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Cruise Ships Punters Eg Leisure World , Long Jie , Virgo FALLs In Here ...




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Albert Ng is real sucker. See all international casinos payout compare the pirate ship LW
View attachment 20874

He is also well known
for using One2Six Multi Deck Shuffler to Gain Additional House​

Advantage :



The one2six continuous multi deck shuffler ensures a non-trackable, non-countable shuffle on popular games like blackjack and Baccarat .

Combining user-friendliness and state-of-the-art technology, the one2six shuffler is the perfect companion for multi-deck games. From Casino War blackjack and face up baccarat, the one2six increases hands per hour by more than 20 percent, maximizing table wins. From a security standpoint, the shuffler eliminates card counting and shuffle tracking, and ultimately helps reduce losses due to cheating.

Increases Revenue

Eliminates game down time caused by hand shuffling
Improves table win by increasing hands per hour by as much as 20 percent
Enhances Game Security

Stops card counting
Eliminates shuffle tracking
Identifies missing and extra cards
Provides Cost Savings

Reduces losses due to cheating, card counting and shuffle tracking
Reduces card wear and tear, making cards last longer
Works with all card types and permits the casino to use any card type and vendor



Casino Equipment: ShuffleMaster One2Six Automatic Shuffler

ShuffleMaster is the world's leading manufacturer of casino shuffling machines. These have already become industry standard in most well-equipped casinos.

One of the most popular ShuffleMaster machines is the one2six continuous shuffler. This machine has pretty much replaced the standard dealing shoes.

There are two variations of the one2six machine. The difference is in the feeder - i.e. the part into which the dealer places the cards, after every round. In the earlier version of this machine the feeder was equipped with a mechanism that would cover the cards and pull them in one by one, starting from the top. A few years later ShuffleMaster came up with an improvement, so the newer machines are equipped with (what the company calls) a gravity feeder. The cards rest on a couple of rollers and the individual cards are pulled into the machine form the bottom up. The machine pictured here is the later model.

The one2six ShuffleMaster also has two different front-end attachment options. The one pictured here has a blackjack option installed (this is also the option used in mini baccarat games). The other option is the single-deck tray, used in games such as Caribbean Stud, Three-Card Poker, Let It Ride, and so on. Of course, the machine also has to be reprogrammed for a different game if it is switched around.

So, how does this machine work?

The machine is capable of handling up to six decks of cards. The idea is to keep the cards in circulation, continuously. Well, "continuously" is really a misnomer, here, because that's really not how the machine works.

Let's imagine the machine is being used in a blackjack game. The minimum number of cards that will be used up in a 7-player blackjack game is 16 cards. So, in this case, the dealer starts with the machine full. The dealer then deals out the cards and at the end of the round a minimum of 16 cards have been removed from the machine. At the conclusion of the round the dealer scoops up the cards and puts them back into the feeder and the machine starts pulling them into its "gut." While the machine is doing it's thing the dealer invites the players to place their bets and soon begins to deal a new round. And here comes what I'm getting to...

The cards that the dealer deals on each consecutive round cannot possibly be the actual same cards that have just been played on the previous round. That's because the cards have to go through three stages, inside of the machine.

The first stage is the placement of the cards into the feeder, at the back of the machine. The second stage is the "random" distribution of the cards throughout the carousel (which you see on the picture). And the third stage is the front compartment; and that's where the machine has one minor flaw, which makes the word "continuous" a misnomer, technically speaking.

The entire front of the machine is a compartment into which the machine spits out "randomly selected" cards form the carousel. So, at the moment when the dealer places the cards that have just been played out, into the machine, the cards for the next round are already inside of the front chamber; no longer inside of the carousel. So, if one would have a way of knowing which cards are there, this machine would become worthless. But at this point in time, this possibility is purely theoretical.

This is one of the ways in which advantage players are trying to beat this machine. What it means is that if the cards that have just been played out cannot possibly be dealt out in the next round, the players have one piece of information to work with, because the machine is not really a continuous shuffler, in the true sense of the word. But how much of an edge can one get form this?

Well, certainly not as much as a deep penetration of a conventional 6-deck shoe. But if the players notice a round where not a single ace or 10-value card has been dealt out, then the remainder of the cards are a bit more rich in 1os and aces. Also, if no 10s were dealt out there is a good chance that more hit cards were dealt (depending on what up card the dealer was showing) which means that the penetration was a bit deeper than in the 16-card minimalist scenario I described above. Certainly not much of an edge by any stretch of the imagination.

In any event, the one2six machine is generally a very good piece of casino equipment. The machine has one bad security flaw that is only relevant if it is being used in blackjack games that utilize dealers' hole cards. But let's talk about that some other time.




House Additional Advantages

The one2Six multi-deck continuous shuffler combines user-friendliness and state-of-the-art technology to create a premium shuffler perfect for use on multi-deck games like Blackjack and face-up Baccarat.

Its smart card delivery system ensures a smooth and continuous card supply, and the shuffler automatically verifies card quantity prior to and during the game play. Additionally, the one2six:

Increases Revenue
Enhances Game Security
Provides Cost Savings



The ONE2SIX™ OTS single-deck & multi-deck continuous shuffler combines user-friendliness and state-of-the-art technology to create a premium shuffler capable of handling up to six decks of playing cards. It can be used for virtually all single deck and multi-deck card games delivering a 100% random shuffle every time.

Its multi-deck shoe includes a true smart card delivery system that ensures a smooth, continuous card supply. The ONE2SIX™ OTS shuffle machine automatically verifies card quantity prior to each game and allows dealers to check playing card quantity at any time. By continuously shuffling four, five or six decks, your table’s overall game play can increase by 25%.


More games per hour and higher security
Shuffles on poker or black jack tables
Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Non-trackable, random shuffle
Security from card counting & shuffle tracking
Reduces the risk of player-dealer collusion
Counts and verifies correct number of cards
ONE2SIX™ OTS OFFERS: one2six OTS shuffle machine for casino poker and blackjack

Faster shuffle cycle
Enhanced design
New gravity card feeder
New touch screen interface
Simplified maintenance
Deals community cards in poker games


Shuffles one deck of cards while second in play
Multideck continuously shuffles four to six decks
Works paper or plastic, poker and bridge size PLAYING CARDS
Ergonomically correct for dealer comfort
User friendly and easy to operate
Consider also DECK MATE 2 shuffle machine for poker




The Truth About Continuous Shuffle Machines & Card Counting

I get asked fairly often about continuous shuffle machines (CSM’s) and their effect on the game of blackjack.

With CSM’s, no discard tray is needed because the dealer continuously places the played cards into the shuffle machine (for example, after a player busts a hand).

This provides a constant randomization of the cards which negates the benefit of card counting.

Fortunately, at the vast of majority of blackjack tables you will not find CSM’s.

The casinos that do employ CSM’s, use them only at a select number of tables – usually low minimum tables.

What saves card counters from the prospect of casinos using CSM’s at all their blackjack tables is the superstitious and unknowledgeable nature of gamblers.

Many blackjack players refuse to play at tables with CSM’s, especially the bigger bettors. They don’t trust CSM’s because they believe that CSM’s rig the game or increase the casinos’ advantage.

The reality is that the average blackjack player does have cause to worry about CSM’s but not for the reason they believe. CSM’s do not increase the house edge.

In fact, if you play perfect basic strategy CSM’s actually lower the house advantage by a tiny bit.

Where CSM’s really hurt the average gambler is that they allow the house to deal more hands per hour because there is less downtime.

Since the dealer never has to shuffle the cards, more hands are dealt per hour which means blackjack players bet more often and of course lose more money.

Ironically it is the typical blackjack player who lacks the knowledge & skill to beat the house who is unknowingly helping card counters by preventing the spread of CSM’s.



Are Shuffle Machines "Fair"?

Just got a great question from my friend Robert about shuffle machines. Yup, we've all had that paranoid part of our brains rattling around about those things, and the fact that some of them can actually tell you what cards have come out makes it even worse. The good news is that the shufflers that have a camera inside and know the cards played are all used on games like Pai Gow, so jackpots can be verified and the "house way" can be shown.

