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Living in JB 2 (Johore)

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My two cents worth....You are indeed a freak! Speaking for myself, didnt buy a property to grow lady fingers or even tomatoes to eat. Most of us are talking about houses which hopefully have a yard to do some laundry and perhaps some grass to grow on. I am all for organic but unfortunately, I will have to leave the planting, growing and harvesting to someone else that has enough land to do so....Now, talking about your friend, rather than being so afraid or paranoid, dont you think you should be advising him/her to get her soil tested to verify instead of worrying for her life! On a separate note about getting rid of termite by poisoning the soil is completely unfounded in my opinion. Personally (again speaking for myself), I also hope developers will help in termite treatment in all their developments. Those who has done it, will know that this is a very expensive affair even for one house. And we are talking about leisure farm here, you got to be kidding because of the vast land acreage we are talking about. However, if you are talking about air pollution here, I am not sure if your few km from Tuas will make any different.I appreciate your contribution and advice for us to be more aware of the issue. The only part which I think you are absolutely right is that "you are a freak" and more shocking you said you are from the chemical industry.
Bro Nusajaya, you are being harsh, with this chap! He is only trying to highlight the dangers and the potential of harm to those that might not know of it. I remember reading that Cathylmg and Analytical Prof. mentioned something about the ladyfingers or Brinjals that they were growing were pale in colour and and rather different from the 'normal' vegetables that they bought. With all the hype about chemicals used in our 'fresh' food that we get, I'm not surprise that bro 36minit, decided that organic food is the way to go. That is a different story altogether. I'm sure he is not ridiculing those of us who decided to make the move to JB. Bro 36minit, thank you for the concern. Do hope you decide otherwise that JB might be place for you and your family. I realize that you NEED NOT have given us this health warning as really you have NO CONNECTION to JB/NUSAJAYA. I thank you as bro Lemans has with regard to the health warning


Alfrescian (Inf)
Most HH precincts and other projects are not strata type. In other words, the roads in the development are all public roads. No matter how "gated guarded" one tries to implement, the law do not allow for full obstruction of public vehicles. Very few people know the security implications between strata and non-strata.

Maintenance of non strata development is opt in based. In other words, one can't do anything to an owner who doesn't want to pay for security and maintenance. When too many owners see others not paying, that's where the problem starts. Neighborhood deteriorate and security compromised.

On the other hand, according to the strata law in Malaysia, if an owner in a strata development do not pay for maintenance, his vehicle can be legally wheel clamped by the property manager to force him to pay up.

Is it legal to lock their gates with chains! :biggrin:


First, I would like to congralute all who had made the move to JB.
You are probably the 40% who had your own brain working independent of the 154th Shit Times.

My 2nd home in Tuas (my office is just 500m to 2nd link) for the last 8 years was where I first came
to seriously think of moving to JB.

Leisure Farm was my first visited property as I had Australia colleague who live there and subsequently a couple
of my Malaysians collegues who bought into Iskandan region.

Yet, I did not buy any of the property even up to till today.

You may be curious why I didn't buy any of the property.

See, I am an organic freak and my investigation led me to believe that
the developer had pump into the ground excessive "poison" in order
to pre-empt terminte problem. (pre-emptive strike in Bush word)

Can't blame them otherwise you may end up with this problem

I went to a colleague house in one of the Iskandar area and saw that the lady finger is kind of white.

She told me that whatever she plant at her garden she dare not eat as she too realize that the plant is "poison"

We knew it was "poisoned" because we had been in the chemcial industry long enough to see what environmental
pollution is all about. (the effect is slow but very long lasting and very damaging)

I am not trying to frighten any of you but just want you all to realize this hazard and take pre-cautionary measures.

Some of these measures will annoy your neigbhors as it involves using manure:biggrin: (oh must be organic one too.)


Anyway, just google about it and you will get tons of information of making your garden organic.

In Singapore, you can go to Bottle Tree Park near Khatit MRT and join GUI activities to know more about organic gardening.

Here's their website http://groundupinitiative.org/

I am not related to them.

All I want is to share with all forummers how to live a healthier lives style DIY.

Thanks Bro,..but i am not so worried cos i dont think i want to grow my own plants in my JB home for personal consumption. There is always cheap farm grown veges readily available in the local markets,..some are even organic. What i am more worried about is you bro.... in your own words, you still belong to 'poisoned' 60%...but there is still hope to detoxify bro,...although it will take more effort than just going to the supermarket to buy organic veges,...you will have to read living in JB part 1 from page 1 to 800,...then continue on to part 2 until this post....every day bro..do it coninuously for 3 months, you should feel much better...haha.

