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BIG BET, wish me luck my friends


I've been thinking of it whole night until I cant sleep

Then it rained very heavily at about 6am, now still drizzling

When the rain stops, I will go to buy 4D...

Since my horse came in at Kranji last night, I made about $2,000

I will whack $1,000 big $1,000 small on a lucky pick

If first prize, it is a solid $5 million

WISH ME LUCK, I cant think of anything else

My whole mind is thinking of winning first prize


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
good luck besotted!!!i think you'll stike first price. $1000 Big and $1000 Small.
better keep your secret number yourself. this type of dream cannot share one.
it comes once in a life time. so good luck and may heaven and earth bless you with
a lucky strike!!! it takes alot of guts to whack $1000 Big and $1000 Small.Better take it easy man! Take it easy!!!


warren buff say you are as good as your last bet. So you commit the classic financial suicide of no money management.


a record pay off for singapore pool, if i am not wrong, is 14 m

yours may be second highest, please come in and let us know tonight


If I were you, I bet S$1,500 for two days. If never come out, I still got S$500 for booze and prc meimeis !!


I've been thinking of it whole night until I cant sleep

Then it rained very heavily at about 6am, now still drizzling

When the rain stops, I will go to buy 4D...

Since my horse came in at Kranji last night, I made about $2,000

I will whack $1,000 big $1,000 small on a lucky pick

If first prize, it is a solid $5 million

WISH ME LUCK, I cant think of anything else

My whole mind is thinking of winning first prize

So did your horse take a bus or just walk in at kranji ?


I've been thinking of it whole night until I cant sleep

Then it rained very heavily at about 6am, now still drizzling

When the rain stops, I will go to buy 4D...

Since my horse came in at Kranji last night, I made about $2,000

I will whack $1,000 big $1,000 small on a lucky pick

If first prize, it is a solid $5 million

WISH ME LUCK, I cant think of anything else

My whole mind is thinking of winning first prize

So did you strike or not last night??

If not never mind, go and screw some prc meimeis to let off steam !!:biggrin:


Well bro, you should have buy 3 draws of 50big sys roll $600 per draw. I have done that before and hit on 2nd attempt. Sometimes it is true you just don't give a damn about the money. You should share the number with us. Togther we HUAT ah.


I've been thinking of it whole night until I cant sleep

Then it rained very heavily at about 6am, now still drizzling

When the rain stops, I will go to buy 4D...

Since my horse came in at Kranji last night, I made about $2,000

I will whack $1,000 big $1,000 small on a lucky pick

If first prize, it is a solid $5 million

WISH ME LUCK, I cant think of anything else

My whole mind is thinking of winning first prize

Might as well throw it into the drain. No need to line up, q up.