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Breaking News!Science had proven it beyond doubt that an intelligent designer exists!


Re: Conquerorous Circumcision Cau

JC did not give the Gooks the Bible.
The oldest books (in the NT) were written almost 100 years after he died.

The stories were passed through oral tradition, and you should know how stories grow in the re-telling.
Remember the recent rumours on LKY's death, how the story turned far-fetched in a few day time after it started with words of mouth.
In modern time, already so adulterated. Imagine ancient time, and you have to factor in the political agenda of the rulers (some gooks still not sure about romans?) at that time.

The SBF Saint is unable to deny the fact!
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Re: Conquerorous Circumcision Cau

The following passage describes the sickening practice of sex slavery. How can anyone think it is moral to sell your own daughter as a sex slave?

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

So these are the Bible family values! A man can buy as many sex slaves as he wants as long as he feeds them, clothes them, and screws them!


St Conqueror=


Re: Conquerorous Circumcision

Most sunday sheep don't know their Book very well, but surely not the 365-day resident SBF Saint.

Below we well see how Paul contradicted himself regarding the issue of circumcision by approving it. Ok, so now Christians decided to follow Paul’s contradicting commands regarding prohibiting circumcision. How about also following his commands when he ordered for Christians women to shut up in Churches:

“women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. (From the NIV Bible, 1 Corinthians 14:34)”

The Conquerous Act shall signify the arrival of the new frontier ID-nism and the restoration of the ancient religious Act that many 'fake' churches failed to follow.

I think you are just jealous and being sore that's all. :rolleyes: Hope your dicky brain go further than just that surface deep citation. :wink:

Dumb people are always finding ways to prove themselves dumber. :*:


Re: Conquerorous Circumcision Cau

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

A dead wood will always be a piece of rotten wood. :biggrin: Sore loser.


Sore Loser !


There are many good reasons for non-believers with at least some ability in critical thinking not to believe in that shitty book -that is evolving, adulterated, non-humanistic doctrines, self-contradicting from 1st to last page.

Gooks should stop so-called spreading the gospel and evangelism. At least keep the stupidity and their dream tickets to themselves, and they would be better respected with some REAL charity tasks to aid mankind.

As usual, atheistic dumb fucks just cannot stomach the truth. :rolleyes:

A sore loser talking about critical thinking ? :*: You fellas keep losing ALL THE TIME ! OMG ! What critical thinking has anything to do with atheists ? All you folks prove one thing about your atheistic view as dumb and dumber.

Interestingly, your writing is still the same ol' dead stuff. Nothing. :wink:



Atheistic Science Is NOT Science At All, Goodness !


My advice to you is to stay away from atheism. Atheism is religion of NOTHING that has NOTHING to offer except more and more skepticism from the theists and the third-party. :rolleyes: Well, at least, you may become smarter, I hope. :wink:



Conquerorous Circumcision kacha kacha!

主子早已经割礼,狗奴才何以迟迟不阄, 要等吾下刀子...卡擦卡擦!

The Lord already cut his flesh, why the banner carrier dog is still hesitating and frightened??
Cannot follow through like the master ... kacha kacha





主子早已经割礼,狗奴才何以迟迟不阄, 要等吾下刀子...卡擦卡擦!

The Lord already cut his flesh, why the banner carrier dog is still hesitating and frightened??
Cannot follow through like the master ... kacha kacha




Crucifixion cross

Crosses are for most fake churches. My church has no cross as a symbol to prove that we are the true believers. Not all churches are like that. :*: The question is : what are the signs for the true believers ?


This is the real crucifixion cross:

According to my reliable insider from sinkie land (himself a follower of a mainstream denomination), sects that are not under any of the mainstream denominations are either cult-like or fake…

To see the sign for true male believer, you need to ask him to pull down his pants...I already educated you on this...the soft truth:biggrin:
The Lord had also shown the way. I did not adulterate any fact, all quoted from OT, NT and St Paul. So what should the true believer of his master follow up?

Why are there so many sects with contradicting claims?
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Circumcision holy devine Act!

Ah Saint: "For the word has already spoken, the flesh will not do the things of God."
So such people still consider true believers huh?


