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SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on me


The date of a by-election for Punggol East has not been decided. The PM may even decide not to call for one. Yet, supporters of other opposition parties, fearing my participation in a possible by-election have begun to pour cold water on me. Some said I am not capable enough. Others suggest that I should spend more time at home, with my family. Then there are those who insinuated that I over-estimated my own ability, called me a clown and a spoiler. (Who is actually the spoiler, the truth will out one day and right the injustice that I was subjected to.)

During the campaign period of the last election, I received threats and my campaign material were vandalised. And that was only just the beginning. In the future, it is likely that I may face even more terrible assaults. Nevertheless, I will patiently tolerate these ignorant and puerile behaviour.

Those who know me know that over the past 14 years. I have devoted all the time, energy and money to working for the Potong Pasir Town Council and the People’s Party. After my office hours, on public holidays and weekends, I would be working for them. I was even on call to help solve problems that happened during the wee hours of the night. All these I did without any incentives and rewards.

With my professional knowledge in estate and project management, I rendered my services to former member of parliament Mr Chiam See Tong and helped him manage the affairs of the town council and the party without expectation of any return. Those who know me also know that I played my supporting role quietly and never attempted to push Mr Chiam aside.

If I was as useless as what the supporters of other political parties claimed, Mr Chiam, while he was still hale and hearty, would not have allowed me to handle the day to day affairs of the town council and the party, and look after the welfare of the constituency. Mr Chiam even personally wrote a testimonial letter recognizing my abilities and contributions to the town council and constituency of Potong Pasir. That same pletter was printed in the campaign flyer and circulated to the voters of Pasir Ris – Punggol GRC during the 2006 general election to show that I had Mr Chiam’s full support. (My later departure from the SPP was due to political intrigues from certain quarters but I will not detail that here.)

Beside that, if I am without abilities and capabilities, it would not have been possible for me to remain employed with the same company for over 15 years, let alone being held in high regard by the company. (What with my involvement with opposition politics, if I had not performed up to and beyond the company’s expectation, I would have been told to pack up and leave long ago.)

I believe that any sensible person, when he looks at what I encountered within the party and what I accomplished in my professional career, he would agree that I had supported and involved myself with the wrong party leader. In so doing, I had wasted my youth, energy and wealth and ruined my political future.

These supporters of other political parties reckoned that what they were told were true. They did not bother to spend time to investigate and come to their own conclusion. They therefore believed that their party is the only that can provide a counter-balance to the ruling party and win benefit for the people. They therefore argue that others have to yield to their party in an election. Such a mindset is really no different from that of a one-party dictatorship.

Honestly, I too would like to pass my days in peace and leisure. I have a stable career, a roof over my head and a car. I need not worry about my next meal, my clothing, money and other necessities of life. I have already what others are still busily pursuing and will be pursuing for most of their lives. I have no need nor wish for great wealth, a bungalow, a luxury car and gourmet meals daily.

My wish and what I would strive for would be to return political power back to the people, to have a level playing field in politics, so that there is real governance by the people of themselves and for themselves. I also wish to be a reminder to politicians that the interests of the people should come first, that policies at the fundamental level should benefit the people and that their motivation should always be a concern for the people. It should not be the case where everything is done to serve the interest of a party. It should not be the case where livelihood issues of the people are perversely transformed into opportunities to generate money and causing the people to spend their entire life busily working just to ensure that they have adequate meals and housing, and worrying about their children’s education and future.

I would like other opposition supporters to know that if I had fear of the strong and intimidating tactics, I would not have bothered to participate in elections. To those who believe in democracy and who wish to defend democracy, please let the people decide who to represent them and strive for their welfare in parliament. Do not resort to undemocratic means to pressure any potential candidate from contesting and do not resort to underhand means to cause the potential candidate supporters to withdraw their support.

The day the above arrive is the day I quit politics.

Singapore our home.


