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China plans to build Kra Canal..end of Sinkapoor is near.

greedy and cunning

IN my opinion we should support the peaceful side which is China or at the very least we should just remain neutral.

I suggest that the Singapore government deny the use of Singapore to the USA military ,otherwise China might teach Singapore a lesson eventually one day for siding with the USA government in an attempt to contain China.

Singapore government should just wake up and be independent from the USA government.

We are an independent nation so why should we be led around the nose by the USA government...????

most people would conclude that you are naive or shallow in thinking.
you looking at thing on the surface.


Anything below Thai are Java m&d regions not worth staying with lazy people.

Build canal across Kra or use Burma as transshipment will isolate the Java m&d and leave it be fishing village.

China must move on and build new sea routes and dump sail down the tip of Java m&d region to get across the other side.

Java m&ds are useless people not worth Clever Chinese protecting them in the future. The reasons why Chinese squat in Java m&d land is to protect the tip of the sea routes.

Can you imagine they gave away this region to the Pommies and they squatted for 150 years? If not for the Chinese squatted here, the Java m&ds will extinct long time ago and Angmohs are controlling this vital tip of sea route to North Asia. Look at Australia now are controlled by Pommies today.

Dump this place and move on.

See how I dump prepositions, use less of it.

most people would conclude that you are naive or shallow in thinking.
you looking at thing on the surface.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
china also want to build this. so which one is true ?
how to build a railway across a canal ?

SHANGHAI – In a bid to improve its links with Southeast Asia, China is planning to build a high speed railway to Singapore. The railway as intended will travel at up to 200 km/h and run from China’s southern provincial capital of Kunming, in Yunnan, to Laos’ capital Vientiane, before continuing on through Thailand. The train will then travel to Bangkok and onward to Malaysia before ending up in Singapore. This latter section running from Thailand to Singapore is already operational, though moves to upgrade it are still in the works. - See more at: http://www.asiabriefing.com/news/2014/01/china-build-high-speed-railway-southeast-asia.
Posted on January 23, 2014 by Asia Briefing
By Patricia Ieong

The tracks are being laid in Malaysia. It is not expensive to build the Kra Canal. Worldclass engineers are being paid 3rd world prices. When it is built and charged to other countries at 2nd world rates, it will pay off. Material costs are never high. Human BS costs based on western model are high.


Mention the USA government +UK government

and most people associate these 2 governments with all the evils below:

false flags ,means killing their own people and then blaming on their enemys

the real master minds of the 11 sept attack on world trade centre is the USA government itself but the USA government deliberately blamed the attack on some people from middle east and used that as a pretext to invade many midle east nations.

war criminals

abuse and torture of prisoners

killing of innocent people in drone attacks

assasinations of leaders of foreign countries

instigator of military coup to remove legitimately elected foreign governments




fake news and twisted news and lies using BBC,CNN and Fox news

sanctions on foreign countries that cause unnecessary suffering of innocent civilians living there

biggest terrorists in world


preach peace while secretly trying to create conflicts between different people or races or nations

use chemical weapons in Syria against innocent civilians and then blame that on Assad government

pressure other countries to vote in favour of USA policys or suffer from retaliation of USA+UK

tells lies to the people of the USA+UK

the USA and UK governments are themselves controlled like puppets by giant USA Companies+military industrial complex and banksters

bail out giant USA companies using tax payers money of the USA +UK people

carry out massive wealth transfer from people of USA +UK to the giant USA companies

cover up killings of innocent civilians by USA mecenaries like black water

illegal spying on people of the world using the NSA
You seem to imply that every bad incidents and happenings are brought along by the US and/or UK. Do you have any proof?

For example, to say that the 911 incident was staged by the US government (as you'd said they are the master mind) simply shows your own stupidity. Why would they have to kill thousands of their own citizens in order to vilify Osama and his gang. Isn't it too high a price to pay? Use your brain lah.

Let me tell you that should there be a natural disaster today in Sinkie Land, the fucking China will at most donate US$10,000 for disaster relief, just like what they had done for the typhoon victims in the Philippines. You think those bastard Chinks will ever give a damn to us? Let me remind you that they had even planned for their Olympic torch to pass through Malaysia and Indonesia, but by-passed Sinkie Land. Their highly corrupted President Xi who visited Indonesia & Malaysia late last year, could not even be bothered to make a stopover to visit Pinky. They see Pinky no up you know. Reading your fucking post really makes my blood boils.

And if they had respected Sinkie Land, there would not be a competitive New Suzhou Industrial Park being built just next to ours and offering to clients at half the price. When LKY complained to Beijing, all they could say was it's the local municipal government's decision which they have no say on it. What a piece of crap coming from the capital itself? Fuck to the Chinks.

Their ungrateful PRC scholar Sun Xu who sparked nationwide outcry with his now infamous remarks on "there being more dogs than humans in Singapore" was not even reprimanded upon his return to China. On the contrary, 1 of the professor from their University had even later repeated the same remarks on the Hongkongers. If the Chinks are that good, Hongkongers would have been the first to warmly accept them today.
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hahaha...if china goes ahead to finance/build the canal, then it is quite likely not based on economics considerations...
as pointed out the distance going round the malaysia pen is not very long.....so not much savings in travelling time....
but more worrying for singapore is the global warming trend....
now, during the summer months, ships are already able to use the northern artic route without icebreakers supports.....
the northern route is much shorter than the existing southern route through suez canal...
in years to come due to continued global warming, the northern route may be available to ships whole year round..


hahaha...if china goes ahead to finance/build the canal, then it is quite likely not based on economics considerations...
as pointed out the distance going round the malaysia pen is not very long.....so not much savings in travelling time....
but more worrying for singapore is the global warming trend....
now, during the summer months, ships are already able to use the northern artic route without icebreakers supports.....
the northern route is much shorter than the existing southern route through suez canal...
in years to come due to continued global warming, the northern route may be available to ships whole year round..

hahaha... ah bird, can u predict who will win the World Cup?


