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Christians plan to get back at Siew Kum Hong


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


"My Grand Aunt won't know the difference between any of the races south of the Himalayas. I suppose her view was that Buddha was a slitty-eyed paunchy grinning yellow-skinned oriental celestial saint from the Middle-Kingdom as depicted by the statues in the Buddhist temples in Sg/M'sia. In China, she perhaps saw the statues of her adored to be some skinny darker-skinned mortal.

I never asked her political inclinations, but I doubt she looked up to the commies as many times I remember her saying how famine, starvation, and hard-life was rampant in China (probably from news of Cultural Revolution and early Mao days.)"Unquote.


**LoL...the Nepalese and most of the Himalayan people have yellow-skin, slitty eyes and very oriental looks. See the new Bhutanese king..They are Mongoloids and thus look totally different from the darker Dravidian people in South India which are refer with the racist term kelings .

Funny,as you said your aunt is a devout Buddhist, she should have seen Buddha statues in chinese temples all over Spore and Malaysia. The Buddha statues in Chinese temples are mostly coated in Gold or bronze with the usual curly top but never in vivid colours like in Burmese temples.Moreover Buddha statues are totally different from Chinese deities or saints like lao Tze or Zhang Tien Shi with chinese robes and faces. Moreover, in Buddhist paintings, the Buddha are never protrayed in chinese robes with straight hair and slitty eyes unlike jesus which are protrayed in very Caucasian features.

From my experience, buddhist temples in her motherland aka China are almost chinese buddhist styles unless she visited India or Cambodia where the statues has Indian or Roman features.

So it is abit strange why she should have the impression that Buddha is Chinese and as a chinese patriot she should have prayed to Yue Fei, Guan Gong or even Confucius instead of being a staunch Buddhist because there is nothing in Buddhist scriptures that suggest Buddha is a chinese patriot.
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..................So it is abit strange why she should have the impression that Buddha is Chinese and as a chinese patriot she should have prayed to Yue Fei, Guan Gong or even Confucius instead of being a staunch Buddhist because there is nothing in Buddhist scriptures that suggest Buddha is a chinese patriot.

I never try to understand people's religious views, it is something very personal - how they view their spirituality.

My aunt was probably a Taoist, although for most of her life she said she "prayed" to the Buddha (who never claimed to be divine). It is people's perception of the divine being as some supernatural paternalistic being able to interfere with the mortals' life on earth - to either reward, punish, or protect them. Another distant relative of mine once converted from Taoism to Christianity after attending some seminars, shortly afterwards, she went around wearing two cucifixes on her neck - because she thought two is more "powerful" than one. So much for monotheism.

In Europe during the Age of Enlightenment, centuries of god-fearing beliefs were suddenly made to look backward and hence we now live in a "Godless" world. It is better now we put our fate in our own hands than let it be to some unknown being. So God Bless Us.



lol just like people like jesus is white, he must have look more arab instead.

I am inclined to think the story of Jesus was made up, that is - he never existed.

But that's only my view, if others find comfort in a white Jesus (or black), let it be so. I believe in freedom of worship, so long as it is not imposed onto others.



I used to have a racist church friend who keep making fun that Buddha is a keling kia like one see in Little India and harping on how handsome Jesus is as an ang mo..she has a shock (a real shock in fact)when she later knew her saviour whom she always profess 我爱耶稣 everyday looks more like those in little India than Buddha himself.

Some missionaries who came to my place also used the strategy to prey on my ah Ma and ah kong that Buddha is keling kia and Jesus is a handsome ang moh. Some of these elderly then rejected Buddha and when later show the historical fact about jesus, they were shocked to see their new saviour looks familiar in TV in the midst of news of Iraq,Libya ,Eygpt ,Israel and the Arab Spring and felt heavily dejected.

It is the basic teachings of kindness & goodness of Christianity or Buddhism or any religions that one keeps the faith and not because of one race or culture. They may be different but they taught good and there is no way we can't follow their good teachings.
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sukhoi-30;958221...............It is the basic teachings of kindness & goodness of Christianity or Buddhism or any religions that one keeps the faith and not because of one race or culture. They may be different but they taught good and there is no way we can't follow their good teachings.[/QUOTE said:

In this, Islam has the right idea that no picture of Allah or his prophet be allowed; but methinx the purveyors of this concept has taken it too far and totally destroyed art and truncated creativity in their culture. Oh well.



Quote "I had a Grand Aunt that took care of me from infancy till primary school. She was a staunch Buddhist and an avid Chinese patriot who always wanted to visit China. She finally got a chance to visit The Motherland as a tourist sometime during the nineties.

Upon her return, she rejected the Buddha and said she didn't want to pray ty to him anymore. When asked why, her reply was "All this while I did not know Buddha was a keling."Unquote

Quote "I never try to understand people's religious views, it is something very personal - how they view their spirituality.

My aunt was probably a Taoist, although for most of her life she said she "prayed" to the Buddha (who never claimed to be divine). It is people's perception of the divine being as some supernatural paternalistic being able to interfere with the mortals' life on earth - to either reward, punish, or protect them. Another distant relative of mine once converted from Taoism to Christianity after attending some seminars, shortly afterwards, she went around wearing two cucifixes on her neck - because she thought two is more "powerful" than one. So much for monotheism.

In Europe during the Age of Enlightenment, centuries of god-fearing beliefs were suddenly made to look backward and hence we now live in a "Godless" world. It is better now we put our fate in our own hands than let it be to some unknown being. So God Bless Us.Unquote"

**Thanks for the admission now that your aunt is never a Staunct Buddhist but probably a Taoist. I was therefore abit perplexed when you said she was a staunch Buddhist who visited so many temples here and overseas and still doesn't know Buddha is originally not from China.Still cannot comprehend why she cannot distinguished Buddha from starkedly chinese deities...

Does she still feel that Buddha is a Keling kia as experienced in China(although I feel you might have mixed up her travel in India with that of China) and hope she does not classified the Oriental Mongoloid Himalayan people as Keling kias.



In this, Islam has the right idea that no picture of Allah or his prophet be allowed; but methinx the purveyors of this concept has taken it too far and totally destroyed art and truncated creativity in their culture. Oh well.


Yes..I completely agreed with you...
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**Thanks for the admission now that your aunt is never a Staunct Buddhist but probably a Taoist. I was therefore abit perplexed when you said she was a staunch Buddhist who visited so many temples here and overseas and still doesn't know Buddha is originally not from China.Still cannot comprehend why she cannot distinguished Buddha from starkedly chinese deities...

Does she still feel that Buddha is a Keling kia as experienced in China(although I feel you might have mixed up her travel in India with that of China) and hope she does not classified the Oriental Mongoloid Himalayan people as Keling kias.

She has since passed on and I am unable to clarify her beliefs with her. However, she (like many in her generation) was probably mixed up between what is Taoism and Buddhism and conveniently called herself a Buddhist. I myself have in the past asked whether Buddhism is a religion and today more or less accepted it as a Yes, although it is not important to me whether I am right or not.

To speak for her, I would say that before her trip to China, she viewed Buddha as a God, a Chinese God, able to reward devout worshippers with blessings, riches, good health, and even 4D strikes (for that, she should have gone to the God of Gambling). Somewhere in her visit to China, probably at some temple, the guide must have revealed the story of the historical Buddha and monks bringing Buddhism from India to China. I believe that was when the truth was unfolded to her. In her biased (but not racist) ways, she was probably dissapointed that Buddhism isn't Chinese in origin and that must have damaged the faith in the religion for her. My Grand Aunt wasn't educated but nevertheless had a good heart and was a kind person, just that the Indian Buddha did not impress her as much as the Chinese one she had earlier formed in her mind.



Yes..I agreed with you on this.
In fact the Population Census people still have a difficult time getting the affirmative answer between Buddhists and Taoists.

Buddhism has been so sinicised that there are hardly hint of its Himalayan origin. It has also incorporated Chinese, Taoist/Confucianist deities, rituals and teachings that Buddhism has become a "Chinese religion".

When people ask why the chinese can accept Buddhism and not Christianity or Islam is that Buddhism being so tolerant has received and accepted every sinic stuffs(ancestor worship,many rituals etc) that it has become a sinicised faith. Christianity and Islam being monotheistic and Abrahamic faith are strict on the degree of acceptance and thus has continue to keep a distinct identitiy even if they (esp chinese christians) try very very hard to be as accepted.
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Before Guanyin was a woman in China/Japan/Korea, she was Avalokitesvara, a (androgynous?) man.

trust me on this, and don't waste your time on it. there is no such person in historical record. i studied buddhism for fun when i was younger. and thus came across the development of buddhism when its out of india. this fellow only appears i think a few hundred years later when buddhism spread into china. in another word just like most god in other religion, HUMAN we created her. That why you see so many conflicting accounts with regards to her fairy tales. i too had a big problem trying to believe what i had research initially, as we were taught from young that she exist and pray to her. unfortunately all the historical records points to the same thing, she is frictional.

This issue did not happen for siddhatta, why? reason was because he did exist, and there are tons of other people know him and had accounts of him. this guanyin fellow belongs to the same class as christian god - imaginary.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Actually, we dun have to pray to Buddha.

His statue is only to remind us of his teaching. Incense and fresh flower is to remind that nothing in this world is forever.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
The Attack of the THEOCRATS!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AX2iTAICNpc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Sean Faircloth on Religious Laws that Hurt You: Notes from Attack of the Theocrats (Chap. 3)
Sean Faircloth discusses key points made in Chapter Three of his book, Attack of the Theocrats: How the Religious Right Harms Us All—and What We Can Do About It. In this third of eleven video clips, each of which will provide an overview of a specific chapter and each of which will be released sequentially in October--November 2011, he discusses how religious bias in U.S. law and policy hurts you. For a quick video summary of the entire book, see "Sean Faircloth discusses his new book Attack of the Theocrats."

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7Tdg9PjpeSw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A video summary of Attack of the Theocrats can be found here: