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People not comfortable with a one-party House: Sylvia Lim


Too bad that the alternative is the PAP, which has been sleeping even more, resulting in overcrowding and strain on housing and transport. Would I vote for a party like that?
hahaha...actually there is no alternative......this is the sad truth.....
yes papee has screwed up badly...
unfortunately the issues will not simply go away with a change in gahmen....
such issues take time to correct before you see any results.....
in reality...sinkies are screwed for many years to cum regardless who is the gahmen.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha...actually there is no alternative......this is the sad truth.....
yes papee has screwed up badly...
unfortunately the issues will not simply go away with a change in gahmen....
such issues take time to correct before you see any results.....
in reality...sinkies are screwed for many years to cum regardless who is the gahmen.....

It is sad but I do agree with you... PAP screwed us up... If not I do not need to work oversea, how I wish I can work in Sg and have more time with my family... But I do not see we would get better with current opposition... Maybe just vote in more opposition and we need to work hard on our part...:mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
You mean we vote Opposition MP into Parliament is for them to do the above??? Then how about the co-driver they promised???

You mean co-driver don't need to know how to drive or operate and understand parts of a car? If a co-driver apply the brakes, do we say "oh co-driver only know how to operate brakes"?

If MP jobs are like what you state above, why we need WP??? PAP MPs can do the job too...

Sorry, PAP MPs not only did not address the 7 points, they are the cause to the problems.

I find JBJ can do better with 1 seat rather than current WP MPs do less in 7 seats.

Don't pretend to respect JBJ and support opposition as a "shield". Never heard you use SDP, NSP to bolster your arguments. In reality, JBJ also did not achieve the 7 points as you stated.

As I said, if you remember, singling out a party (in your case WP) shows an agenda.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I thought LTK told us that if they are sleeping, he will slap them and wake them up if we vote him into parliament?? He sleeping too???:eek:

Knowing how you nitpick and single out, you won't say "LTK job only slap driver but driver still not waking up so WP fault" meh?


...So you have the ministers coming out with a certain policy, then you have PAP MPs who will disagree....Checks and balances can also be done by members of the same party.

This pappy is not correct. While a pappy MP may agree with certain policy proposed by the Govt but when it comes to voting on the bill underlining that policy, he has to vote "aye" or the Whip will crack his arse. The oppo party will vote "nay" to reject the bill and that policy will go into the trash bin.

What check and balance was the pappy referring to? Is he trying to bluff sinkies?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You mean co-driver don't need to know how to drive or operate and understand parts of a car? If a co-driver apply the brakes, do we say "oh co-driver only know how to operate brakes"?

Sorry, PAP MPs not only did not address the 7 points, they are the cause to the problems.

Don't pretend to respect JBJ and support opposition as a "shield". Never heard you use SDP, NSP to bolster your arguments. In reality, JBJ also did not achieve the 7 points as you stated.

As I said, if you remember, singling out a party (in your case WP) shows an agenda.

1. I did not ask him to be a co-driver... He is the one that said he is and wanted be 1...

2. You go check the PAP MPs, they did do the 7 parts that you talk about... However certain Ministers and our LKY did not do it or do very little...

3. I used to be a SDP supporter during CST time, after they were given 3 seats, I was so happy... Only to find them fighting each other... I don't like CSJ so I do not even want to mention about SDP anymore... A few years ago, I see hope in WP when LTK is the MP in Hougang, I also very happy that they won the GRC... However I do not see any improvement after 2 years... There is also a lot of internal struggle in WP...
I am also a support or fans of Poh Lee Guan... But I think they prefer Huat over Poh... The reason they sack Poh make me feel that they are just as bad as PAP...
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Knowing how you nitpick and single out, you won't say "LTK job only slap driver but driver still not waking up so WP fault" meh?

If they don't wake up slap harder!!! But he dare not or is not slapping hard enough... Of course is PAP fault that coming out with so many fucking policies... WP got no fault because they are doing nothing...:rolleyes:

They are happy to let PAP pass through all those unpopular polices so that they can use it to hammer during GE and and votes will flow to them... This is the opposition we looking for???
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Imagine if there's only one telco providing services, or one football team winning all the titles in the league.

What do you get? Complacency, inefficiency, boredom.

It is the same with politics. Too bad the 60.1% morons do not understand this.

True. Why is the UK Govt now making U-turn on their free immigration policy? Because there is an oppo "anti-immigration" party in Parliament making a lot of noises against the policy such that this oppo party is gaining popularity among the local Brits.

Sinkie land also should have oppo parties in Parliament to shout down some of the dumb polices from the pappies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
True. Why is the UK Govt now making U-turn on their free immigration policy? Because there is an oppo "anti-immigration" party in Parliament making a lot of noises against the policy such that this oppo party is gaining popularity among the local Brits.

Sinkie land also should have oppo parties in Parliament to shout down some of the dumb polices from the pappies.

You are right... We need opposition to shout down the "immigration policy" However our opposition are not doing that... They let the papies continue to pass through this policy so that they can have votes flowing in during GE time... They are more interested to get more seats rather than helping us to fight off the policy of papies...:mad:


The guy is a Nair, who is so ashamed of his own surname that he refused to use it. Hri Kumar is his first and middle name. Do you think he has an ounce of honesty that he call his own. If he can't be honest about his own family name, he would do anything for his party.

