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with this type of mentality, sdp is done deal


spot the wickedness and misinformation in his own wordsFrom: 4stooges3 8:18 am

The Oppostion - Where To?

This is the rough text of the speech given at the forum on 7th February 2009 Copthorne Orchid Hotel:

The speech is in three parts: 1. Role of Opposition, 2. Role of individual / civil society / blogger community and 3. PAP bashing.

We all know that it is difficult being the opposition in Singapore, election to office to date hangs on less than a glimmer of hope, whilst our country languishes in shit. The opposition must rise to the occasion to provide the leadership that is lacking in this nation. To do so would require the opposition to be active.
who? chee soon juan or chiatilik?

I do not propose to measure the best course of action by the number of votes it garnered. If you do not agree with me just look at Singapore now. The PAP has always won very general election. Now that is a majority vote – everytime. That is winning votes. But after winning votes in 12 GEs where are we now?

wonder have they asked themselves: why did they always lose? especially SDP, the supports dropped more after every GE.

Accordingly I do not rule out pushing for beliefs and causes which one believes to be correct and which have yet to find mainstream appeal. The willingness to do so would be the hallmark of leadership.
Opposition diversity is encouraged. In fact diversity of all politics is encouraged simply because Singapore had its political scene dominated did it lack diversity.
The lack of diversity stifled creativity. The lack of creativity led to poor economic policies. The poor economic policies led our country into this plight and quandary.
But do not be mistaken, by diversity I do not mean diversity of activeness and willingness to engage. I meant diversity in the areas and causes and beliefs in which you wish to push for. If you believe in a certain cause my expectation then of you is for you to push it.
It is however irresponsible as any opposition party to seek election to public office in a General Election when one has not done the adequate work of challenging the Ruling party. If a party has remained silent and not provided any challenge to the ruling party, how can it be ready to take the place of the ruling party when the time comes for change?
how accurate are they being informed?
Opposition unity and cooperation is necessary to avoid unnecessary wasted energy. But unity and cooperation and collective inactivity would do the movement worse. All opposition parties need only be clear of the fact that they exist to challenge the Ruling party – not to give them a passing grade. Opposition parties exist to make life difficult for the ruling party – and not to agree with them. Because there are always two sides of the coin, two sides to every story.
why do opp parties need to "make life difficult"? the aim for opp parties is to improve peasants' livelihood.

When the ruling party touts one policy and everyone accepts it and remains silent does it mean that the policy is correct? In Singapore, such policies get bulldozed through, many people equate popularity support as correctness, but if the policy is correct it would not need to be tweaked and changed every few years. As an example – just look at our education system. Look at the number of changes.
we have one of the highest educated citizens in the world. misinformation again. always the case....:(
We know that politics is a dirty game. Opposition politics is fraught with difficulties, lawsuits, bankruptcy actions, no permission to leave country, ministers don’t need permits to assemble and protest, citizens have to apply for permits but no permits will be given, there is no real citizen’s right to assemble and protest, jail terms for opposition and activists, pre-emptive powers to detain people from congregating to assemble and protest.
These rules and threats make it difficult for the opposition to act like the opposition. To so requires balls. Those who have balls will get their fair share of lawsuits, bankruptcy and police harassment. I need not name them.
The opposition who choose to play within rules set by the PAP becomes inactive and will not be seen by the electorate as providing the leadership against the PAP. And breakthroughs in elections will in the light of the electoral rules made almost impossible.
besides balls, he has left his brains elsewhere. strange that he forgot to mention "beauty".
What role does the civil society and blogging community fill in such a scenario?
being prejudiced, enhanced and spread more prejudices. rebel for the sake of rebelling - rebel without a REAL cause.
As citizens, you have a right to be involved in politics. You are the cause and the reason and the end in politics. If you realize that the political parties are not making headway for whatever reason, it is always open to you to take the step forward into civil society to do what you think needs to be done. This can be done without the need to cater to concerns of being politically correct or be afraid to go against the grain of the mainstream opinion.
Civil society and the blogging community in being in partisan politics should not therefore view themselves as separate from politics. Instead they should free themselves from the shackles of partisan politics and the need to be politically correct to win votes but instead focus on highlighting concerns of causes which they believe in.
let i said before, if we cannot help to solve the problem, DO NOT ADD INTO THE PROBLEM.
When each individual decides to do something about the situation on his own, he will in this day and age get easily plugged into a community which will put him in touch with the people who feel the same way as him/her. As likeminded are put together, they can collectively pool their energies and resources towards the causes they believe in. As no man is an island, pushing on social, economic or even political issues will put the civil society on the same path as an active and responsible opposition. As activism and understanding grows, then there might be the inclination to do more. The inclination to do more will put formerly unawakened citizens on the path to politics to joust for national leadership.
is he sure that chee is really in touch with the people or more in touch with his personal vengeance and vendetta against the famiLEE?



