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Economic rights before political rights for most Singaporeans


The figures speak for themselves.

Over a thousand Singaporeans gather at Hong Lim Park yesterday in a rally organized by ex-NTUC INCOME Chief Mr Tan Kin Lian to ask for compensation from financial losses incurred from the purchase of Highnote5 and minibonds, high-risk investment products linked to the now bankrupted Lehman Brothers.

Just less than 200 Singaporeans turn up last Saturday at the same venue for a candlelight vigil held in commemoration of the recently deceased opposition leader, J.B. Jeyaretnam.

And the march held by the Singapore Democratic Party this year March to protest against the rising cost of living was attracted, well, only a motley “crowd” of 18 Singaporeans consistently mostly SDP members and supporters.

There lies the ingenuity of the PAP in appealing to the people’s pockets where it matters most over the years to continue their stranglehold over the island.

Read rest of article here:



The figures speak for themselves.

Over a thousand Singaporeans gather at Hong Lim Park yesterday in a rally organized by ex-NTUC INCOME Chief Mr Tan Kin Lian to ask for compensation from financial losses incurred from the purchase of Highnote5 and minibonds, high-risk investment products linked to the now bankrupted Lehman Brothers.

Just less than 200 Singaporeans turn up last Saturday at the same venue for a candlelight vigil held in commemoration of the recently deceased opposition leader, J.B. Jeyaretnam.

And the march held by the Singapore Democratic Party this year March to protest against the rising cost of living was attracted, well, only a motley “crowd” of 18 Singaporeans consistently mostly SDP members and supporters.

There lies the ingenuity of the PAP in appealing to the people’s pockets where it matters most over the years to continue their stranglehold over the island.

Read rest of article here:


What about the role of the dictatorial Lee family regime in instilling fear, threat of arrest, intimidation, unleashing of the police mafia on innocent citizens, for the disproportionate response to the above events?

Porfirio Rubirosa

Face facts, Singaporeans are generally and relatively a pragmatic practical lot of people. More concerned about jobs, education, health, property, savings/investments, cars, eating out, travel, shopping and religion/spirituality.

What about the role of the dictatorial Lee family regime in instilling fear, threat of arrest, intimidation, unleashing of the police mafia on innocent citizens, for the disproportionate response to the above events?


Face facts, Singaporeans are generally and relatively a pragmatic practical lot of people. More concerned about jobs, education, health, property, savings/investments, cars, eating out, travel, shopping and religion/spirituality.

The fact is Singaporeans are in noway different from others like those in Hong Kong and other metropolis. The only difference is that they are under a dictatorship that is bent on institutionalising a dynastic regime of incompetency and avaricious greed.


Dear Porifirio

The TS remains as always lop sided, and rabid in his analysis. Food for thought. Peruse the DAP campaign videos on YOUTUBE for GE 2008. Whilst they stand for "human rights" and "electoral reform" as a party, they did not campaign on this issues. For me what stood out when seeing them online was the emphasis on bread and butter issues throughout and less on political "rights." i.e a liberal democracy. The writers from WC are correct in their analysis and wrong in their prescription. Fight for economic rights and everything else will follow. Malaysia stands as an example.


Porfirio Rubirosa

Proof is in the eating of the pudding. S'poreans appear to get most worked up with respect to concrete bread and butter issues which at times even look mundane like the Serangoon Gardens foreign workers debacle. They generally do not appear to be in favour of mass protest rallies in support of abstract ideals like liberal democracy and free speech, for now at least.

[NOTE=one2unite;71710]The fact is Singaporeans are in noway different from others like those in Hong Kong and other metropolis. The only difference is that they are under a dictatorship that is bent on institutionalising a dynastic regime of incompetency and avaricious greed.[/QUOTE]


Proof is in the eating of the pudding. S'poreans appear to get most worked up with respect to concrete bread and butter issues which at times even look mundane like the Serangoon Gardens foreign workers debacle. They generally do not appear to be in favour of mass protest rallies in support of abstract ideals like liberal democracy and free speech, for now at least.

[NOTE=one2unite;71710]The fact is Singaporeans are in noway different from others like those in Hong Kong and other metropolis. The only difference is that they are under a dictatorship that is bent on institutionalising a dynastic regime of incompetency and avaricious greed.

In Hong Kong thousands come out to protest to uphold democracy and freedom, among other issues. They don't get harassed, intimidated or arrested by a mafia police taking orders from a despotic regime. The media there is also free and pluralistic, offering views of diverse nature.

Release the 154th mouthpiece from the clutches of the PAP control, free the police to do their work without fear or favour, set up an independent elections commission to conduct free, fair and democratic elections. Then see what happens in Singapore whose people are in noway different from others.


Mr Lockeliberal:

Jumping to defend your PAP masters again ?

Yes, DAP did speak on "bread-and-butter" issues, but that's only a small part of their campaign which focuses on democracy, human rights, free press and abolition of the ISA.

Didn't DAP organize an abolish ISA campaign lately to free Raja Petra ?

On the contrary, your WAYANG PARTY has nothing to offer on economic matters and has been SILENT so far on the gross misuse of law to cripple the opposition by the PAP.

Oops, I forgot WP is the de facto subsidiary of the PAP, how can it speak out against its master.

Thanks for showing forumers what an EMPTY VASSAL you are again.