...Entrepot trade is the lifeblood of our nation, and this is another way the vile Pappies are fucking up our country. Vote 'em out.

Entrepot trade is hardly the lifeblood of SG now; it is now financial services, IT and petrochemical hub. With or without Kra is operation, SG will still survive and even continue to prosper as long as the neighbours are saddled with corruption, poor management and internal strife. The downside to this prosperity will be the large numbers of FTsh flooding into SG unless pappies revise their open door policy to change it to "Singaporeans first, foreigners get out."

greedy and cunning

Let me tell you that should there be a natural disaster today in Sinkie Land, the fucking China will at most donate US$10,000 for disaster relief, just like what they had done for the typhoon victims in the Philippines. You think those bastard Chinks will ever give a damn to us? Let me remind you that they had even planned for their Olympic torch to pass through Malaysia and Indonesia, but by-passed Sinkie Land. Their highly corrupted President Xi who visited Indonesia & Malaysia late last year, could not even be bothered to make a stopover to visit Pinky. They see Pinky no up you know. Reading your fucking post really makes my blood boils.

And if they had respected Sinkie Land, there would not be a competitive New Suzhou Industrial Park being built just next to ours and offering to clients at half the price. When LKY complained to Beijing, all they could say was it's the local municipal government's decision which they have no say on it. What a piece of crap coming from the capital itself? Fuck to the Chinks.

u saying all tis because u think sillypoor is a very important cuntry on earth.
the fact of the matter is if sillypoore disappear tomorow morning , life in other countries would go on as usual
without the slightest concern and impact.

why should chinks or any countries respect sinkie ?
sinkie aka sillypooreans are just a bunch of selfish , greedy ,shifty cowards and pretenders.
that piece of crap is smarter than the sinkie.
when that piece of crap first opened up , sillypoor sold them the old used telephone switching system.
sillypooreans were sent over to installed the system.
now sillypoore is using Hua Wei routers and switches in the networks and exchanges.
who is the smart one ?
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sinkie aka sillypooreans are just a bunch of selfish , greedy ,shifty cowards and pretenders.
I do agree with you that many of the neighboring countries also despise Sinkie Land, especially Indonesia, partly due to the Sinkie's attitude, which as you say, is selfish, greedy, shifty cowards and pretenders.

I also cannot stand and don't like the majority of Sinkies due to the above. What I was trying to put across is that despite the arrogance displayed by the Chinks towards Sinkie Land, we still have many Sinkies die die pledging their full support for the Chinks (for example in this forum). How ironical?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If these countries so despise singkieland,,than why they come here and work and take jobs and buy property? they can jollywell dont come,,the fact is singkieland is still better than their own countries,,,,in the ASEAN nations,,,the same job and same hours will not even get them pay to feed their family,,,,for eg, how much will an accountant earn in Singkieland and in Pinoyland etc? U do the maths,,,

I do agree with you that many of the neighboring countries also despise Sinkie Land, especially Indonesia, partly due to the Sinkie's attitude, which as you say, is selfish, greedy, shifty cowards and pretenders.

I also cannot stand and don't like the majority of Sinkies due to the above. What I was trying to put across is that despite the arrogance displayed by the Chinks towards Sinkie Land, we still have many Sinkies die die pledging their full support for the Chinks (for example in this forum). How ironical?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If these countries so despise singkieland,,than why they come here and work and take jobs and buy property? they can jollywell dont come,,the fact is singkieland is still better than their own countries,,,,in the ASEAN nations,,,the same job and same hours will not even get them pay to feed their family,,,,for eg, how much will an accountant earn in Singkieland and in Pinoyland etc? U do the maths,,,

Singapore is just a stepping stone. After all, the pappies had welcomed foreigners with open arms and legs, throwing jobs and scholarships in their direction. I would have done the same if I were a foreigner.

Singapore is like a prostitute: everyone knows who you are, and likes the services you provide. But they will never commit themselves to you, for obvious reasons.


If these countries so despise singkieland,,than why they come here and work and take jobs and buy property? they can jollywell dont come,,the fact is singkieland is still better than their own countries,,,,in the ASEAN nations,,,the same job and same hours will not even get them pay to feed their family,,,,for eg, how much will an accountant earn in Singkieland and in Pinoyland etc? U do the maths,,,

You see. Many come here to make money while they can and also as a transit. The PAPies made it so open and easy like a prostitute den. At the end of the day, how many really take up citizenship? Even with property purchases, they are also hoping to reap profits from their investments and then leave, just like those property speculators in Hongkong.

In my earlier years, I've worked and interacted with people from all walks of life in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Most of those whom I'd come across don't have praises for Sinkie Land.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks you 60%

You see. Many come here to make money while they can and also as a transit. The PAPies made it so open and easy like a prostitute den. At the end of the day, how many really take up citizenship? Even with property purchases, they are also hoping to reap profits from their investments and then leave, just like those property speculators in Hongkong.

In my earlier years, I've worked and interacted with people from all walks of life in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Most of those whom I'd come across don't have praises for Sinkie Land.

Singapore is just a stepping stone. After all, the pappies had welcomed foreigners with open arms and legs, throwing jobs and scholarships in their direction. I would have done the same if I were a foreigner.

Singapore is like a prostitute: everyone knows who you are, and likes the services you provide. But they will never commit themselves to you, for obvious reasons.


Once the canal is built, prices across Singapore will fall dramatically because the economy will scale back. Airline tickets might be a lot cheaper to visit ex-Singaporean friends, classmates and relatives who migrated to the first world while the canal was built.