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This mudland govt act is obviously an act of escalation and not de-escalation at all


Can lah that’s what the Americans did to their south people.

View attachment 51624

On April 19, Lincoln responded by declaring a blockade of Southern ports with the intent of preventing cotton, tobacco, and sugar from being exported and military equipment and supplies from coming into the South from abroad.4
Declaring a blockade was easy; enforcing it was another matter. The South had nine major ports and more than 3,500 miles of coastline, and it would be impossible for the North to prevent small ships from landing goods along thousands of bays, inlets, rivers, and islands. The Federal navy had only ninety ships at the beginning of the war, and more than half of these were outmoded sailing ships, many of them unseaworthy. As soon as Lincoln declared the blockade, the Navy Department recalled naval ships from foreign waters, purchased merchant ships, which were quickly converted into gunboats, and launched a major shipbuilding program. Within weeks, the United States had 150 ships ready for duty, and construction had begun on another 50 ships.

The blockade may not have stopped all goods from entering the Confederacy, but it greatly reduced the amount of large bulky items, such as foodstuffs, railroad equipment, and raw materials, and jacked up the cost of all imported goods. Over time, the blockade contributed to the South’s demoralization and its ultimate defeat. No one can seriously believe that the North could have won the war without the blockade.


Hahaha this cotton famine part from the same article sounds familiar. Exactly same as what mudland thought about their fish and eggs.

The Cotton Famine
For decades, American newspapers, magazines, and political leaders had extolled the power of Southern cotton, and for good reason: it accounted for 85 percent of all the cotton fabric manufactured in the United States, Great Britain, and France. Many Southerners had come to believe that without its cotton, the North’s textile industry—America’s largest and most lucrative business—would collapse, leading to economic ruin. Long before this happened, proclaimed Southerners, the North would call a halt to the war and recognize the South’s independence. For the same reason, many Southerners predicted that Great Britain and France would recognize the Confederacy as an independent nation just as soon as their existing supplies of cotton were exhausted.

After two years of serious disruption in textile manufacturing in Britain, France, and New England, imports of cotton from Egypt and India surged and the demand for cotton textiles shrank as other fabrics were substituted. This brought an end to talk of the cotton famine


Alfrescian (Inf)

The blockade may not have stopped all goods from entering the Confederacy, but it greatly reduced the amount of large bulky items, such as foodstuffs, railroad equipment, and raw materials, and jacked up the cost of all imported goods. Over time, the blockade contributed to the South’s demoralization and its ultimate defeat. No one can seriously believe that the North could have won the war without the blockade.

We block passage to Malacca straits, the international community will go after us.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That’s a good move indeed. Will raise international attention of little RED dot being bullied by mudland. Maybe offer to hold the second trump kim summit and use this opportunity to tell the world during the LIVE broadcast!

We will be the laughing stock. No country will chap. Mudland is just taking back control of what is theirs - the airspace. With that control, our air travel access will be curtailed.


We will be the laughing stock. No country will chap. Mudland is just taking back control of what is theirs - the airspace. With that control, our air travel access will be curtailed.
Mudland's intention is not really to take back control of the airspace above Pasir Gudang. They know that they presently don't have such capability and the ICAO will not agree to handing over from Singapore to Malaysia unless they can prove to be able to provide a better management than Singapore. Otherwise, their MH370 wouldn't have gone missing after flying back over Peninsula Malaysia but yet none of their air traffic controllers was aware on that fateful night. They also know very well that they don't have a case against the height restrictions imposed by the ILS because even at the maximum allowed 5.3° angle of approach, it is still possible to build a 60-storey building in Pasir Gudang town. So, at the last minute, they turned desperate and came up with the Restricted Flying Area for their air-force in order to "chut" more stuns.

The crux of the matter is that the 93-year old bastard is adamant to squeeze even more money from Singapore for his bankrupt country via the water issue. His simply refuses to acknowledge the fact that Singapore had already paid over S$500m (over RM1.5bn) to the Johor government (under BN) for this. Over S$200m is for the construction of the Linggui Dam and S$300m is for the lease of the whole reservoir area until 2061. After 2061, everything, lock, stock and barrel will be returned to Malaysia without having them to pay a cent for it. If this is still not enough, that 93-year old son of a bitch is indeed being too greedy. Besides, the source of water is free from the sky for Malaysia and the 3 sens per 1,000 gallons (for selling to Singapore) are just extra revenue.