Cheers bro.


How does the price compares with Canberra Residences since its just next door to Nautical..
Also by MCC land?

No idea bro,..cos din look at CR. For Nautical, 3 bedders starts from close to 800K for the smaller units to close to 1 mil for the larger and better facing ones.

Did not buy eventually cos feel that SG price may drop soon,..so just wait first. China developer partner with MCC for management.


Most HH precincts and other projects are not strata type. In other words, the roads in the development are all public roads. No matter how "gated guarded" one tries to implement, the law do not allow for full obstruction of public vehicles. Very few people know the security implications between strata and non-strata. Maintenance of non strata development is opt in based. In other words, one can't do anything to an owner who doesn't want to pay for security and maintenance. When too many owners see others not paying, that's where the problem starts. Neighborhood deteriorate and security compromised.On the other hand, according to the strata law in Malaysia, if an owner in a strata development do not pay for maintenance, his vehicle can be legally wheel clamped by the property manager to force him to pay up.
Do you firstly, own property in Horizon Hills? If YES, then have you gone through your DMC ( Deed of Mutual Covenants) particularly Clause 11, remedies against purchaser/owner that defaults in duties/payments. If, you do not OWN A Property in Horizon Hills, here is a brief outline to the remedies available against the defaulting owner by the Management, breach off a legal agreement which would include damages, suspend the use of Facilities and services to the property in question which includes, refusal to allow the defaulter's car entry permit/sticker and invalidating existing entry sticker/permit.This similarly applies to the other high-end properties including Puteri Harbour IMPERIA which is STRATA Titled AND also has a DMC.Where did you get your Infor from???


After visiting JUSCO at Bukit Indah today I'm getting concerned about too many people in the area. Good to see people around but getting too crowded to enjoy. Hope we will have more shopping centers here at IM soon!

Bro, this is true. I have a colleague who told me that BI is very crowded nowadays...That's why, wifey is 'pressuring' him to quickly look for a new place to sty...ie HH or NI... :biggrin:

They bought the BI house more than 5 years ago... According to him, BI was more laid back and not so crowded then...He and wifey are so concern about future developments ie extension of the Jusco, cinema and more new estates near their house...which will surely bring more people to visit / reside there...

Well, this is the kind of price one pays with development...Without sustaining the development with sufficient infrastructure, it will be crowded mall, crowded roads, crowded taman...Hmm...sounds very familiar...hahaha...


Do you firstly, own property in Horizon Hills? If YES, then have you gone through your DMC ( Deed of Mutual Covenants) particularly Clause 11, remedies against purchaser/owner that defaults in duties/payments. If, you do not OWN A Property in Horizon Hills, here is a brief outline to the remedies available against the defaulting owner by the Management, breach off a legal agreement which would include damages, suspend the use of Facilities and services to the property in question which includes, refusal to allow the defaulter's car entry permit/sticker and invalidating existing entry sticker/permit.This similarly applies to the other high-end properties including Puteri Harbour IMPERIA which is STRATA Titled AND also has a DMC.Where did you get your Infor from???

Hey Bro Grago, chill...don't let others spoiled one's good and calm Sunday mood...:smile:


Is it legal to lock their gates with chains! :biggrin:
No, they can't lock their gates with chain, however they can refuse entry to vehicles that don't have any business in that particular area that want access UNLESS they have permission either from the owner or Management of the development to enter! I know because I tried gaining entry to the Golf precinct to check on the progress of my houses, BUT the guard politely refused me entry until I got a chit form Marketing and Sales confirming I DO have properties there!!!!
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Moderator - JB Section
There are pros and cons with strata title and those non strata. The same thing applies if people don't want to pay for maintenance. Some strat title developments are gated and guarded too.

Yes, indeed one can chain the car but how about enforcement? Folks who don't pay up may not be staying there anyway so their cars may not be there in the first place. As it is in most such G&G places, those who don't pay up will normally get their access cards suspended. Strata title is useful to some but there is a lack of things you can do, like painting, etc some properties, you can't even keep pets in your own house.

There are also different clauses in the DMC which guards against that but as with strata titled developments, the same measure of risk applies. I have friends who have many condos and properties in Strata title and they definitely have a right to take people to task for not paying maintenance etc but its a very long drawn process and they are resticted by clauses under the law for this as well.