Desmond Lim
Singapore Democratic Alliance



Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Dearest Desmond,

I applause your commitment and dedication to serve the people. The road to success is often long and winding. The tasks at
hand are always overwhelming and tedious. Recognitions for contribution are few and far in between. Rewards were never significant
enough for the effort and time exhausted.

Much as it hurts me to say, I hope you do realize the subtle difference between leadership and task manager. It is difficult sometimes
to make the transition to a leader vs. a manager because most people get promoted into leadership because they are good at being
the task master.

I hope you do not despair yourself with your distracters and continue to push the cause in the capacity that suits you best.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavor and leaves you with this famous quote from a martyr:

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable … Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle,
the tireless exertion and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Sorry, who the hell is Desmond Lim?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

He is trying to appeal against mindless drones, what's the point. That segment of opposition supporter are hardcore. No matter what he say isn't going to change them. He might as well continue working the ground and show the rest he means what he says


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Desmond Lim quite unlucky. Punggol East was craved out from Pasir Ris. he believed this was his turf by default. then WP entered the contest. Lim suffered the humiliation of 5% votes. if it was a straight fight, Lim would gather 30% votes at worst.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Mr Desmond Lim seems like a decent town councillor. How come the WP branding so strong which led to his crushing defeat in 2011?

There's no "counter-balance" to speak of yet at 81-6.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Let be fair. I think in a democratic society, anyone can contest any ward they want to contest


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Let be fair. I think in a democratic society, anyone can contest any ward they want to contest

Yes ...

But in my humble opinion, Desmond will loss out in any direct fight even with the worst of PAP candidate. At best, he will secure the 30 to
40% of the core opposition votes. However, in any three corner fight, Desmond doesn't stand a chance to keep his deposit.

People's perception of SDA (it's track record and association with mediocre PKMS), stronger opposition branding (SDP, WP, NSP and maybe
even RP), his personality and grooming are key obstacles.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Let be fair. I think in a democratic society, anyone can contest any ward they want to contest
And people are also free to pour cold water on him. His whining basically shows that he can't take criticism in his stride. How to be good politician?

This joker even consider criticism as intimidation. Did anyone damage his car, threaten his family? If he can't take the heat, then stay out of kitchen.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

The date of a by-election for Punggol East has not been decided. The PM may even decide not to call for one. Yet, supporters of other opposition parties, fearing my participation in a possible by-election have begun to pour cold water on me. Some said I am not capable enough. Others suggest that I should spend more time at home, with my family. Then there are those who insinuated that I over-estimated my own ability, called me a clown and a spoiler. (Who is actually the spoiler, the truth will out one day and right the injustice that I was subjected to.)

During the campaign period of the last election, I received threats and my campaign material were vandalised. And that was only just the beginning. In the future, it is likely that I may face even more terrible assaults. Nevertheless, I will patiently tolerate these ignorant and puerile behaviour.

Those who know me know that over the past 14 years. I have devoted all the time, energy and money to working for the Potong Pasir Town Council and the People’s Party. After my office hours, on public holidays and weekends, I would be working for them. I was even on call to help solve problems that happened during the wee hours of the night. All these I did without any incentives and rewards.

With my professional knowledge in estate and project management, I rendered my services to former member of parliament Mr Chiam See Tong and helped him manage the affairs of the town council and the party without expectation of any return. Those who know me also know that I played my supporting role quietly and never attempted to push Mr Chiam aside.

If I was as useless as what the supporters of other political parties claimed, Mr Chiam, while he was still hale and hearty, would not have allowed me to handle the day to day affairs of the town council and the party, and look after the welfare of the constituency. Mr Chiam even personally wrote a testimonial letter recognizing my abilities and contributions to the town council and constituency of Potong Pasir. That same pletter was printed in the campaign flyer and circulated to the voters of Pasir Ris – Punggol GRC during the 2006 general election to show that I had Mr Chiam’s full support. (My later departure from the SPP was due to political intrigues from certain quarters but I will not detail that here.)

