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An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken wing


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

Not do good job or humble. The fact that he is putting on an act to show that he is one of us is a real turn off. Let's face it: He will never be one of us no matter how hard he tries to q for chicken wings or whatever. He pays himself millions (possibly billions) for starters. He is in a different world and he will never understand the people on the ground grinding out a living.

Ya, right. He does not have to queue for any food; just order and it will be delivered. By appearing to queue for chix wing in public, it is just a public relation wayang but totally useless to sinkies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

LHL's chicken wing fiasco. he must have copied that from Xi Jinping queuing up for buns. the Chinese netizens were pretty impressed by Xi's act.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

The writer claims that the PM will not get to see this because 'he is so well-shielded'. I am sure he or one of his advisors monitors sammyboy just to gauge the feeling of on-line sentiment.

If you think the sentiment in this forum is representative of the country as a whole, you're even more deluded than an IMH patient.

There are about 10 looney characters here who have nothing better to do than to spend their whole lives cursing the PAP. They should be in a lunatic asylum. The only reason why they are allowed to hallucinate here is because of my pledge to provide them with a platform to spew their vitriol.

The rest of Singapore is busy enjoying the exciting and bustling city that the PAP has created for us. No matter which way you look at it, the PAP is the best thing since sliced bread.


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

The Singapore government has to reply to this matter why the Head of State PM is at places where he should not be.

He could endangered commoners life if there is attempt to assassinate the PM at any one time 24/7.

Using body guard just to protect the PM are insufficient considering innocent lives are lost if there is a shootout in the market place to kill the VIP Head of State. The fried chicken hawker may lose his life if there is a shoot out to kill the PM.

haha, absolutely well written open letter

PM Lee Q with residents for 30 min for chicken wings

When private letters and nice-worded letters don’t work anymore, open and more straightforward letters would have to be written, so kindly allow me to contribute mine.

I came across an article that stated “PM Lee queues 30 minutes for chicken wings at Redhill“. So please allow me to comment very BLUNTLY on this. Anyway, even Catherine Lim’s polite and nice open letter was received with a retaliation instead of doing a reflection, what more can you expect from Singaporeans apart from more and more straightforward letters?

Since a nice letter often ended up being ignored or maybe not understood, so please don’t be offended by this straightforward article. Of course, if you find this defamatory, please kindly accept my sincere apology as I meant well, I couldn’t bring myself to see you looked so silly, blindly following those ill advice that you were given.

First of all, who cares if you queued 30 mins or even an hour for chicken wings? Does it increase the GDP? Does it increase my salary? Does it reduce the inflation? Does it alleviate the unhappiness of the people? Well, the answers are Nobody, No, No, No, No. Because nobody cares about what you do or what you eat or what you say, if you don’t fulfill the basis of a leader! As simple as that.

If you don’t understand what I meant, let’s look at my favourite pilot example. Imagine this scenario: Singapore Airline recently employed a new pilot, he is so good that he even helped the crew serve meals on the flight, he even helped the ground crew polish the airplane tires, and even treated all the flight crew to expensive dinners. On top of that, he even helped to clean the crew’s homes on every off-day. Isn’t he great? Yes, but there is only 1 thing that he does not do – to fly a plane. So what is the use of a pilot who does all the kind acts, but refused to fly a plane? Similarly, what is the use of all the supposedly kind and humble acts when a leader does not want to protect his people?

The same applies to an MP. We need MPs to fulfill fiduciary duties – to vote independently according to what is best for Singapore. What were their votes on the White Paper knowing that the government was unable to handle the influx? Well, I am not xenophobic. I am fully supportive of even 10 millions of population as long as you can manage it and produce the desired positive outcome, are you able to do that? (read this for more details)

I have come across Tin Pei Ling being praised for visiting patients, and I have to agree that that is a kind act, but please, we are talking about a good MP, not a good social worker.

I have also come across Indranee Rajah doing the back lane party, well, that is definitely good, but what we are talking about is a good MP, not a good project coordinator.

I have also heard how great Inderjit Singh is in criticising policies, and I have to agree that that is a good political commentator, but what we want is a good MP.

Anyway, I am sure Catherine Lim did a better job in that, best of all, it is free, we don’t have to pay millions for her to do so, right?

Remember: The basis is of utmost importance, failing which nothing else matters.

Do you think I care if the PAP party wins the election? No, I don’t. Because Singapore is where it is today, not because of any particular party or any particular logo design, but because of the Founding Spirit of Singapore. Sadly, as of today, PAP no longer upholds that spirit, instead, they keep labeling Singaporeans with all the bad names, and the most recent is of course the smearing of the lady as follows, followed by closing the case.

