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Ah Tiong Doctor in Singapore


The world doesn't have to worry about the rise of China because it won't happen. In the 80s, everyone I know was taking Japanese lessons. Their efforts were wasted. The flavor of the month is now China but it's nothing but a passing phase.

The US will still be in charge for many years to come. They may not have the military might of the past. However, their cultural domination of the world is not about to end anytime soon simply because the USA is still a magnet for the world's best and brightest.

I could not agree with you more on US cultural domination...it actually goes beyond.That is,the caucasians vs asians.It is not US per ce but because it's the pinacle of caucasian civilization.It was Greeks,Romans ,Spanish,British and now US.It 's gonna take centuries for China to catch up.Why?

I once wounded up a discussion ,or debate rather ,on China rising superiority by simply posing this question.Tell me if you prefer Singapore as US or China's colony?.....Yes ! they rather be US subjugated.Which begets the question why?

Because US culture is still loveable---even if it's against yours.

The point being everything we wear,use,practice even eat is Caucasian culture.How can China's military or economy might change all that?


hi there

1. what poor future planning and foresight?
2. it is all about bottomline: cheap labour mah!
3. after all, it is just lives of some common sheep.
4. it does not matter to the elites.

Yeah lor, it is no planning rather than poor planning, any govt with a brain will know that before they mass import new people, they must get ready infrastructure, where got anyhow open floodgate like that. The only conclusion is there was zero planning, the govt was only concerned with GDP growth and their GDP pegged salary!

How the PRC doctor treat the mid to poor people has zero impact on them. My family member suffered blue black for two weeks after a intravenous injection by lousy skill Pinoy doctor (note: not Pinoy nurse but Pinoy doctor).


About The Loyalty Of FTs In Singapore

About the loyalty of FTs in Singapore

Switzerland is a good example of a low population country with extremely high GDP At the other extreme you have Indonesia with a wealth of mineral resources, high population and very per capita income.

Are GDP and Per capita income good yardsticks?

Japan has high GDP and PC income ... and yet ... in Tokyo workers live in tiny little houses, live far away from their work places, eat cheap cold noodle for lunch, commute to work in public transport ... and appear to be stressed and unhappy all the time.

In contrast ... workers in Auckland live in big houses, live near their workplace, eat proper lunch, drive to work, ...and seem to be happy ...joking and laughing while at work. The GDP and PC income of N Zealand are much lower.


In China, doctors get a cut of the prices of drugs they prescribe, so they prescribe you drugs that you don't need and the doctors get fat. Medical fees are exorbitant. You have to wash and bathe the patients yourself.


Re: About The Loyalty Of FTs In Singapore

About the loyalty of FTs in Singapore

That's why rankings of best places to live (not work, mind you) always show they are in First world western countries in Europe, Australia and North America.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Yeah lor, it is no planning rather than poor planning, any govt with a brain will know that before they mass import new people, they must get ready infrastructure, where got anyhow open floodgate like that. The only conclusion is there was zero planning, the govt was only concerned with GDP growth and their GDP pegged salary!

How the PRC doctor treat the mid to poor people has zero impact on them. My family member suffered blue black for two weeks after a intravenous injection by lousy skill Pinoy doctor (note: not Pinoy nurse but Pinoy doctor).

hi there

1. honest, i had a surgery thing recently at the mount elizabeth hospital.
2. i met every dick, tom, harry and mary, all foreign talents except local sheep.
3. it took some minutes to literally comprehend what they were trying to tell me before the surgery.
4. luckily, the attending doctor/specialist is some local sheep.
5. i escaped the ordeal safely.


China's GDP Is A Bubble !


High GDP for China when NO one can benefit from it ? What a ridicule ! The Chinese bubble will have to burst sometime sooner or later.



hi there

1. honest, i had a surgery thing recently at the mount elizabeth hospital.
2. i met every dick, tom, harry and mary, all foreign talents except local sheep.
3. it took some minutes to literally comprehend what they were trying to tell me before the surgery.
4. luckily, the attending doctor/specialist is some local sheep.
5. i escaped the ordeal safely.

Lucky for you, that was at khoo teck puat hospital. Yes, all FT from nurse to doctor to pharmacist. For a moment, i thought i was in Manila.


You can break windows and fix it to increase GDP. You also can dig a hole and fill it up to increase GDP. :smile:


A Fake Indicator To Pay Themselves Millions

GDP is an excuse to pay themselves millions of dollars from the coffer. Everyone is eyeing the coffer because it was fat and ready for the slaughter before the dumb Sinkies wake up politically. I mean the real one and NOT the 'fake politically savvy' type.

If a barrel of oil raises the price of a can of abalone by 100%; and now, you have to pay 100% more for everything, the GDP will go up by twice the previous rate, does that mean our lives are better now ? Do consume twice the amount of rice or do we own two Toyotas ? Instead, it is the other way round ! We have to spend less by half especially abalones ! And many may have to give up their Toyotas for something else ! Tell these politicians to go to hell !