To your point, yes, steering the question to somewhere else.

This same arsehole once gave an interview to the press where he said that politics in Singapore was not about left wing or right wing (ideology, party manifesto or agenda) but it was government vs anti-government. You can see how devious this guy is. If you oppose the PAP, you oppose the Govt and I assume that he means that only the Govt and therefore the PAP is good and anyone else that does not support the Govt is evil or bad.

With that kind of logic, you can' that've a decent debate.

Notice that in commenting on checks and balances, Sylvia talks institutions. HK talks about PAP Party MPs sometimes taking an independent line. These are people who got where they are knowing which side their bread is buttered.


The guy is a Nair, who is so ashamed of his own surname that he refused to use it. Hri Kumar is his first and middle name. Do you think he has an ounce of honesty that he call his own. If he can't be honest about his own family name, he would do anything for his party.
hahaha....so what is your name???
you don't even use your surname here so you think you are more honest than him???
as usual, clutching at straws....


You are right... We need opposition to shout down the "immigration policy" However our opposition are not doing that... They let the papies continue to pass through this policy so that they can have votes flowing in during GE time... They are more interested to get more seats rather than helping us to fight off the policy of papies...:mad:

In reality, WP is just like a twig in Parliament whereas pappies are like the tree branch, solid and strong. WP cannot do much at this time as there are not enough oppo members in Parliament.

Look at the Malaysian Parliament. They have enough oppo members to screw the UMNO Ministers left and right. Does it happen in sinkie land?


Alfrescian (Inf)
In reality, WP is just like a twig in Parliament whereas pappies are like the tree branch, solid and strong. WP cannot do much at this time as there are not enough oppo members in Parliament.

Look at the Malaysian Parliament. They have enough oppo members to screw the UMNO Ministers left and right. Does it happen in sinkie land?

I do agree with you when come to voting, papies will have his way... But what I see in WP is that they don't even voice up!!! At lease tell the PAP that it is not right to hold our CPF for too long... Tell the papies that their immigration policy are all wrong... But I did not see them doing it...

They are too soft... I don't think that will wake up those idiots drivers... Give more seats to them help??? I do not think so... Hope we have another opposition which dare to beat up the drivers when they are sleeping... Slap don't help...

For Malaysia, even when come to voting, BN still have his way... Just look at the GST which just passed through after the election... But you can see the opposition MP booing on the minister when he talk about it... The opposition also voice up against it... Did WP do that??
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Alfrescian (Inf)
In reality, WP is just like a twig in Parliament whereas pappies are like the tree branch, solid and strong. WP cannot do much at this time as there are not enough oppo members in Parliament.

Look at the Malaysian Parliament. They have enough oppo members to screw the UMNO Ministers left and right. Does it happen in sinkie land?

Just like what I said, when PAP say CPF take out age 65... WP will said 63 can bo...
When PAP say 6.9 million.. WP say 5 millions can bo...
When PAP say ministers salary 1.5 million per year... WP 1.2million can bo...
When PAP increase CSC... They follow but slightly lower than PAP...

I see liao also cry...


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are right... We need opposition to shout down the "immigration policy" However our opposition are not doing that...

That's not a fair statement, and you know that. As early as mid-2012, the SDP was already calling for curbs on our ultra-liberal immigration policy:

26 July 2012
Alvin Ong


The free movement of people is not only a basic human right but also contributes to economic growth Just as the free movement of goods and capital, the movement of people brings in new knowledge and ideas to the labor market and strengthens the country.

However, the need for immigration should not be seen as the main solution to any labor shortage – real or perceived.

Labor shortages are generally cause by either shortages of proficient workers in particular fields. For example, if a school system is geared towards producing only scientists or engineers, there is likely to be a shortage of artists or creative individuals; or alternatively, a snowball effect due to an imbalance between salaries and the cost-of-living.

This is the situation where salaries for certain professions such as bus drivers or cleaners are so low that they cannot sustain a local individual and his or her family in the light of the rising cost of living. These locals then avoid jobs that do not pay enough to provide food and basic essentials for their families.

There are several ways to tackle these problems, one of which is to introduce minimum wage legislation, perhaps indexing it to the cost-of-living. With many of our ASEAN neighbours introducing a mandatory minimum wage, Singapore remains an exceptional country without even a minimum wage in place let alone one that is indexed to inflation.

Another approach is to raise the knowledge and skills of our workers' through practical upgrading programs that are responsive to the new economy. This way, workers who lose their jobs due to competition from low cost manufacturing centers can be rapidly trained in related fields to move up the "value chain” so they are able to return to the workforce to fill up the gaps at a higher level.

For example, factory workers who lose their jobs when multinational corporations move out of Singapore could be trained for higher-end manufacturing similar to the kind of work that is still done in developed countries of Europe and North America.

Both of these methods essentially exemplify the Singaporeans first policy and will directly benefit Singapore economic growth and social harmony in the long run. The country also moves closer towards the first world ideal rather than a third world society dependent on cheap labour – either imported or local.

