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Coronavirus concerns way overblown


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
No need to study finance lah. Practice and mastery of your own psychology when faced with changing conditions is more important. Ng Teng Fong never went to uni.

Singaporeans are very lucky to have a lady called Ho Ching to lead the way. Whatever she sells you buy and whatever she buys you sell.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, telemedicine, but still must go through housemanship and years of on the job training in hospitals before that. And I'm sure not all ailments can be treated by telemedicine and wouldn't you feel guilty if a patient died or became more ill if you didn't see him/her personally to get a better diagnosis?

AUD1,400 is good or bad depends on how much capital I risked to earn it and how much time I had to look at the screen. Margin should be HKD112,000 per contract. Two contracts, works out to be about AUD45,000. I usually have a lot more in my futures account so I don't have to be so exact and have never received a margin call in my life. Works out to be about 3% return on capital actually employed - for half an hour of holding period. The actual work is more than half an hour. Market prep is required before the trading bell rings and is part of the required daily discipline. The other is patience - wait for the market to go to a confluence of resistance, exhibit signs of weakness, then you pull the trigger. Cannot be trigger happy and must definitely cut loss if proven to be wrong for your time horizon (minutes in my case). My maximum position size is usually 6 contracts, usually because sometimes I lose discipline or don't want to try more than 2 because I have some other plans for the rest of the day - like today, and then "coincidently" the market went down ....... by a lot more in the afternoon. This usually happens during trendy periods. But trendy or not, 50 to 100 points per day is not much of a problem for the Hang Them index, so tomorrow can try my luck (and patience) again.

DAX futures behaves similarly to Hang Them and the Germans wake up in the Asian afternoon. Morning sessions are usually more volatile, whereas afternoon sessions may often go into the doldrums. All these people having sleepless nights and then wake up in the morning first thing they do is liquidate their positions, thus the assured volatility. A reliable internet connection and standby telephone lines (in case the broker's computer system cock up) is a MUST.

No need to study finance lah. Practice and mastery of your own psychology when faced with changing conditions is more important. Ng Teng Fong never went to uni.

My medical practice now is medical cannabis.

I dont diagnose anything. I only take history and if the patient has the right problems that cannabis can help with I write prescription for medical cannabis. 99% of my patients have either anxiety, insomnia, some sort of pain. And the cannabis is treating symptoms not specific diagnosis.

I do give a bit of primer education on how to use medical cannabis. Majority of my patients are follow up cases mandated by the college. Simple check up how are you doing in past 3 months? Want to make any changes to the prescription? Increase cannabis use? Change licence producer? Any new prescription drugs? New medical problems? Pregnant? Breast feeding? All same? No change? Happy? Ok done. Next phone call.

None of my patients will live or die because they got a medical cannabis prescription

My field is perfectly suited for telemedicine. It was never allowed before by the college but it is now because of covid19. In fact the college is encouraging all doctor to ask patients NOT to come into the doctors office as far as possible and to use telemedicine.

No doctor treats "everything".

Yes during training I went through those crazy postings. Especially in sg. Lucky for me my 2 year Fam Med residency in Calgary wasnt so bad. Most was normal hours at clinics.

I know for traders when the market has big movements in direction that's what they capitalize on. No need to put such a big position to get the returns. But if you got the direction wrong you have to cut. In fact during such periods of volatility I think it is easier for traders.

It is when market is flat and slow that traders have to do more research to find the stocks that they think will have these swings in movement. Harder work.

I still have my medical licence and I enjoy my cannabis practice. I give people what they want. Almost none of the patients ever disagree with me on the treatment plan. If they did they wouldn't come in. Money is good. Government is the payer.

Trading needs a lot of time and work too. It can also weigh on the emotions and psyche of the trader when you have to cut losses. Particularly when it is your own money. Which is why not everyone can be a successful trader.

Hope you continue to do well trading @Asterix

Do share what your strategies are! Cheers!

Wayne Piew



Alfrescian (Inf)
@Asterix how bro? How much you made today?

Initiated my first 2 shorts at 918am and slowly built up to my regular size of 6 contracts @ average 22212. As eyes got tired, covered all 6 by 950am @ average 21938. Almost AUD19,000 for less than one hour’s work. BTW, company allows staff to “work” from home because of virus, so this is in addition to my regular pay check :roflmao:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Initiated my first 2 shorts at 918am and slowly built up to my regular size of 6 contracts @ average 22212. As eyes got tired, covered all 6 by 950am @ average 21938. Almost AUD19,000 for less than one hour’s work. BTW, company allows staff to “work” from home because of virus, so this is in addition to my regular pay check :roflmao:


Zero sum game someone wins someone loses.

So even in this time there are people getting damn rich!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Altogether now!!! HUAT AH!!!

You know who is benefitting massively from all this anxiety generated by the media?

The super rich own the media. The media dictates sentiment. Sentiment influences stock markets and a downward spiral commences.

So when the market plunges who exactly are the ones buying? The billionaires of course.

At the time of their choosing the good news stories will start flooding the media and those worth 20 billion will soon be worth 30 billion.

The top 2% are laughing all the way to the bank and the suckers are the idiots who queue for toilet paper while trampling people to death.

I don't have the financial might of billionaires but I can get on the same train they're taking rather than join those who are panic selling and queuing at the supermarkets.


Super Moderator
Staff member
You know who is benefitting massively from all this anxiety generated by the media?

The super rich own the media. The media dictates sentiment. Sentiment influences stock markets and a downward spiral commences.

So when the market plunges who exactly are the ones buying? The billionaires of course.

At the time of their choosing the good news stories will start flooding the media and those worth 20 billion will soon be worth 30 billion.

The top 2% are laughing all the way to the bank and the suckers are the idiots who queue for toilet paper while trampling people to death.

I don't have the financial might of billionaires but I can get on the same train they're taking rather than join those who are panic selling and queuing at the supermarkets.

Should learn from @Asterix Trading half an hour can make AUD19,000!



Super Moderator
I don't have the financial might of billionaires but I can get on the same train they're taking rather than join those who are panic selling and queuing at the supermarkets.

Buy low, sell high! Huat ah!

Happy shopping, Boss.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Trading in Air NZ has been suspended since Monday (16/3). Don’t wish to add salt to the wound and grateful to Boss Sam for providing charity service in the form of this forum.

As Bruce Kovner said:


And Bruce is a former cab driver turned billionaire:


Air New Zealand is 51% owned by the taxpayer and is part of the kiwisaver portfolio. It's not going anywhere so don't worry for me. :smile:

The problem with this whole corona fiasco is that it has become more about politics than anything else with each one trying to outdo the other in just how well they are taking care of its citizens. Charts are irrelevant because this has nothing to do with market fundamentals.

Trading has been suspended because they have to rewrite their earnings guidance documents.

Ansett was a far worse fracas. I thought I was going to lose everything but the government came to the rescue which surprised me at the time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Air New Zealand is 51% owned by the taxpayer and is part of the kiwisaver portfolio. It's not going anywhere so don't worry for me. :smile:

The problem with this whole corona fiasco is that it has become more about politics than anything else with each one trying to outdo the other in just how well they are taking care of its citizens. Charts are irrelevant because this has nothing to do with market fundamentals.

Trading has been suspended because they have to rewrite their earnings guidance documents.

Ansett was a far worse fracas. I thought I was going to lose everything but the government came to the rescue which surprised me at the time.

Fundamentals do not determine price in the short or even medium term. As for the long term, the fundamentals may change before it arrives. That $80,000 stuck in a suspended counter would be earning interest in a safe bank account or could be used to buy other counters after the market has stabilised.

All the best for your investment. It is your money after all and what is $80,000 to someone with net worth of > 10 million.


Super Moderator
Staff member

Somewhat agree.

As @Asterix Has shown there are many people (minority) making a lot of money from this crisis.

As one writer put it we shane those who profiteer from toilet paper but what about stock traders?

We talk about liquidity as a key factor for allowing shorting and all these fancy financial instruments and derivatives to exist. But in times like this do you really need all that liquidity? For what? Nobody is spending. People arent traveling. I dont see any major acquisitions on the horizon.

The world economy has basically stopped. Money is used to pay utilities water and food.

I can guarantee you that traders out there making a killing on the stock market crash are NOT people who without the markets kept open will go bankrupt and starve.

Hence it serves no purpose to continue to allow the stock market to operate the same way. Curbs should be put in place not to make the situation worse.

Sure it disrupts the free market but the rest of the world and other business are also disrupted now anyway.

@Asterix Nothing personal or against you. I am glad for you that you are doing well and making very good money during this very bad time for most people. Cheers!


Alfrescian (Inf)
updates from sillycon valley-bedok reservoir. can still buy “essentials” but must go out sparingly and line up 6.9 feet from next nearest shopper. this line is about 69-person long when i am trying to get 6.9 bottles of 2-buck chuck.