However, that said, every blackjack player has had a session on a shuffler where the cards just don't ever seem to be anything but 12's and 16's. That's annoying, expensive, and frustrating. And then there's that rattling paranoia again. Well, I doubt you'll ever encounter a "cheating" shuffle machine in the US because the casinos don't need to cheat to win money and they won't risk the excessive money they make without cheating, just to win a little more. And, to tell the truth, a continuous shuffler with five decks in it is actually better (odds wise) for the player than a 5-deck shoe game! I swear.

Since blackjack can be beaten by playing well and following trends and by card counting, I tend to ignore shufflers and play only pitch games and shoes where the odds actually change back and forth like the rolling waves of the ocean. And, if you are playing on a shuffle machine that spits out all the cards and the dealer puts'em in a shoe to deal - you get the same deal (sorry for the pun).

However, if you play on a continuous shuffle machine where the cards are constantly put back in the machine and the cards are always coming out of a "fresh" deck, that's another story.

You May See 20% More 15's and 16's on a Continuous Shuffler

Again, since you can't count cards on a continuous shuffler, I ignore them, but did you know that when playing on a continuous shuffler table you will see 20% more of those hands you hate - those stiff 15's and 16's? Do you know why?

Well, it's a trick question. It's simply because one of the main functions of those stupid shufflers is to get more hands out. A competent dealer will probably get 20% more hands out per hour on the game, so you will see those crappy hands a lot more. Sure, you'll see more good hands too, but the human mind is a funny thing. We have selective memory, and we remember the crap more often than we remember the good.

So, playing the continuous shuffler games means you'll lose more money per hour because you'll play more hands. That's the truth. The better you play basic strategy, the less it will cost you. The better you understand card counting, the more you'll be like me and skip the continuous shufflers, even if you have to play a 6-deck shoe. Mmmm, 6-deck shoe dealt down to one deck, yum-yum!


Shuffle Machines - Good or Bad​

In 2000 Shuffle Master introduced the first Continuous Shuffling Machine (CSM) for the game of Blackjack. Their machine was called “The King” and its main purpose was to help the casinos foil card counters. In fact the ads for Shuffle Masters Continuous Shuffling Machine proclaimed, “The King continuous shuffler is the card counters worst nightmare.”

For years the casinos have been trying to thwart card counters who gain an advantage at blackjack by using expert play.

Card counting is not illegal but the casinos don’t take kindly to any players who take the time to learn a counting system and use their brains when they are playing.

In Las Vegas the casinos are allowed to bar players they suspect of counting. In Atlantic City casinos can not ban players but they can limit the size of their bets and shuffle up on any player suspected of counting. Card counters all over the country do their best to disguise their skills to avoid getting caught. It has become somewhat of a cat and mouse game between the players and the casinos. The casinos would like nothing better than to find a way to eliminate card counting permanently.

Shuffle Master heavily lobbied the casinos to the benefits of using CSMs for their Blackjack games. They claimed the advantage of a continuous shuffler is actually three-fold for the casino. 1. It eliminates card counting 2. Speeds up the game by eliminating shuffling time. 3. Offers substantial cost savings because it uses four decks instead of six or eight in the shoe.

Six years later many of the casinos around the World have adopted the Continuous Shuffling Machines for use in their blackjack pits much to the displeasure of many players and dealers alike. While the casino executives probably hail the use of Continuous Shuffling Machines as the best thing since the "eye in the sky", most players and dealers do not share their enthusiasm. I spoke with several dealers and was told the consensus among them is a strong dislike for the automatic shuffler. Shuffling gives them a welcome physical and mental break from the game. While shuffling they can talk and interact with the players. A little friendly conversation can also help their tips.

How A CSM Works.
After a hand is over the cards just used are placed back into the shuffler to be mixed with the other cards in the shoe. Shuffle Master’s King uses an elevator system to randomize the cards. As the elevator is moved up and down, cards are randomly inserted into one of the 19 shelves in the elevator. The shuffler randomly selects a shelf of cards to deliver into the shoe. Because of the non-linear process, every discard re-inserted following a hand has a chance of appearing in the next round.

Although Shuffle Master says The King differs from their competitors continuous shufflers because the others use a linear design most CSMs so the same thing. They put the discards back into play and does away with the dealers having to stop to physically shuffle the cards at the end of a shoe.

The House Edge
The continuous shufflers have no benefits for the player and has been dubbed the "uncomfortable shoes". It eliminates card counting for the skilled player and will also have a major disadvantage for the basic strategy player. It speeds up the game!

When the CSM was first introduced many players felt it would probably increase the house edge. As it turns out this is not entirely true. Michael Shackleford, The Wizard of Odds did a mathematical analysis of the Continuous Shuffling Machines and found that there was a very slight reduction in the house edge.

In a four deck game the edge is 0.034 percent and in an eight deck game is tis0.014 percent. Before you get excited about a slight reduction in the house edge you have to realize that when the casino uses a CSM the speed of the games is increased by about 20 percent. The basic strategy player stands to lose more in the long run because they are exposing more money to the house edge.

As a player I feel it’s a treat to visit a casino that offers double and single deck games. I would hate to see these games eliminated altogether. Even a multi deck shoe game is preferable to the Continuous Shuffling Machines. The best way you can let the casinos know this is by refusing to play Blackjack at the casinos that use a CSM for their Blackjack games.

Until Next time remember:
Luck comes and goes.....Knowledge Stays Forever.



M/v Leisure World owned by New Century Tours n boss is Albert Ng Cheow Leng. This casino casino is just like a pirate ship-
1. Dice game payout is far short-paid compare legal casino.
2. The ship purposely show tons of chips to make players uneasy n $500 paid out need double confirmed by pit boss
3. Cashier counter keep counting chips n money every minutes
4. Albert Ng has not much capital to pay out-if ship have money then why they always give u dirty n tear currency. I ever see a lady to refund 30k they give all $50 note. The moral of story tell u they take other loser money to pay u.
There r many 'legal loan shark' approved by Albert Ng
Also got 'legal Singapore 4D betting' bookie approved byAlbert Ng.
To conclude better to spend $100 day levy to IR
Hearsay often when Leisure World return to Harbourfront got extra passport no one claims ???


after reminding myself of his key phrase,
I learn not to be greedy.
Also be patient & be discipline and slowly but steadily,
build up your funds.



M/v Leisure World owned by New Century Tours n boss is Albert Ng Cheow Leng. This casino casino is just like a pirate ship-
1. Dice game payout is far short-paid compare legal casino.
2. The ship purposely show tons of chips to make players uneasy n $500 paid out need double confirmed by pit boss
3. Cashier counter keep counting chips n money every minutes
4. Albert Ng has not much capital to pay out-if ship have money then why they always give u dirty n tear currency. I ever see a lady to refund 30k they give all $50 note. The moral of story tell u they take other loser money to pay u.
There r many 'legal loan shark' approved by Albert Ng
Also got 'legal Singapore 4D betting' bookie approved byAlbert Ng.
To conclude better to spend $100 day levy to IR
Hearsay often when Leisure World return to Harbourfront got extra passport no one claims ???

hello MoneyTalk , Albert Ng retired already. u write here also no use. Ship sails and stationed on high seas . Govt cannot do much. CRA also cannot take action.


hello MoneyTalk , Albert Ng retired already. u write here also no use. Ship sails and stationed on high seas . Govt cannot do much. CRA also cannot take action.

Very productive and sensible comment! Already Ups you to 207pts.


Received the following remarks must be from Leisure World hooligans ???


When telling the truth one was been attacked.
Hope the authority would step up for missing persons with extra unclaimed passports ???
Also Singapore 4D licenced by ship to operate and many Ah Longs charging 5% loan interest daily resulting suicide and family disaster.



Floating casino draws Singaporeans who loath to pay $100 levy at home
PUBLISHED ON MAR 15, 2015 6:26 AM


It is a weekday afternoon and the Lido casino is packed with at least 500 people. There is hardly a seat available for those who also want to gamble.

There are about 40 tables offering games such as roulette, baccarat and poker. Two other rooms have more than 200 jackpot machines between them, but the crowd is thinner there.

This is the scene at the casino on board the Leisure World cruise ship, which sails in international waters off the Indonesian island of Batam and is thriving once again.

Floating casinos offering gamblers a "cruise to nowhere" took a big hit when Singapore's two casinos opened in 2010.

But the crowds have returned to the Leisure World, and they appear to be mostly elderly Singaporeans unwilling to pay the $100 levy to enter the casinos here.

A spokesman for New Century Tours, the ship's Singapore-based tour operator, told The Sunday Times: "Our business dropped drastically after the casinos opened. We had fewer than 500 passengers on some days. But as the (Singapore) casinos lost their novelty, the crowds started to come back in 2013."

Now, the spokesman said, it gets between 600 and 700 passengers daily, four in five of whom are Singaporeans, and the rest, Malaysians.

The spokesman said the Leisure World cruises "very slowly" in international waters near Batam, and has been there since the early 2000s. It is owned by Queenston Maritime, a company registered in the British Virgin Islands. New Century Tours is a Singapore travel agent.

There used to be three such floating casinos in recent years, but Leisure World is the only one known to be operating close to Singapore now.

The Sunday Times joined the crowd heading to Leisure World on a recent weekday.

Eight ferries leave the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal every day between 8am and 8.30pm, with an additional trip on weekends.

For $43, you get a return ticket which includes free buffet meals on board the Leisure World. Those over 55 years old get a weekday discount and pay $23.

The ferry takes 40 minutes to get to the Nongsapura Ferry Terminal in Batam. Passengers then switch to a domestic ferry that takes them to the Leisure World in 20 minutes.

The whole trip takes about one hour and 15 minutes, including transit time at Nongsapura.

On the domestic ferry ride, about a dozen senior citizens chose to stand at the exit throughout, just to be the first to board the ship and get to the casino tables.

Most of the patrons on the casino ship appeared to be in their 50s and older, with a good mix of men and women.

Those who spoke to The Sunday Times said they usually visit the ship once a week, arriving in the morning and leaving by evening.

The Singaporeans said they frequent Leisure World because they prefer not to pay the $100 levy to enter the Singapore casinos. Besides, the ferry ticket is affordable and takes care of their meals.

Another draw: Minimum bets are relatively low. The bets start at $2, compared to $25 for most table games at the Singapore casinos.

A retired shipyard worker in his 60s said he visits Leisure World at least once a week as he is "bitten by the gambling bug".

He brings $700 to gamble, and loses more often than he wins.

A cabin on board the ship costs $40, but most passengers do without it as they come for a day trip, some staying for just two hours of gambling.

A part-time factory worker, 60, said he gambles for two or three hours in the morning and leaves by lunch-time to go to work. He visits the floating casino once or twice a week, hoping to win a few hundred dollars.

Some of those The Sunday Times spoke to said their families had no idea they spent their day gambling at sea.

A businesswoman in her 40s said she told her husband she was staying overnight with a friend, then took the evening ferry to the Leisure World and booked a cabin to sleep over.

She had lost more than $3,000 by the next afternoon when she was heading home.

Another woman, a 70-year-old former hawker, started visiting the casinos after retiring two years ago. She visits the Leisure World once a week.

She said: "There is nothing to do at home, and it is very boring."

[email protected]


Some gamblers head for the floating casino after getting banned from entering Singapore's two casinos.

A 43-year-old sales consultant, who declined to be named, told The Sunday Times that he applied for a self-exclusion order after losing at least $50,000 in the Singapore casinos over just a few months.

He owed more than a dozen loan sharks and licensed moneylenders more than $20,000, plus hefty interest.

"It is very hard to quit," he said. "I kept thinking of winning back all the money I had lost."

He then started going to the Leisure World floating casino.

He would head to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal after work, take the 8.30pm ferry to Batam and reach the floating casino by 10pm. He would then gamble into the wee hours, and take the first ferry back to Singapore at 6.15am, and report for work by 9am.

At one point last year, he was at the floating casino three to four nights a week and chalked up losses of at least $20,000.

His wife divorced him because of his gambling. He is finally seeking help, and has asked his counsellor at Blessed Grace Social Services to keep his passport, so he cannot travel to Leisure World any more.

Another man, a 35-year-old former bank employee who used to earn $150,000 a year, told The Sunday Times that over the past five years, he got himself banned from the Singapore casinos three times and revoked the ban twice.

After he applied for his third self-exclusion order, he started going to Leisure World. He stopped only when no one - not even loan sharks and licensed moneylenders - would lend him any more money to gamble.

He said he had lost at least $500,000.