The fake churches and so-called true churches, BOTH failED miserably to follow the command of the LORD Jesus.

So, what should a banner carrier and TRUE follower of the master do?
As easy as ABC, exemplifies the WORDS of the LORD, his flesh do the things of GOD! Circumcision! Circumcision! Circumcision!


The Conquerorous, Divine, Holy Act of Circumcision to be enacted by the great Resident SBF SAINT:




Hand Gun And Rope ?

According to my reliable insider from sinkie land (himself a follower of a mainstream denomination), sects that are not under any of the mainstream denominations are either cult-like or fake…

To see the sign for true male believer, you need to ask him to pull down his pants...I already educated you on this...the soft truth:biggrin:

The Lord had also shown the way. I did not adulterate any fact, all quoted from OT, NT and St Paul. So what should the true believer of his master follow up?

Why are there so many sects with contradicting claims?

I'm a confessional Lutheran. I don't consider myself to be truly Protestant or Roman Catholic, but rather an Evangelical Catholic (see the writings of John Paul II). Not everyone is as much of a stickler as me though...

I make the sign of the holy cross before I pray when I recite the Invocation (In the Name of the Father, etc), after I pray when I recite the Gloria Patri/ Glory Be, before I enter my parish, upon every mention of the Holy Trinity while I'm at Mass, and after recieving the Sacrament.

The practice is a reminder of our Baptism (the words ''recieve the sign of the cross'' are spoken during the Lutheran Rite of Holy Baptism, and the pastor traces the sign of the cross on the forehead of the person being baptized with his thumb) and the way in which we are to live as baptized Christians. When we make the sign of the cross, we are marking ourselves as children of God. I was also taught to hold my fingers just a little bit differently than the Roman Catholics I know. The thumb, index finger, and middle finger are held together to remind us that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, and the remaining two fingers are to remind us of the Dual Nature of Christ, who is true God and true Man. So to us, the sign of the cross serves the same purpose as it does for the Orthodox, the Catholics, the Anglicans, or the Copts, but it is also a reminder of basic Christian doctrine.

Tell me what is deemed to be reliable ? Is the mainstream science bullshit like Big Bang, Evolution, or anything that they claimed this and that are considered as reliable ? What happened later ? Nothing - a complete and disastrous failure. All the papers became toilet papers overnight ? No, the toilet papers are MUCH more useful than those junks. :biggrin::rolleyes:

Can Wikipedia tells you anything you need to know about the Holy Spirit ? :rolleyes: It's a complete pile of shit. :*:

When a person has no wisdom, one can be easily hoodwinked into believing bullshits as theories. Many studied these bullshits and they are still proud of it. OMG ! :rolleyes:

The above is a dumb practice. Most religions are cults except the true church. If you have 1,000 ways, ONLY ONE is the true way. If you have 10,000,000 sects, ONLY 1 or two (ie. there may be a similar one in another denomination) is the true sect or church. :biggrin::rolleyes: Can you stomach this ? :wink:

Yah, many sects claimed many things. But, there will always be the average IQ people that thought that everything is the same. :confused::rolleyes:

How can they all be the same ! :*: OMG ! :wink:

Atheists and Buddhists have never spoken any truth. Losing their claims time after time. I just won some commendations at a few sites where they argued about the actual fact of Buddhism and why it is considered as an atheism. I had SCORED a victory. :biggrin: I have ALWAYS been the LIGHT to those who are often living in DARKNESS. :cool:

Yesh ! I always WIN. :p


Re: Circumcision holy devine Act!

Ah Saint: "For the word has already spoken, the flesh will not do the things of God."
So such people still consider true believers huh?

Circumcision! Circumcision! Circumcision!


Toronto = Twa Lun Tho = Big Dick Knife --> obsession for circumcision = a drug for the dimwit = dick head :biggrin:

Hai, even your nick sux.