Oh, please don’t get me wrong, I am not saying this is right or wrong, but just stating the method that some people prefer to use to ‘resolve’ issues, and of course, I had to admit that this way of resolving issues is definitely the most productive method of problem solving, well, what can be more productive than to resolve a problem even before it is considered one? (see this article on Politicians Problem Solving Methodology for more info)

Do you still remember the statistics that you were given during the Little India Riot to compare and conclude that those rioters generally had lower crime rates than Singaporeans? Well, whether how true it is doesn’t matter, the fact is that your advisers shouldn’t have made such a comparison and provided you with the info in the first place. If you had forgotten about that, here is the link.

Lastly, I know PM Lee will not get to read this because he is so well-shielded. But for me, it doesn’t matter because I have fulfilled my obligation as a responsible citizen by highlighting the silly acts that were committed, whether the leaders want to act or how they want to act are their problems, not mine.

To me, it is very simple, all along I only voted for the Founding Spirit of Singapore, the party who has that, will get my vote. Too bad, this spirit is no longer with the PAP party. Don’t worry, this will be my one and only open letter to PM Lee, I have much better things to do than to give free advice on how to be a good leader.

Oh… btw, do you know what I am seeing now? Yes, I am seeing your team of ‘professional political advisers’ coming up to you to propose that you should start a campaign on the “Founding Spirit Of Singapore”… oh please… could you get them to spare us this misery?

* Article first appeared in Basis of Singaporean Spirit (BOSS).

source: http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/06/17/pm-lee-q-with-residents-for-30-min-for-chicken-wings/


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

Your Basic Role is to DO YOUR JOB!
Stop Pussyfooting around queuing for Chicken wings!

greedy and cunning

Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

why must he queue up? just ask his lackeys to queue mah!

plenty of volunteers you can find...

maybe testing his father theory that hawkers will auto give extra pieces when
they see the status of the customer.


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

do good also complain
do humble also complain
singaporeans are really a kpkb people
He don't have to do anything. His insincerity and out of touch irks many sinkies.


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

LHL's chicken wing fiasco. he must have copied that from Xi Jinping queuing up for buns. the Chinese netizens were pretty impressed by Xi's act.

hey Xi's queuing was genuine. And that guy doesnt earn the millions pinky does.


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

The fried chicken hawker may lose his life if there is a shoot out to kill the PM.

I take that you value the chicken hawker life more precious than the PM....I endorse that...


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

If you think the sentiment in this forum is representative of the country as a whole, you're even more deluded than an IMH patient.

There are about 10 looney characters here who have nothing better to do than to spend their whole lives cursing the PAP. They should be in a lunatic asylum. The only reason why they are allowed to hallucinate here is because of my pledge to provide them with a platform to spew their vitriol.

The rest of Singapore is busy enjoying the exciting and bustling city that the PAP has created for us. No matter which way you look at it, the PAP is the best thing since sliced bread.

besides you. where are the other 9?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

If you think the sentiment in this forum is representative of the country as a whole, you're even more deluded than an IMH patient.

I did not say nor did I imply that but even you (or your alter egos) flip from pro establishment to anti PAP commentary at the flick of a switch.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

The chicken wings nice?


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

welcome. Next time you see him at places where he should not be, tell him to leave this place now for the safety of you, your family, and the premises.

The fried chicken hawker may lose his life if there is a shoot out to kill the PM.

I take that you value the chicken hawker life more precious than the PM....I endorse that...


Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

what he does...is none of our biz...just return our cpf when we turn 55.. :eek:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

If you think the sentiment in this forum is representative of the country as a whole, you're even more deluded than an IMH patient.

There are about 10 looney characters here who have nothing better to do than to spend their whole lives cursing the PAP. They should be in a lunatic asylum. The only reason why they are allowed to hallucinate here is because of my pledge to provide them with a platform to spew their vitriol.

The rest of Singapore is busy enjoying the exciting and bustling city that the PAP has created for us. No matter which way you look at it, the PAP is the best thing since sliced bread.

besides you. where are the other 9?

Hallucinations of a nincompoop moron cunting his own shadow.






Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

Honestly, if you don't care about something or someone, would you even talk about it? Let alone write a long letter??

What a chump!! This fellow obviously cares about LHL for whatsoever reason!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

So is the chicken wings nice or not?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: An Open Letter to PM Lee – Do You Think We Care If You Q for 30 Mins for Chicken

And why did the chicken cross the road?