I would suggest that Singapore restricts commercial vessels passing between Pulau Ubin and mainland Singapore and this will definitely cripple their Pasir Gudang port. This should then be traded for an exchange pertaining to the ILS implementation for Seletar Airport. As for the maritime border dispute at Tuas, it will have to go to International Arbitration with that 93-year old bastard and his gangster ministers. I sensed that the Johor Sultan acknowledges the deterioration in relations between Singapore and Johor caused by this 93-year old bastard and that could be why the Johor Sultan had called for a meeting with him 2 days ago. This must have been 1 of the agenda that was discussed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Can lah that’s what the Americans did to their south people.

View attachment 51624

On April 19, Lincoln responded by declaring a blockade of Southern ports with the intent of preventing cotton, tobacco, and sugar from being exported and military equipment and supplies from coming into the South from abroad.4
Declaring a blockade was easy; enforcing it was another matter. The South had nine major ports and more than 3,500 miles of coastline, and it would be impossible for the North to prevent small ships from landing goods along thousands of bays, inlets, rivers, and islands. The Federal navy had only ninety ships at the beginning of the war, and more than half of these were outmoded sailing ships, many of them unseaworthy. As soon as Lincoln declared the blockade, the Navy Department recalled naval ships from foreign waters, purchased merchant ships, which were quickly converted into gunboats, and launched a major shipbuilding program. Within weeks, the United States had 150 ships ready for duty, and construction had begun on another 50 ships.

I doubt Malaysia would go to that extreme lah. By nature Malays are not warmongers. Look at their military weapons and defence budget. And compare with sinkieland. Whos more aggressive?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mudland's intention is not really to take back control of the airspace above Pasir Gudang. They know that they presently don't have such capability and the ICAO will not agree to handing over from Singapore to Malaysia unless they can prove to be able to provide a better management than Singapore. Otherwise, their MH370 wouldn't have gone missing after flying back over Peninsula Malaysia but yet none of their air traffic controllers was aware on that fateful night. They also know very well that they don't have a case against the height restrictions imposed by the ILS because even at the maximum allowed 5.3° angle of approach, it is still possible to build a 60-storey building in Pasir Gudang town. So, at the last minute, they turned desperate and came up with the Restricted Flying Area for their air-force in order to "chut" more stuns.
If Mudland wants its airspace back, ICAO can't stop it. If ICAO tries, Mudland just declare its airspace as no flight zone. What can SINKapore do?

The crux of the matter is that the 93-year old bastard is adamant to squeeze even more money from Singapore for his bankrupt country via the water issue. His simply refuses to acknowledge the fact that Singapore had already paid over S$500m (over RM1.5bn) to the Johor government (under BN) for this. Over S$200m is for the construction of the Linggui Dam and S$300m is for the lease of the whole reservoir area until 2061. After 2061, everything, lock, stock and barrel will be returned to Malaysia without having them to pay a cent for it. If this is still not enough, that 93-year old son of a bitch is indeed being too greedy. Besides, the source of water is free from the sky for Malaysia and the 3 sens per 1,000 gallons (for selling to Singapore) are just extra revenue.
If SINKapore doesn't build the dam and lease the area, there will be no water available for it to draw. So, building those infrastructure is not a gift. Secondly, if you compute using the rate HK pays China for water, SINKapore is still having it cheap after paying for the infrastructure.
If SINKapore is so sure of itself, then it should negotiate for an immediate exit from the deal and ask Mudland to pay partly for the infrastructure. That should be a win-win deal then. But SINKapore won't becoz it needs the water. With cheap water, SINKapore will be even more expensive for foreign investors to consider.

I would suggest that Singapore restricts commercial vessels passing between Pulau Ubin and mainland Singapore and this will definitely cripple their Pasir Gudang port. This should then be traded for an exchange pertaining to the ILS implementation for Seletar Airport. As for the maritime border dispute at Tuas, it will have to go to International Arbitration with that 93-year old bastard and his gangster ministers. I sensed that the Johor Sultan acknowledges the deterioration in relations between Singapore and Johor caused by this 93-year old bastard and that could be why the Johor Sultan had called for a meeting with him 2 days ago. This must have been 1 of the agenda that was discussed.
If SINKapore doesn't need Mudland, then it should just go ahead as you suggested. Better still, stop importing stuff from Mudland and kick out all Mudlanders working in SINKapore.
Sinkees need to know whether SINKapore can push Mudland around.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This incident was triggered by SINKapore. Let's face reality ...we are a peesai. Just because we have punched above our weight all these decades does not mean that we can continue to do so. Small states thrive only if the bigger neighbouring states allow them too, or if you have lots of dough like Qatar. So, sinkapore either play ball or face hardships. That's the cards are dealt with. The PAP can claim that it can do this or that, in reality it cannot. It is time we wake up to reality.

