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Brilliant! To Counter Beijing's Oppression on Hong Kong, USA will recognize Tibet As Independent Nation


Alfrescian (Inf)
In all full democracies, the people have the right to self determination.

The Quebec referendum of 1995 was their SECOND attempt at secession, though it resulted in a "No" vote to secession, the people were allowed to choose. There was no violence or bloodshed.

That is how an enlightened democracy works. The CCP cannot hold a candle to the Canadians.
the ccp has killed more chinese than any other illegitimate entity in history. they are not only a danger to all chinese but a deadly disease to the world.


Alfrescian (Inf)
uh oh in a min lao tze is going to log into here fresh from tanwahtiu's logout - and tell you that the superior USA military is not as strong etc etc because of some fake chinese missile and will end it with American minions and American ken jeong motiffs. Why this guy uses American symbols in anti-American posts is strange, kinda like BDSM or something.

If you mention that all this is negated by simple logic you will get blasted. Show that the Americans are far ahead in submarines etc like the seawolf class of subs currently off the coast of China he will have a fit. Mention the upcoming SNN(X) will blow everyone out of the water he will have a coronary and home here after he's released from hospial. Just you wait......its coming

China is not your friend
tanwahtiu gets into a fit all the time and starts threads in a frenzy. 69 new threads (with zero replies) a day - an sbf record.


Alfrescian (Inf)
On the contrary. Chiang concentrated so much on tackling the emerging CCP at the expense of fighting against the Japanese, so much so that one of his own General had to kidnap him and force him to sign a treaty to unite with CCP to fight the Japanese. He was no hero defending China against Japan. He lost his clout because his own government was decadent and hence eventually got banished to Taiwan.
讓外必先安內。this strategy work through out China history. Best example was Ming dynasty founding emperor. 朱元璋 defeated fellow Han Chinese competitors such as 陳友諒 and 張獻忠 in the central plains before heading north to attack the mongols.


Alfrescian (Inf)
tanwahtiu gets into a fit all the time and starts threads in a frenzy. 69 new threads (with zero replies) a day - an sbf record.

He better not commit suicide when the CCP regime collapses like the Soviet Union in the near future. :wink:
If you're a 五毛 shill paid by the post/comment count that's okay, it's just a job. :biggrin:
If you're a fan or a true believer, you will be distraught. :frown:


Samaritans of Singapore (24-Hour Hotline)
1800-221 4444


Alfrescian (Inf)
what if malusia ,refused ? ..than sinkie lose the right to cede ...just because there was a peaceful separation, doesn't make it right either ...the question of Tibet is not even ceding ...it was a de facto independent nation annexed by china ...or why Mao need to seize Tibet militarily ?
Sun Yat Sen also considered the whole of Mongolia and Tibet as Chinese proper. In fact, since the formation of the Republic of China, it already part of China proper. In a sense, the central government be it the emperor or parliament, maintained a nominal control over large swaths of Chinese territories while letting the local chiefs rule over it own race or tribes. 土司system. Tibet rulers, the two lamai, paid homage to the central government.
You can be not happy with CCP treatment to Tibetans 自治 and kaypoing the religious issue but it been part of China control for past 300 years.
China had been multi racial since the beginning of written records. Currently Han Chinese maybe majority but it a mixture of all sorts of grasslands tribes, 百越,山岳,鮮卑 and many more tribes.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
讓外必先安內。this strategy work through out China history. Best example was Ming dynasty founding emperor. 朱元璋 defeated fellow Han Chinese competitors such as 陳友諒 and 張獻忠 in the central plains before heading north to attack the mongols.
陈友亮 was a power hungry, greedy, ambitious and evil person who murdered all his benefactors to achieve his status. All he did was continual power seizing like the Lords in Game of Thrones. The CCP came into power because of a corrupted and decadent KMT.


Then he starts stalking me, digging up my old posts, replying to them and using my moniker in his other posts. What a dick.
You are not alone. One minute he's chatting away normally and then BOOM he goes off like one his Long March Missiles hitting his ski jump PRC carrier.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Authorities to Destroy Uyghur Cemetery in Xinjiang Capital

Authorities in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) have announced plans to destroy a Uyghur cemetery in the capital Urumqi, marking the latest of dozens razed in recent years as part of a campaign experts have said is aimed at controlling members of the ethnic group.

Land in a city is valuable. Singapore has relocated cemeteries to make way for new towns like Bishan and Bidahari. I don't see why moslem cemeteries should be exalted above all. It's not like the moslems show concern for cemeteries if we opt to demolish buddhist or christian cemeteries.


