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‘Why should I respect elders if they do not deserve it?’ — Singaporean asks



‘Why should I respect elders if they do not deserve it?’ — Singaporean asks

ByAnna Maria Romero

MARCH 19, 2024

SINGAPORE: A local Reddit user risked stating an unpopular opinion when he wrote that he does not believe people deserve respect just because they’re older. Acknowledging that “we Asians are constantly asked to respect the elders”, he wrote on r/Singapore on Monday (March 18) that “I think this value is quite b*ll.”

The Reddit user wrote that he was airing his opinion after seeing another popular post from last week in which the author asked, “Are Old People Automatically Entitled to A Seat?” —a post that spawned a lively discussion.

He added: “Why is it that i should respect the elders if they do not deserve it?” He also explained that he respects people, whether old or young, “depending on their attitudes and behaviours.”

“Why is it that the elders can disrespect younger people and demand for respect just cause of their age? Does it mean that i am entitled to disrespect kids that are younger than me?” he asked, adding that he believes respect needs to be earned.

“Do not expect me to give you some ‘age-exclusive’ respect. If you are rude, do not expect me to be nice to you. Period.”

The context of this is most likely the previous one, wherein the post author shared that an older man who entered a packed train shouted at a young lady, telling her she needed to give up her seat.

The post author also wrote that it was not the first time he had seen an elderly person behaving rudely and demanding that others give up their seats.

Some commenters on the post wrote that it’s not only old people who can be rude, as they’ve witnessed young people being rude as well.

Another Reddit user chimed in to say that rudeness is not a matter of age at all.

“There (is) a portion of people who are crazy when young, and when those crazy grow old they do the same things like bulldozing through a crowded bus stop of people with their entitled mobility vehicles,” he added.

One said that the issue is not just about respect but also about empathy since things get more difficult the older we get, and older people have aches and pains that younger people don’t.

“It is a social grace to give up your seat to those who need it more than you, not so much about whether you respect them or not,” another commenter wrote, adding:

“I don’t see why (respect) has to be earned – it doesn’t take much to be courteous to (older people) or go a little out of your way to make life a bit more comfortable for them, even if they might not be so polite to you or dismissive of you because of your age.” /TISG

Scrooball (clone)

There's the usual "I am old so you need to give up your seats to me" self-entitled shit. It depends right.

If you clearly have difficulty standing or walking, then fair point. Let u have the seat. I have seen healthy looking 50somethings taking their self-entitled fat asses over and demanding for seats! Just because u were born decades earlier doesn't mean u earn the right to anything in life. Maybe the rights to dementia, that's all.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
There's the usual "I am old so you need to give up your seats to me" self-entitled shit. It depends right.

If you clearly have difficulty standing or walking, then fair point. Let u have the seat. I have seen healthy looking 50somethings taking their self-entitled fat asses over and demanding for seats! Just because u were born decades earlier doesn't mean u earn the right to anything in life. Maybe the rights to dementia, that's all.

50s is middle age not old.


The MRT should reserve a special 1-seater marked in red for elderly virgins.
She must up skirt panty down to flash her pussy at the scanner for authentication before the seat is safe.

Those who skip this step will be strapped and a dildo will emerged from the seat into their hole.


She must up skirt panty down to flash her pussy at the scanner for authentication before the seat is safe.

Those who skip this step will be strapped and a dildo will emerged from the seat into their hole.
The doctor who issued her a Certificate of Virginity will give her a unique QR code that needs to be renewed re-certification every year.

Swearing bo pa kay.


The doctor who issued her a Certificate of Virginity will give her a unique QR code that needs to be renewed re-certification every year.

Swearing bo pa kay.

This certificate must be renewed daily.

A hole certified sealed on Friday can be ravaged by cocks next moment.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Lol...50s is middle aged? U poor delusional creature

I'm merely pointing out the official definition of "middle aged". Not a single source I searched defined someone in their 50s as "old aged". Perhaps sinkies are an exception because of the amount of wanking they do plus constantly being fucked by the government could be taking its toll too.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/middle age

middle age​


Synonyms of middle age

: the period of life from about 45 to about 64





1. adjective B1+
If you describe someone as middle-aged, you mean that they are neither young nor old. People between the ages of 40 and 60 are usually considered to be middle-aged.
His sisters are grown up and his parents are middle-aged.
Two middle-aged couples stood staring at the camera.
The middle-aged are people who are middle-aged.
...the perfect holiday for the middle-aged.


Middle age​

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the stage of human development. For the historical period, see Middle Ages. For other uses, see Middle Ages (disambiguation).

Middle age is the age range of the years halfway between childhood and old age.[1] The exact range is subject to academic debate, but the term is commonly used to denote the age range from around 45 to around 65 years.[2][3][4] This phase of life is marked by gradual physical, cognitive, and social decline in individuals as they age.
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that's why i have no respect for youngsters. I fuck them every chance I get, publicly. if the elderly need to earn your respect, then all the more you ought to suck my dick and grovel at my feet. Never teach your father how to fuck. Even if you don't respect him, at least you can be sure he hit the bull's eye once, and that could have been the greatest mistake of his life.

Scrooball (clone)

that's why i have no respect for youngsters. I fuck them every chance I get, publicly. if the elderly need to earn your respect, then all the more you ought to suck my dick and grovel at my feet. Never teach your father how to fuck. Even if you don't respect him, at least you can be sure he hit the bull's eye once, and that could have been the greatest mistake of his life.
All this old people talk is boring us!

I eat more salt than you eat rice kinda nonsense. I think anyone gives a f?

Scrooball (clone)

certainly no one gives a fuck about you
Haha at least I don’t go around thinking I am entitled to anything!

Old = must respect? What kind of shit logic is this? So if the old man was a child rapist and went to jail throughout his life for crimes, then he deserve to be respected? lol lanjiao ok! :FU: