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Ass Loon: Sporns Are Still Too Lazy, Hence POOR!


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>11440.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>Nov 2, 2008
S'poreans must work hard <!--10 min-->
Country cannot afford to be weak, says PM at youth dialogue
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In giving this dose of reality, Mr Lee also strived to assure his youthful audience that their goals and aspirations can come true in Singapore. -- PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO
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<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"-->BHUTAN has a yardstick for measuring success which some youth here yearn to have in place of Singapore's relentless pursuit of economic growth. It was a longing that struck a chord in Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong yesterday, but he was quick to explain why Bhutan's Gross National Happiness index was not suitable for Singapore.
'We are one small island in the middle of a very turbulent South-east Asia. You have to watch your GDP (gross domestic product), because if you are poor, you will be weak; if you are weak, something will happen to you,' he said.
He gave this gentle warning to graduate student Chong Kwek Yan, 25, who posed the question at a dialogue Mr Lee had with 150 students and professionals.
The Prime Minister then set out for his audience of 17- to 35-year- olds the overriding challenges facing Singapore in the short, medium and long term.
In the present economic crisis, Singapore's most urgent concern is to keep the economy humming along and to look after the low-income earners.
In the medium term, it needs to focus on how to produce enough Singaporean babies and attract foreign talent.
For the long term, Singapore has to renew its political leadership and build up a sense of identity.
But in giving this dose of reality, the 56-year-old Prime Minister also strived to assure his youthful audience that their goals and aspirations can come true in Singapore.
The 80-minute dialogue, an annual event, was organised by the National Youth Council.
Although political issues such as political expression and succession held sway at the start of the session, many were also anxious over what they see as the high cost of living here.
Ms Sonia Ong, 26, director of a public relations firm, said the maid levy and heavy taxes here were making her wonder whether she might be better off in Hong Kong.
Mr Lee pointed out that total taxes here, at 15per cent of GDP, were 'very, very low'.
'For nearly everybody in this room, if you were in Hong Kong, you would pay more tax than you would personal taxes.'
He added: 'The trouble is our taxes come in places where you notice...so you drive less or think about whether you really need a maid.'
Indeed, owning a car has become too costly, especially for the middle class, some felt.
But Mr Lee was swift to point out that in charging drivers for using rather than owning a car, ownership has become much cheaper, which is why so many more cars are on the road.
He also highlighted how the middle-income group is also benefiting from government policies which help ensure that its earners' wages go up yearly.
On economic competitiveness, he cautioned against going down the road of Germany, which had a generous welfare scheme that gave workers six weeks of vacation. The result was that factories moved to former communist countries such as Hungary and Romania.
Similarly, Singapore faces a region in which people in India, China and Vietnam are working harder. 'If we want to sweat less, are we going to be up there?' he said.
Mr Lee agreed with lawyer Leon Yee, 32, who noted that, unlike Singapore, Hong Kong can more immediately tap a Greater China hinterland.
Mr Lee said: 'That is a reason we need to work harder, because we don't have China next door which can rescue us, help us or defend us.
'We are Singapore. We are one country on our own.'

[email protected]


Alfrescian (Inf)
>>>Mr Lee pointed out that total taxes here, at 15per cent of GDP, were 'very, very low'.
'For nearly everybody in this room, if you were in Hong Kong, you would pay more tax than you would personal taxes.' <<<

Silent on Peesai's effective tax rate from direct and indirect tax rates of nearly 50%? HK does not have GST and decent social welfare. Soon they will have min. wage law. On top of that their ministerial pay is a way lower than the Papayas'!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Blah, blah, fail but don wanto pay up. Still want to take million dollar pay like fucked ibankers. Neber talk bonus and directorship fees.

Scene flom ibanker

John, please sit down. Have some sushi and a good red wine. U no wat? Ur investment of 1 million dollar? We invested in what we thought were good stocks. It seem gooood first. But value drop as we continue to invest. Now estimated value is maybe zero. Want some more sooshii? Nice one u no. Expensive some more and good wine (courtesy of ur money). So don worry life is about good things. Don waste good food wine....


Dear PM, Singaporean are human too...they need vacation to recharge for working hard...there's nothing wrong with a 6 weeks vacation actually...but the government do always treated the citizens as robot...work...work...more work...work harder...work very hard...of course smart people would emigrate lah...work hard and at the end - money no enough...no CPF...that's a no win situation leh!!!


Agree !!

When young, study but don't study !

When middle aged, upgrade but don't upgrade !

When old, kpkb !

Boh Bian .... gahmen give handouts lor !!



Too many idiots in Singapore ! Hence an inflation-deflation-recession-depression should wake up Singaporeans from their long-term stupidity .


This Lee ah Long thinks everyone is scholar quality, knn always face problems he'll find bones in egg blame the people instead zzz


Alfrescian (Inf)
The one thing that Sporns can do to improve their lives is to vote out the Familee. Unfortunately 66% are too dumb to see this!


The one thing that Sporns can do to improve their lives is to vote out the Familee. Unfortunately 66% are too dumb to see this!

The 66% are mostly older generation who love getting the 'ang baos' from the Pees and contented happily. As time goes by, the newer generation will overtake that percentage :biggrin:


I think the Lees and the Pees are good sales people, give 'free gifts' first for the sinkies to 'buy their heart and trust' then slowly makan them up :biggrin:


Mr Lee pointed out that total taxes here, at 15per cent of GDP, were 'very, very low'.
'For nearly everybody in this room, if you were in Hong Kong, you would pay more tax than you would personal taxes.'

This is bullshit. HK does not have COE, ERP, GST, or 2 years National Slavery and 10 yrs reserve slavery. So in essense, Sinkee tax is 10 times that of HK.


The one thing that Sporns can do to improve their lives is to vote out the Familee. Unfortunately 66% are too dumb to see this!

The 66% are mostly older generation who love getting the 'ang baos' from the Pees and contented happily. As time goes by, the newer generation will overtake that percentage :biggrin:
Well, I hope I'm not being too harsh, but maybe it's time somebody teach them the purpose & meaning of GE; and that's to vote the best people into parliament or into power, for the FUTURE and not based on history.

If it means anything, maybe if the seniors are in their senile days, then perhaps its best that they join others in kicking buckets. So the younger & learned generation can decide what's best for the future.


Originally Posted by DerekLeung

Too many idiots in Singapore ! Hence an inflation-deflation-recession-depression should wake up Singaporeans from their long-term stupidity .

wahaha ...

only the strong survive .....

Not only these calimitous times will correct redundant businesses, business models and practises .

Conan the Barbarian

The 66% are mostly older generation who love getting the 'ang baos' from the Pees and contented happily. As time goes by, the newer generation will overtake that percentage :biggrin:

You are wrong. Almost every fresh grad that joined my dept supports PAP. Only one does not, and he still does not want to voted for CSJ.

Almost everyone in my office supports PAP, except for a handful. And they are certainly not old folks.



This is very precise !! Hahahaaa.... How true, how true !!!

Donkey years ago, I was at the kennel helping out at the Meet-the-people session, you see many of those morons. Typically, a late 30s guy with wife and 2 children came to seek financial assistance. The grassroot fellas paid him a visit. He lived in 5 rooms, has a car, and PUB bill was high. When asked about the PUB bill, the moron revealed that they turned on aircon every night. His occupation ? Housing agent !!

Refuse to sell his car, refuse to downgrade, and insist on using the aircon every night (with excuses, spore weather so warm, how to sleep ??). You tell me, such lazy and brainless f88k, how to help ?? Expect the gahment to pay for his lifestyle...... a real parasitic spastic !! I believe he is one of the 66.6% and deserve to be screwed !!!!

Agree !!

When young, study but don't study !

When middle aged, upgrade but don't upgrade !

When old, kpkb !

Boh Bian .... gahmen give handouts lor !!