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$1000 Flat- The Math


Super Moderator
Can you tell me what is good about having ridiculously high income inequality and how it does not affect the well being of a country and its people.

when Karl Marx formulated his ideas, was the term Gini index invented?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Typical IB. I have explained it many a time but you cannot seem to understand like when you gave the lousy calculation and explanation for CPF.

For novices like you, here are some leading questions found a good textbook.
Is Gini calculated before or after taxes?
Is there a relationship between social security and GINI?
Is social security planned based on GINI?
What is the purpose of having GINI?
What social implications will happened when GINI approaches 1? What happens when it approaches 0?

Bonus question? Did it occur to you to ask such questions when looking at the term GINI?

U either have no idea how to read or have comprehension level of a 5 yr old. Which part of

Can someone please explain to me what exactly is bad with income inequality and how it actually affects the well being of a country?

indicates that I know anything about how income inequality can affect the well being of a country. U might actually do a better job at arguing your point by actually start making some example of the ills of income inequality

And U want income equality at it's best, here are a list of countries that tried to do it but forcing it down pple's thoat
Soviet Union
Communist China during Mao's era
North Korea

U can hardly get more equal then them


Alfrescian (Inf)
U either have no idea how to read or have comprehension level of a 5 yr old. Which part of

indicates that I know anything about how income inequality can affect the well being of a country. U might actually do a better job at arguing your point by actually start making some example of the ills of income inequality

And U want income equality at it's best, here are a list of countries that tried to do it but forcing it down pple's thoat
Soviet Union
Communist China during Mao's era
North Korea

U can hardly get more equal then them

lol. If I have a comprehension of a 5 year old, I write and think pretty well. lol. Based on my writing and supposedly be 5 years old in comprehension, my IQ would by above 180, though it is true I have been assessed to have superior IQ at 10. But I do not subscribe much to IQ tests and it predictive ability.If you want to say I am smart and know more than you on the issues at hand, relatively speaking, compliment accepted. Like I said you know nothing about GINI. You just want to forward the point that you are right and PAP will save Singapore. People get by in the end.


Alfrescian (Inf)
U either have no idea how to read or have comprehension level of a 5 yr old. Which part ofindicates that I know anything about how income inequality can affect the well being of a country. U might actually do a better job at arguing your point by actually start making some example of the ills of income inequality

And U want income equality at it's best, here are a list of countries that tried to do it but forcing it down pple's thoat
Soviet Union
Communist China during Mao's era
North Korea

U can hardly get more equal then them

lol. If I have a comprehension of a 5 year old, I write and think pretty well. lol. Based on my writing and supposedly be 5 years old in comprehension, my IQ would by above 180, though it is true I have been assessed to have superior IQ at 10. But I do not subscribe much to IQ tests and it predictive ability.If you want to say I am smart and know more than you on the issues at hand, relatively speaking, compliment accepted. Like I said you know nothing about GINI. You just want to forward the point that you are right and PAP will save Singapore. People get by in the end. BTW if you go read the wiki link provided on Soviet Union, you will know that it is not equal as you think if you look only by GINI. If you seriously want to advance to the modern man in brain capacity, give up one line arguments and start looking at facts and concepts in relation to one another. Ceterus paribus arguments are meant for easier understanding of singular phenomenon but the world operates in multidimenions, independently and not much mutually exclusive. Sign of a PAP arguments is everything is mutually exclusive, Cro Magnon level of development


I'm always fascinated by pple's obsession with the Gini index. Can someone please explain to me what exactly is bad with income inequality and how it actually affects the well being of a country?

You can ask Zorro, and if both of you still can't figure it out, you can both ask Tharman.


Alfrescian (Inf)
lol. If I have a comprehension of a 5 year old, I write and think pretty well. lol. Based on my writing and supposedly be 5 years old in comprehension, my IQ would by above 180, though it is true I have been assessed to have superior IQ at 10. But I do not subscribe much to IQ tests and it predictive ability.If you want to say I am smart and know more than you on the issues at hand, relatively speaking, compliment accepted. Like I said you know nothing about GINI. You just want to forward the point that you are right and PAP will save Singapore. People get by in the end. BTW if you go read the wiki link provided on Soviet Union, you will know that it is not equal as you think if you look only by GINI. If you seriously want to advance to the modern man in brain capacity, give up one line arguments and start looking at facts and concepts in relation to one another. Ceterus paribus arguments are meant for easier understanding of singular phenomenon but the world operates in multidimenions, independently and not much mutually exclusive. Sign of a PAP arguments is everything is mutually exclusive, Cro Magnon level of development

U have the amazing talent of saying a lot without answering anything.

I asked a very simple question which is related to your argument. U keep going on and on and on about the Gini coefficient. And how Singapore is bad because our score is bad. The Gini Coefficient is essentially a measurement of income inequality and according to U, it is bad. Fine.

I never argue that it is good. Please point out any part of my argument that I ever claim it's good. And I am not arguing against the need to bring down income inequality. I ask a very simple question

Why is income inequality bad? This is a very simple question. I didn't say it is good, I didn't say it was bad I am going by your claim that it is bad, and asking why U think it is bad. If U think it is so bad, please give example of what income inequality is causing to society that is so bad.

Since U keep claiming it is bad, U obviously have to know why it is bad else U're nothing more then a moronic parrot repeating it over and over again just because it is there. Again Please answer my very simple question. WHY IS INCOME INEQUALITY BAD FOR SOCIETY!!!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
U have the amazing talent of saying a lot without answering anything.

I asked a very simple question which is related to your argument. U keep going on and on and on about the Gini coefficient. And how Singapore is bad because our score is bad. The Gini Coefficient is essentially a measurement of income inequality and according to U, it is bad. Fine.

I never argue that it is good. Please point out any part of my argument that I ever claim it's good. And I am not arguing against the need to bring down income inequality. I ask a very simple question

Why is income inequality bad? This is a very simple question. I didn't say it is good, I didn't say it was bad I am going by your claim that it is bad, and asking why U think it is bad. If U think it is so bad, please give example of what income inequality is causing to society that is so bad.

Since U keep claiming it is bad, U obviously have to know why it is bad else U're nothing more then a moronic parrot repeating it over and over again just because it is there. Again Please answer my very simple question. WHY IS INCOME INEQUALITY BAD FOR SOCIETY!!!!!

Eh, PAP IB dog, answer me answer why is Income INEQUALITY GOOD? ANWSER ME DOG! LOL


Alfrescian (Inf)
answer me answer why is Income INEQUALITY GOOD? ANWSER ME DOG! LOL

I never said it was good. Please point out where I actually claimed it was good. U were the one saying it was bad so obviously U know why it's bad. Since U know why it's bad, please tell me


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

The Art Of Sophistry
In ancient Greece, sophists were a category of teachers who specialized in using the tools of philosophy and rhetoric for the purpose of teaching "arete" — excellence, or virtue — predominantly to any young nobleman seeking public office. In modern usage, sophism, sophist and sophistry are derogatory terms. A latter day sophist would not hesitate to craft a specious argument to appear logical while actually representing a falsehood, or he might use obscure words and complicated sentence constructions in order to intimidate the opponent into agreement out of fear of feeling foolish. It's prettier when done with powerpoint charts.


At first glance, $4.25 of benefits for every $1 of taxes paid by the lower income household group seems awfully generous. We assume the chart was constructed using personal income tax data plus miscellaneous vehicle related taxes. The respective budgeted revenues for FY2012 (i.e. sources of income) are $7.8 billion (from income tax) and $1.6 billion (from motor vehicle related taxes). The mirage here is that the government collects only about $9.4 billion while handling out lots of goodies for the poor and needy. A quick reality check will show that $9.2 billion incoming from GST is expected for FY 2012, income that cannot be neatly categorised as sourced from lower-, middle-, or upper income households, with or without car ownership. Regardless of what they are insisting, we all know GST is regressive. The poor are also unlikely to shop at airport duty free shops with GST rebates, or benefit from the newly introduced GST waiver for buying gold. You bet your bottom dollar these folks will be paying more than $1 for the $4.25 worth of benefits.
You ain't seen nothin' yet. Khaw Boon Wan has come up with a new math for buying a $100,000 flat on a $1,000/month salary. Specifically, he was enlarging on Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugeratnam mind-boggling declaration in parliament: "98 per cent of Singaporeans below the age of 35 earn at least $1,000 and are able to buy HDB flats". Khaw explained that Tharman was referring to a two-room flat, which has a subsidised price of about $100,000. If the applicant is a first-timer, there is a housing grant of up to $60,000, and the net purchase price will be about $40,000. Ergo, the $100,000 flat can be sold for $40,000 and HDB won't go broke. Khaw only tripped when he revealed that the median income of two-room applicants, based on recent BTO (build-to-order) launches, is at about $1,400 - those earning $1,000 knew better than to try. Khaw is a good guy, he may stretch the truth a wee bit, but he won't lie all the way to the grave. Unlike some people.


He can sell his condo and car, and maybe buy hdb. The other guy can go eat shit and camp at the beach. You are indeed wise.

Vs a guy who earns $10K a month
Pays 30 yrs for his condo
Goes to a restaurant every other day
Spend money on car
And the rest on his family

if he falls ill or loses his job, the same is going to happen to him. Pple with higher earnings basically have the same problems only scaled upwards. Even a multi millionaire can lose his entire fortune with 1 wrong move. The better off can fall back to their savings while the poor has certain schemes for the poor to see them through the worst of times.

At the end of the day being able to own a flat in 30yrs still beats having to continue to pay rent after 30 yrs and his kids will rip the rewards of his hard work


Tan Chuan Jin did his math well. But what about retirement and kids' education? The father has to pray he gets increment every year, else there is a chance his CPF OA is always almost empty.

Let's not be pessimistic and let's think positively. Because the children might be obedient, study hard, apply bursaries or scholarships to ease the burden of school fees, so they do not have to depend on the father's CPF for education. If these kids are thoughtful, they should start working part-time in their secondary school days to earn their pocket money. What is crucial is that the children must be mature enough to think for the family.
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Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Char_Azn said:
I'm always fascinated by pple's obsession with the Gini index. Can someone please explain to me what exactly is bad with income inequality and how it actually affects the well being of a country?

Ask your Master if you don't know the least you talk about it the better. I have yet to hear any politician from the ruling party try to defend its performance on this indicator. Only IBs try to do so.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ask your Master if you don't know the least you talk about it the better. I have yet to hear any politician from the ruling party try to defend its performance on this indicator. Only IBs try to do so.
Given the expense Sam has to pay to maintain the servers, we should whole heartedly agree and support him in his course by confiscating his salary short of 3USD/per day and put it into the Sammyboy forum fund. Most bros here have no problem supporting income equality as long as we are on the rich end of things.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
when Karl Marx formulated his ideas, was the term Gini index invented?

You are right a Gini index has nothing to do with Karl Marx, socialism or capitalism. But it has everything to do with the degree some people are being exploited.


You are right a Gini index has nothing to do with Karl Marx, socialism or capitalism. But it has everything to do with the degree some people are being exploited.

I am unsure how many % of the voters are interested in all these political or economical theories. But commoners like me and perhaps my relatives and neighbours are more interested in how much money can our business bring in and how much rental yield could our properties gain.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am unsure how many % of the voters are interested in all these political or economical theories. But commoners like me and perhaps my relatives and neighbours are more interested in how much money can our business bring in and how much rental yield could our properties gain.
It affects, though not the most accurate indicator but then all indicators by themselves are inaccurate unless viewed with other indicators. There is no all mighty indicator. The current Singapore GDP pie if divided evenly is greate for everyone. But when Gini approaches one, only 1 person has access to the entire pie to eat. Everyone else just drools in hunger and here things happen, like people killing that one person for the pie. Which is why income inequality too extreme is bad. Income equality to the extreme as it is better to bum around.


I see you met our resident PAP Cheerleader.

The vets have given up on his logic long time ago. Nice guy but totally brainswashed. The vets who engage him play around with his "wisdom". Imagine so many posts over so many moons and he does not the significance of the gini coefficient or why the PAP will not debate about it.

Eh, PAP IB dog, answer me answer why is Income INEQUALITY GOOD? ANWSER ME DOG! LOL