Beside that, if I am without abilities and capabilities, it would not have been possible for me to remain employed with the same company for over 15 years, let alone being held in high regard by the company. (What with my involvement with opposition politics, if I had not performed up to and beyond the company’s expectation, I would have been told to pack up and leave long ago.)

I believe that any sensible person, when he looks at what I encountered within the party and what I accomplished in my professional career, he would agree that I had supported and involved myself with the wrong party leader. In so doing, I had wasted my youth, energy and wealth and ruined my political future.

These supporters of other political parties reckoned that what they were told were true. They did not bother to spend time to investigate and come to their own conclusion. They therefore believed that their party is the only that can provide a counter-balance to the ruling party and win benefit for the people. They therefore argue that others have to yield to their party in an election. Such a mindset is really no different from that of a one-party dictatorship.

Honestly, I too would like to pass my days in peace and leisure. I have a stable career, a roof over my head and a car. I need not worry about my next meal, my clothing, money and other necessities of life. I have already what others are still busily pursuing and will be pursuing for most of their lives. I have no need nor wish for great wealth, a bungalow, a luxury car and gourmet meals daily.

My wish and what I would strive for would be to return political power back to the people, to have a level playing field in politics, so that there is real governance by the people of themselves and for themselves. I also wish to be a reminder to politicians that the interests of the people should come first, that policies at the fundamental level should benefit the people and that their motivation should always be a concern for the people. It should not be the case where everything is done to serve the interest of a party. It should not be the case where livelihood issues of the people are perversely transformed into opportunities to generate money and causing the people to spend their entire life busily working just to ensure that they have adequate meals and housing, and worrying about their children’s education and future.

I would like other opposition supporters to know that if I had fear of the strong and intimidating tactics, I would not have bothered to participate in elections. To those who believe in democracy and who wish to defend democracy, please let the people decide who to represent them and strive for their welfare in parliament. Do not resort to undemocratic means to pressure any potential candidate from contesting and do not resort to underhand means to cause the potential candidate supporters to withdraw their support.

The day the above arrive is the day I quit politics.

Singapore our home.


Desmond Lim
Singapore Democratic Alliance


Not sure what his work in a telco has to do with his political activities.

It is a further example of a muddled mind.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

If he is indeed a Pap paid spoiler (which I suspect), then may he reap what he sow.

If he is not, then I advise him to give up politic for his own good. He is of the same league as Goh meng seng. There's a chinese saying: 狗肉上不了酒席.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

If he is not, then I advise him to give up politic for his own good....

Good advise ...

... which is what I was alluring to in the above thread!
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

This article is just about desmond lim and what he feels. Nothing about what he hopes to do for the constituency. Why should I vote for him?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Good advise ...

... which is what I was alluring to in the above thread!

After GE 2011, it seemed that singaporeans are suddenly politically aware again. they now want a voice in parliament .. not a clown show.

As recent as 7 years ago, the politic scene in singapore was vastly different. As long as you are not afraid to die, you stand a chance to be elected into parliament. That's why people like Goh meng seng, Yap kheng hoe, The Slipper guy, Ling how dong all came out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Desmond rants ill advised.

He took another swipe at CST again even thou Desmond didn't name CST outright. That will make CST supporters piss again.

As for him doing grassroots activities in punggol since GE 2006, that a load of BS. I never see SDA and him since 2006.

As for him being able to run the PP town council don't make him being to be a mp. The ppl vote in a mp to represent their voice in parliment, not an estate manager.

As for WP encroaching on his turf, just too bad lor as the ppl had spoken that rather have an unknown ah Lian as alternative voice than him a party general secratary.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Why should I vote for him?

The question of casting one's vote in a particular way does not even arise in the context of this man.
The more pertinent question is how quickly one can turn one's back on the man when he is spotted in public.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Alamak...havent fight PAPies already start quarrelling...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

DL reminds me of the great Harban Singh. Wonder if the latter is still alive. Very comical chap.


Re: SDA’s Desmond Lim: Other opposition supporters have begun to pour cold water on m

Pour cold water ok what. He always looks so sweaty, as if he needs a cold shower.