Everytime you open your CB mouth to spew out some PAP filth again, I will wack you till you cry and beg for mercy.


Dear Porifirio

As noted about rabid analysis. Certain supposedly well informed intelligent individuals cannot differentiate between political campaigns during elections and general issues before the elections proper. I can quote any number of human rights issues raised by both PKR and DAP before a GE but the observation was based on what was raised DURING a GE itself.

Food for thought. How does a view point that economic bread and butter issues come before rights issues make one pro PAP ? If the PAP agrees that the world is round are we in order to be the real opposition suppose to argue that the earth is flat ? Does one have to be a political luddite ?



The fact is Singaporeans are in noway different from others like those in Hong Kong and other metropolis. The only difference is that they are under a dictatorship that is bent on institutionalising a dynastic regime of incompetency and avaricious greed.

agree. hong kongers are in fact more materialistic than us but they are also more politically and socially aware because they have free press. in sg there is not only no free press or freedom of expression, we have been conditioned by the dynasty for 40 over years!

Porfirio Rubirosa


Your analysis appears to be based on assumptions. Mine are based on factual observations. Look even on such serious issues like the NKF scandal, the concert pianist who skipped NS and wanted to return, casino debate, the 377A debate and the CPF annuity issue did not bring the crowds out in public. They went by routes that they appeared comfortable with and in end still managed to get their views heard. Like I said S'poreans are pragmatic practical people first and foremost.


In Hong Kong thousands come out to protest to uphold democracy and freedom, among other issues. They don't get harassed, intimidated or arrested by a mafia police taking orders from a despotic regime. The media there is also free and pluralistic, offering views of diverse nature.

Release the 154th mouthpiece from the clutches of the PAP control, free the police to do their work without fear or favour, set up an independent elections commission to conduct free, fair and democratic elections. Then see what happens in Singapore whose people are in noway different from others.[/QUOTE]

Porfirio Rubirosa

Than the critical issue that should be asked is this: Does the HK model indeed provide relatively better good governance than S'pore's present model that is so objectively and reasonably compelling to persuade S'poreans to ditch the present S'pore model in favour of HK? Perhaps the same comparisons could also be made with Taiwan, S Korea and Japan's models viz S'pore's present model.

agree. hong kongers are in fact more materialistic than us but they are also more politically and socially aware because they have free press. in sg there is not only no free press or freedom of expression, we have been conditioned by the dynasty for 40 over years!


Than the critical issue that should be asked is this: Does the HK model indeed provide relatively better good governance than S'pore's present model that is so objectively and reasonably compelling to persuade S'poreans to ditch the present S'pore model in favour of HK? Perhaps the same comparisons could also be made with Taiwan, S Korea and Japan's models viz S'pore's present model.

Spore has been imperfect but so has the politics of HK, TW, SK and JP,

You can't directly implant a working model wholesale in another place cos you need to domesticate policies based on present situation.

The current discontent amongst Singaporean is due to the slower political revolution which are expected as society develops. In this regard, PAP had tried to counter these needs via small reforms. And due to the infancy of the opposition parties which had remained dormant over a long period of time, I would think that the political revolution would have to be postponed. I would say that it would take 3 elections before we see a sizeable number of opposition candidates in Parliament and I hope by then these are made of high calibre materials.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Yes, generally agree with you. However to me another issue that the S'porean masses themselves need to address over time is whether they are politically matured enough to accept pluralistic politics as such a system carries "messines" along with the benefits. S'poreans are such complain kings and queens as it already now stands that I wonder how they would react to such political "messiness". Saying that an incremental evolution may perhaps cultivate political maturity.

Btw what's up with the Russian in your posts and what does it mean?

Spore has been imperfect but so has the politics of HK, TW, SK and JP,

You can't directly implant a working model wholesale in another place cos you need to domesticate policies based on present situation.

The current discontent amongst Singaporean is due to the slower political revolution which are expected as society develops. In this regard, PAP had tried to counter these needs via small reforms. And due to the infancy of the opposition parties which had remained dormant over a long period of time, I would think that the political revolution would have to be postponed. I would say that it would take 3 elections before we see a sizeable number of opposition candidates in Parliament and I hope by then these are made of high calibre materials.


My name is zack123. Please do not irritate me, or I shall crack your skull!

Dun worry i'm going for Yoga for enlightenment......


Yes, generally agree with you. However to me another issue that the S'porean masses themselves need to address over time is whether they are politically matured enough to accept pluralistic politics as such a system carries "messines" along with the benefits. S'poreans are such complain kings and queens as it already now stands that I wonder how they would react to such political "messiness". Saying that an incremental evolution may perhaps cultivate political maturity.

Were the Singaporean masses not "matured enough to accept pluralistic politics" to elect the PAP to form the next government in 1959!?



Like I said S'poreans are pragmatic practical people first and foremost.

Not only in Singapore, but any other place people are always pragmatic. There is nothing unique about this in Singapore.

But what is unique in Singapore is that the people are subject to a dictatorial rule that controls everything, from judiciary to police and the mainstream media. Singapore is also unique in that an incompetent digit is calling itself the PM, all because of it being the offspring of the dictator.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Compare the average S'porean circa 59' with the average S'porean circa 08'. Also compare the ground conditions between these same periods as well:wink:

Were the Singaporean masses not "matured enough to accept pluralistic politics" to elect the PAP to form the next government in 1959!?