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Breaking News!Pastor Kong Hee And Pastors Arrested And Charge!


Alfrescian (Inf)
If protest on the streets could have any positive impact, SDP, and not WP, would be in Parliament by now.

Knowing Sinkies, once the shit hit the fan, Sinkies would quickly disassociate themselves from the smell of shit.

Generally agree with your statements. But when it involves religious fanatics, it may be slightly different. Instead of running away from the shit, they may want to confront the shit face-to-face!

But I am 100% confident, any plans to protest will be neutralised even before they take to the streets.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What a pity. What a loss. KH could have run for PM and given even GCT a good run for the money.

Do you think Chan chun sing can match his charisma?

Put LHL, GCT and CCS together and they are no match for KH when it comes to charisma. Imagine this. The 3 politicains ask for money from us, be it levies, taxes etc, we all kpkb. KH drop a hint and 30,000 educated chaps will make contributions willingly. Even when charged for CBT as an Agent, these 30,000 will still faithfully obey KH.

If I have 25% of KH's charisma, I also start a small church. No need 30,000 followers. 3000 enough for me liao. Every Sun, they each put in a dollar, I have 12k monthly. Enough to go hang flower.


Generally agree with your statements. But when it involves religious fanatics, it may be slightly different. Instead of running away from the shit, they may want to confront the shit face-to-face!

But I am 100% confident, any plans to protest will be neutralised even before they take to the streets.

Bro, if you give peanuts you attract monkeys. What has KH been giving ? I mean what kind of carrots did he dangle to the masses to attract them to the church ? I seriously doubt KH has "genuine followers". You think members who are insurance agents will "brave the storm" with KH ? The youngsters in the church, so long as they get to date their chicks or studs, will move to another church.

The quality of the members is suspect. They may think that they're "Christian warriors" but lets not forget they're also a big part of the ball-less 60.1%. Self-interest will come first.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Christians don't think this way. You, a secular power, is persecuting their leader, and their faith. You vs them, the line is clearly drawn. Like Nero throwing the Christians to hungry lions in Rome. They will band together in defiance. Youth and rebelliousness are a potent mix.


Christians don't think this way. You, a secular power, is persecuting their leader, and their faith. You vs them, the line is clearly drawn. Like Nero throwing the Christians to hungry lions in Rome. They will band together in defiance. Youth and rebelliousness are a potent mix.

Don't forget before they are Christians they are ball-less Sinkies. A ball-less Sinkie will remain ball-less Christian at best. More importantly, CAD is not persecuting the religion. CHC leaders will have their day in court, unlike those Catholics who were arrested by ISD in 1987.


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=1]I maintain my integrity: Kong Hee[/h]
<CITE>By Elizabeth Soh</SPAN></CITE>
<CITE>Elizabeth Soh</CITE>

<CITE>By Elizabeth Soh</SPAN> | Yahoo! Newsroom</SPAN> – <ABBR title=2012-06-30T11:00:09Z>7 hours ago</ABBR></CITE>

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  • Kong Hee at the service of City Harvest Church on Saturday, June 30, 2012.

Beleaguered City Harvest Church pastor Kong Hee insisted on his integrity as he spoke to a full house at Singapore Expo Hall 1 early Saturday evening.
In the first English-language service of the church since he and four key ministry members were charged with criminal breach of trust allegedly to support the music career of his wife Sun Ho, Kong said, "I maintain my integrity."

"You have no idea how broken I feel standing here tonight in front of you," a visibly strained Kong said, briefly losing his composure as he thanked his flock for their "love and support".

"The past few days have been very challenging for me, for my family, and my team," he said, explaining that he could not comment as investigations were ongoing.
"Many allegations were made in the media... please know there are always two sides to every story. I look forward to the day that I can tell you my side of the story in court," said Kong, to rousing applause and cheers from members, some of whom broke into emotional tears.

With his wife up on stage with him, he added, "There were times when Sun and I just didn't know what to do." He and Ho then hugged each other and other senior ministry members.


Kong Hee and his wife Sun Ho. (Yahoo! photo)</SPAN></SPAN>

They went on to sing along with the enthusiastic congregation. A stoic but exhausted looking Sun stood close by throughout the service, often reaching out to hold his hand in support despite swirling rumours that she had been advised to file divorce papers in the wake of her husband's' arrest.

The expo hall was packed with members of the congregation and two rooms overflowed with supporters for about a total of 5,000 people. There were many banners saying "I love Pastor Kong" and "We Believe".

Earlier on, another member of the church's Crossover Project spoke out in defense of Sun, giving his testimony on how the Project had helped convert Thai teenagers to Christianity via "hip" and "popular" music and dances.

The controversial Project has been described as having been allegedly used by Kong and other senior church members to transfer misappropriated funds to fuel Ho's pop career.

Later, one of Ho's backup dancers talked about how the pastor's wife, who tried to become a pop star in the U.S., brought Christ to her and the world through Ho's song "China Wine", which has been widely derided by the public here for its sexualised dancing and negative portrayal of Asian women.

"God used Sun's China Wine music video to .. fulfill my dream and lead me to Christ," said dancer Gina Lum, before thanking Ho emotionally and saying that it had been her "honor and privilege" to "serve" Sun. "We love you and we will support you till the end."

CHC has thrown its weight behind its founder Kong Hee and the four other key members who were charged Wednesday over alleged misuse of the charity’s funds.

In a statement released by executive pastor Aries Zulkarnain on Thursday evening, the church stated that it is standing by the five individuals.

"The people currently in the news are our pastors and trusted staff and leaders who have always put God and CHC first," he said. "As a church we stand with them and I believe fully in their integrity."

The statement also said that Kong, 47, and his deputy pastor Tan Ye Peng, 39, who both face charges of criminal breach of trust, will continue preaching at the megachurch.

Addressing the current charges that stand against the five accused leaders, Zulkarnain maintained that the church did not lose any money in the transactions detailed in the charges, which list two separate amounts of S$24 million and a further S$26.6 million.

"The S$24 million, which went into investment bonds, was returned to the church in full, with interest... The church did not lose any funds in the relevant transactions, and no personal profit was gained by the individuals concerned," he said.

In response to the church’s statement, the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) said, “We wish to reiterate that as criminal charges are now before the court and will be subject to adjudication by the court; and that as such, neither the prosecution nor any other party should comment on issues which will be subject to adjudication and on which evidence will be led in court.”


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If protest on the streets could have any positive impact, SDP, and not WP, would be in Parliament by now.

Knowing Sinkies, once the shit hit the fan, Sinkies would quickly disassociate themselves from the smell of shit.

but if those sheeps are lead by a con man who brainwash them using " god " . dont you think its possible ? remember we have read many news of how woman kena fuck by different kind of religious leaders . so just a street protest is not impossible .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Generally agree with your statements. But when it involves religious fanatics, it may be slightly different. Instead of running away from the shit, they may want to confront the shit face-to-face!

But I am 100% confident, any plans to protest will be neutralised even before they take to the streets.

yes bro...remember some muslim leaders were accused of being terrorist ...all his members become crazy . and because of religion some even willing to become suicide bomber . although those CHC members will not become human bomb but a protest in the street is not impossibe in the name of god ....

yes you are right ISD is watching them now .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Christians don't think this way. You, a secular power, is persecuting their leader, and their faith. You vs them, the line is clearly drawn. Like Nero throwing the Christians to hungry lions in Rome. They will band together in defiance. Youth and rebelliousness are a potent mix.

thats right ...in the name of god , those delusional ppl will do anything ...history have taught us that theres a thing call holy wars .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Don't forget before they are Christians they are ball-less Sinkies. A ball-less Sinkie will remain ball-less Christian at best. More importantly, CAD is not persecuting the religion. CHC leaders will have their day in court, unlike those Catholics who were arrested by ISD in 1987.

sinkie is balless yes but when comes to religion you can expect the unexpected ..thats why singapore goverment have always been very careful when handling religious issues .


Alfrescian (Inf)
sinkie is balless yes but when comes to religion you can expect the unexpected ..thats why singapore goverment have always been very careful when handling religious issues .

Some sensitive issues they had to deal with in the past - house temples, mediums in HDB flats, Christian cell group meetings in HDB flats, permits for walking procession for some religious groups, aggressive proselytization especially to minority groups.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Some sensitive issues they had to deal with in the past - house temples, mediums in HDB flats, Christian cell group meetings in HDB flats, permits for walking procession for some religious groups, aggressive proselytization especially to minority groups.

bingo !!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rJ6ruM7Muo8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Faith - Belief without evidence (gullibility). Something a lot of CHC members have in common.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Just want to touch more on these christian cells meeting. Omg they were horrible. Imagine 20 plus ppl meeting weekly causing a din. I really pity those ppl that have siblings or roommates etc bringing all of these assholes into their homes.


I just want to hear how Con Hee justifies his 100X fold return on a tithe and donation to his pocket during the trial. Imagine the persecutor giving him a S100 bill and asks him to show how it can multiply 100 times.


Kong Hee will not be that stupid to initiate a street protest. Instead he will prohibit it by all means. A street protest will give the police the perfect reason to arrest all of them. Its something like having a nuclear weapon. Nobody will use it but it will reap benefits if you have a finger on the launch button.

He is just a con man after $$$ and his main goal now is to control his flock of sheep. He might be prepared to go Changi for a short period of time, which is why he will need a Plan B to keep his flock under tight control with the help of his few trusted disciples so that he can come back to lead again after his release.


Kong Hee will not be that stupid to initiate a street protest. Instead he will prohibit it by all means. A street protest will give the police the perfect reason to arrest all of them. Its something like having a nuclear weapon. Nobody will use it but it will reap benefits if you have a finger on the launch button.

He is just a con man after $$$ and his main goal now is to control his flock of sheep. He might be prepared to go Changi for a short period of time, which is why he will need a Plan B to keep his flock under tight control with the help of his few trusted disciples so that he can come back to lead again after his release.

Depends on how many years he will be in the slammers. 20 years upwards and he won't have much of a congregation to come back to. The gahment will swiftly move in and disband the group of fanatics and kill it off.