This path will set the stage for the rejuvenation of the opposition parties which at this point of time will be of utmost importance as I see that it will only be a matter of time before the PAP administration fails miserably and fails miserably to cover up for its errors.
One party state is not good for Singapore. One party state has produced weak leaders who are disconnected not only from the people but also from the markets.
the reason of one party domination could be the reasons due to the presence of people like you - causing more discredibility than "assets enhancement" for the general opp parties.
MM claims that there is SGD100billion in reserves. And he says this was before the crisis. He says that the assets were liquidated before the crisis and investment in the banks. We all know that the bank investments failed. The prices of the stocks plummeted after they invested our hard earned money into those illiquid banks. Now he says this is for the long term 20 years 30 years.
so far none of the local banks were in deep financial troubles. misinformation again.
We have a Minister in the Prime Minister’s office who spoke of rubbish towards one of our opposition MPs in parliament. He had asked Low Thia Khiang whether he would rather have a 9% CPF cut or have the Jobs Credit Scheme implemented. I cannot imagine having to pay so much for a minister who cannot even conduct a proper argument. How can a ministerial caliber brain be able to equate 9 % CPF as the only alternative to implementation of the Jobs Credit Scheme?
very good! one stone 2 birds but the other sitting pigeon ltk got hit more.
We have a Seng Han Thong burnt in an attack. We have threats levied against PAP MPs. The PAP has chosen not to look into the mirror in trying to solve the problem. Instead they are branding the attackers as IMH cases. Now don’t misunderstand me, I do not condone violence. What should be done to the attackers is for them to be placed before the court for the law to apply accordingly. These attackers should be made to stand trial, instead of putting them away in mental institutions.
Now when Seng Han Thong got burnt, I did not condone the attack but I was one of the very few who asked the PAP to reflect on itself. Now it looks like it has fallen on deaf ears.
explain why WP's annual dinner was also being sabotaged. seng's assaliant is mental. the wp's incident was pure mischief. why?
RADM Lui Tuck Yew had the cheek to say that the blogger community had lost its chance to regulate itself. I suppose he meant to say that he now or rather his party now intends to regulate internet speech. Now why would a mighty government / party / minister want to regulate internet free speech? Is it because they are finding the heat unbearable to bear? I would say to him “If you can’t take the heat, please leave the kitchen.” This man is not an ordinary man, he happens to be a Rear admiral, the equivalent of a brigadier general.
that one every netizens knows "he doesn't surf to watch porn". so it's quite obvious:rolleyes:

Leadership in the armed forces is supposed to be forged and tested by the heat of combat and courage under fire. I would have expected our BGs and equivalents to be able to take bullets and shells firing at them and what we have here were just mere comments and criticisms towards one of them.
maybe the sdp could instigate a national revolution then there would combat. but in the end, it's singaporeans killing singaporeans. they would love that isn't it?

