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Ai*ping*, 24: No, no to fried or oily food!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chua Aiping, 24

Youth worker

Height: 1.69m
Weight: 54kg
Exercise regimen: I run three to five times a week, and I visit the gym once a week. I do my core exercises such as crunches, leg lifts and side bends every day.
Diet: A balanced diet of carbohydrates, meat and plenty of greens and fruits. I also drink lots of plain water and juice. No fried or oily food.
If you think you or any of your friends fit into our Hot Bod Series, drop us a line and photo at [email protected]


she did a good job of burning off those fats... including the fats from the boobs and butts... a woman without the 2 Bs is not sexy... just a plain jane...


she did a good job of burning off those fats... including the fats from the boobs and butts... a woman without the 2 Bs is not sexy... just a plain jane...

Heh heh..... U toking abt my ex?
I once had a sexy FB with a great body...... until she kenna conned by some slimming salon into losing 8 kgs in 2 months..... became all skinny and lost her J Lo butt too..... her 34C cups shrank into A cups and bonking her became no fun at all...... never regretted dumping her for another bakchai FB :biggrin: