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Breaking News - Sinkie Mat Lone Wolf's mission of 72 Virgins in Paradise Foiled by ISD


Alfrescian (Inf)

Haha....i can see u are blushing away with tat incest news committed by kantonies, ur kind, fm HK. Why double standard? How come ur retard friend @duluxe can quote Islamic news all the way from Nigeria, Africa, Belgian, Angola, languages and culture which i dont even comprehend...and u even join in the bashing? Here., Another incest case committed by cheena

Hong Kong father who raped young daughter jailed for 15 years

  • Defence counsel uses letter 10-year-old sent saying she loved her father as part of mitigation plea
  • But judge dismisses claims and points to psychological report that says victim was disturbed by what happened

A father who raped his daughter for two years after she turned eight has been jailed in Hong Kong for 15 years.
On Thursday, counsel for the father argued in mitigation that the girl “did not suffer major trauma” and presented Mr Justice Patrick Li Hon-leung a letter she sent to him in prison, suggesting she still had a good relationship with him.
“I miss you very much,” she wrote in a letter received by prison staff on February 8 last year.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
What you have written here abt Chinese families are yr assumptions, not based on logical reasonings.

Tats right. Base on ur assumption only Malays committed incest. No logic at all. If base on logic sex maniac happened in all races. Not just one particular race. Only a retard like u have one track mind


Alfrescian (Inf)

Can quote u many many more. Another incest case committed by ur kind cheena kantonis:

Hong Kong father convicted of raping his daughter

Jury finds 61-year-old guilty of 10 charges spanning three years

A jobless father who molested his daughter every day since she was five was found guilty of rape in the High Court on Tuesday.
The defendant, who photographed some of the incidents, was unanimously convicted by a seven-person jury of all 10 charges he faced: six counts of rape and four of making child pornography of his daughter. He had earlier pleaded not guilty.
The 61-year-old man, whose name cannot be revealed to protect his daughter’s identity, is to face sentencing on May 4 pending psychological reports on the victim.



Incest cases existed in non islamic societies as well. But what are the differences?

1. They are very minor and low in occurence as compared with islamic societies as the core values of those non-islamic societies do not sanction incestrous behaviors.
2. They are not religion related or motivated by some holy texts.
3. They will be severely punished by laws of the state. Those cases in islamic societies are no pubishable by their perfect sharia laws. Muslim societies will only condemned apostasy, hijab non-wearing and not praying 5 times per day.
4. As act of incest are strongly disapproved and condemned in non-islamic societies, so usually involved family members are very shameful about them and hope the cases are not publicly known or known by their relatives, friends and neigbhours.
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Can quote u many many more. Another incest case committed by ur kind cheena kantonis:

Hong Kong father convicted of raping his daughter

Jury finds 61-year-old guilty of 10 charges spanning three years

A jobless father who molested his daughter every day since she was five was found guilty of rape in the High Court on Tuesday.
The defendant, who photographed some of the incidents, was unanimously convicted by a seven-person jury of all 10 charges he faced: six counts of rape and four of making child pornography of his daughter. He had earlier pleaded not guilty.
The 61-year-old man, whose name cannot be revealed to protect his daughter’s identity, is to face sentencing on May 4 pending psychological reports on the victim.

It is pathetic that you have to dig up HK cases when we are discussing abt Singapore and malaysia. It is not constructive to call others retards, retards are human beings too, it reflects badly on yourself. Aren’t u supposed to be a holy, gd moslem?
Like Duluxe said, there are incest cases amongst the Chinese. But if Chinese has 20 cases, moslem families would have far more(at least 80). Mainly bcoz of the fundamentals in yr religion, which u r very proud of. It’s ok to be proud of yr religion, but perhaps you shd introspect too on why is it that moslems like to act holy, yet behind closed doors, a lot of atrocities are happening. Don’t u care abt yr future generation?
I am highlighting all these not bcoz I’m racist or hate Islam, I am concerned. Maybe it is time yr mullahs start focusing on building spirituality/kindness/accountability instead of wearing your religion like a mask.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It is pathetic that you have to dig up HK cases when we are discussing abt Singapore and malaysia. It is not constructive to call others retards, retards are human beings too, it reflects badly on yourself. Aren’t u supposed to be a holy, gd moslem?
Like Duluxe said, there are incest cases amongst the Chinese. But if Chinese has 20 cases, moslem families would have far more(at least 80). Mainly bcoz of the fundamentals in yr religion, which u r very proud of. It’s ok to be proud of yr religion, but perhaps you shd introspect too on why is it that moslems like to act holy, yet behind closed doors, a lot of atrocities are happening. Don’t u care abt yr future generation?
I am highlighting all these not bcoz I’m racist or hate Islam, I am concerned. Maybe it is time yr mullahs start focusing on building spirituality/kindness/accountability instead of wearing your religion like a mask.

Why only cases fm Msia and Spore? Why only the Malays and not the cheena? U are talking abt race, no? HK speak kantonis, no? So HK, Taiwan, or even USA or the West tere are also cheena, no? If duluxe can quote cases from far as Africa, aint tat pathetic too? Why silent on tat? Whos more pathetic?