New immigrants who do not share our fundamental values of democracy, freedom and responsibility are potentially dangerous when they have access to our social systems. We have already seen this in some unfortunate comments in social media from new citizens who seem to look down on Singaporeans.

Thus certain procedures have to be in place to reduce the potential costs of immigration. Below are some suggestions that can reduce the costs of immigration:

  • Tighten restrictions on citizenship. Measures can include objective assessments of an individual's potential and ability before citizenship is granted. This assessment should be done by the private sector level rather than by the Government. A not-for-profit corporation could be set up to do these assessments in a transparent and open fashion.
    Some countries such as Australia have a points system which may be a little arbitrary. Singapore has well-trained professionals who are among the best in the world at assessments. The private sector could come up with an assessment system which is responsive to the needs of the economy yet accountable to the citizens who would fund such a program.
  • A transparent and detailed "Singapore annual immigration intake” report should be released to the public for feedback and input. A central system should also be in place to keep track of contributions of new immigrants, even after they take up citizenship.
    This will provide a means for employers to authenticate their workers' qualifications and employment records by observing their performance on the job. This is similar to the "provisional” plate that beginning drivers carry after passing their driving tests.
    After a period, when the new immigrants have demonstrated their loyalty and competence, they will not need to be monitored so closely, just like drivers can stop using the special plates a year after getting their driving licenses.
  • Administrative and management fields of work should only be open for Singaporeans, especially that of the government sector. This is the case in most developed countries. There are many Singaporeans with these skills and they are more likely to be responsive to the communities they are serving than those without roots in this country.
  • Only new citizens who have resided in Singapore for more than 21 years and are holders of a pink Identity Card are eligible to vote at a contested election. This is similar to the eligibility of local born Singaporeans who must be at least 21 years old to vote.
    An Individual must be in Singapore long enough to be well-versed not only with our social structure, but also political system. Males should serve National Service including reservist training if they are under the age of 40. This is to ensure a level-playing field and not to discriminate against those born and brought up here.
  • Applicants for citizenship should have resided in Singapore for more than 10 years, passed a basic citizenship test (of standard secondary school quality), provide evidence of likely continued further employment and links to the Singaporean community, and have a clean criminal record.
    These are the basic minimum requirements in many countries (some use a five year cutoff) in the developed world and we should not treat our citizenship as anything less than the citizenship of a First World country.
It is clear that immigration is a complex issue. Apart from many of our Malay brothers and sisters, our forefathers were immigrants who came to this island to seek a fortune and had to contend with tremendous adversity.

They did not have things given to them on a platter like scholarships or preferential treatment in jobs. They had to struggle to carve out a niche for themselves in colonial Singapore. Those who stayed worked hard to build the Singapore we now have. We welcome immigrants with that kind of commitment to our country. Together, we can make Singapore better.




Alfrescian (Inf)
That's not a fair statement, and you know that. As early as mid-2012, the SDP was already calling for curbs on our ultra-liberal immigration policy:

You are right... Maybe we should vote in some SDP candidates rather than more WP... SDP behave more like a opposition... Hope they get more supports and votes... I do not like them because of CSJ...:(
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You are right... Maybe we should vote in some SDP candidates rather than more WP... SDP behave more like a opposition... Hope they get more supports and votes... I do not like them because of CSJ...:(

I know you don't like CSJ, but SDP is not CSJ. There are plenty of independent minds within the party, and they're not afraid to speak up and chip in to steer party direction. That said, CSJ has made mistakes in the past, and he knows it. In particular, w.r.t. CST saga, he as a political newbie allowed himself to be made use of by the ex-WP gang to oust CST. His subsequent acts of civil disobedience also fell on infertile soil, as S'porean voters largely eschew confrontational politics.

Personally I think CSJ deserves a 2nd chance. He's discarded his street activist stance, and is more focussed on offering alternative policies. Plus we need to vote in as many oppo members as possible if we don't want Parliament to be a mere rubber-stamping institution.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I know you don't like CSJ, but SDP is not CSJ. There are plenty of independent minds within the party, and they're not afraid to speak up and chip in to steer party direction. That said, CSJ has made mistakes in the past, and he knows it. In particular, w.r.t. CST saga, he as a political newbie allowed himself to be made use of by the ex-WP gang to oust CST. His subsequent acts of civil disobedience also fell on infertile soil, as S'porean voters largely eschew confrontational politics.

Personally I think CSJ deserves a 2nd chance. He's discarded his street activist stance, and is more focussed on offering alternative policies. Plus we need to vote in as many oppo members as possible if we don't want Parliament to be a mere rubber-stamping institution.

I am looking forward for SDP to have a new leader, if CSJ can step down and give way to the younger generation it will be good... SDP is a more garang opposition party...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The PAP debates issues in order to find the best solution for Singaporeans.

The WP, on the other hand, is simply trying to sabotage the government. Their arguments do nothing to help Singaporeans. All they're doing is wasting the time of everyone in Parliament and this delays the implementation of policies that can benefit all Singaporeans.