He quit his well-paid job after being hounded by licensed moneylenders at work. He now drives a taxi and is also seeking help to quit gambling.

Asked why he could not stop going back to his habit, he said: "I wanted to win back my losses to settle my debts, which kept getting bigger."

Theresa Tan

Bro , where are you ?

The Baccarat Truth

Forget about card counting in baccarat


As we understand that Player has to draw card first. The draw cards rules in Baccarat favors the Banker more. So are we able to count cards in Baccarat just like Blackjack? The answer is Yes, but not beneficial. Baccarat is not like Blackjacks where players can Hit or Stand, but the concept is about the same.

Most of the Baccarat games in casinos are 8 decks shoe and continuous shuffling are 6 decks. Of course when we say card counting, we are not considering continuous shuffle for obvious reason. In Blackjack, players will increase bet size when the house edge favors the players. In Baccarat we could increase bet size when the house edge favors either Banker or Player.

In Blackjack when we know that the remaining cards favors us, we stand as possible knowing that Dealer must Hit below 16 and has a higher chance to bust. Whereas Baccarat having more 1-5 value cards favors the Player and having more 6-9 face value cards favors the Banker. If you take away all 0 face value cards, it does not affect things much but just only slightly increase the number of Player wins.

When we see prolong streaks of either Banker or Player is the effect of clumpy cards of these cards values affecting the results. Same goes for Tie in card counting. It is possible? Yes it is, but the advantage is also very minimal. In Tie counting, we take out the odds value cards and you will have more Tie results. If you remove all the odds value cards leaving only the evens including 0 face value cards (picture), your advantage is about 62% against the house in the calculation of 1-8 payout.

There are 128 Zero face value cards and 32 each for the rest of the cards in an 8 decks shoe, adding up to 416 cards in total. You will only start to see increase in advantage if all the odds value cards fall below 7 in the remaining shoe. That is provided the first 125 cards draw out are odds value cards.

Peter A. Grffin said, “assuming you’ll wager $1000 whenever you get the go-ahead, this translates into an expected earnings of 70 cents per shoe. In an eight hour day you might make three bets.” Michael Shackleford says that the player can earn about 15 cents per wager: “… assuming the player is able to keep a perfect count and the casino is not going to mind the player making a bet once every 475 hands”.

Don’t waste your time.


Received the following remarks must be from Leisure World hooligans ???


When telling the truth one was been attacked.
Hope the authority would step up for missing persons with extra unclaimed passports ???
Also Singapore 4D licenced by ship to operate and many Ah Longs charging 5% loan interest daily resulting suicide and family disaster.

MoneyTalk , where are you ???

The Baccarat Truth

Ever wonder why you lose?

Reverse Martingale​

I have received an interesting email from a reader.

Dear Baccarat Truth,

I’ve read a few of your posts and it repeatedly mentioned that Martingale won’t work. Your theory is that the numbers of loss in a row will reach before a bankroll is built up. I understand your point. But it also contradicts another thing. I believe that if we are able to meet a series of loss, we will also meet a series of win. So instead of doubling every time we lose a bet, are you saying that we should double every time we win a bet?


Dear J, firstly I want to thank you for your email. By reading your short mail, I understand that you are a been-there-done-that person in gambling. I’m very happy to answer your question.

Firstly, you are absolutely correct to say we will also meet a series of win. What you have mentioned is a baccarat system play called Reverse Martingale. It is the same as having a huge bankroll but instead of doubling for 1 unit win, we absorb 1 unit loss in hope to achieve a big win.

Let’s examine if this will work. We understand that both Singapore Casino uses Banker win 6 points pay half. Our casino adopted this commission method for 3 reasons,

It speed up the game by shortening the time for payout thus netting more money via house advantage

It slightly increases the house advantage because 0-9 points, Banker getting 6 points is about 1 in every 10 hands dealt. A typical 8 decks shoe has about 70 hands and approximately 4 Banker win on 6 which net 200% at 50% per win.

It is equivalent to taxing 40 numbers of 5% Banker wins. (This is also why the tote board shows you the number of Pairs, Ties, Bankers, Players, but not Banker wins on 6)

Singapore casino does not discourage Martingale system and this is why they have an X 1000 wide spread. A $50 minimum table has a $50,000 maximum bet. Half commission is to win those pre-mature Martingale bets.