How u know teres 20 cases, and 80 cases fm Muslim family? Now u shift frm Malay to Muslims? Whos pathetic now? So now can i also quote xtians regardless of race ya?

I tink u need to see a psychiatrist. I mean how am i to know why such and such act holy and yet commit crimes? Only God know. And u should know hypocrites are everywhere, in every race/religion. U mean teres no hypocrite xtians? Tere are so many cheena, indian xtians who are holy and yet commit crimes, no?

U are a racist. Look at ur post. U just single out the Malay/Muslim. U and duluxe same of the feather. Hypocrite. Pretend to be angel criticising other race and religion and yet claimed to be not a racist. U are concerned? Then u should post in hardware zone too. :rolleyes: Muslim/Malay here do not open up thread, criticising ridicule other race/religion.. Cos we know no one race is perfect and we are not hypocrite like u.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is pathetic that you have to dig up HK cases when we are discussing abt Singapore and malaysia. It is not constructive to call others retards, retards are human beings too, it reflects badly on yourself. Aren’t u supposed to be a holy, gd moslem?
Like Duluxe said, there are incest cases amongst the Chinese. But if Chinese has 20 cases, moslem families would have far more(at least 80). Mainly bcoz of the fundamentals in yr religion, which u r very proud of. It’s ok to be proud of yr religion, but perhaps you shd introspect too on why is it that moslems like to act holy, yet behind closed doors, a lot of atrocities are happening. Don’t u care abt yr future generation?
I am highlighting all these not bcoz I’m racist or hate Islam, I am concerned. Maybe it is time yr mullahs start focusing on building spirituality/kindness/accountability instead of wearing your religion like a mask.

Here. Another case from ur favourite dialect group Hokkien. The daughter said shes ashamed and afraid to report. Just like those tons and tons of sinke cheena dad who committed incest with their daughters but afraid to report. Howlian, kiasi kiasu, ashame, afraid......

Dad jailed 1,874 years for rape

A Taiwan court has sentenced a man to 1,874 years in jail for raping his daughter 268 times since she was eight years old.

But Taiwan High Court's Kaohsiung branch said the man only needs to serve nine years and eight months in prison as his daughter begged the court to show leniency towards her father, China News Service reported yesterday.

The court said the man raped his 15-year-old daughter every week since she was eight. Under Taiwan's law, a man can be jailed seven years and two months for raping a child under 14. In individuals 15 and above, the sentence is three years and four months. The 268 counts of incestuous rape equate to 1,874 years behind bars.

Both the defendant and plaintiff didn't say whether they will appeal.

The man was divorced and lived with his daughter in southern Taiwan. He raped his daughter for the first time in 1997 when he was intoxicated, the girl told the court.

The daughter told the court she had kept the rapes a secret for years because she was afraid and ashamed.

However, when she became a junior high school student, she called her mother and tearfully told her everything, the report said.



Alfrescian (Inf)
It is pathetic that you have to dig up HK cases when we are discussing abt Singapore and malaysia. It is not constructive to call others retards, retards are human beings too, it reflects badly on yourself. Aren’t u supposed to be a holy, gd moslem?
Like Duluxe said, there are incest cases amongst the Chinese. But if Chinese has 20 cases, moslem families would have far more(at least 80). Mainly bcoz of the fundamentals in yr religion, which u r very proud of. It’s ok to be proud of yr religion, but perhaps you shd introspect too on why is it that moslems like to act holy, yet behind closed doors, a lot of atrocities are happening. Don’t u care abt yr future generation?
I am highlighting all these not bcoz I’m racist or hate Islam, I am concerned. Maybe it is time yr mullahs start focusing on building spirituality/kindness/accountability instead of wearing your religion like a mask.

Haha...if cheena committed incest, only 10 posts. Jus like u... if fm other races...wah....24/7 kpkb here.



It is pathetic that you have to dig up HK cases when we are discussing abt Singapore and malaysia. It is not constructive to call others retards, retards are human beings too, it reflects badly on yourself. Aren’t u supposed to be a holy, gd moslem?
Like Duluxe said, there are incest cases amongst the Chinese. But if Chinese has 20 cases, moslem families would have far more(at least 80). Mainly bcoz of the fundamentals in yr religion, which u r very proud of. It’s ok to be proud of yr religion, but perhaps you shd introspect too on why is it that moslems like to act holy, yet behind closed doors, a lot of atrocities are happening. Don’t u care abt yr future generation?
I am highlighting all these not bcoz I’m racist or hate Islam, I am concerned. Maybe it is time yr mullahs start focusing on building spirituality/kindness/accountability instead of wearing your religion like a mask.
The bottom line is till date the resident mudslime whore and his minions have never accepted responsibility for the crimes perpetuated and caused by his religion. As i always said...their use of plausible deniability is amazing


Alfrescian (Inf)
Haha...80% cheena sinkie. Same for 7% Indians. Not even a single incest reported. But look at other countries where teres Cheena and Indian. Tons of them committed incest. Got balls to report to the authority and get the culprit punished. Unlike Sinkie Cheena/Indian. No balls and in cahoot with the culprit! Cheena n Indian sinkie angel ya. Only seow lang believe. Toooooo true to be true!
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Haha...80% cheena sinkie. Same for 7% Indians. Not even a single incest reported. But look at other countries where teres Cheena and Indian. Tons of them committed incest. Got balls to report to the authority and get the culprit punished. Unlike Sinkie Cheena/Indian. No balls and in cahoot with the culprit! Cheena n Indian sinkie angel ya. Only seow lang believe. Toooooo true to be true!
Singkieland Mudslimes make up 14% of the population and 100% of the terrorism activity. Bagus siah....need i say more?


Why only cases fm Msia and Spore? Why only the Malays and not the cheena? U are talking abt race, no? HK speak kantonis, no? So HK, Taiwan, or even USA or the West tere are also cheena, no? If duluxe can quote cases from far as Africa, aint tat pathetic too? Why silent on tat? Whos more pathetic?

How u know teres 20 cases, and 80 cases fm Muslim family? Now u shift frm Malay to Muslims? Whos pathetic now? So now can i also quote xtians regardless of race ya?

I tink u need to see a psychiatrist. I mean how am i to know why such and such act holy and yet commit crimes? Only God know. And u should know hypocrites are everywhere, in every race/religion. U mean teres no hypocrite xtians? Tere are so many cheena, indian xtians who are holy and yet commit crimes, no?

U are a racist. Look at ur post. U just single out the Malay/Muslim. U and duluxe same of the feather. Hypocrite. Pretend to be angel criticising other race and religion and yet claimed to be not a racist. U are concerned? Then u should post in hardware zone too. :rolleyes: Muslim/Malay here do not open up thread, criticising ridicule other race/religion.. Cos we know no one race is perfect and we are not hypocrite like u.
Look at the topic of this thread, sinkie Mat lone wolf. Sinkie is Singaporean.
You have zero substance to highlight yr point. In desperation and typical moslem’s sheer, blind arrogance, you dig up whatever u can find abt Chinese. Finding nothing, you had to insult yr own intellect n highlight things happening in Taiwan n HK.
Unlike the Malay moslems adorning the current news with their nasty atrocities, you could not find anything abt Chinese to support yr claims.
Accept the fact - there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. Just look at FB, how they backstab each other and the news, why they are prone to commit heinous acts when they think they are better than all other religion. They are so engrossed in perfecting their arab pronunciation and pretending to be a ‘holy moslem’ superficially that many of them are religious, but non-spiritual.
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Wahlou teres a thick skin troll here. Keep following me whenever i fart.:poop:
How ironic of u to write like this and yet the footnote on your comments wrote:
‘And we have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the Aalameen(al-anbiya’21:107)’
‘So be patient. The promise of Allah is truth. And let them not disquiet you who are not certain in faith (ar-rum 30:60)’
You just demonstrated how moslems are - unholy hypocrites pretending to be holy.

syed putra

Singkieland Mudslimes make up 14% of the population and 100% of the terrorism activity. Bagus siah....need i say more?
Just 50 years ago, it was the other way round wrt communist terrorist. And communist actually killed planters, villagers who refused to provide food, cops including PIG( police inspector general), booby trap jungles causing some army guys to lose limbs.
But thanks to undercover agents such as tgese, they were beaten. It was said, malaysua special branch had a man as no 2 in malaysia communist party.


syed putra

Look at the topic of this thread, sinkie Mat lone wolf. Sinkie is Singaporean.
You have zero substance to highlight yr point. In desperation and typical moslem’s sheer, blind arrogance, you dig up whatever u can find abt Chinese. Finding nothing, you had to insult yr own intellect n highlight things happening in Taiwan n HK.
Unlike the Malay moslems adorning the current news with their nasty atrocities, you could not find anything abt Chinese to support yr claims.
Accept the fact - there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. Just look at FB, how they backstab each other and the news, why they are prone to commit heinous acts when they think they are better than all other religion. They are so engrossed in perfecting their arab pronunciation and pretending to be a ‘holy moslem’ superficially that many of them have nasty black hearts due to the absence of God within their hearts.
I say there are huge number of chinese incest cases based on data on the ground. Based on the fact that a huge number of vhinese girls ends up as prostitutes, gro's and socisl escorts. Surely something traumatic drove them up into this path.


Accept the fact - there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. Just look at FB, how they backstab each other and the news, why they are prone to commit heinous acts when they think they are better than all other religion. They are so engrossed in perfecting their arab pronunciation and pretending to be a ‘holy moslem’ superficially that many of them have nasty black hearts due to the absence of God within their hearts.

His line of defending islam is somewhat similar to the tactic i used when i was a boy: "They are doing the same, what's wrong with me doing it?"

Islam is a perfect religion, we naturally expect the moral standard to be highest, whiter than white. And also expect the proportion of islamic moral warriors to be high but higher higher than infidels.


fundamentally a lot of questionable issues with islam:
1. Very fishy with their texts and priests perpetually emphasizing their prophet is illiterate.
2. Blasphemy laws to keep its believers on toes and silent.
2. Apostasy laws to prevent Islam from falling off...