Moderator - JB Section
Yes, they can disable owners access card for access so that even if owner rent it out and don't pay maintenance, their leasees will have trouble coming in, hence this forces errant owners to comply.

Lord Aragorn

Icyraine said:
I think someone asked me about the project name of that island along coastal highway few weeks ago, all bungalow with a bridge. It's called the "Danga Island". From the video animation, seems like it's reserved for the rich and famous. Last i checked 1 year ago, minimum 4m and above.

YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrnhWLQzWe0&feature=related

I went there today and found that the sales office is closed on Sundays! Heard from the guard that the bungalows are about 6mil+. some parts of the exterior wall of the show house is poorly maintained with algae... Is the project moving? Anyone knows how long has the project been launched and how are they selling?


Hey Bro Grago, chill...don't let others spoiled one's good and calm Sunday mood...:smile:
Ommmmmmmm..... I'm calm, I'm calm..... thanks Bro! I think the Infor in this thread is IMPORTANT, as MANY, MANY, people read through this to get an idea of what living in JB is and where to get their 'DREAM HOME' ...... CORRECT information NEEDS to be posted, for people to make informed decisions about a BIG Investment. Incorrect information can be DAMAGING and COSTLY!!!!! I am waiting for Aragone to provide feedback on his source of Information!!!!!
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Moderator - JB Section
Ommmmmmmm..... I'm calm, I'm calm..... thanks Bro! I think the Infor in this thread is IMPORTANT, as MANY, MANY, people read through this to get an idea of what living in JB is and where to get their 'DREAM HOME' ...... CORRECT information NEEDS to be posted, for people to make informed decisions about a BIG Investment. Incorrect information can be DAMAGING and COSTLY!!!!! I am waiting for Aragone to provide feedback on his source of Information!!!!!

Bro Grago,lets all chill. Drinking my favourite Arizona Green tea now and toasting to everyone still online. Live and let live, got used to this kind of things as sometimes even agents do not know the full extent as they do not live there.


Bro Grago,lets all chill. Drinking my favourite Arizona Green tea now and toasting to everyone still online. Live and let live, got used to this kind of things as sometimes even agents do not know the full extent as they do not live there.
Ommmmmmm.... Chill, chill, chill, I' also having a cup of tea, South Afican Red Bush tea, suppose to 'calm' a person...... Keep safe in Arizona Bro......


Moderator - JB Section
Originally Posted by Lord Aragorn
Most HH precincts and other projects are not strata type. In other words, the roads in the development are all public roads. No matter how "gated guarded" one tries to implement, the law do not allow for full obstruction of public vehicles. Very few people know the security implications between strata and non-strata. Maintenance of non strata development is opt in based. In other words, one can't do anything to an owner who doesn't want to pay for security and maintenance. When too many owners see others not paying, that's where the problem starts. Neighborhood deteriorate and security compromised.On the other hand, according to the strata law in Malaysia, if an owner in a strata development do not pay for maintenance, his vehicle can be legally wheel clamped by the property manager to force him to pay up.

Posted from Grago:
Do you firstly, own property in Horizon Hills? If YES, then have you gone through your DMC ( Deed of Mutual Covenants) particularly Clause 11, remedies against purchaser/owner that defaults in duties/payments. If, you do not OWN A Property in Horizon Hills, here is a brief outline to the remedies available against the defaulting owner by the Management, breach off a legal agreement which would include damages, suspend the use of Facilities and services to the property in question which includes, refusal to allow the defaulter's car entry permit/sticker and invalidating existing entry sticker/permit.This similarly applies to the other high-end properties including Puteri Harbour IMPERIA which is STRATA Titled AND also has a DMC.Where did you get your Infor from???

Bro Grago, Just saw this, yes they are indeed strict, saw a French guy chatting on his phone while rushing to pay up. Late 2 months and no access. I was paying mine as well. They will call you to chase and very actively doing enforcement. They disabled a neighbours card and i have to accompany her and pay up first as her husband wasn't in Asia during that time.


Moderator - JB Section
Great to hear, lets all relax. Thanks, in SF this week but drinking the tea now. Not really sure its from Arizona in the first place. www.drinkarizona.com

I am drinking the Diet version now but just doesn't taste as good as the original.


Moderator - JB Section
Thanks bro Yonglip, this is not a "Diamond Sutra" per se but hope with so many learned bros and sisters here, we can cut through the ignorance and deliberate misinformation.

All here to learn including myself and i am continuously learning from this thread as well.
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