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“Budget 2012”---same grand-mother story of rebates right ! The world Must read

Tiu Kwang Yew

Every year, come February, in "first world" Sinkapore , millionaire servants talk about Budget !
Every year, same old grandmother story right !

3 room flats dun need to pay conservancy for two months,
4 room flats likewise one month free !
What is this? Conservancy fees oredi overcharged !
Then , pea-nut handouts dole out to the elderly, the so-called Poor, and CPF for employers cut down 2% …..etc…..all stop-gap thingys right !
Nothing has changed !
So what do you expect ?

Budget 2012, will be the same grandmother story, you have oredi warned, five- cent coin bigger than the bullock cart wheel ! You hear the Botak right !

Look at the wages ----most masters are paid $ 5 to 20 per hour in Sinkapore, but the servants are paid $500 to 1000 per hour ! Mind you head, bonuses not yet count ok !

MRT is privatized, so who take the profits ?
State-land belongs to the public, If privatized, SLA how come never tell us the whole MRT network land costs how much ? ?
SMRT buys the land? Who is the boss ? How much is sold ? Who benefited ?

Sinkapore Pools is making money like drinking water, the profits all go where ?

Elder care centre die die must build near HDB palace, there are so many golf courses serving a FEW, give away one to two golf courses can die meh ?

Dear Opposition, the whole fairy-tale is made possible by the majority voters, the problem lies with the voters not PAP directly, without mandate, you think the old one can sing the same tune again and again and again ? You think Ah Fook can yaya papaya ?

If you oppo cannot win votes . game over simply !

PAP will not change policies, sorry is just a word out of whim right !
Changing policies would mean PAP has to collapse!

Look at the country reserves, can you look in front 50 years later, or do you plan for 5 to 10 years ahead ?
So you keep saying saving for troubled times but how much more is enough when you throw billions on defence waiting for a war that never comes, even if it comes, Sinkapore with the most high tech weapons also no use !
Sinkapore cant even last a week when it comes ----this is a hardtruth !
The more you want to save becos of paranoia or some reasons best known to yourselves , the people suffer !
When you link Public- house price to the reserves, people think high price public houses make them rich…….so 80% of sinkaporeans can sell their palaces , sleep somewhere else and get rich ?

Tell you true, sinkapore got no natural disaster, but one thing is for sure-----HDB flats will be the financial disaster coming !
All Bad things will come to an end ! How it ends will depend how bad it is !

The trouble why you oppo cannot win votes becos you have fought the wrong enemy !
We had tried to tell you last GE in vain and in the end, what happened ?

If we want change, Oppo must work on the voters now and then !
It is not true that majority voters are not fearsome no more , in fact , they are not immune to threats !
Last GE , WP would have won at least 2 GRCs ! Who saved PAP last GE ? You know I know !
Mouse traps caught no Oppo nerds so the voters take the brunt right !

We are not asking you people to fuck the voters upside down, we are asking you to bring wisdom !
Like we said before----bring wisdom through reflection is a better valor, through experience is a bitter story !

Please work on the voters, dare to tell them that it is becos of their mandate , things becum out of control in sinkapore !
Voters have responsibility , not just one word sorry can solve problems, you people must speak to the people now !
More Oppo members in the parliament will bring sinkapore goodness and sinkaporeans a better lifestyle

Be confidence , be courageous , speak to the people !
You see how PAP works ---confidence in the future, future for your children ……all these words have no responsibility ! But they works !

You Oppo must learn, speak with confidence to the people ---“like we can form govt, we can do this and we can do that !”
You people can even use fear factors tactfully on the voters !

You can be nice to the voters becos you want to win votes but majority voters still need a dose of push ! Sinkaporeans are not Taiwanese or Hongkees right ! EQ problems right !

You see why we said Mr Tan Jee Say is good for AMK GRC !

Going native with the voters is one thing, winning their votes is another, without getting into the parliament, cut one- third out of them, the first world parliament will continue to appoint NMPs , the so-free servants will continue to chase after oppo love-affair news and continue to sing the same grandmother song during the budget months .

See what happens ? People voted for PAP to get rich and live in a different world ! They have no worry for PUB bills, education for their chidren, no worry for the $8 dollar healthcare, and many more ! And they talk like aliens !

Some security guards earning $1500 per month providing for their huge family hoping PAP do something to help them cope !
Hahahahaha…….cope a life and live a fruitful life is a different thing right ! Workfare is also a different thing right !
Without 1/3 oppo members in the parliament , PAP servants will never understand the majority people !
Sinkaporeans and PAP servants live in a different world, nobody is stopping these people to take huge money ! At least , be humans, drink water must know where the source right !
Masters just want to live at the outskirt of their world !
Masters and Servants, it is a very sad story to talk like this right !

So Oppo , think about it, the day you people dare to say graciously to the voters that Sinkapore becums so expensive and yet the most voters are not getting the right wages and many other bad things are all becos they give mandate to the PAP ! It will be the day of enlightenment !

Sometimes, too scared to be not nice to the voters will not do Sinkapore good, it is the majority voters that make sinkapore a very complicated place to live !
You will not win votes if you still think majority voters are angels, in fact, they are the "fiends" !

God help sinkapore , God help bring wisdom to the Oppo , so they bring wisdom to the people !


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thereafter, as usual, CNA will gather all the "observers" to speak about the budget, and they will give all the politically correct feedback. These "observers" are usually make up of the same mother fuckers of at least one MP (other than the finance minister), one grassroot, one NTUC, pro-pap businessman. You will also see the same Eugene face like no others on the news, giving his two cents worth of "political view" and it really come as only two cent worth, nothing more.
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Years back, at Tharma 1st budget; I asked " why do u need to please the rich who can afford
maid with a subsidy? U dont need to please everyone but pls do more for the poor."
Not even a polite reply from REACH (Amy) who desperately asked for feedback.
So, if u dont sing their chorus, u are wasting time. I've learnt enough from it.