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‘Why should I respect elders if they do not deserve it?’ — Singaporean asks


Haha at least I don’t go around thinking I am entitled to anything!

Old = must respect? What kind of shit logic is this? So if the old man was a child rapist and went to jail throughout his life for crimes, then he deserve to be respected? lol lanjiao ok! :FU:
don’t stretch simple manners into some highfalutin shit only millennial fatherless urchins like you will understand. Even your nick you are too fucking lazy to come up with an original. But I suppose you love being someone’s bitch. Fuck your limp old man for not using a cap. A clone will always be his gravest mistake


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Reddit User will know the answer once he/she became old. At this stage, nobody can answer for them.
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Scrooball (clone)

don’t stretch simple manners into some highfalutin shit only millennial fatherless urchins like you will understand. Even your nick you are too fucking lazy to come up with an original. But I suppose you love being someone’s bitch. Fuck your limp old man for not using a cap. A clone will always be his gravest mistake
Old fart , you better calm down la. Otherwise, your natural entitlements of high blood pressure, stroke, dementia and cancer may send u one step closer to the pearly gates. Or in your case, the basement equivalent. Haha


Old fart , you better calm down la. Otherwise, your natural entitlements of high blood pressure, stroke, dementia and cancer may send u one step closer to the pearly gates. Or in your case, the basement equivalent. Haha
don’t forget you are vaxxed leftard. You will fuck off way faster than any old fart who hasn’t taken the poison lol. Take care. You can’t undo your own silliness if you have fucked yourself over. Like the way your dad couldn’t undo that one shot of stupidity

Scrooball (clone)

don’t forget you are vaxxed leftard. You will fuck off way faster than any old fart who hasn’t taken the poison lol. Take care. You can’t undo your own silliness if you have fucked yourself over. Like the way your dad couldn’t undo that one shot of stupidity
Old fart keep repeating the same old one-two liners. Father la , stupid la, haha… really subpar standard. Typical boomer / early gen useless twat. Haha

While you are reminiscing about the good old days, contact the kind folks at https://www.nirvanafugui.com/funeral-services/

and make your final journey arrangements is a better use of the limited time you have left.



that's why i have no respect for youngsters. I fuck them every chance I get, publicly. if the elderly need to earn your respect, then all the more you ought to suck my dick and grovel at my feet. Never teach your father how to fuck. Even if you don't respect him, at least you can be sure he hit the bull's eye once, and that could have been the greatest mistake of his life.

I've met a cocky young fuck in his early 30s who was sharing with me his business proposal and trying to convince me how successful and profitable the plan will be. I just asked him one question - "Who's paying for the operation costs and expenses?" He just stared at me blankly for two seconds, and then tried to wriggle his way out by talking nonsense. What an idiot!

Scrooball (clone)

I've met a cocky young fuck in his early 30s who was sharing with me his business proposal and trying to convince me how successful and profitable the plan will be. I just asked him one question - "Who's paying for the operation costs and expenses?" He just stared at me blankly for two seconds, and then tried to wriggle his way out by talking nonsense. What an idiot!
lol and I guess u have never met old and arrogant bastards who think they know it all just because they are old? Aiya at the end of the day, both young and old got their rotten apples.

The key is not to associate
Old = Must respect automatically without question! Stupid logic!


Old fart keep repeating the same old one-two liners. Father la , stupid la, haha… really subpar standard. Typical boomer / early gen useless twat. Haha

While you are reminiscing about the good old days, contact the kind folks at https://www.nirvanafugui.com/funeral-services/

and make your final journey arrangements is a better use of the limited time you have left.

View attachment 197321
a picture you took for your own arrangements? Death comes to everyone. I would like to see the reaction on your cheebai face when it comes for you. The root of your arrogance comes from your hatred for authority. you hate it because your father had either fucked you over when you were a boy or you don’t have a proper father or a feather at all.

Scrooball (clone)

a picture you took for your own arrangements? Death comes to everyone. I would like to see the reaction on your cheebai face when it comes for you. The root of your arrogance comes from your hatred for authority. you hate it because your father had either fucked you over when you were a boy or you don’t have a proper father or a feather at all.
Boring sia… the usual father this father that. You better get your daddy issues sorted out with your psychiatrist. But then again, probably pointless by now since you are flipping to the last chapter of your life already. Haha

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
There are other classes in terms of not deserving respect. For example politicians lawyers. I will still give elders respect.