Believers are the ones going to heaven. Sux, rite ? LOL Hahahaha ! :biggrin:


Hypocritical Saint

Yesh ! I always WIN. :p

I fully agreed with that point and supported many times. You also win many times here in this thread.
You are the SBF Saint that even the archbishop of england or martin luther are unable to come in to deny you :biggrin::biggrin:
People in the real world disapproved of your sainthood, I did not but supported it:biggrin::biggrin:

Seriously, I doubt anyone would believe you. You try kinana. Your bullshits have been rebutted. Your hypocrisy exposed in this thread. You got the fact of the shitty Book wrong soo many times.

Talk is cheap, you are just a coward with inflated ego.

I have better respect for this brave man:

Would anyone want to follow the Saint with this kind of vomiting religion value:
1. RC headdress(mitre) = Evil
2. A man sells his daughter as a slave not= Evil
Kee Chiu?

Arr..if the imaginary HIM permitted, why not!

Would anyone be jealous of an imaginary ticket? Ya lor, toronto is very sore and jealous, haha.

Okay, you WIN WIN :smile:


Re: Circumcision holy devine Act!

obsession for circumcision = a drug for the dimwit = dick head :biggrin:

The book has mentioned it not only in OT but also repeated NT, you call that obsession! You are actually frightened and your faith no really that strong as per your self-claim say so lah. I know your track records here, I know you won't live up to anything. Okay lah.


Lord Jesus already exemplified circumcision, you called that obsession and tried to run road from it?
Only a few words to say the truth: Ah Saint betrayed the LORD! St Conqueror let down his faith!

Would any bro want to follow ah Saint? He can't even carry the banner high.

Okay, I am very jealous and sore lah. You win, you have the imaginary ticket lah. Seriously, I won't take it even if you kneeled down. I say first before you said that and tahat.

The LORD is definitely watching his Actions and Words very closely, believe me :biggrin::biggrin:
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Jealous Non-Believer = Loser

I fully agreed with that point and supported many times. You also win many times here in this thread.

Seriously, I doubt anyone would believe you. You try kinana. Your bullshits have been rebutted. Your hypocrisy exposed in this thread. You got the fact of the shitty Book wrong soo many times.

I have better respect for this brave man:

Would anyone want to follow the Saint with this kind of vomiting religion value:
1. RC headdress(mitre) = Evil
2. A man sells his daughter as a slave not= Evil
Kee Chiu?

Arr..if the imaginary HIM permitted, why not!

Would anyone be jealous of an imaginary ticket? Ya lor, toronto is very sore and jealous, haha.

Okay, you WIN WIN :smile:

I don't know why you are still supporting and citing Kinana (PAP worshiper), Drifter, Vomjak and the rest of the losers (stupid atheists) as your 'credible' source for your silly argument. :rolleyes: No truth in it ! :mad:

Lame ! Simply lame. :wink:

Dumb fucks will never be smart or change for the better. :confused::biggrin:


Re: Circumcision holy devine Act!

To watch live the pre-circumcision ritual of Ah Saint, click HERE
Do not click if you are under 21​

Kinana, I believe you have another good laugh again at the thought of Ah Saint being 'cut'. However, you are advised not to click if you are a lady:biggrin::biggrin:

Ah Saint, ya lor I am obsessed! Everyone has great laughter.


Bird Brained


Seriously, I won't take it even if you kneeled down. I say first before you said that and tahat.

The LORD is definitely watching his Actions and Words very closely, believe me :biggrin::biggrin:

Yah, He watches every steps you guys take. As for me, it is already confirmed with that ticket. So, what are you going to do about it ? :p Complain against me lah ! :rolleyes:

Still a dumb fuck as usual. :eek::rolleyes:


A Dickhead Wants Strange Thing

Kinana, I believe you have another good laugh again at the thought of Ah Saint being 'cut'. However, you are advised not to click if you are a lady:biggrin::biggrin:

Ah Saint, ya lor I am obsessed! Everyone has great laughter.

