Hope you don't mind if I ask a few more questions.
How old are you and do you have a wife and children? Do you have a full time job? Mind telling us what is your approximate net worth?
You are my hero.

hehehe Love your nick too.
Sorry was away. I am in mid thirties. Wife and children nil. I don't have any full time job. My approx net worth, never really count.
I can only say that when you go casinos regularly, you get to see regular faces. Not all regulars are winning regularly. You see today they win 30K, tomorrow 50K, next week, you can see them lose 80K easily in a night. The tables, chairs, croupier salaries are all courtesy from them. You see them good, but they could have lost millions already.
What is the purpose of winning money from casinos? More money to spend? In a way it is neither wrong nor correct. Imagine today you win 1000, so you feel happy, and tomorrow you win 2000, so you spend some money on gifts, food, the next week you lose 3000. How?
I am no hero, just putting my philosophies to real life issues. People in general have no good impressions of people who gamble in casinos. Occasion playing is ok to most, just like people buying weekly 4Ds. But when high stakes involved, people generally think you are an addict.
I have no heroes in casinos. The only idol I have is the casino owner...just joking.....Coming to the part of winning money from casinos, what is the next intention? Initial playing 'career' involves losing. Let's face it, you don't lose, you don't learn, and the cost of the school fees can be enormous. But how many of you would step into a casino to observe the behaviour of gamblers? What is so good of observing these people?
You get to see the greedness of human, disgusting characteristics of mankind, these are things which one should observe and not to follow. Look at how some people win. It is not easy to spot a regular winner.
The basic character of a winner,
Calmness. (If you are calm, you basically win half the war)
Gambling Ethics
- Look at how some gamblers (proud, egoistics) showing off their ugly traits when they win a bit of money or losing their temper when they lose or pushing the blame on other gamblers, croupiers for their losing streaks.
If you can be very calm, you can be a winner in a casino. Never let frustrations get to your head. Once you scold the first vulgar language even in your heart, better get out of the casino fast because that is the 1st indicator of going to lose. The day when you can be calm at all times, one will understand how to win regularly.
Never let your emotions rule you. Never let other gamblers' emotions rule you.
There you see, I haven't got into the part on how to gamble yet. Basically there is no secret trick. Just how you calm your nerves. Easier said than done. Have time, go bookshops, grab books on philosophies and read them. I spend loads of time reading, people say read book in chinese means lose. I dare to say, Don't read, sure lose. The part on reading is to cultivate patience and calmness especially for those who don't meditate. I do meditate at times and read. At the same time gain knowledge.
In no time, you can play in casinos regularly and win regularly.