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BREAKING: 65-year-old man arrested after he drove through Woodlands checkpoint

Force 136

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: LEAKED VIDEO: Another Car Bash Through Customs Into Singapore

Barrier did not work

Policemen did not know how to react to situation.....

EPIC FAILURE of MHA once again.......
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Force 136

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: LEAKED VIDEO: Another Car Bash Through Customs Into Singapore



Alfrescian (Inf)
See the video
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<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=728012857243884" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=728012857243884">Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/therealsingapore">The Real Singapore</a>.</div></div>

1. The barrier does not work.. Who designed it? Who approved its use?

2. The Police did not know what to do ..... no balls to smash the windows. Who trained these officers? big Failure....

Conclusion : Bad Equipment + poor SOP + bad training = Minister must resign

The guy is driving a Merc so maybe he is an elite:confused:. If you are just a "lesser mortal" policemen I doubt that they want to play hero & risk losing their job by breaking an elites window or shooting his tire.?

With so many privileged elites now in Spore the police have to exercise maximum restraint :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aetos. Was in a taxi back from JB when traffic movement stopped completely at 4 pm. Luckily only waited about 1 hour plus in jam due to lockdown. Was cursing and swearing how come the Sg customs so fucked traffic cant even move.

I was planing to go to JB but with this incident the authorities will probably over react & cause delays. This always happens when they screw up


Spotted a lot of police cars with the flasher on parking along shoulder and side road.Suspected ITA activated,but doesn't know is another incident happened at checkpoint. Checkpoint had to find the source for the leak on the video.A total embrassment with so many uniform men can't even stop a car,furthermore driven by a 65 year old man.A lot of heads going to roll with this incident happened again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Head of ICA gonna get slaughtered :biggrin:
ICA officers not trained to handle this type of situation , whose fault ? :rolleyes:
Barrier ineffective , which contractor's fault ?
Who engaged the contractor ? :eek:
Home Team's reputation down the longkang :biggrin:
1396 will be sold out tomorrow :wink:
Minister will continue to get his obscene pay , it's an honest mistake , let's move on ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: LEAKED VIDEO: Another Car Bash Through Customs Into Singapore

Barrier did not work

Policemen did not know how to react to situation.....

EPIC FAILURE of MHA once again.......

Those barriers and poodle are for show la. They would never expect someone who would drive off ..they are being too complacent lor.



Why is the barrier so easy to foil? And why is the revolver not used to puncture the tyres? Maximum restraint thingy again?

From the video leak, the barrier IS FLIMSY. When the tank .. no , Merc, bumped it gently first time, it flexed. So Ah Lao try again and it collapsed, and the side barriers still "trembling"... really who thought up these "barriers" that would "stop" cars should be fired straight away.. where's the simulation testing of these barriers against all sorts of road vehicles (from scooters to big ass lorries) that it's meant to stop? Obviously not done! I tot the barrier was those solid steel tyre slashers, and not some flip up flimsy plastic thingys... we have been too complacent to trust our security to a bunch of oafs who are self-deluded that they have the best in hand to protect us.. really need to wake up...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Re: LEAKED VIDEO: Another Car Bash Through Customs Into Singapore

Those barriers and poodle are for show la. They would never expect someone who would drive off ..they are being too complacent lor.

They should have used this design


Force 136

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: LEAKED VIDEO: Another Car Bash Through Customs Into Singapore

Auditor-General should step in to investigate the waste of public funds on this useless piece of equipment and the lack of training of the officers.

MPs should bring this up in Parliament.

Why spend so much on Defence when you cannot even stop a junk second hand car driven by a 65 year old ?


Re: LEAKED VIDEO: Another Car Bash Through Customs Into Singapore

you are right... employ so many jiak liao bee guards... time to replace these mudland staff. they r not trained for this.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
He was in a hurry to collect his CPF at age 65. If wait too long, PAP will change the goalpost again.