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Cheapskate distant relative at Marina Sands wedding in early 2011


In fact, I dare say the whole idea of paying market rate is just a lame excuse to get your guests to help pay for your expansive lavish dinner.

I agree. If a couple throws a $1,000-per-table wedding dinner, what if some of their relatives and friends are not so well-to-do and can't cough up a $100 red packet per pax? Don't invite them and they may feel saddened or even insulted. Invite them and they can't afford the expected red packets. Bad tradition. Wedding gifts in cash or in kind should be up to the giver's heart and ability, not measured to dinner cost. Dinner cost should be up to the couple's budget to decide. Remember, the invitation is supposed to be a treat by the couple, not inviting others to come and foot the bill.


Alfrescian (Inf)
for those want to do it this way. open the red packet on the spot. those red packet give less one, sit near the toilet or next to a toilet and last to serve dish. those give a lot one, sit near the bride and bridegroom table and get to serve dish first.


for those want to do it this way. open the red packet on the spot. those red packet give less one, sit near the toilet or next to a toilet and last to serve dish. those give a lot one, sit near the bride and bridegroom table and get to serve dish first.


Got toilet in ball rooms?

Might as well ask them to go sit economy seats and serve them porridge and salted veggies. To upgrade to first class seats with better food like abalone and lobster, pay $100 pax.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Got toilet in ball rooms?

Might as well ask them to go sit economy seats and serve them porridge and salted veggies. To upgrade to first class seats with better food like abalone and lobster, pay $100 pax.

hmmm.... i think u must be one of those sinkies u keep fucking here. :biggrin: sit next to toilet must still be in ball room meh? alamak!!!! u are one typical narrow minded sinkie!!! hahahaha!!!! :biggrin: really cannot tahan!!!


hmmm.... i think u must be one of those sinkies u keep fucking here. :biggrin: sit next to toilet must still be in ball room meh? alamak!!!! u are one typical narrow minded sinkie!!! hahahaha!!!! :biggrin: really cannot tahan!!!

Your lack of intelligence shocked me

It's not about narrow-mindedness. I am talking in the real-world context, about customs and human behavior.

You wanna sit your guests outside the ballroom and next a toilet.

Yeah, you think they are going to listen you? You may even get a punch.

Loser mind-masturbating Sinkie


Alfrescian (Inf)
Your lack of intelligence shocked me

It's not about narrow-mindedness. I am talking in the real-world context, about customs and human behavior.

You wanna sit your guests outside the ballroom and next a toilet.

Yeah, you think they are going to listen you? You may even get a punch.

Loser mind-masturbating Sinkie

ouch! hurts right? i hit you there where ur sinkie mindset shown. hahahaha!!!!! :biggrin:

u really cannot think out of the box and also lost touch with the real world!!! :biggrin:

cantonese are known to announce how much the angpow during the wedding dinner last time or maybe they are still doing it now.

by asking them to sit next to the toilet when the angpow is too little for petertok is to humiliate the guest, since our bridegroom petertok not happy with them. :biggrin:

really cannot tahan u!!! hahaha!!! your signature said fucking sinkie and you actually narrow minded like sinkie!!! hahaha!!! so what u r in USA, you still got the sinkie mindset!!! hahahaha!!!

the hard truth for you is.

its not where you are, its all in the mind. sinkie!!!
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I invited a PRC couple to my wedding dinner at one of the Tung Lok Restuarant. In return they gave us a present, a big chinese teapot! No ang pows hor! One I don't know who, only gave an ang pow containing a piece of cheap jade inside. I accept it all graciously as I feel that wedding dinner is a way of celebrating a joyous occasion with my love ones. Them included. Never did I expect to break-even out of it. Not to mention make some money. Just like you will never expect to make any money from throwing a birthday party for your son. Its the same. This mentality of expecting people to contribute to your fastasy of having an extravagant wedding dinner....tsk! tsk! tsk! If you can't afford, just call a buffet at home lah!

hi there

1. five thumbs up!
2. bingo.
3. well, there are individuals who expect many things from some flashy wedding dinners.
4. why can't we take wedding as some joyous occasion to share?


This thread can go 6 pages long. :biggrin:

My minimum is $100 to not so well known acquaintances if I am invited to a wedding. Also if place is higher end with more stars, I will bao more.

It's not a matter of whether I think the couple is trying to profit out of having a wedding dinner. Because no one in the right mind will think of profiting from a wedding dinner where the odds of investing will give a fair higher return. In a wedding dinner, you will still lose money.