I don’t know where your source of info is but there are some inaccuracies. DAP did not “result in racial riots of May 13”. Please that is completely inaccurate
I don’t know where your source of info is but there are some inaccuracies. DAP did not “result in racial riots of May 13”. Please that is completely inaccurate
Sun Yat Sen also considered the whole of Mongolia and Tibet as Chinese proper. In fact, since the formation of the Republic of China, it already part of China proper. In a sense, the central government be it the emperor or parliament, maintained a nominal control over large swaths of Chinese territories while letting the local chiefs rule over it own race or tribes. 土司system. Tibet rulers, the two lamai, paid homage to the central government.
You can be not happy with CCP treatment to Tibetans 自治 and kaypoing the religious issue but it been part of China control for past 300 years.
China had been multi racial since the beginning of written records. Currently Han Chinese maybe majority but it a mixture of all sorts of grasslands tribes, 百越,山岳,鮮卑 and many more tribes.
oh ,yes ! lot of larger countries with earlier civilization do consider other nations and other ethnicities theirs,too....why a sun yet Sen, let's look at India ...ask any Indian diplomat ,what is greater India ...they will show you a map of India stretching from Afganistan right up to Vietnam...and India does maintain such a map ,the very reason china is very terse in dealing with India, even with their facade of non violence bullshit ...all it takes is a racist fascist asshole like Modi with some money than you will see Indian fireworks right next door ,no! right into your home

ok,let's examine the Indian claim ,are they wrong ?certainly not ,each and every SEA country carry the glory of Indianistaion...in fact ,their countries are named in accordance with Indian norms,their culture is quite Indian, their rajahs and kings still follows Indian protocol and so is their language and script...their very personal names such as in Indonesian ,Thai, Khamer, Burmese are quite Indian, the only exception is Vietnam ..why even the very word singapore is Indian and the Singapore stone found by Raffles marking it as a territory is written in an Indian language

therefore pal ,if you justify China's tyranny over other ethnicities ...one day Indians and india will do exactly the same too ...it's like what Martin Niemoller said ,
They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.


Your logic is flawed. So if Aljunied wants Workers’ Party, then it is their choice to be Sovereign and leave the Republic of Singapore? HK, Tibet, Taiwan... has always been, will always be, part of China, for thousands of years past and to come. Just because some inhabitants stir some shit it does not make them a free nation out of China. It’s like whether you like it or not, by choice or otherwise, you remain your father’s son.
His logic is not flawed. Aljunied can choose to do so if it wants. Would it be stupid to do so? Yes. But why can't it?

yes you can disown a father just as a father can disown a son. you may not want to, but surely some families have walked out and never spoken to other families again. I sense some possessiveness going on here...

Look Singapore was part of British Empire. There were very few Chinese here in the beginning. Going by your own logic regarding Tibet, the UK should own Singapore forever. Does that mean that it should only belong to Malays or England forever? Like that LKY was the most disobedient traitor of all. Turned against the British who educated him. We should all die for supporting him?


the ccp has killed more chinese than any other illegitimate entity in history. they are not only a danger to all chinese but a deadly disease to the world.
why illegetimate entity? they also killed more than legitimate entities too... CCP #1 in stealing Chinese people's money and their lives.


Hong Kong belong to China in the first place what....so sinkieland have to return to Malaysia too.
this is a very touchy subject ,whom does sinkie belongs to ? ...from known history, sinkie was a fort for indonesian kingdoms ..and also for Siam kingdom -but largely indonesian

now ,for the purpose of legality we have to draw a line who did the British bought sinkie from ,and thus the sinkie should rightfully returned to them

this is where things get murky ...Raffles bought from a disputed royalty to begin with ,and that royalty was residing in Riau of Indonesia ..worse ,at that point of time the Dutch had the control of Indonesia ...so ,in all practical sense it was an illegal purchase to begin with

this is one aspect that bugged Raffles till death...Raffles detractors raised this point and raised hell during the time but subsequently, the Dutch and British entered into another amicable trade treaty ...hence this small matter of singapore ownership sweeped under the carpet


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
His logic is not flawed. Aljunied can choose to do so if it wants. Would it be stupid to do so? Yes. But why can't it?

yes you can disown a father just as a father can disown a son. you may not want to, but surely some families have walked out and never spoken to other families again. I sense some possessiveness going on here...

Look Singapore was part of British Empire. There were very few Chinese here in the beginning. Going by your own logic regarding Tibet, the UK should own Singapore forever. Does that mean that it should only belong to Malays or England forever? Like that LKY was the most disobedient traitor of all. Turned against the British who educated him. We should all die for supporting him?
Aljunied cannot leave Singapore because it is part of Singapore. If it chooses to, SG Govt has the right to impose its law of rule, imprison the subversive elements, impose martial law on Aljunied, and whatever it takes to keep it under the country including military action. This is the same for Tibet and China. Malaya had a mutual separation agreement with the British. The British willingly cede control of the colony to the local people because it realised it cost them more than the benefit. Beijing had an agreement to keep Tibet as an autonomous region while being under the umbrella of the greater China. It was Dalai Lama who wanted to keep power to himself. So Singapore/Britain relationship is not the same as Tibet/China.
Therefore if China willingly let Tibet goes independent, or Istana willingly let Aljunied go independent.... of course they can.