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WP kenna play out again...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

The Ministry of National Development today released a statement berating the Aljunied Hougang Punggol-East Town Council for failing to promptly submit its audited financials for the FY 2012 period.

It further said that there is “cause for concern”, explaining that this is the second time in a row that the independent auditor for the AHPETC financials has submitted a disclaimer of opinion.

The MND explained that the independent auditor had found several lapses in the way AHPETC has organized their finances.

The report started that AHPETC had not transferred money to the sinking fund and that there were missing details from their financial receipts and records on various costs and expenditures such as costs of lift upgrading and repairing and advances of S&CC for residents.

The auditor also reported discrepancies in GST figures and bank records.

This is the full MND statement on the issue:

MND Press Statement on AHPETC’s FY2012 Audited Financial Statements

13 February 2014

1. Town Councils (TCs) are required by law to submit their audited financial statements to the Minister for National Development, for presentation to Parliament. A copy of the audited financial statements and any report made by the Town Council’s auditor shall also be forwarded to the Auditor-General.

2. Town Councils (TCs) are required by law to submit their audited financial statements to the Minister for National Development, for presentation to Parliament. A copy of the audited financial statements and any report made by the Town Council’s auditor shall also be forwarded to the Auditor-General.

3. The AHPETC’s auditors reported that AHPETC had not complied with the provisions of the Town Councils Act and the Town Councils Financial Rules. The auditors reported that:

a) AHPETC had not transferred funds into its Sinking Funds as required under Rule 4(2B)(a) of the Town Councils Financial Rules.

b) the auditors had not been able to determine the completeness of the related party disclosures in AHPETC as the TC had not made available to the auditors details of project management service fees paid to a related party. (Related party transactions refer to transactions where the TC’s key management personnel have a personal financial interest.)

c)AHPETC had not made available to the auditors its latest management accounts and records of minutes subsequent to the financial year end, to allow the auditors to ascertain whether AHPETC’s financial statements properly reflected adjustments or disclosures needed in light of relevant subsequent events.

d) the auditors were unable to determine the validity and accuracy of various items in AHPETC’s accounts, including receivables of some $1.8 million recorded in Sundry Debtors, lift repair and lift upgrading expenses of some $20 million, temporary unidentified receipts from residents and HDB of some $308,000, and advance receipts from residents in respect of conservancy and service charges of some $507,000. There were also unexplained differences of GST payable of some $518,000 and unreconciled differences of some $63,000 in cash and bank balances.

4. The AHPETC auditors’ observations have led the auditors to submit a disclaimer of opinion on AHPETC’s financial statements. This is the second year that AHPETC’s auditors have submitted a disclaimer of opinion on its accounts. This is a cause for concern. The auditors have submitted their audit report to the Auditor-General on 13 Feb 2014 as required under the law.


Hard truth. Only opposition supporting retard will think deny this

WP record
Most expensive TC Management contract given to FMSS their good friend without tender
Non-stop trade fairs
Try to trick Hawkers to paying extra money for free cleaning services

All this have nothing to do wtih PAP or the government. All this were done by WP. They are either incompetent in handling money or god knows what they are doing with that money


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The WP can't even run the financial affairs of one town council.

You can imagine the mess the country would be in if they were in charge of the whole country.

Heaven help Singapore is these village simpletons ever gain power by some freak of nature.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The WP can't even run the financial affairs of one town council.

You can imagine the mess the country would be in if they were in charge of the whole country.

Heaven help Singapore is these village simpletons ever gain power by some freak of nature.

Heaven help Singapore if the majority of its voters are simpletons like yourself (when in PAP troll mode).

The country is supposed to be run by civil servants who act under direction of the Cabinet which is made up of selected MPs from the political party which happens to have a majority in Parliament. Civil servants are supposed to be impartial, so they will work under whichever political party has the majority in Parliament and will not go on strike just because they don't like the party that happens to be in control of policy.

It is not the role of MPs to be involved, oops mired is the more appropriate word in the Sinkie context, in municipal affairs.

This town council thing is nothing but a booby trap, planted in advance, so that should any Opposition candidates be elected into Parliament, they will be so mired in municipal affairs and the thousand and one ways in which they can be fixed on this to be able to do their real job which is to scrutinize and hold the Gahbrament of the day to account for its work.

It may be time for you to switch from simpleton to sophisticated mode. Readers will be not so blur after watching this and other similar videos. :rolleyes:

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The WP can't even run the financial affairs of one town council.

You can imagine the mess the country would be in if they were in charge of the whole country.

Heaven help Singapore is these village simpletons ever gain power by some freak of nature.

MPs are not supposed to be running the TC; that's the job of the civil service/HDB; paid by the tax payers.

I want my MPs to debate important issues in parliament and keep the ministers on their toes; not to go pick up toilet paper or leaves from the drain.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Vile pappies will find out in next GE that such tactics backfired big time.
Pappies see beyond hope already....instead of bucking up and actually doing their jobs they are still playing fix the opposition politics.


Alfrescian (Inf)
MPs are not supposed to be running the TC; that's the job of the civil service/HDB; paid by the tax payers.

This is an abominable conflation of the executive and legislative arms of govt. The constitution is butchered when you have a one-party de facto dictatorship running the country for nearly a half-century.