I am merely stating the facts.:biggrin: I don't think Singapore ministers are that smart and worth their sky-high salaries. But on the other hand, our neighbours even if they are not from Hell; they do not give us proper respect as a sovereign nation. It doesn't matter who is more culpable or who triggered the crisis. There will be more to come if Singapore only continues to hold meetings and do PR exercises. Withdraw high commissioner; followed by other tough measures including as a last resort; declare war! It's time to give some war exposure to our much touted paper generals;instead of letting them run Stat Boards and other GLCs (to the ground)! :rolleyes:


Mudland's intention is not really to take back control of the airspace above Pasir Gudang. They know that they presently don't have such capability and the ICAO will not agree to handing over from Singapore to Malaysia unless they can prove to be able to provide a better management than Singapore. Otherwise, their MH370 wouldn't have gone missing after flying back over Peninsula Malaysia but yet none of their air traffic controllers was aware on that fateful night. They also know very well that they don't have a case against the height restrictions imposed by the ILS because even at the maximum allowed 5.3° angle of approach, it is still possible to build a 60-storey building in Pasir Gudang town. So, at the last minute, they turned desperate and came up with the Restricted Flying Area for their air-force in order to "chut" more stuns.

The crux of the matter is that the 93-year old bastard is adamant to squeeze even more money from Singapore for his bankrupt country via the water issue. His simply refuses to acknowledge the fact that Singapore had already paid over S$500m (over RM1.5bn) to the Johor government (under BN) for this. Over S$200m is for the construction of the Linggui Dam and S$300m is for the lease of the whole reservoir area until 2061. After 2061, everything, lock, stock and barrel will be returned to Malaysia without having them to pay a cent for it. If this is still not enough, that 93-year old son of a bitch is indeed being too greedy. Besides, the source of water is free from the sky for Malaysia and the 3 sens per 1,000 gallons (for selling to Singapore) are just extra revenue.

I would suggest that Singapore restricts commercial vessels passing between Pulau Ubin and mainland Singapore and this will definitely cripple their Pasir Gudang port. This should then be traded for an exchange pertaining to the ILS implementation for Seletar Airport. As for the maritime border dispute at Tuas, it will have to go to International Arbitration with that 93-year old bastard and his gangster ministers. I sensed that the Johor Sultan acknowledges the deterioration in relations between Singapore and Johor caused by this 93-year old bastard and that could be why the Johor Sultan had called for a meeting with him 2 days ago. This must have been 1 of the agenda that was discussed.
Very good idea to learn from mudland and set up navy restricted area on the waters between Spore and Pulau ubin indeed. They can’t complain as that is what they are doing to set up restricted flying area in Pasir Gudang.


We will be the laughing stock. No country will chap. Mudland is just taking back control of what is theirs - the airspace. With that control, our air travel access will be curtailed.
No the international community will be sympathetic to little RED dot being bullied by BIG Bully even if no actual help come. At least we let the world know how ugly ccb Malaysians are.


de-escalation for fuck?

They should being to cut you in pieces in JB and feed to dogs!
We stopped ILS implementation and this is called offer olive branch Lagi more they should do de escalation and not escalation like that. I hope ccb Malaysians kill all the sinkie traitors snakes and crocodiles like you during war. We don’t need such citizens.


I doubt Malaysia would go to that extreme lah. By nature Malays are not warmongers. Look at their military weapons and defence budget. And compare with sinkieland. Whos more aggressive?
That Johor chief minister certainly looks and is aggressive towards Spore. Our defence budge is no choice and thank goodness we have big budget for defence.


If SINKapore doesn't need Mudland, then it should just go ahead as you suggested. Better still, stop importing stuff from Mudland and kick out all Mudlanders working in SINKapore.
Sinkees need to know whether SINKapore can push Mudland around.
I wish this had happened back then and I would not have stepped into jb and get shit in return for my kindness towards them.