I donno what you want to prove since I have not been reading much of your silly ranting. No knowledge, no logical argument, nothing to prove God's non existence. What do you want ? :biggrin:

Kinana is your sworn brother ah ? Or you fellas are sisters ? :eek::rolleyes:

While I'm typing this, I'm laughing as well. Weird. :*::biggrin:


Re: A Dickhead Wants Strange Thing- Yes I am happy to be a Dickhead

I donno what you want to prove since I have not been reading much of your silly ranting. No knowledge, no logical argument, nothing to prove God's non existence. What do you want ? :biggrin:

First thing first, I have never deny the existence of a supernatural being or force. I believe no one in our lifespan can live to prove either the existence or the non existence. Western scientists are getting closer each day, they have already established ‘foot’ print on Mars, soon to the next further planet. But they are still not there yet. It is an evoluting process (I hope the 'e' word did not prick on any nerve again). I am not a Christian hater, I don’t believe in wasting my energy on that,very exhaustive. I respect xtians that keep to themselves, respect others, being positive force within their community and outside. The real god-fearing xtians don't much harm to others, though they are still b-sheep. I reckon mother Teresa as a true xtian for all her deeds that better humanity in general( I am Orthodox, RC, Protestant, Lutheran blind here). However, I am gamed to trash those that proven to be a destructive force. There are many sub-topics I want to touch on one by one, one of them is ‘Mutated Western Evangelism’. Which was developed when the ang moh countries were hungry for sea-born power during the 17th century. When it propagated out of the West, it proven to be a truly destructive force.

Sadly, the Eastern converts not only embraced the ang moh religion itself, they have also embraced ancient and past ang moh politics till today (most unconsciously). I hope I can last here enough to drill in on these, but I would just disappear if my real world life gets busy…Like most people that disappeared, either sian or moving on.

I strongly disagree with the ABCly, narrowly, naively and ‘racely’ defined version of the ancient bird brain hebrew rabbis regarding the supernatural being/force. Yes, I am not able to prove or deny the existence of the actual supernatural being beyond reasonable doubt, but I am very confident I can prove that Hebrew Book is a rojak Book. I can prove many nonsenses and evil values of that book. Easy, because it is a man-made book and full of self-contradiction and inconsistency. In short, very unreliable.

I am glad you have toned down a little at your last post. I have my views, I brought them out. If my views are different from your or your faith, you can bring you views out to share. That is fair in an open forum, right?
If Ah Saint expects his words to be taken as gospel truth, there is one place he should go. That place is full of superficial 'singing & praising', he can go on sunday.

No use hurling vulgarity, sweeping statements, empty claims. You said I ‘hantum’ on Christianity circumcision. Fair statement! Bu I backup with my facts immediately. You have been engaging with me from the previous Kong Hee thread to this thread, you should know I don't bullshit. Beside ranting, I produce and delivery materials and facts. :smile:

I know you are obsessed, frustrated, despaired and haunted by Dawkin, Darwin, Evolution advocators, Western Atheists. How many times these names have appeared in SBF? But the so-called atheists by you that you are ‘hantuming’ here are actually free-thinker, non-believer of Christianity. You were once under one of these groups. I never get this fact wrong since the beginning despite your vehement distraction. Haha, ah Saint must be shock at suddenly awakened to the fact that he have been firing f**king blank at the salat targets. :smile: The real atheists that the church leaders instructed the sheep to target at are in the WEST. Haha!

I am not affected by Dawkin, Darwin or evolution at all in any sense. I am sure the same for many other people here.

If you church can serve and better humanity in general without any destructive agenda, I will support without asking for 1 ticket. :smile: You can say I am a big dumb f** fool. I am still ok to be a sandbag here.
I am ok with gooks winning converts with decent approach, but not THIEF that steals from other people sheep yards or using unscrupulous means I mentioned earlier. Worst still, turn around crying THIEF, thief!

When my grandma was on her sick bed, my distant cousin wanted to put a xtian pandant on her hand, I did not object to it. I know she meant good. Later, one of my aunts wanted to move it to her ankle as her hand allerged, I objected it saying it is disrepectful to the religion. -:smile:
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Re: A Dickhead Wants Strange Thing- Yes I am happy to be a Dickhead

St Con Conqueror,
Your displays in this forum(this thread+other religion related threads) have already been crafted long time ago during the Roman Empire, later re-crafted by Martin Luther and latest by the current church leaders…

Sometimes, I can anticipate in advance what you want to say. -