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Breaking News!Science had proven it beyond doubt that an intelligent designer exists!


Re: Sainthood

The Bullshit:
“The Chinese use it for differentiating different nobles with different classes of power and wealth. The medieval age ang mor also used this.”

The Rebuttal:
Unquestionably, the Roman Catholic was the main Christian Religion in medieval period. There were many famous Medieval saints. But how were these men and women made saints and why were they made saints? During the period, a Saint is used to a man or woman who is perceived of being an example of great holiness and virtue. and considered capable of interceding with God on behalf of a person who prayed to them. Saints are men and women who have died, lying in the grave-yard.

Unquestionably false to said chinese use the term for distinguishing noble classes on power and wealth.
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Re: Sainthood

The Bullshit:
“I'm a saint. You hit the nail on this.

“Some fools will not accept the truth that I'm a saint”

The Rebuttal:
Saints are men and women who have died, and subsequently declared Saints. Saints are people already gone and in the graveyard.

So our St Conqueror is a living dead or a dead living?
LOL! So hilarious!!! St Conqueror- A DE-RESURRATED SAINT? A Saint that rose from the graveyard to utter BULLSHIT in SBF? :biggrin:

I do surely accept the truth that you are a Saint. :biggrin:
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Re: Sainthood

The Bullshit:
“All Christians are considered saints. All Christian are saints—and at the same time are called to be saints.”

The Rebuttal:
According to the Logic, those people are saints too!:-

1. Kong Hee -Senior Pastor City Harvest Church, the Pastor of Pastor
2. Anders Behring Breivik -Man kills 76 at youth meeting at Norway's Utoya Island
3. Wade Michael Page-Seven dead in 'terror' gun attack on US Sikh temple

Saint is used to describe a man or woman who is perceived of being an example of great holiness and virtue.
If these people are considered great holiness and virtue, then the morality and ethical standard of that RELIGION are exceptional low. CULT!


Re: Sainthood

The hypocrisy:
St Conqueror(1): “I wouldn't use name like Saint John but John. Why ? Very Catholic lah. I was a Catholic before and I know those evil stuff well enough. Heathen worship like some form of ranking before their names : Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Father Benedict, Father this and that, Father of Modern Science, etc.”


St Conqueror(2): “I'm a saint. You hit the nail on this."

The Rebuttal:
A liar with multiple forms whom is artful in twisting truth and fact. A hypocrite that scorned RC for the used of Saint title but when there is an opportunity to snatch the title for self-glorification, he hit the nail hard. A hypocrite with no integrity!

A proven hypocrite, proven over again and again. :smile:
A piece of shit still stink whatever you call it.. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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St Con=Proven Liar, Hypocrite and Bullshitter

“Sorry, you failed another one again ! Non-atheists can be agnostics or deists.”
The word ‘others’ that I used already covered these 2 words. As usual, you can only attempt to win on trivialities and flank conquering. A speck Spotter.

“Are ancient Israelites 'ang mor' ? “

Sigh… JC Jewish no doubt. Protestan-ism is a religion developed in Europe only around 17th century, so no questionable it is a ang moh religion as the birthplace is ang moh land.

“PHD is for losers.”
There are many hyprocritical ID-nists that are PHD holders.

“One publication is good enough if I know how to use it.”
Fully agreed, St Con really know how to abuse it thoroughly for personal agenda. :smile:
Ensure you use it as often as necessary in SBF :smile:

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Re: Sainthood

1. The Chinese use it for differentiating different nobles with different classes of power and wealth. (Bullshit, rebutted)

2. The medieval age ang mor also used this.(Bullshit, rebutted)

3. Do we see St. John, St. Luke, etc in the bible ? That was NOT proper. Real Christians don't do this.(Bullshit, rebutted)

4. Fake ones need not apply. Rev, Dr, Emeritus, whatever ...(including Banner Carrier, Daniel-like, Prophet)

5. Some fools will not accept the truth that I'm a saint..(Accepted, loud and clear)

A piece of shit still stink whatever you call it..Prophet, Chosen, Daniel-like, Conqueror, Saint, Banner Carrier.


Sainthood Dream Crushed!

Conqueror said:
“I wouldn't use name like Saint John but John. Why ? Very Catholic lah. I was a Catholic before and I know those evil stuff well enough."