1. MPs are elected lawmakers. They belong to the legislative branch and debate and pass laws in parliament.

2. Town councils should be run by town councillors and mayors, are even directly by the civil service. They belong to the executive branch, and may or may not be elected.


Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard logic. Opposition money missing from the accounts amounting to more than $20m unaccounted for, blame elected government who had all accounted for every single audit in their accounts and had nothing to do with the missing money from their loser opposition GRC Town Council


KNN. Co driver also can crash the car. WTF. WP cannot even handle their own backyard. Down with WP in 2016. Wake up Stinkapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All dumbfuck PAP supporters need to understand what the fark Parliament is for and start by watching this video:

Hokie Dokie let Mister Know It All enlighten Singaporeans
On the role of Parliament and by implication its members
Scrutinise Government and introduce new laws are the gist
Nowhere in this video from Mother of all Parliaments
Is town council mentioned and rightly so cause it’s civil servants’ job
Oops I forgot to mention your Prime Minister and his Cabinet
Plus whoever came up with town council idea are a bunch of monkeys

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Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard logic. Opposition money missing from the accounts amounting to more than $20m unaccounted for, blame elected government who had all accounted for every single audit in their accounts and had nothing to do with the missing money from their loser opposition GRC Town Council

Thats why I rather have the civil service manage the TC funds.
Dissociate MPs and their direct use of public funds - PAP or WP included.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
All dumbfuck PAP supporters need to understand what the fark Parliament is for and start by watching this video:

That video describes the UK system. Singapore is not the UK where MPs can get away with doing nothing more than blowing hot air in Parliament.

The Singapore system is far superior in that it places real responsibilities upon the shoulders of each and every elected MP in order to expose the charlatans for what they are.

In the case of the WP, it has clearly revealed that they have nothing much to say in Parliament and they aren't competent enough to run a town council either.

Why they are still there is a mystery. Hopefully, the coming election will put things right.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That video describes the UK system. Singapore is not the UK where MPs can get away with doing nothing more than blowing hot air in Parliament.

Indeed it describes the UK system which is far superior to Sinkieland's adulterated version. I would rather the backbenchers be allowed to properly perform their function of scrutinising the Government and in the process blow some hot air then the Ministers be allowed to blow hot air all of the time without anybody to ask them the tough questions that need to be asked.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The Singapore system is far superior in that it places real responsibilities upon the shoulders of each and every elected MP in order to expose the charlatans for what they are.

Bullocks. The Sinkie system is far inferior in that it distracts the MP from his real functions, the most important of which are to scrutinise Government actions and new bills. MPs look after drains and pipes? What have you been smoking? Scrutinising Government actions and new bills are jobs in themselves and need to be done well for a Parliamentary democracy to function properly. Drains and pipes are for civil servants. Coming up with the idea of town councils to distract MPs from their real function and to enable them to be fixed when the time is ripe is a job fit for the world's greatest charlatans who once upon a time wore white.

In the case of the WP, it has clearly revealed that they have nothing much to say in Parliament and they aren't competent enough to run a town council either.

Get this into your head - TOWN COUNCILS AND MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ARE FOR CIVIL SERVANTS who are paid for with taxpayers' money and supposed to work for ALL citizens regardless of who they voted for.

Why they are still there is a mystery. Hopefully, the coming election will put things right.

The real mystery is why Sinkies still have blind faith in Lightning when they have proven time and again that they are a self serving bunch of people, which by the way you said it yourself. :rolleyes:


Get this into your head - TOWN COUNCILS AND MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ARE FOR CIVIL SERVANTS who are paid for with taxpayers' money and supposed to work for ALL citizens regardless of who they voted for.

Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard. TC and municipal affairs are managed by MP is specifically designed by LKY and his batch so that the MPs do not lose touch with the ground. LTK and his losers having so much problems with TC affairs, getting complains from hawkers and getting petitioned by stallholders proves they have loss touch with the ground. Opposition supporting anti-PAP retards are not representative of the real situation in Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard. TC and municipal affairs are managed by MP is specifically designed by LKY and his batch so that the MPs do not lose touch with the ground. LTK and his losers having so much problems with TC affairs, getting complains from hawkers and getting petitioned by stallholders proves they have loss touch with the ground. Opposition supporting anti-PAP retards are not representative of the real situation in Singapore

Dumbfuck PAP supporting FUCKtard. TC and municipal affairs are the job of civil servants the world over. "Do not lose touch with the ground" - this sort of crap excuse, only a PAP supporting retard will swallow it whole. If the MP does his real job properly, including but not limited to reflecting the problems of his constituents who are affected by work done improperly by civil servants or badly designed policies, he will not lose touch with the ground. You do not need to sweep the ground personally everyday in order not to lose touch with it. Understand? Your flat got no maid to sweep the floor for you ah?

:oIo: :kma:
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dumbfuck opposition supporting retard. Tc and municipal affairs are managed by mp is specifically designed by lky and his batch so that the mps do not lose touch with the ground. Ltk and his losers having so much problems with tc affairs, getting complains from hawkers and getting petitioned by stallholders proves they have loss touch with the ground. Opposition supporting anti-pap retards are not representative of the real situation in singapore

losing touch with the ground is a state of mind and an attitude.
Nothing to do with actually being on the ground or not.