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breaking: dhoby ghaut mrt suicide attempt


That's Gansiokbin
Isn’t that what you Mark Andrew Yeo want vicuously bullying me for years? bully until i go jump to my death.View attachment 141837

Do doxxing crimes on me and I go jump? You criminal bully son of chicken Jeremy Quek are so evil so scary chicken gang. You know it bully woman like that I may jump but you have no human conscience and would like me to jump and yet everyday act poor thing cry Pap and ceca bully you. So cheap so fake so cunning so scheming so evil. Pui!View attachment 154017


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are two men (and one of them is an old man) enough to hold her back?
If she jumps, her falling weight will be too much for four arms.
She may even drag them with her over the railings.
She does not really want to jump.
If she wanted to do so, she would have done so immediately.
She needs attention, a shoulder to cry on.
She needs help.


Alfrescian (Inf)
perfect day to jump.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
That crazy woman obviously does not appreciate just how wonderful Singapore is with the PAP in charge.


They barricaded the platform to stop people from jumping onto the tracks, but build stations so deep and allow creative Sinkees think of innovative ways to kill themselves at MRT stations.


They barricaded the platform to stop people from jumping onto the tracks, but build stations so deep and allow creative Sinkees think of innovative ways to kill themselves at MRT stations.
actually, jump like that at most break legs and bones. will die meh?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
That's what women want and does.

Kafir men on the other hand, will just get the job done.

Nah. moslem men are better at committing suicide. They actually believe that they will go to paradise with a permanently erect cock. Are you that retarded to believe in all that moslem crap?