1. You consider Evil for RC to name saint, but why not evil for you to name saints and name yourself as saint?

2. What are the exceptional qualities that you possed(or in spiritual possession) you that made you a saint?

3. Who are the people that perceived you of being an example of great holiness and virtue? (Can you name them and provide their testimonies)

4. ARE YOU sacred, holy, pure, blameless, dedicated? (according to your own words)

Conqueror said:
Lots of people think what I said about God as bullshit is because they are either jealous or dreaming.
5. Who are these jealous people?


By past records, you are always unable to support your claims. Okay. I lowered the standard once again. How about unrelated but magnifying qualities like humbleness and righteousness that can be picked up from this thread?


Re: Sainthood Dream Crushed!

I do no agree fully with the Hebrew Book(in fact mostly), but I must respect you for being a sincere christian.
But I sincerely acknowledged there a few gems in that Book that have benefited me in real life.

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" -It always reminded me (for years) for self-examination, self-reflection, be humble, get high occasionally but back to reality soon.. :smile:
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Not Surprise At This Stupid Answer Anyway

Unquestionably, the Roman Catholic was the main Christian Religion in medieval period. There were many famous Medieval saints. But how were these men and women made saints and why were they made saints? During the period, a Saint is used to a man or woman who is perceived of being an example of great holiness and virtue. and considered capable of interceding with God on behalf of a person who prayed to them. Saints are men and women who have died, lying in the grave-yard.

Unquestionably false to said chinese use the term for distinguishing noble classes on power and wealth.

Wow ! Unquestionably ? :rolleyes: Virtue is now being used. The Catholic virtue is not ... aiyo, why must I tell you. :eek::rolleyes: Delusion again. :wink: Go and read junks and be like all dumb atheists. :biggrin:

Nope. No more info for the ... :cool:


Re: Sainthood Dream Crushed!

1. You consider Evil for RC to name saint, but why not evil for you to name saints and name yourself as saint?

2. What are the exceptional qualities that you possed(or in spiritual possession) you that made you a saint?

Just to make the whole thing short, if you are not the one, then you are not the one. :wink: Why let the word "saint" gives you sleepless nights. :biggrin:

RC believers can bullshit anything they want. You can believe anything you want. :rolleyes: I don't really care. :p

In fact, I told God before hand that I will NOT save anyone even after I write about all these things here. The word is not for vanity. If you want to believe in a fake religion, they are everywhere. I have NO obligation to save ANYONE here. :rolleyes: Simple as that. :cool: I rather have the whole Kingdom to myself. :p:biggrin: Hahahaha ! Isn't that WONDERFUL ! :biggrin:


Dumb ? Now Dumber ? Dumbest Writing ? Possibly.


Twa Lun Tho, you write so much also no use whard. All rubbish. :eek::rolleyes::biggrin:

You can't engage in a debate. :eek: No info anyway. And lots of noise. :confused::mad:

Kids stuff with no intellectual value ? Yes. :biggrin:


Re: Sainthood Dream Crushed!

I do no agree fully with the Hebrew Book(in fact mostly), but I must respect you for being a sincere christian.
But I sincerely acknowledged there a few gems in that Book that have benefited me in real life.

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" -It always reminded me (for years) for self-examination, self-reflection, be humble, get high occasionally but back to reality soon.. :smile:


You are not the only one.....millions (or even billions) don't believe the Bible. Interesting to note that if the Bible is the word of God (which truly born-again Christians all agree), that the benefits that we get out from this Book cannot be selective, thus it cannot have only 'few gems here and few gems there'' while the rest are 'germs' (and frankly your opinion is respected.....hence feel no offence of my comment, please).
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Re: Sainthood Dream Crushed!


You are not the only one.....millions (or even billions) don't believe the Bible. Interesting to note that if the Bible is the word of God (which truly born-again Christians all agree), that the benefits that we get out from this Book cannot be selective, thus it cannot have only 'few gems here and few gems there'' while the rest are 'germs' (and frankly your opinion is respected.....hence feel no offence of my comment, please).

"If a man slaps your cheek, offer him the other cheek to slap.." How often do you see a xtian practising it and benefited in real life?

I understand there are some xtians who interpret this verse differently. The Saint surely interprets in his militant and specially chosen way. But most people take it to mean that JC was saying to be peaceful no matter what, even if someone attacks you. So why are so many Xtians nowadays in favor of war besides holy war in the past?

This statement should more appropriately directed at people (like the Saint) who claimed to be true xChristian but in their writeups, they showed otherwise. I believe the Saint has the high theological obligation to take on this statement(I am non-xtian). You hit the nail on the head! Not only that, the Saint has also contradicted the gems of the Book (not sure about his real life).