Let’s say you win on the 4th hand of $800 bet size and they only pay you $400. You have already loss $700 and after the win you are still $300 short.

So now we understand that our Martingale systems are confined on Player bets and in baccarat, Banker has a slight advantage over Player because of draw cards rules.

We might use much more complex Martingale system rather than blindly doubling every time we win or loss. But in order to benefit readers, let’s use a 4 steps Martingale to easily illustrate the point.

There are approximately 70 hands on an 8 decks shoe. I know we can easily identify a shoe with four Player wins and seem like almost every shoe has it. So we take 70 divided fairly of Player and Banker wins is about 35 units sure lose.

15 units for a 4 steps Reverse Martingale, you need to have about 3-4 Player streaks of 4s in every shoe to turn a profit taking the 1s, 2s and 3s Player wins as 1 unit loss.

Statistically, 4s Player win streak is about 2.958% of the time and you also benefit from 8s Players, 12s Players win to profit further. Every time you win 4 Player bets in a row, you win net 15 units.

4s = 2.958%

8s = 0.165%

12s = 0.009%

Of course you net 45 units if 12s Player wins comes up. That will happen 9 times in a thousand shoes dealt out. I didn’t just pluck these percentages out of nowhere. It is extracted from the reputable Imspirit’s Virtuoid 1,000,000 shoe stats.

So if you need 3-4 Player win streaks of 4s to profit and it only occur 2.958% in an average shoe of 70 hands. It mean in average it only happen about 2 times in a shoe. It is still not a good betting system.


A funny quote, “Statistics are just like a lamp post for the drunkard, instead of shining lights, they use it as a supporting pillar”. It is true that we are stupid to blindly follow statistic. It takes about an hour to play a Baccarat shoe and 8 hours a day for 8 shoes. It will take a person 342.4 years to play a million shoes. So why are we taking a 1 million shoes statistic as example? If we can’t win in a large sample, how do you guarantee to win in short play? On the other hand, 1 million shoes shows that casino profits in the long run and that guarantee their business. This is why they are still standing after hundreds of years.


Baccarat system play is foolish​


Almost all the system invented for playing Baccarat involves money management, but all of them are doom to fail. The only way that has succeeded winning baccarat in casino is cheating. There are many Baccarat ‘SURE’ win systems on sale in the internet, even Ebay too! There is no holy grail for Baccarat where casino has a house edge on the game.

Someone did told me that he swear RWS casino baccarat has no house edge. My eyes widen with excitement. He later told me that he witness the table written on the sign, “NO COMMISSION”. I wanted to place my palm 45 degree full swing my arm and slap him across his face. The Banker wins on 6 points; casino pays only half on your waged bet. That is even worse than your regular 5% commission based Baccarat.

Deploying a system to play is usually nothing but merely delaying the inevitable. You are accumulating your wins just to lose it all back to the casino, or even more. People from time to time got excited for the Baccarat system they found in the internet. Be it Grand Martingale, Fibonacci, 1326, System 40S, etc. Please check before you rush to the bank and withdraw your money. Imspirit has run many systems and posting the result on his blog. None of them could withstand his simulation test.

I’m not against system play and I do understand the excitement it brings, but I just want people to think twice before risking $5000 just to make $50. How many times can you get away with it? If it is a 99% success system, you will still lose $5000 once in 100 times you use it. Now you may think, I will still break even earning free play and comp points. Wait a minute; I didn’t say that the inevitable will come on the 100th play. It can come on the 50th or 10th play or even the first time you use it. More importantly, I didn’t say that it cannot happen twice or thrice within the 100 times you use it.

I once talked to a regular patron in MBS casino. He mentioned to me that he only targeted $100 a day. He has been winning for the pass 1 month. He seems secretive about the system he uses so I didn’t asked much. Out of curiosity I asked him how much is his bankroll and he told me is $30,000. A simple calculation tells us that he must survive 300 days of play just to withstand 1 loss. The worst part is, he has quitted his day job and ‘worked’ full time in the casino. He also told me that he will raise his bet size to $150 when he has accumulated $50,000 and that will bring him $4,500 a month.

I almost fainted.