At this very I would say is our cabinet has grown soft and weak and if there is any hope for Singapore it would be for this leadership to be changed.
if they have grown weak, the GE would be the final indicator. but has SDP grown stronger with more peasants' supports? again, GE will tell that provided that SDP is not being dreadfully murdered by chee by then.
Chia Ti Lik



PAP dog old faggot Bobdog barking non-stop ... LOL


unemployed parasite old fart faggot fake monk PAP dog Bob Sim Kheng Hwee,

temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, liar, hypocrite, deceiver, all rolled into one!

HYPOCRITE of the highest order everyone knows your fucking hidden motives!

other than diabetes and kaput kidneys, you possess a damaged brain the result of your prolonged PAP lanjiao sucking!



brain damaged PAP dog old faggot BobDog barking non-stop ... LOL

unemployed parasite old fart faggot fake monk PAP dog Bob Sim Kheng Hwee,

temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, liar, hypocrite, deceiver, all rolled into one!

day in day out keep repeating the same old fucking long winded whinge

go and get a job and don't be a fucking kaypohji!

your appalling gay behavior is worse than a menopause woman!

chao ah kwa when you last had menses?



as citizen, we should be true to ourselves. if we said the paps are bad, how bad is really bad? could sdp be any better? what have they done more than what they have said and all in the pure concern for peasants or for creating more anger and anxieties?

many hated the paps. we hated them becos every policies seemed to be aiming at our pockets. then again, we look around us. then u look around the neighbouring regions. where would we rather be living in? if not singapore, then where?

please do not think USA is a great nation until u ve been there and live there. it's a misconception if u think an average peasant here could be better off living in USA. one is only better off if you have acquired wealth in order to live in USA or for that matter anywhere else in the world. without that, singapore is still the best!:smile:

chee knows it. many know it but they choose not to share it. instead they put forth another kind of misleading picture. many peasants are like frogs living in a well. they listen. they believe. they get swayed. the situation in singapore remains the same before they were misled. it's their thinking that is doing tricks to their mindset now. that is the fabulous skill of chee.

actually everything is very simple. u just need to look around us. look at our children studying in schools. look at the neighbours how they live. how they go and return to work. look around us...the security we enjoy. we can leave our homes and return safely without harm. or would u rather live in JOHORE BAHRU. things are very cheap there...and so is life. they not only mug u off your belongings, they sometimes snuff out your life too.

we must be fair to our gov and to ourselves. if we keep letting all these "mind terrorists" psycho u, sooner or later u would be very unhappy with yourself without really knowing why. you would be exactly like those losers blaming the gov and everyone else for your own failings. it does make one feel better but it only exacerbates the real problem when one is misled into such thought.

BUT....if u calm down to think of what i ve said, u will realise NONE OF WHAT CHEE HAS BEEN PROPHESISING IS TRUE!!!:wink:


bapok BobDog showing off his PAP lanjiao sucking skills ... LOL

as citizen, we should be true to ourselves. if we said the paps are bad, how bad is really bad?

unemployed parasite old fart faggot fake monk PAP dog Bob Sim Kheng Hwee,

temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, liar, hypocrite, deceiver, all rolled into one!

you just want to show off your PAP lanjiao sucking skills .... LOL


the F4 know it too. but they choose to do the "otherwise". they would always be supporters for both sides: the TRUTH and the LIES.

again, GE would be the eventual indicator whether the LIES would overwhelme the TRUTH. then again, chee would have a different set of analytical reasoning to make he and his followers feel better. you know, AH Q'S mentality of sour grapes theory.:rolleyes:


old faggot BobDog being driven to coconuts .... LOL

then again, chee would have a different set of analytical reasoning to make he and his followers feel better. you know, AH Q'S mentality of sour grapes theory.

unemployed parasite old fart faggot fake monk PAP dog Bob Sim Kheng Hwee,

temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, liar, hypocrite, deceiver, all rolled into one!

you being driven to coconuts liao .... kekeke