Re: Not Surprise At This Stupid Answer Anyway

Wow ! Unquestionably ? :rolleyes: Virtue is now being used. The Catholic virtue is not ... aiyo, why must I tell you. :eek::rolleyes: Delusion again. :wink: Go and read junks and be like all dumb atheists. :biggrin:

Nope. No more info for the ... :cool:

This medieval historical fact is still the eternal fact, there is no way to twist, edit or adulterate it.

Unless Historical fact can be like the Book, I don’t mind saying:“Unquestionably, the Protestant Xtianity(ID-nity) was the main Christian Religion in medieval period.” I am so sorry, I am in no position to change that!
Maybe something Magic will do! :smile:
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Re: Not Surprise At This Stupid Answer Anyway

This medieval historical fact is still the eternal fact, there is no way to twist, edit or adulterate it.

Unless Historical fact can be like the Book, I don’t mind saying:“Unquestionably, the Protestant Xtianity(ID-nity) was the main Christian Religion in medieval period.” I am so sorry, I am in no position to change that!
Maybe something Magic will do! :smile:

ID is the new focus and the darling of Dawkin's attention. :rolleyes: The funny thing is that there wasn't any magic at all. It was some dumb scientists and wicked atheists conspiracy trying to change Big Bang and now ID into atheistic 'science' concepts. Of course, we all know what had happened or will happen after that.

atheists' 'science' = lies + hypocrisy + dumb = battle lost :eek::*::biggrin:

As you can see, both Big Bang and ID are Christians (ie. Creationism). :biggrin: But, the problem is ... many dumb fucks didn't know that. :rolleyes:


Creationism- just empty Snake Talk!

ID is the new focus and the darling of Dawkin's attention. :rolleyes: The funny thing is that there wasn't any magic at all. It was some dumb scientists and wicked atheists conspiracy trying to change Big Bang and now ID into atheistic 'science' concepts. Of course, we all know what had happened or will happen after that.

atheists' 'science' = lies + hypocrisy + dumb = battle lost :eek::*::biggrin:

As you can see, both Big Bang and ID are Christians (ie. Creationism). :biggrin: But, the problem is ... many dumb fucks didn't know that. :rolleyes:

Very lame, a broken old record that still not dead...

"Unquestionably, the Roman Catholic was the main Christian Religion in medieval period. " = lies + hypocrisy + dumb

"Unquestionably, the Protestant Xtianity(ID-nity) was the main Christian Religion in medieval period. " = Big Bang + Creationism + ID-nists (The big joke is "many dumb fucks didn't know that")

LOL, any bro that can accept the 2nd defination, please Kee Chiu!

The Simplified Question still stand:

Intelligent Designer(theologist) proven Science(Empirical) - Level 3 (ABC, Kindergarten)



Re: Creationism- just empty Snake Talk!

"Gosh! And that was what happened to the Hebrew Book, keep being altered from ancient time till the recent century.
The alteration process happened for a period of >1000 years. "
(The Saint dares not deny it with a resounding 'NO', a fact silently taken)

The Saint should know his standard by now. His standard has already been exposed to netizens.
How did the Saint pass his GCE 'O' level and so exceptionally well (according to his boasting)?

Must be like that lah, copying from that Daniel..:


You hit the nail on this
I am so jeaolus
Dawkin is the Saint most favorite Idol, constantly appearing in his dream! Yes, over taken the ang moh looking JC by miles.
The Saint was driven to craziness... by Dawkin
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Next Ten

wrcboi, another TEN....

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.


Re: Creationism- just empty Snake Talk!

Very lame, a broken old record that still not dead...

"Unquestionably, the Roman Catholic was the main Christian Religion in medieval period. " = lies + hypocrisy + dumb


Same ol' broken record playing a useless tune and a vain attempt to detract our attention on the REAL issue. :rolleyes: Medieval Christians ? Then, why are they called Catholics ? :eek::p

A dumb fuck that have little or no knowledge at all. :biggrin:

So, are you a Catholic or an atheist ? Anyway, both are losers. :rolleyes:


A Dunce Talking Nonsense Again As Usual


wrcboi, another TEN....

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

A dunce claiming wrong stuff again ! :eek::rolleyes: Atheists just love assumptions. :*:

This show it is NOT Christianity. Simple as that. :wink:

Lame, really lame. :confused: Get your facts right about Christianity before you blurt out nonsense in this forum to show to the rest that you are ignorant or uninformed. :cool:

Toronto = a dunce = another dumb fuck