizen.
Looks like Ms Loo really lived up to expectations tonight 'cos well, we'll let the comments below speak for themselves.
She looked really good at her husband's swearing-in ceremony earlier tonight (May 15)
Shots from Ms Loo's viral 'fan-cam', when she attended President Shanmugaratnam's Inauguration last year
She's beauty, she's grace Photos: Teo Chee Hean/ Facebook, Bluebird Confessions/ TikTok, garygaryocp/ TikTok, CNA


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Netizens gush over wife of PM Lawrence Wong, says she looks like a 'Korean actress'


All eyes are on newly-minted Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, 51, as he takes over from now-senior minister, Lee Hsien Loong today (May 15). All that focus on our new PM has also catapulted his wife, Loo Tze Lui, into the spotlight.
PM Wong’s marriage to Loo Tze Lui is his second. The pair do not have kids, and the latter is known to keep a very low profile, hardly appearing in any of PM Wong’s social media posts.
Ms Loo used to be a banker, and was on the board of directors for the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) up till 2023. According to reports, she currently works in wealth management.
Last September, Ms Loo was seen alongside PM Wong at President Tharman’s inauguration at the Istana. Her appearance quickly turned her into a widely discussed topic on social media, with many netizens taking notice of her elegance and beauty.
Some dubbed her “Singapore’s prettiest Prime Minister wife”, while other netizens have said she gives off a “Korean star vibe”.
She again impressed many with her grace and beauty earlier tonight during her husband’s swearing-in ceremony. She had on simple black dress and necklace, much like the classic outfit she wore during President Tharman's inauguration ceremony.
"Can someone screenshot Lawrence Wong's wife, I'm outside now," requested one netizen.
Looks like Ms Loo really lived up to expectations tonight 'cos well, we'll let the comments below speak for themselves.
She looked really good at her husband's swearing-in ceremony earlier tonight (May 15)
Shots from Ms Loo's viral 'fan-cam', when she attended President Shanmugaratnam's Inauguration last year
She's beauty, she's grace Photos: Teo Chee Hean/ Facebook, Bluebird Confessions/ TikTok, garygaryocp/ TikTok, CNA

Oppies jealous that their own wives are either fat and ugly, or is their right hand?
  • Haha
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