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Crumbling of Singapore?


Singapore is doomed
President Halimah


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Singapore is doomed when in 2020:

Pesident: Halimah
Grace Fu
Lawrence Wong


Can Halimah, HSK and the 2020 Cabinet command the respect of China, USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan,Philippines, Myanmar, etc?

I think not


As usual, some forumners speak with emotions rather than facts on the malaysian poltical situation The malaysian political turmoil has a lesson for Singaporean voters.

Some claim, rightly, that the politicians and royalties are corrupt. But power belongs to the people. The politicians and royalties can be bribed and can make bad decisions to preserve their self interests. But these bad decisions can only be under the ambit of the broader power given by the people.

In May 2018, the malaysian people overwhelmingly voted for PH, giving them 113 seats. BN was soundly defeated with only 79 seats. So despite the corruption and money politics, the royalties and corrupt politicians had to accept PH as the victors.

But things changed since then. In 2019 and 2020, BN managed to win four consecutive by elections. the people chose BN over PH.

So it is the people's fault that malaysia is in such turmoil now. Malaysians in the by elections in Kimanis, Tanjung Piai, Sandakan and Cameron Highlands shd not have returned BN. The loss of these four seats triggered the rise of Muhyiddin to be the 8th PM of Malaysian

The BN coalition claims to have 114 supporters. PH also claim the same. So who has the majority. Indeed if Muhyiddin is sworn in today, will PH put in a vote of no confidence soon shd it have 114 parliamentarians on its side?

Moral of the story is power belongs to the people. Let Singaporeans know this and exercise their votes wisely at the next GE. Dont let pap and their cronies get away

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The various Sultans' palms cld be greased. But i believe Malaysian Parliament will have the final say. But all these can be very painful for malaysians. The fault lies with malaysians who voted for crooks and who condoned wrong doings.

Are singaporeans as gullible and naive? Will singaporeans vote wisely at the mext GE or will singaporeans condone cronyism, despotism, abuse of power , wrong doings and no transparency?


The nightmare Malaysian PM for Singapore is Mahathir for the following reasons:
1. He is belligerent
2. He dislikes SG
3. He is smarter that LHL, HSK, CCS
4. He is brave

Muhyiddin is good for SG


1. MRT Congestion
2. Housing problem
3. Hospital beds shortage
4. Unemployment of locals
5. Increased suicide rate
6. Unhappiness of citizens
7. Road congestion
8. High ERP rates without easing traffic congestion
9. Bus crowdedness
10. National Service for locals, jobs for foreigners
11. PAP running out of idea how to promote economic growth but having to resort to vices such as gambling.
12. Increased social problems and integration due to high influx of cheap, unskilled and unqualified migrant laboour with their 3rd world social behaviour and lawlessness

Are these signs of the crumbling of Singapore? The pap appears to run out of ideas how to bring SG forward but is taking the obvious easy ways out, bringing long term problems to SG.

Are the recent MRT failures precursors to more failures to come? Will there be forthcoming systemic failures of the Transport system, Medical Institutions, Housing issues, social problems?
Fuck the pap chao hai


Stinkies are the problems.

Did the PAP-pigs appear out of thin air?
Who voted them in?
Why has there never been a 10k strong march ever against PAP-pigs misgovernance and iron fisted rule?

old guards != 4G
Past pap wanted everyone to be able to own a home now 4G are the fucks



old guards != 4G
Past pap wanted everyone to be able to own a home now 4G are the fucks

harry lee handpicked his son BG Lee Hsien Loong as his successor
with goh chok tong to serve as a seat warmer in the interim
the result of that farsighted decision should be amply clear


harry lee handpicked his son BG Lee Hsien Loong as his successor
with goh chok tong to serve as a seat warmer in the interim
the result of that farsighted decision should be amply clear
PAP is in trouble:
1. Hand picking a crony to be the selected president. The crony, instead of doing her job by cross checking the pap, is a yes person and just signs what the pap wants.
2. Mismanaging covid and prolonging the infections. The worse may be yet to come.
3. Unnecessarily overspending Singapore's reserves by not cutting expenditure but digging into our reserves.
4. PAP Ministers are not up to the task. More can expect to want to quit and less capable PAP cadres are pushed up to take on political office.
5. 3G and 4G PAP leaders are not capable.
6. Wrong economic policies. Building hdb flats and malls to collect revenues instead of generating revenues through manufacturing products and providing useful services. With covid, building of flats and malls are stalled. so less revenue.
7. Silly policy of taxes to get revenues from foreign worker levies and over taxing residents. Now, foreign workers are not coming in adn residents cant afford the high taxes. Less revenue for pap.
8. Less revenues and not cutting expenditure means pap has to dig deeper into our reserves. Is it a wonder why HSK quits? More will quit before the next GE.
9. PAP has already squandered at least $100B of our reserves. With halimah not doing her job to protect the reserves, will more be squandered?
10. Will this bunch of pap waste all our reserves?
11. PAP is desperate and tries to look brave by opening borders. Will number of covid infections and deaths increase? If yes, the circle repeats itself.
12. Singapore will crumble because of 3G and 4G PAP
13. LKY's batch build Singapore. Will LHL and HSK's batches destroy Singapore?
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Stinkies are the problems.

Did the PAP-pigs appear out of thin air?
Who voted them in?
Why has there never been a 10k strong march ever against PAP-pigs misgovernance and iron fisted rule?
Singaporeans are gullible, believing what pap says