If Mudland wants its airspace back, ICAO can't stop it. If ICAO tries, Mudland just declare its airspace as no flight zone. What can SINKapore do?

Who says ICAO can't stop it? Substantiate your facts here. Of course, they can declare as a no fly zone and for their air force's use only as a last resort. This they had already declared on 25 December 2018 and supposed to take effect from 02 January 2019.

If SINKapore doesn't build the dam and lease the area, there will be no water available for it to draw. So, building those infrastructure is not a gift. Secondly, if you compute using the rate HK pays China for water, SINKapore is still having it cheap after paying for the infrastructure.
If SINKapore is so sure of itself, then it should negotiate for an immediate exit from the deal and ask Mudland to pay partly for the infrastructure. That should be a win-win deal then. But SINKapore won't becoz it needs the water. With cheap water, SINKapore will be even more expensive for foreign investors to consider.
Do your maths properly. How can you compare to what Hongkong pays for China's water? Don't be naive. China sells treated water (ready to drink) to Hongkong and definitely Hongkong should rightfully pay more for it. Singapore is buying raw sky juice from Johor. Hello, it's free sky juice. Don't you think you're being silly not to compare apple to apple, even though I know your intention here is to whack Singapore. But get your facts right before doing so, otherwise you're just embarrassing yourself here.

You talk like as if Malaysia is governed by you. Even if there will be an immediate exit, what are the chances that Mudland will pay partly for the infrastructure? How can you be so sure that Mudland will agree? Already they are proven to be bandits when even officially signed contracts can become null and void at their wish. With this kind of administration, which investors will dare to invest more into Mudland? Go and read the Malaysia's economic downgrade for 2019 by those rating agencies as reported by Bloomberg 2 days ago.

It's true that Singapore can no longer count on Malaysia for its water supply. Singapore has already commenced several water desalination plants. Why Singapore did not go full steam ahead could be because these technologies are still expensive and since there is the 2061 water agreement with Malaysia, therefore it tries to be prudent to wait for newer technologies to recycle water which can come with higher efficiency and lower costs. However, this seems to be not the case anymore with that 93-year old bastard now in control and worse still when Anwar is recently even saying that it doesn't matter to him if he will eventually become the PM.

If SINKapore doesn't need Mudland, then it should just go ahead as you suggested. Better still, stop importing stuff from Mudland and kick out all Mudlanders working in SINKapore.
Sinkees need to know whether SINKapore can push Mudland around.
The buyer will always be at an advantage. Just look at the US-China trade war presently. Who is losing more as you can see for yourself. China's economy is already seriously on the decline from the third quarter of 2018. Look at their PMI for the fourth quarter of 2018. If Winnie the pooh still won't give in to the US by March 2019, China will eventually go into what Japan had experienced in the 1990s.

I think it's about time that Singapore has to flex some muscles to show to Malaysia that we are not to be bullied. Otherwise, there will be no end to this bullying as long as that 93-year old bastard is still in control. I fully applaud the action taken today by Singapore to postpone indefinitely the 14th meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee for Iskandar Malaysia (JMCIM) between Singapore and Malaysia scheduled for 14 January 2019. Even the proposed MRT link to JB must be cancelled. Singapore must also seriously take the initiative to get its industries to stop relying on Malaysians but to source for other Asian workers to replace their Malaysian workers. It must also relax the work permits from other Asian countries. Given some time, 75% of the Malaysian workers in Singapore can then be replaced within 2 years. Malaysia is no longer a friendly neighbor to Singapore and it's about time we wake up to face this reality. The earlier we start to rely less on Malaysia, the better it will be. As for commodities, there is really not a need to import so much from Malaysia. Isn't Malaysia has banned the export of eggs, fish, and what else to Singapore since January 2019, but are Singaporeans really much affected? Like I said before, the buyer will always be at an advantage and Malaysia will learn a hard lesson out of this.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
That Johor chief minister certainly looks and is aggressive towards Spore. Our defence budge is no choice and thank goodness we have big budget for defence.

MIW overspent the budget by billions annually. U may have all the latest state of the art weapons. But if the garment doesnt take care of her citizens but pro foreigners instead, u think theres unity when trouble breaks up?

See...every year increased in defence budget. Last year whooping S$14.76 BILLION! Collecting dust. Tax payers money ya.

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