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Diabetes tea and haircut shut


Super Moderator
Staff member
Mai lah ....

If countries don't decide to just bite the bullet like Sweden then it will be at least a year even longer. Which is dumb.

Hopefully the USA gets over it following the Sweden model then the rest of the world will follow.

Seriously death rates are very low. And it is mainly just the very old people. Of course some reports of middle aged people and children dying but by and far very few. Not statistically significant. Flu does the same.

So it is time to end this obsession with covid19 and move on. It is a waste of time.

Stop hiding behind the excuse that you want to prevent the healthcare system from getting overwhelmed and what not. Spend the money and effort to beef up the healthcare system.

Most cases are mild. Those who are old and infirm should NOT be put on ventilators. Only the younger patients with no serious comorbidities.

Governments should write indemnities and SOP for the doctors to use.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Exactly fug them

Food/Drink/Dessert is very important to Singaporeans. Many will cite this as a reason why they cannot leave Singapore. Cannot migrate. Will always go back to Singapore.

It is part and parcel of the culture, the life, the habits, the practices, the values.

Wait till the CB orders hawker centres and coffee shops to close.

That will cause revolt and riots!


Playmade staff a guy shout at grab.
Because of wrong order.

Grab ask him out.
At least wait for bubble tea guy off work then blanket him till 2359


Can tie up your hair samurai style. No need to cut.

The manly CB look:

KNN you still need to cut regularly at different parts of your hair to achieve this nong hair KNN


Simi ranjiao, now cut hair also cannot. Very regret, today should had go cut.

By june, i sure look like vagabond


Won't starve to death lah............. all the wet markets, supermarkets and food stalls are open. Just have to tie a ponytail to buy groceries or food only. :biggrin:
KNN my uncle think in the event if cb is indefinitely extended for years pap will not wish to see everyone with ponytail going for groceries so they will allow haircut with control eg each person only allowed to cut once every 3 mths KNN
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Won't starve to death lah............. all the wet markets, supermarkets and food stalls are open. Just have to tie a ponytail to buy groceries or food only. :biggrin:
No job = no money = how to afford to buy? And another thing. The cost of essentials all increased due to the lockdown. U happy with that?