The wedding couple will want to share this joyous occasion with everyone they knew, and with this fact in mind, others may have this perception that why should they subsidise their wedding with ang bao money. Honestly speaking, when you can't think of the reason to give ang pao, you can't feel the couple's joy. You don't even feel happy for the couple.

Life is just centered around you. You are just the core and everyone out there is just trying to make money out of you. That is the perception of those who feel why should they give a big ang pao just to subsidise those who are having a wedding. There is no correct answer. It's a personality and character question.

What I want to say is if anyone feels why should they give a ang pao to subsidise wedding dinners, don't even bother to give an ang pao and just turn up for wedding dinner. Would you feel anything if someone turns up for your wedding and don't even give you an ang pao and bring their whole family turning up to share in this joyous occasion.

Technically there is no wrong in doing this. But why aren't there people doing so?

Whether people are holding in a void deck or 4 star or 5 star hotel banquet, ultimately when I attend, I feel happy and joyous for the couple. Since the couple can make an effort to make the event joyous for everyone to join in with them, I can't help much but only through an ang pao as a token of appreciation of letting me join in their happy occasion. Who make or lose money isn't such a big issue. Because there will be people who give more and people who give less. I will choose to do my part to help out this couple especially on their day of wedding joy.

Even if the couple makes a couple of thousands after deducting wedding costs, so be it. They are forming a new family and take it as a gift for this couple, isn't this the ultimate purpose of giving an ang pao?


My Philiphino and China friends all said that in their country, they don't give money, they give presents. An Ang Pow is a subsitute of a present. No matter how big or small the amount of ang pow, it should be taken as a token of blessing from those who attend.


New Member
Hahaha... I can never understand all these....
Do you expect your guest to pay for your wedding dinner?

You are inviting them to your dinner not asking them to pay for your wedding dinner. Did you print in your "INVITATION CARD" that the dinner will cost 200 per pax?? :biggrin:

Typical Sillyporean mentality... :eek:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
My Philiphino and China friends all said that in their country, they don't give money, they give presents. An Ang Pow is a subsitute of a present. No matter how big or small the amount of ang pow, it should be taken as a token of blessing from those who attend.

AngMo countries the couple will designate a store to get their presents from and will even give you a wishlist........


Its most despicable and shameful for this well to do family of 3 to take advantage of their relatives who invited them as a gesture of goodwill, we are not complaining of those who gave smaller amounts in their ang pows , neither are we hoping for a profit or invitees to subsidise our dinner. The crux of it is , we are shell shocked with the selfish and stingy attitude of this relative who are not without means but just feel smart by giving a token amount for an expensive meal. We dont need to tell anyone how much the dinner will cost , with commonsense , one will guess it is not cheap.

Being invited to such an event is gracious on our part , we expect reciprocal well wishing and not someone trying to outsmart by giving a small ang pow. Such character is shameless and an embarrassment to their companies they work for. It shows how mean they are.


Against my wishes , my father invited relatives to my wedding dinner , when 1 family of 3 revert that they cant attend due to "an excuse" I was quietly happy. Then when they found out that my wedding is at marina Sands, they promptly called to inform that they can now attend....sad sad sad as I had been told this is a cheapskate family out to be free loaders all the time.

Its most despicable...

Tsk. Already you mentioned that being invited to such an event is gracious on your part. But then, the initial reason why you did not want to invite them is because you "have been told this is a cheapskate family..." whereas your father invited them on the basis that they are relatives. So tell me, among all those people here who posted in your thread, making sense about marriage being a joyous celebration and such, your MAIN focus is still on "cheapskate family"

So tell me, who has got a narrow perspective here? And yet you still go around posting and telling others how they "failed" to see the point which you are trying to bring up. :rolleyes:


Already you mentioned that being invited to such an event is gracious on your part.

don't be misled by the word "gracious"... there's nothing with grace when fair monetary contribution is expected...

machiam i graciously buy you a car for your exclusive use, but in fairness you pay for everything.. where got grace? :biggrin:


Being invited to such an event is gracious on our part , we expect reciprocal well wishing and not someone trying to outsmart by giving a small ang pow. Such character is shameless and an embarrassment to their companies they work for. It shows how mean they are.

You contradict yourself and the word "gracious." Gracious enough to invite others to pay for your extravanganza? No thanks. I'd think that the invitees are gracious enough to attend, with or without a well-wishing gift or red packet. If they must pay like $100 each to attend your "gracious" feast, they might as well go to a restaurant and have a feast themselves, if you don't give you the face. This expectation of big red packets is commercialized as it's promoted by the Chinese restauranteers to encourage people book more tables and more expensive feasts more they could afford unless reimbursed through red packets.